2 minute read
no corporate beer
Gone too soon The worlds of metal and craft beer mourn the loss of a legend
Jason Parris (WAKE Brewing): [He] was a legend, rock star, mythical creature and solid dude. He is the reason you have metal band and brewery collaborations, and metal breweries like WAKE.
First time going over to Barnaby’s house: tons of weird taxidermy, surgical tools, fucking wall-size David Yow painting. A backdrop to some acid-tripped Scooby-Doo nightmare. He looks over at me and says, “Jason, check this out,” walks over to a bookcase and I am like, “Don’t fucking tell me you have a secret room.” I shit you not, Barnaby pulls on a book and a door opens to another room. Barnaby was one of those raw souls who truly forged his own fucking way; we should all try to be more like him with our lives. Loose.
Matt Jacobson (Relapse Records, Wayfinder Beer): Barnaby was truly one of a kind. A connector, a creator, a character, a crazy fuck in the best way. You are missed, my friend. See you on the dark side.
Blake Harrison (Pig Destroyer): Barnaby was a rare soul, a wild man, a fun person to be around. One year at Maryland Deathfest, we were walking over to one of the indoor venues. Barnaby hands me his drink to help him finish faster. I was about to take a huge gulp of whatever swill he had in his cup, and he yells, “Stop, stop, don’t drink that!” Barnaby had dosed his drink with LSD, so he’d be flying high for Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats. I haven’t done acid in about 25 years, so I’m glad he caught me in time. Typical Barn...
Dave Witte (Municipal Waste): I have so many amazing memories of him; he was so razor-sharp and spontaneously fun, it was off the charts. He was so versatile, encouraging and charismatic. Hilarious. The total package. A true sage. Barnaby is the center of our universe in the metal and beer world. He made it happen, he brought us all together. It’s all because of him, and we owe everything to him for lighting the flames. All hail Saint Barnabus.
Melanie Pierce (Brewbies): He was a unicorn. He managed to connect so many worlds, always being the common denominator. He only lived with an open heart and an open door policy. If you needed him for a meal, he’d turn into Martha Stewart. A new record to listen to? He’d send you the most obscure thing in his brain. A hug? You will be engulfed by the sweetness of this man. A greyhound? Well, no questions asked there. A place to sleep for you or your friend? The key is hanging up at the Map Room… He was always there. Who the fuck else do you know that has a taxidermied hippo in their house?! Thank you for years of unconditional everything. Rest in power.

Out from the wastes of Cimmeria, Steel Bearing Hand has come to tread the jeweled thrones of the earth with booted feet, overthrow the heretical tyrants and sacrilegious interlopers who corrupt the sanctity of Metal and... SLAY IN HELL!