Savar review brochure

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pure & natural

ultra premium natural skincare Made in New Zealand

Savar brings you New Zealand’s Ultra Premium Natural Skincare, Haircare and Spa Products. Savar 给您带来新西兰顶级天然护肤、护发和水疗系列产品。 We use premium natural ingredients and go to great lengths to individually formulate every product without compromise. Savar’s fresh luxurious formulations use many native New Zealand ingredients, each with special and unique qualities to provide the very best results, catering for all skin types. Quality and safety is paramount in our ethos and we ensure all our products are manufactured to the strictest and highest quality standards - in state of the art GMP certified laboratories. 我们选用优质天然原料,为不同的肌肤尽心钻研独特配方。Savar的新 颖奢华配方中应用了多种各具特色的新西兰原生植物,针对各类肌肤, 达到最好效果。高度重视产品品质和产品安全是我们的企业精髓。我们 的产品依照最为严格的品质标准,经由GMP认证的现代化实验室生产 制造。

We take a holistic, ethical and sustainable approach to business. Our dedicated team is focussed on creating the very best customer experience - from crafting new products to providing first class customer service with a personal touch all collectively bringing Savar close to the hearts of thousands of people across the world. The countless testimonials from happy customers, beauty bloggers and partners we work with, are testament of Savar’s commitment to crafting beautiful ultra premium products. 我们遵循全面、道德、可持续发展的理念,专注于创造最佳的客户体 验。从新产品研发到一流的个性化服务,Savar品牌在全球消费者中 深得人心。不计其数的来自用户、美容博主以及合作伙伴的称赞,见 证了Savar致力于打造顶级产品的承诺。 Savar retailers, exporters and distributors are carefully selected to represent the Ultra Premium brand. We hope you love our natural products as much as we have enjoyed creating them. Please feel free to contact me anytime at to discuss opportunities of working together.

Savar 的零售商、出口商和分销商都是经过仔细甄选,代表了Savar 的顶级品牌。希望您像我们--Savar的缔造者--一样喜爱我们的产品。 有关合作事宜,欢迎和我联系 。 We invite you to indulge yourself and enjoy the benefits of our Ultra Premium natural products. 我们邀您尽享顶级天然护肤体验。

安全温和 全家适用

Savar Ultra Premium New Zealand Natural Skincare in the Media Savar 顶级新西兰天然护肤品的媒体报道 Luxury Skincare Gift Set “If I admired this brand before I tried it, it is safe to say that I now ADORE this brand. If you have been thinking about trying Savar, I urge you to do it. You won’t regret it.”

The Beauty Context NZ Beauty Blog

奢华护肤礼包 “如果说在我试用前只是仰慕这 个品牌的话,那么现在我终于可 以毫无保留地说我已经深深地爱 上这个牌子。如果你还没有试用 过Savar,我强烈建议你赶快行 动,你不会后悔的。”

The Beauty Context 新西 兰美容博客

Luxury Face Wash Voted “Top 10 Natural Skincare Products New Zealand”

Natural South Magazine 奢华洁面乳 入选新西兰十大天然护肤品 Natural South Magzine 南 方自然 杂志

Rosehip Ultra Brightening Serum Voted “Best Skincare Product of 2015”

A Life Unstyled 玫瑰超级亮白精华液 入选为2015年新西兰最佳 护肤品 A Life Unstyled 美容时尚 博客 Energising Body Wash Voted “Best of Beauty Awards” Thread Beauty and Lifestyle

活力提神沐浴液 入被选为“最佳美容护肤 品奖” Thread Beauty and Lifestyle Thread 美容生 活博客

Essential Hydration Moisturiser Normal Dry Shortlisted “New Zealand Woman’s Weekly Beauty Awards”

精华补水保湿霜 普通干 性肌肤 获得《新西兰女性周刊》美 容大奖提名

Advanced Hand Repair Voted “All Time Favourite Hand Repair”

Pretty Beautiful Fashion & Lifestyle Blog 高级修复手霜 被选为“一直喜爱的修复手霜” Pretty Beautiful Fashion & Lifestyle时尚生活博客





Rosehip Ultra Brightening Serum “I absolutely love this serum – It is light, easily absorbed, beautifully fragranced and utterly divine!”– Sheryl Rice. 玫瑰超级亮白精华液 “我超级喜爱这个精华液-它质地轻 柔,容易吸收,香气宜人,犹如 神品。”雪儿 莱斯


Advanced Hand Repair “This amazing hand cream has worked wonders on my dry and chapped hands. As soon as I started using it I noticed a difference and the fragrance is beautiful!” – Jackie Carroll. 高级修复手霜 “这真是个神奇的护手霜,它在我 干燥龟裂的手上创造了奇迹。我 一开始用就注意到了它的与众不 同,而且香气宜人。” 杰吉 卡罗

Rosehip Advanced Protection Moisturiser SPF15 “Divine-licious! Is there even such a word? Now there is! This moisturiser is lightweight and packs a punch.The second you let it sit on your skin,you will notice how soft your skin feels. And the smell - yummy!” - Siti 玫瑰高级防晒保湿霜 SPF15 “神美绝伦! 有这个词吗?现在 有了。这个保湿霜轻柔好用。 当它敷在你肌肤的那一秒起, 你就会感到你的肌肤有多么的 柔滑细嫩,味道闻起来-很香 甜!”-斯迪

Ultra Cleansing Shampoo & Ultra Nourishing Conditioner “This shampoo and conditioner is so good. It leaves my hair feeling beautifully healthy and silky and the big size is such great value too! “ – Shelly Park 超级洁净洗发香波和超级营养 护肤素 “这个香波和护发素真是好. 它使我的头发美丽健康,如丝 般柔滑。大瓶装非常超值!”雪 莉 派克

Antioxidant Night Cream “Savar skincare products have added a touch of luxury to my bedtime routine.” – Nic Blonde 抗氧化晚霜 “Savar 护肤品让我睡前有一抹 奢华之感。” – Nic Blonde 尼克 博朗德

Essential Cleansing Lotion “Skincare products I can’t live without.” Lani Lopez - one of NZ’s favourite Naturopaths 精华洁肤液 “我离不开的护肤品。” 蓝尼 罗派斯 新西兰知名自然疗 法师

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欢迎与我们联系: 电话 09 6317477

Inclusiv Naturals Limited. PO Box 9748, Newmarket 1149, Auckland, New Zealand. Ph 631 7477

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