Spotlighting innovative green design in the Delaware Valley
revolution recovery chop lutron
philadelphia water department
collin o’mara
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award winner
Leadership Award Winners
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green buildings for all
from the executive director
Ten years ago, there was not a distinct “green building industry.” So, as we celebrate DVGBC’s 10th anniversary, I am most inspired by how the industry has grown to encourage sustainable development in full: development that encourages local job creation; works ultimately to restore the natural environment; and builds and sustains our communities. DVGBC’s mission is to support green building practices because we believe that our built environment can improve the health of our planet, our economy and our communities.
The green building movement has made amazing progress in this region and the country in the last decade. In 2001, green building leaders in the Delaware Valley were helping to implement the first version of the LEED standard. Our regional leaders founded the Delaware Valley Building Council and the U.S. Green Building Council to help the industry grow and develop.
This year, in Philadelphia alone, the green building industry will bring in more than $1 billion in revenues. DVGBC has shaped and led this progress—connecting and educating green building leaders and practitioners, providing practical expertise and experience. Through our education programs and tools, such as our green contractor database and green project directory, we are developing and supporting an integrated industry and network of leaders. By helping to write green specifications for the local Habitat for Humanity chapter, developing the Philadelphia School District’s leadership in LEED projects, supporting Mayor Michael Nutter and Philadelphia City Council in passing green building and cool roof legislation, and creating sustainability language for capital project Requests for Proposals, DVGBC and its members are helping to drive the market for sustainable development. In 10 years, we’ve grown from an all-volunteer working board, to a full-time staff of five, and membership nearing 1,000, in four branches that extend from the Lehigh Valley into Delaware. Our most active volunteers together contribute about 20,000 total hours each year to advancing our shared mission. DVGBC’s members include a broadening spectrum of the green building industry—design professionals, contractors and developers, energy efficiency experts, green product manufacturers (windows, building automation systems, flooring and lighting companies), and a growing group of financial services and insurance leaders. Our newest audiences are school teachers and administrators and health care practitioners. So, what’s next for our movement? The DVGBC’s new vision, “green buildings for all,” has us focusing our work in four areas: Greenbuild 2013 in Philadelphia The annual international green building conference will bring more than 30,000 green building leaders to Philadelphia in fall 2013. As the host chapter, DVGBC will be responsible for volunteers, offsite education and tours, a legacy project, and engagement with regional industry leaders and decision-makers. The choice of Philadelphia reflects a recognition of the long-term “green” leadership at DVGBC and our regional decision-makers and industry leaders.
Public Policy & Advocacy DVGBC will provide expertise to decisionmakers to initiate policies that encourage green building practices. Our staff and members will advocate for progressive policy reforms. The areas where DVGBC sees immediate dividends are in energy disclosure, higher rates of construction and demolition waste recycling, increased rates of conservation and graywater recycling, new green building standards for state-owned buildings, and adoption of the new ICC and IGCC codes.
Timeline 20 Delaware Valley Green 01 Building Council founded 20 DVGBC has 20 members and its 02 first executive director 20 First LEED-certified building (in 03 Delaware) in the Delaware Valley
Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster (GPIC) GPIC is a new national hub funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to advance the research, policy, practices and products to spur energyefficiency adoption in existing commercial buildings. As a partner of GPIC, DVGBC will communicate GPIC’s work to our community, connect practitioners and building owners and operators to the GPIC effort, and support the policy, markets and behavior team.
20 05
Green Schools Campaign Green schools save on average more than $100,000 per year in operating costs, and studies show that students learn better in green schools. Most of the 1,171 schools in DVGBC’s region don’t even measure their energy use and costs, yet energy is the highest school expenditure after personnel. DVGBC’s green schools campaign will work to help the region’s schools lower operating costs and create healthy learning environments. Learn more and join us at
20 DVGBC has five staff members and 09 is one of the five largest chapters
Janet Milkman executive director delaware valley green building council
DVGBC has 225 members
20 First LEED Platinum (Liberty 06 Property Trust’s One Crescent Drive at The Navy Yard)
20 DVGBC hosts first Student Design 07 Competition with Project H.O.M.E. 20 08
DVGBC has 1,004 members
of the U.S. Green Building Council
20 Philadelphia is chosen for a 10 $120 million investment in energy efficiency research for existing commercial buildings — the Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster is housed at The Navy Yard
20 Kensington CAPA School, the first 11 LEED Platinum public high school in the nation; the first LEED Platinum rowhouse in Philadelphia
Our region is now home to 103 LEEDcertified buildings, including several hospitals and 10 schools. In addition to the LEED buildings, there are 250 buildings using Energy Star Portfolio Manager, and implementing green projects such as green roofs, solar installations or geothermal wells.
The Founders dvgbc ’ s fo u nding membe rs William Cline Wallace Robets & Todd Charlie Tomlinson Charles B. Tomlinson Jr. AIA Joe Weidle Bedwell Construction Sandy Wiggins Consilience, LLC Dan Garafolo University of Pennsylvania
A Solid Foundation How the DVGBC started small, then blossomed
Like other influential movements, the Delaware Valley Green Building Council started informally. And like America’s origin story, the seeds of the DVGBC were sown in Carpenters’ Hall. “I’ll tell you how it started,” recalls architect Sandy Wiggins, the godfather of Philly’s green building movement and a current principal at the firm Consilience. “It began with an invitation to anyone who was interested to get together for an evening of discussion about green building.” As Wiggins remembers it, the invitation was distributed virally, and on that first night, 15 people showed up at Carpenters’ Hall, the site of the First Continental Congress. “It was a mixed bag of people: architects, a developer, someone from city government, someone from UPenn,” remembers Wiggins. “It was a really amazing evening. … Everyone who showed up was hungry to exchange ideas.” The next month, a second meeting took place. After three or four months of regular meetings, the 15 or so attendees decided to make their
relationship official. “These 15 people became the board of DVGBC,” says Wiggins, adding that about a half a year later, they’d formed a nonprofit, eventually latching on to the then-fledgling United States Green Building Council. “In the early days, that handful of people was pretty much the whole community in Philly of folks that were serious about green building,” remembers Wiggins. “We were all learning from each other, and about what we could do as an organization to affect change in Philadelphia.” The council grew by holding public events, and more people began to show up. From that original core group, the DVGBC has grown into a “very large nonprofit that’s having a regional impact, with a very large community of people,” says Wiggins. “Obviously it was a good idea.”
Lorna Rosenberg U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Jeff Hayes Jeff Hayes Architect Scott Kelly Re:Vision Architecture Rob Fleming Philadelphia University Philip Hinerman Fox Rothchild LLP Pat Imperato Linda Knapp MACREDO/ILSR George Wilson Meyer Associates Inc. Jim Lutz Liberty Property Trust Mark Huxta Mannington Mark Purcell Nason Construction David Harrower Dan Penchin Dick Corporation Michelle Knapik Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
Currently, there are 40000 projects, in 50 states and
120 countries, participating in the LEED system, cites USGBC.
join dvgbc Over the past 10 years, membership for the Delaware Valley Green Building Council has grown from 15 to more than a thousand at its peak, counting itself as one of the largest and most established chapters of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
The nonprofit supports the Lehigh Valley, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, the Metro Philadelphia area, as well as the state of Delaware, and has members of all different skill levels—ranging from students to veteran professionals. Joining DVGBC is an easy way for community members to meet and form partnerships, promote projects, and access
educational resources. Individuals are encouraged to join, even if their companies are already USGBC members. Other membership benefits include a searchable profile on the DVGBC website, discounts and invitations to events, and the chance to develop green building programming through committee membership and advocacy work. To join, visit
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able to have deeper renewable energy penetration in the last couple of years than nearly any other state in the country. These are efforts that are important locally, but also show that we can make community progress in a short amount of time nationally, if we have the right set of policies and the right commitment of leaders. What project or success in Delaware are you particularly proud of or excited about? I was extremely proud of the leadership the Governor provided… to bring the statewide recycling program to Delaware. It’s a program that requires the hauler to actually provide recycling services at the curb for every single household in the state. And it’s one of the first programs of its kind. […] We’ve also done a lot of work on green building and efficiency work for existing buildings. There was a federal program that was debated a few years ago that was never passed called Home Star. The goal was to do massive retrofits of exdvgbc isting homes. We actually decided not leadership to wait for the feds and implement the Collin O’Mara program. We’ve had more than 4,000 winner homes have very deep retrofits already. That may not seem like a big number, but that’s more than almost 2 percent of the total houses in Delaware. We had another million CFLs that have gone out, and we’ve had tens of thousands of appliances. So, we’ve really been trying to make smart investments. And we’ve launched an innovative program DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara is putting Delaware from the Green Building Council for the construcon the right path interview by liz pacheco tion of new homes where we actually provide a rebate, a grant at closing, so a lot of folks can borrow less to [pay for green improvements]. Even Collin O’Mara’s first two years as the secretary of energy and the environment have though there are lots of operating cost benefits, a given the state of Delaware some serious sustainability bragging rights. Thanks to lot of folks can’t afford to take out an extra couple thousand dollars. its youngest appointed cabinet member (he was appointed in 2009 when he was 29
Bright Future
years old), the state now supports green building and energy efficiency programs, the first statewide curbside recycling pick-up service and legislation promoting green jobs. And that’s just the beginning. O’Mara, who is also a LEED-accredited professional, came to Delaware from San Jose, Calif., where he lead the city’s Green Vision project and a citywide green economic development initiative. GRID spoke with O’Mara about his decision to come to Delaware, the benefits of being a small state and how being young has become an asset. GRID: Why did you decide to come to Delaware? Collin O’Mara: In transforming our economy and addressing the climate crisis, it’s really about working on a national solution. … In Delaware, I was fortunate to meet Gov. Jack Markell, who is a very innovative thinker; [he] understands the economics of the environment in a way I think very few politicians do. So, when he offered me the opportunity to come and try to put in place
many of the policies I feel are going to be necessary to rebuild our economy as well as address the underlying environmental challenges, it was a really great opportunity. How does Delaware’s size impact your work? Being a small state where you can get things done very quickly, we’ve been able to attract some of the leading clean tech companies in the world to manufacture in Delaware. We’ve been
A good amount of press attention has been put on you being so young. How has your age impacted your work? In many ways, the climate crisis is going to be one of the most significant challenges, if not the most significant challenge facing my generation. So, I think I’ve been able to bring a slightly longer-term perspective to some of these issues…. I actually think that my age is an asset in many ways because I’m not necessarily locked into some of the older battles and the traditional dichotomy of usthem: business versus environment.
collin o ’mara is the recipient of the John Partridge Leadership Award; given to an individual in the private or nonprofit sector who has furthered green building design, operation, policy or practice in a new sector or has overcome challenges to implementing green building.
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Go With the Flow The Philadelphia Water Department’s Green City, Clean Waters plan gushes with possibilities by liz pacheco
dvgbc leadership
award winner
Philadelphia Water Department ↙ Tomorrow the Green Grass This simulation shows a vision of how green stormwater infrastructure could be applied citywide.
When Philadelphia received a mandate from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1997 to improve its combined sewer system, the initial solution wasn’t so great. The plan called for replacing old pipes, building more tunnels—using manmade constructions to better handle stormwater. Streets would be dug up, improvements would be made mostly underground and waterway restoration would take a long time. And renovations were expensive. Residents couldn’t see, nor really appreciate the improvements, says Joanne Dahme, PWD’s manager of public affairs. And “they might not have gotten the total investment they deserve.” A better plan was needed. For old American cities like Philadelphia, the combined sewer system is a common problem. In combined systems, stormwater and sewage flow together in a single pipe; during heavy rains or snowmelts, the system can be overwhelmed, resulting in flooding and waterway pollution. Faced with an aging sewer system and an EPA mandate, the PWD went for a new approach: Go green. “Lead with the green,” is the phrase Dahme
uses when discussing Green City, Clean Waters. She calls the just-approved, 25-year, $2 billion plan “revolutionary,” explaining that Philadelphia is “probably the first city in the country to really take this green approach as [a] primary approach.” Cities across the country are using tools like rain gardens and porous pavement to keep water out of the sewer system, but not to the extent Philadelphia plans. The Green City, Clean Waters plan, announced in 2007 and officially approved by the state this summer, pledges to install as many green features as possible. Over the next 25 years, tools like porous pavement, rain gardens, rain barrels, sidewalk planters and stormwater tree trenches
will help capture and manage Philadelphia stormwater. The plan is about “adding layers of Mother Nature that once existed [but] that we long [ago] erased,” says Dahme. Updated wastewater treatment facilities and pipe renewal are also part of the plan, but the hope is that the green features will keep water out of the sewer system altogether. Other benefits of Green City, Clean Waters: Waterways will be more quickly restored, and residents will more readily see and enjoy the improvements. Even before the state approved the plan this summer, the PWD had been working with private companies, local organizations and communities to implement these green stormwater solutions. The first porous street was built last May in Queen Village on South Percy Street, and rain gardens and stormwater planters have been popping up all over the city. To keep track, the PWD has created a Big Green Map Tool, which conveniently shows all green water projects in the city. “We believe [Green City, Clean Waters] is the best public investment,” says Dahme. “For every dollar invested is a dollar gained in community investment to make a better city to live, work and play.”
image created by wrt for the philadelphia water department
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The Reusers In the waste recycling business, Revolution Recovery is lapping the field by liz pacheco
At Revolution Recovery, founders and co-owners Avi Golen and Jon Wybar are reinventing the construction waste recycling industry. “They’re light years ahead of other companies in terms of the way they’re thinking about reuse and recycling,” says Sandy Wiggins, a veteran in the green real estate development and construction industries. “[They’re] also extremely effective at it.” dvgbc The high school friends have been leadership in business together since the early 2000s, when Golen pitched the idea winner in response to watching the building boom send an overload of materials to landfills. “There was no real care Revolution for what was left at the site or what Recovery was ordered,” says Golen. “As long as there was enough material at the site to keep the people moving, it didn’t matter what was trash.” Lutron has been making cutting-edge, energy-saving light Revolution Recovery is seen as an innovator—a pioneer in the construction waste recycling business. They switches for 50 years by ariela rose received the first permit to recycle drywall in Pennsylvania and their business has grown significantly from In 1959, a light bulb illuminated, perhaps gradually, in Brooklyn native Joel there. Some waste is sorted at the construction site Spira’s head. His proverbial bright idea was for a switch that would allow into separate Dumpsters, but most is delivered to their Northeast Philadelphia facility mixed together. With people to vary the intensity of their lighting, and at long last, he’d done a new, state-of-the-art sorting it. À la Thomas Edison, Spira emerged from the spare system, waste is sorted into 40 dvgbc bedroom-turned-makeshift lab in his home with a solidleadership different material types; about 80 percent is recovered. state rotary dimmer. In 1961, inspired by his innovation, winner Along with finding local he founded Lutron Electronics, a lighting company with markets for recyclables, Revoan environmentally conscious edge. lution Recovery is adding more Lutron “All of our products save energy and are the replacement for the jobs to the economy than tra100-year-old on/off switch,” says Michael Smith, vice president of enditional waste companies—a Kept 63000 ergy solutions at Lutron. “We help companies save energy when their full-time job for every 5 tons tons out of landfills taken in compared with one for lights need to be on.” Added 38 The company accomplishes this with more than 15,000 energy-saving prodabout every 300 tons, explains ucts, which combined save American customers $1 billion in utility costs each Wybar. green jobs to the year. For instance, consumers can use dimmers to raise and lower light intensity, “I see Revolution Recovery on local economy while devices with occupancy and daylight sensors either dim or switch off unabout 50 percent of the LEED Completed projects in the Delaware Valnecessary lighting. The concept is simple, but ingenious: Lutron’s products help customers use only the light they need, and only when they need it. ley,” says Scott Kelly, co-founder waste management Just as the products demonstrate intrinsic environmental awareness, so too of Re:Vision, a Philadelphia- and for 250 LEED do Lutron’s business operations, which include three LEED-certified offices, Berkeley, Calif.-based architecprojects ardent recycling and conservation practices, and an unexpected Asian pear farm ture, planning and consulting firm committed to sustainable operation. (Enchanted by the fruit on a 1973 business trip, Spira later founded building and design. “If it’s a Subarashii Kudamono orchard in nearby Coopersburg.) LEED project, there’s a good chance Revolution Recov“As a company, Lutron was founded on a belief in taking care of the customers, employees ery is dealing with the waste.” and the community,” explains Smith. “This commitment extends to Lutron’s belief in acting as a steward of the local environment.” For more information, visit For more information on Lutron’s products and business practices, visit
There Is a Light That Sometimes Goes Out
Since 2008, Revolution Recovery has
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Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia gets serious about going green with EcoCHOP by ariela rose The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is no stranger to innovation. Consider it’s new EcoCHOP initiative, which aims to implement responsible practices—from recycling, building and purchasing, to more healthcare-specific areas—that ultimately care for the health of the environment. “The healthcare industry is among the most wasteful on earth,” explains Tyler Weaver, who heads the EcoCHOP program. “It’s our duty to change how waste is perceived, from being a costly burden to an opportunity and a commodity. The majority of waste generated is able to be reused or recycled in some way, so we’d rather work towards that and take responsibility for our environment, being that we’re a healthcare facility.” One way that EcoCHOP hopes to reduce healthcare waste is through educating employees on the proper disposal of “red-bag”—or biohazard—waste. This is done via “red-bag audits,” hands-on training during which red-bag waste is sorted in front of employees to show which of its contents are trash, and which could actually have been recycled. According to Weaver, techniques like this have led to a 70 percent reduction in regulated medical waste, and a hospital-wide recycling rate of 49 percent. “I want recycling to be an enjoyable part of everyone’s life and something that transfers to future generations,” says Weaver, an ardent anti-waste advocate (and author of the GRID column “Tyler Talks Trash”). “It’s the best feeling when employees tell you about a new recycling initiative they’re trying at home with their kids, or how they would have trashed something but then found another use for it.” Along with statistical successes, EcoCHOP has also led to the construction of the Colket Translational Research Building (CTRB), a LEED-certified laboratory that is an impressive display of the hospital’s commitment to environmental stewardship. The building was designed by local architecture firm Ballinger, which worked to seamlessly integrate the building’s green elements. “Designing the most energy-efficient building feasible dvgbc leadership was the single most significant green CHOP building goal for the CTRB,” explains winner Zoe Sanderson, marketing director at Ballinger. “Research buildings and hospitals, by their nature, require substantial energy resources to operate.” To maximize energy efficiency, Ballinger incorporated design strategies such as separate air-handling systems for the office areas and research lab, an important element given that medical research labs cannot re-circulate air and must utilize a system that constantly refreshes air brought into the research area. Other elements include daylight sensors, and a system for maintaining a constant interior temperature created through the use of low-emissivity materials. Each of these pieces are representative of CHOP’s commitment to reducing its impact on the environment that its patients interact with outside the hospital’s walls. “CHOP employees can feel good about the fact that they work at an institution that is actually trying, and succeeding, to make a difference,” says Weaver. “My goal is to have our employees and patients take the behaviors they learn here and apply them to their lives at home.”
events 09 Annual Green Building Celebration 22 The Annual Green Building Celebration, held at the Waterworks Restaurant in Philadelphia, draws more than 400 green building entrepreneurs, policy leaders and practitioners from across the green building spectrum. The event spotlights regional companies and organizations instrumental in implementing sustainable practices in the Delaware Valley, our 2011 leadership award presentation, and our 10th anniversary! →→ Thu., Sept. 22, 6:30–9 p.m., the Water Works Restaurant & Lounge, 640 Water Works Drive. For more information and to register, visit
10 1010 LEED Building Design + Construction 13 2027 Exam Study Group 11 11 If you’ve already qualified to sit for the LEED 03 10 Green Building + Construction Exam, join this five-week, expert-facilitated study group as your final step in preparing for the LEED BD+C Exam! →→ Thu, Oct. 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 10, 5:30–7:30 p.m., Municipal Services Building, 1401 JFK Blvd. Register at
10 Green Your School Workshop 21 This FREE workshop will provide schools with the resources they need to launch student-run initiatives centered on conducting environmental audits that can form the basis for effective energy conservation. →→ Fri., Oct. 21, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., PECO Energy Headquarters Energy Hall, 23rd and Market streets, free light breakfast and lunch will be served. Register at green-your-school
10 Making Green Housing Affordable 26 Industry leaders will provide insight into how community groups and non-profits view green building projects and how these groups encourage such development. Learn how the affordable housing developer makes the jump from normal good construction practices to green. →→ Wed., Oct. 26, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., the Down Town Club,
Sixth and Chestnut streets. Register at education/green-affordable-housing
11 12 First Tuesday Continuing Education 01 06 Webinar Series DVGBC is offering affordable USGBC Continuing Education Webinars with expert panelists. Each session will feature backto-back webinars, worth 1.5 GBCI credits each. →→ Tue., Nov. 1 and Tue., Dec. 6, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 121 N. Seventh St. For registration and topics, visit
11 Best of CleanMed 2011 03 Best of CleanMed 2011 brings educational sessions from the CleanMed 2011 Conference, the premier global conference on environmentally sustainable healthcare. York Chan of Advocate Health Care will discuss the lessons learned from Partner Health Care’s Strategic Energy Master Plan process to reduce energy consumption 25 percent by 2015. →→ Thu., Nov. 3, 6-7:30 p.m., Annenberg Conference Center, Lakenau Hospital, 100 Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, Pa. Register at
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DvGBC GraTEfuLLy rECoGnIzEs ThE supporT of our susTaInInG DvGBC DvGBC DvGBC GraTEfuLLy GraTEfuLLy GraTEfuLLy rECoGnIzEs rECoGnIzEs rECoGnIzEs ThE ThE ThE supporT supporT supporT ofofof our our our susTaInInG susTaInInG susTaInInG parTnErs anD ThEIr CommITmEnT To susTaInaBILIT y. DvGBC GraTEfuLLy rECoGnIzEs ThE supporT of our susTaInInG DvGBC GraTEfuLLy rECoGnIzEs ThE supporT of our susTaInInG parTnErs parTnErs parTnErs anD anD anD ThEIr ThEIr ThEIr CommITmEnT CommITmEnT CommITmEnT To To To susTaInaBILIT susTaInaBILIT susTaInaBILIT y. y. y. Sustaining partners make anCommITmEnT annual gift of support to the Delaware Valley parTnErs anD ThEIr To susTaInaBILIT y. Green Building parTnErs anD ThEIr CommITmEnT To tosusTaInaBILIT y. Green Council and our mission of promoting sustainable communities through green building policies Sustaining Sustaining Sustaining partners partners partners make make make an anannual an annual annual gift gift gift of ofsupport of support support tothe to the the Delaware Delaware Delaware Valley Valley Valley Green Green Building Building Building fEaTurED DvGBC EvEnT: fEaTurED fEaTurED fEaTurED DvGBC DvGBC DvGBC EvEnT: EvEnT: EvEnT: fEaTurED DvGBC EvEnT: fEaTurED DvGBC EvEnT:
annual annual annual annual annual Green Building Green Green Green Building Building Building Green Building Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration sEpTEmBEr 22, 2011 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm sEpTEmBEr sEpTEmBEr sEpTEmBEr 22, 22,22, 2011 2011 2011 sEpTEmBEr 22, 2011 ThE WaTEr Works 6:30 6:30 6:30 pmpmpm - 9:00 - 9:00 -22, 9:00 pm pmpmrEsTauranT sEpTEmBEr 2011 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm phILaDELphIa, parEsTauranT ThE ThE ThE WaTEr WaTEr WaTEr Works Works Works rEsTauranT rEsTauranT 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm ThE WaTEr Works rEsTauranT phILaDELphIa, phILaDELphIa, phILaDELphIa, papapa ThE WaTEr Works rEsTauranT phILaDELphIa, pa 10 yEar annIvErsary * CELEBraTE our phILaDELphIa, pa
Sustaining partners make an annual gift of support to the Delaware Valley Green Building and practises. Their support ispromoting helping to create healthier and more prosperous places for people Council Council Council and and and our our our mission mission mission ofan ofpromoting of promoting sustainable sustainable communities communities through through through green green green building building building policies policies policies Sustaining partners make annual gift ofsustainable support tocommunities the Delaware Valley Green Building Council and our mission of promoting sustainable communities through green building policies toand live, work, and learn. and and practises. practises. practises. Their Their Their support support support isishelping is helping helping to tocreate to create create healthier healthier healthier and and and more more more prosperous prosperous prosperous places places forfor people for people people Council and our mission of promoting sustainable communities through greenplaces building policies and practises. Their support is helping to create healthier and more prosperous places for people to tolive, to live, live, work, work, work, and and and learn. learn. learn. is helping to create healthier and more prosperous places for people and practises. Their support to live, work, and learn. A PARTNER toBECOME live, work, and learn. BECOME BECOME BECOME AAPARTNER APARTNER PARTNER BECOME A PARTNER BECOME A PARTNER
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* *CELEBraTE CELEBraTE * CELEBraTE our our our 1010yEar 10 yEar yEar annIvErsary annIvErsary annIvErsary * CELEBraTE our 10LEaDErshIp yEar annIvErsary * mEET our 2011 * CELEBraTE our 10 yEar annIvErsary WInnErs * *mEET mEET *aWarD mEET our our our 2011 2011 2011 LEaDErshIp LEaDErshIp LEaDErshIp * mEET our 2011 LEaDErshIp aWarD aWarD aWarD WInnErs WInnErs WInnErs * mEET our 2011 LEaDErshIp aWarD WInnErs * nETWork WITh ovEr 350 GrEEn aWarD WInnErs EnThusIasTs * *nETWork nETWork *BuILDInG nETWork WITh WITh WITh ovEr ovEr ovEr 350 350 350 GrEEn GrEEn GrEEn * nETWork WITh ovEr 350 GrEEn BuILDInG BuILDInG BuILDInG EnThusIasTs EnThusIasTs EnThusIasTs * nETWork WITh ovEr 350 GrEEn BuILDInG EnThusIasTs * mEET DvGBC BoarD nomInEEs anD BuILDInG EnThusIasTs InDvGBC ThEBoarD ELECTIon * *mEET mEET *voTE mEET DvGBC DvGBC BoarD BoarD nomInEEs nomInEEs nomInEEs anD anD anD * mEET DvGBC BoarD nomInEEs anD voTE voTE voTE In InThE In ThE ThE ELECTIon ELECTIon ELECTIon * mEET DvGBC BoarD nomInEEs anD voTE In ThE ELECTIon hTTp://WWW.DvGBC.orG/GrEEnvoTE In ThE ELECTIon
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ThE hankIn Group TrusT pECo LIBErTy LIBErTy LIBErTy propErTy propErTy propErTy TrusT ThE hankIn Group TrusT LIBErTy propErTy WaLLaCE roBErTsTrusT & ToDD pECo pECo pECo propErTy LIBErTy TrusT pECo BranDyWInE rEaLTy TrusT WaLLaCE WaLLaCE WaLLaCE roBErTs roBErTs roBErTs & &ToDD &ToDD ToDD pECo Cpm housInG Group & ToDD WaLLaCE roBErTs BranDyWInE BranDyWInE BranDyWInE rEaLTy rEaLTy rEaLTy TrusT TrusT TrusT EWInG CoLE WaLLaCE roBErTs & ToDD BranDyWInE rEaLTy TrusT Cpm Cpm Cpm housInG housInG housInG Group Group Group
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CPMCywinski Housing Group Bohlin Jackson Burns Burns Burns Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Bohlin Cywinski Jackson DLSMechanical Development Burns CPM CPM CPM Housing Housing Housing Group Group Group FoxHousing Rothschild Burns Mechanical CPM Group DLS DLS DLS Development Development Development Illuminations, Inc. CPMDevelopment Housing Group DLS Fox Fox Fox Rothschild Rothschild Rothschild IMC Construction DLS Development Fox Rothschild Illuminations, Illuminations, Illuminations, Inc. Inc. Inc. InterfaceFLOR Fox Rothschild Illuminations, Inc. IMC IMC IMC Construction Construction Construction Knoll Illuminations, Inc. IMC Construction InterfaceFLOR InterfaceFLOR InterfaceFLOR Mannington IMC Construction InterfaceFLOR Knoll Knoll Knoll Pennrose Properties InterfaceFLOR Knoll Mannington Mannington Mannington Revolution Recovery Knoll Mannington Pennrose Pennrose Pennrose Properties Properties Properties Scalewatcher Mannington Pennrose Properties Revolution Revolution Revolution Recovery Recovery Recovery Spillman Farmer Pennrose Properties Revolution RecoveryArchitects Scalewatcher Scalewatcher Scalewatcher Revolution Recovery Scalewatcher Spillman Spillman Spillman Farmer Farmer Farmer Architects Architects Architects Scalewatcher Spillman Farmer Architects Spillman Farmer Architects