reThink. reDesign. reCreate. reNew. Education
“Everyone agrees that the failure of our schools is tragic. It’s bad business, and it’s bad policy. But we act as if it can’t be helped. It can be helped. We designed these schools; we can reDesign them." --Melinda Gates
FRAMEWORK FOR EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION At the center of reDESIGN’s work is the belief that learners’ have the right to own their learning process. exercise choice, and develop their voice. Through the study of Framework for Effective Instruction (FEI), practitioners learn to build strategic scaffolds that will support students in using higher-order thinking skills -- analysis, evaluation, synthesis and creation.
FEI lessons provide students with access to the learning tools critical for success in college and professional work…
“When I started to work with my coach my classroom became so much more…engaging: with less :me for lecturing, and much more :me for inves:ga:on. I’ve been teaching for many years, but now I feel that I am really teaching.”
• high impact learning strategies -- literacy strategies and metacognition;
• and an accelerated approach to expanding students’ academic background knowledge.
reThink. reDesign. reCreate. reNew. Education
“This is like the best graduate level course Iʼve ever taken…to have this kind of attention and feedback on my work was amazing.” --Mike Wolach, ELA teacher, Jill Chaifetz High School
Lew Gitelman, the originator country. His second school
Much of Lew’s inspiration for, and understanding of, the need to develop more strategic teaching and learning practices derives from his own struggles as a student, including his ten-year ef for t to graduate from the University of Massachusetts. His work speaks directly to the lack of transparency in education, and the mystification of knowledge that is so prevalent in our schools.
Antonia Rudenstine has schools.
Antonia has written extensively about school design, instructional leader ship, and reDESIGN’s Framework for Ef fective Instruction. She holds a doctorate from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education.
of reDESIGN’s Framework for Effective Instruction, began his career as a special education teacher in Boston, MA . Af ter more than a decade, he became a Principal, leading two alternative high schools. The first school was nominated, by the Department of Labor, as one of the top five alternative schools in the
worked in schools for the past twenty years. First as a teacher, then as a founder and administrator, and since 2003, as a consultant. She t h e c r e a to r r e D E S I G N ’ s school design principles, supporting school leaders and founders in the work of creating (and recreating) mission-driven, purposeful
was the first Massachusetts high school for overage and under-credited second language learners. As a founder of reDESIGN, Lew has worked with Principals and teachers around the country. He is a master at offering constructive, creative and practical support to educators.
Throughout her career, Antonia has been engaged in the question of how we, as educators, can improve our learning environments so that more young people have genuine oppor tunities to thrive. In addition to supporting school leaders in their efforts to create powerful programs,
reDESIGN Consulting Services
APPROACH Our programs are carefully crafted to meet the specific and individual needs of our clients. Though all of our projects draw on a set of proven design principles, reDESIGN does not employ a one-size fits all approach. NETWORKS, DISTRICTS, AND
• For the MA Center for Charter Public School Excellence, we have designed a comprehensive program for charter school founders in school design and start-up. We continue to facilitate the program, and in the past 3 years, charters have only been granted to participants in our program.
reDESIGN has worked extensively with organizations tasked with serving multiple schools or programs:
For the past decade, reDESIGN has supported schools in their many different stages of development:
• For the Office of Multiple Pathways
• HS for Excellence & Innovation is a new transfer school in NYC. In it’s first year, teachers worked intensely with reDESIGN to adopt the FEI. In May, the school’s NYCDOE
to Graduation, in NYC, we created and facilitated an intensive program to support 13 transfer schools, focusing on instructional improvement. Many of the schools
evaluators rated instruction in the school “highly developed.”
in the project have met AYP. Schools in the project receive: ‣
20-30 days of site-based coaching and mentoring for teachers and leaders,
• In 2007, Berkshire Arts & Technology was struggling to fully serve its students. reDESIGN conducted an extensive “audit” of every fact of the school-instruction, culture, and operations. The school used the audit as a springboard, and within a year was
‣ participation in a series of professional workshops, ‣
access to research-based materials: handbooks, templates, training videos, and participation
identified as a school with one of the highest student growth rates in the state.
on our wiki.
• Phoenix Charter Academy is a “last chance” high school in Chelsea, MA. Our work at the school has been that of a collaborator in the school’s design, as a coach for teachers and departments, and finally, as a mentor for the Leadership Team. In its 3rd year, 90% of graduates enrolled in college, and 90+% of students passed the ELA and Math state MCAS exams. The school made AYP in all categories.
“Our past experience with coaching it that it is so theore:cal it was impossible to implement effec:vely. reDESIGN tailors its support so that it balances the theory and prac:ce. OUr school has improved immensely this year, and reDESIGN has played the most significant role in that growth.”
MA Dept. of Ed., Charter Office
N. Queens Community HS
YouthBuild USA
Olympus High School NY
City Year, National
Opportunity Charter School, NY
Math TEachers from NYC Transfer Schools, NY
1st Year Teachers at E. Brooklyn Community HS, NY
NEW YORK, 2010-2011
101. Introduction to Independent Learning Strategies: How do students who have gaps in their background knowledge and skills learn to become independent learners? This workshop introduces participants to a set of highimpact learning strategies that support students in becoming college-ready.
102. The Learning Strategies in the Math Classroom: Math is different from the other subjects…the language is different, the “texts” are different…and students’ perceptions of themselves as math learners are different. This workshop introduces participants to math-specific features of learning strategies.
201. Introduction to the Framework for Effective Instruction: What does a classroom that is teaching students to be independent learners really look like? This workshop introduces researchbased approaches to lesson launches, i nve s t i g a t i o n s , a n d s y n t h e s i z i n g activities.
Summer: August 16-19 Year: Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 13
Summer: August 23-27 Year: n/a
Summer August 25-27 Year Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 31, March 7
202. Math and the FEI: How do mathematicians think about math? What does it look like to create a math course where students understand the discipline’s concepts and can use the procedures? In this course participants will use the learning strategies to create mathematical investigations.
203. Bridging the Digital Divide: Web 2.0 and the FEI: Web 1.0 opened up a world of new information. Web 2.0 provides a forum for collaboration, investigation, creation, and evaluation. Web 2.0 and the FEI are perfect complements in the work of helping students become independent learners.
204. Formative Assessment: Conferencing and Synthesis in the FEI: H ow c a n s t u d e n t s l e a r n to u s e metacognition to consolidate new learning, and master strategies that will prepare them for college? This workshop explores the power of conferencing and synthesis--for teachers and students.
Summer: n/a Year: Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 13, Jan. 8
Summer: August 24-26 Year: Oct. 23, Nov. 13, Jan. 8
Summer: n/a Year: Jan. 8, Feb. 12, March 19
301. Unit-Planning and Benchmarking: Moving beyond the creation of activities and lessons, practitioners will begin using the FEI to support the creation and implementation of a coherent, schoolwide curriculum (courses, units & periodic assessments).
302. The Learning Strategies and the Craft of Writing: Can students who have had little opportunity to write analytically learn to do this in high school? This workshop is for Humanities teachers who are specifically working on teaching students to improve their writing.
303. The FEI and Scientific/Historical Investigation: Science and social studies teachers are particularly challenged by the need to “cover” content, and the investigative nature of their disciplines. This workshop is designed to support practitioners as they navigate these competing priorities.
Summer: July 28-30 Year: Jan. 8, Feb. 12, March 19
Summer: n/a Year: Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 13
Summer: Aug. 31-Sept. 2 Year: Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 31, March 7
“We couldn’t have built our school without reDESIGN, both in the planning phase of our work, and over the past three years of opera:on. The model we created with reDESIGN has allowed our students to succeed at levels that we didn’t believe was possible.” ‐‐Beth Anderson, Execu:ve Director of Phoenix Charter Academy
reDESIGN p. 781.367.6457 f. 617.778.7764 e.