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Head of Music
Music at Redeemer is for EVERYONE and we pride ourselves on offering personalised and collaborative learning opportunities for ALL students. Our vision is to constantly strive for excellence whilst celebrating inclusivity. The Music program is continually developing a high-quality program where EVERYONE is encouraged to participate.
December 2020 saw the last Junior Music lesson taught in the Multi-Purpose Centre, and during January, builders gutted the keyboard lab and we farewelled the old desktop computers. We began designing a bright, fresh, colourful new space in KC12 and students let out a squeal of delight when they first entered the classroom in February. Staff and students love having our lessons in the beautiful and light, purpose-built Junior Music Classroom.
To further enrich our Year 8 and 9 Music elective curriculum, we joined forces with Film and Drama to design a Project Based Learning task. Film students scripted and filmed their own story about contemporary teenage life in Australia and then the Music students created a soundtrack using Ableton Live. Students enjoyed working with visiting clinicians, film producer Kyle Head and composer Matt Bettinson and being inspired by industry experts in masterclasses and workshops.
To further enrich our Junior Class Curriculum, we invited Paula Melville-Clark, a Dalcroze Eurythmics expert who inspired us through her masterful teaching and led us in a workshop to deepen our professional practice and support our desire to incorporate more movement in our program.
As one Year 11 student said:
“I’ve grown up in the Redeemer music community from Year 5 to Year 12 and I’m proud of all my accomplishments along the way. I was mentored by the older students when I was in Year 5 and now that I’m going into Year 12, I want to be that person who cares for the younger students.”
This message speaks to our purpose, which is to continue strengthening our music community through our buddy system and role models, through more connection between Junior and Senior students and through our friendly and welcoming smiles.
A highlight from our positive weekly reflections, is Mrs Jillian Hunt’s intergenerational story of the life cycle of Year 5 Band.
From the Head of Music
Music For Everyone
Alumnus, Bronte Kelly began flute lessons in Year 5 Band in 2011 and from Year 6 studied with the Redeemer flute teachers, Joanne Sorenson and Emily Smith. Bronte is currently studying Music Performance at the University of Queensland and teaches privately in her home studio. She began giving Rishik Rawla (Year 5) flute lessons and he is also now learning from Mrs Jillian Hunt in the same Year 5 Band Program, where Bronte’s journey began.
This is an initiative hosted by 97.3 FM which Ryan Feroz (Year 12) and Abbey Endres (Year 11) participated in. Abbey’s tribute song for her Grandfather rose to the top of the Spotify charts within days of its release and Ryan ‘rockstar’ Feroz won the solo guitar section. Each of these original student compositions received a perfect assessment score, in addition to the great accolades from industry experts. We are proud of these fine achievements both in our Redeemer classroom and in the wider Brisbane community. We are delighted that the success of our students has spread from our Redeemer walls to the Brisbane music industry and beyond.
It is indeed a privilege to work with a team of such talented, humble and passionate music educators and to begin everyday with the joyful smiles and enthusiastic greetings of students, filling the halls of the Kleinschmidt Centre! The rich musical collaborations with accompanists, conductors and colleagues in our work family sustains and uplifts each of us and is something I know we are all most grateful for. John Schaar, Professor Emeritus at the University of California, was raised on a farm in a Lutheran family and says,
“The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.”
We feel fortunate that on two occasions this year, our combined choirs from Years 3-12 have joined to perform an energetic rendition of Sahayta. Sahayta is a song about unity, peace, and community in ten different languages and uses words and phrases from Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Sanskrit, Spanish, English, Filipino and Swahili. This message is an expression of who we are and what we want to be known for: a welcoming and compassionate multi-cultural community with the love of Christ at its heart.