Charteroak Experience 2

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02 | AU TU MN / WI NTE R 2018- 19

A meadow retreat

An exciting preview of the latest luxurious holiday homes at Southern Halt’s Meadow Retreat

Glass act We meet Jo Downs, fine art lass desi ner

Discover Mevagissey, a twin-harboured haven of zig-zagging streets and hidden gems.

Indulge in a relaxing weekend break in a luxury iSpa™ lodge.


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A choice of detached cedar clad holiday lodges with wonderful views across the adjoining farmland towards the surrounding countryside and Bodmin Moor in the distance. Southern Halt provides an ideal base from which to explore all that Cornwall has to o er



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Editor’s Letter


On the cover

A meadow retreat: an exciting preview of the latest luxurious holiday homes at Southern Halt’s Meadow Retreat. P u b li s h i ng T e am E ditor ial M anag er D an W ar den M edia Assistant J ason F letch er D esig n M anag er C h loe Sear le D esig ner Sp encer H awes H ead of Pr oduction H annah T ap p ing h annah . tap p ing @ eng ineh ousemedia. co. uk 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 C ommer cial D ir ector J onath an Per kins j onath an. p er kins@ eng ineh ousemedia. co. uk 0 7 5 8 7 0 7 2 7 0 6 Pub lish er Andy F or ster andy. f or ster @ eng ineh ousemedia. co. uk 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0


E X P E R I E N CE i s p u b li s h e d on b e h alf of Ch art e roak b y : R E D

F L A G M E D IA H olb r ook, T h e M oor s, Por th leven, C or nwall T R1 3 9 JX

www. levenmediag r oup . co. uk

Cop y ri g h t ©

2 0 1 8 Ch art e roak . A ll ri g h t s re s e rv e d .

C h ar ter oak p r ovides th e inf or mation contained in th is document to stimulate th oug h t and discussion. W e wor k h ar d to ensur e th at th e inf or mation p r esented is accur ate at th e time of p ub lish ing , b ut you sh ould take indep endent advice b ef or e acting on any inf or mation p r esented. No p ar t of th is document can b e r ep r oduced in any f or m with out th e wr itten p er mission of C h ar ter oak. All mater ial is acted up on at th e r eader ’ s r isk and, wh ilst ever y car e is taken, C h ar ter oak and th e p ub lish er will not accep t liab ility f or loss or damag e.


to the second issue of Experience, packed with places to visit, beaches to discover, food to enjoy and lodges to relax in.

s summer draws to a close, now is the time to start discovering Cornwall in all its autumn and winter glory. We’ve been out and about on the Camel Trail (page 26) a great place for cyclists to enjoy, while for walkers we discover the rugged delights of Bodmin Moor (page 40). For a more relaxed day out why not take in one of Cornwall’s harbour towns? Steeped in history and full of character we visit Mevagissey (page 56) and Boscastle (page 60) for a peaceful stroll and a bite to eat. We also hear from Charteroak lodge owners, Margaret and Frank Brown about their experience so far (page 14), and take a look at what’s currently available to buy at Southern Halt and Stonerush Lakes (page 16). Cornwall hosts an array of winter festivals and we take a look at a few of our favourites from page 46. These events provide festive fun for the whole family and are the perfect way to get in to the Christmas spirit! Over the winter months Mother Nature keeps us on our toes with many a coastal storm and from page 22 we look at the best places for a spot of Cornish storm watching. We meet with celebrity gardener Matt James who has made Cornwall his home (page 36) as well as catching up with the latest from fused glass designer Jo Downs from page 8. We discover first hand the incredible Sky Terrace odge (page ), part of the Hygge Collection at Southern Halt, embracing the Scandinavian ethos of comfort and wellness. A stay in the amazing iSpa™ lodge at Faraway Fields, Southern Halt, is an indulgent weekend to remember – find out more from page . A brand new phase, Meadow Retreat, is currently underway at Southern Halt (page 28) with lodges supplied from Timberventure, a West Country company that helps to deliver the Charteroak philosophy with its shared values and pursuit of excellence. Turn to page 70 to read our interview with Director, Scott Jeff. There is nowhere better to enjoy Cornwall than from your own luxury lodge and with the stunning locations of Southern Halt and Stonerush Lakes you are perfectly positioned to create your own Cornish adventure!


Happy reading!

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s t n e t n o C A T




On the cover A meadow retreat: an exciting preview of the latest luxurious holiday homes at Southern Halt’s Meadow Retreat.

Got to experience 6 What Is The Charteroak Experience? The ethos behind the luxury lodge specialist, creating stunning holiday homes in Cornwall.

34 The Sky Terrace Lodge


Another first in lu ury retreats, the Sky Terrace odge, part of the Hygge Collection at Southern Halt, embraces the Scandinavian way of life.

54 New Year’s Eve Fireworks In Looe

Celebrate the ew ear in style with two stunning firework displays from ooe’s historic quay, along with a street party to remember.

62 Christmas At Charteroak

Where better to enjoy Christmas than in the heart of Cornwall, spending time with family and loved ones in a lodge at either Southern Halt or Stonerush akes?

Destination 26 Camel Trail

Whether you’re a power walker, a saunterer, a marathon runner or a leisure cyclist, the Camel Trail is a great place to get out and enjoy the Cornish countryside.

56 Mevagissey

54 4

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iscover evagissey – a twin harboured haven of ig agging streets and hidden gems, nestled in a small valley facing east to evagissey Bay.

60 Boscastle

Set between Tintagel and Bude on the rugged north Cornish coast, Boscastle is a romantic fishing village set in an ancient landscape.


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Features 8 Jo Downs

Talent, tenacity and twenty years of e perience have put Jo owns at the forefront of bespoke fused glass design.

14 Owner Case Study

eet argaret and rank Brown, proud owners of a gorgeous lodge at Stonerush akes.

16 What’s Available To Buy Now


ind out what’s currently available to buy from Sam Weller, Charteroak’s Sales irector for Southern Halt and Stonerush akes.

18 Dog Friendly Beaches

Y our guide to the best dog friendly beaches close to our Southern Halt and Stonerush akes sites.

22 Storm Watching

Watch those dark clouds roll in and e perience all the drama of a Cornish storm in true comfort.

28 Meadow Retreat

We share an e citing preview of the latest lu urious phase at Southern Halt, eadow etreat.

31 The iSpa™ Lodge

A rela ing weekend spent en oying the iSpa™ lodge at Southern Halt.

36 Real Life Story - Matt James

We catch up with landscape designer, author and TV presenter att James, aka The City ardener.

38 Hidden Valley


scape to the lost world of the Hidden alley ardens to relax and recharge.

40 Walking Bodmin Moor

An ancient landscape of varied terrain, steeped in history and abundant with wildlife.

42 Foodie Favourites

The lowdown on the seasonal wonders that will be gracing Cornish menus this autumn.

46 Winter Festivals

Wrap up warm this winter and en oy the Christmas revelry with a host of festivities happening across Cornwall.

64 Hygge Collection

ollow the path to ultimate wellbeing with the latest lu urious offering from Charteroak.


46 36

67 Metis Homes

Two stunning new developments from etis Homes, ld Station Park in Sutton Scotney and orest Walk, arnham

70 Meet The Innovators

We interview Scott Jeff, irector of Timberventure, the West Country supplier of Charteroak’s lodges.

72 Events And Days Out

A quick guide to what’s on across the uchy across autumn winter .

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Charteroak Experience? As a developer of high quality holiday lodge developments, Charteroak recognise that they provide an exclusive proposition in the market place very di erent to those sites o erin lots of shared amenities like swimmin pools and tennis courts..


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nstead the focus for Charteroak has always been to create its own uniq ue experience with an emphasis on three principal elements which we believe are important to our customers.

First of all the sites themselves are chosen for their appealing location, in areas where people would like to have a second home, but more importantly for the actual physical environment of the site itself whether that embraces wonderful views, proximity to water or complete seclusion. Allied to this is the way the schemes are developed with an emphasis on well- conceived native planting and the introduction of streams and bodies of water to provide the best micro location and aspect for each lodge. Charteroak are also a developer for whom q uality prevails over q uantity. We pride ourselves on creating developments with a much lower site density than many other locations meaning a Charteroak lodge provides greater privacy and outside space for you and your guests to enjoy. The ďŹ nal but all important third point is the focus placed on the lodges themselves. By nature we have always been keen to push the boundaries of lodge development seeking to positively innovate and enhance the product we offer. Lodges have been around for some time now but by looking to innovate we want to create more forward thinking lodge designs, anticipating and then providing what the customers of today expect, plus one or two

| LIFESTYLE added features they might not! This is best illustrated by some of the lodges shown in this edition of E xperience from the indulgent luxury of the iSpa™ with its integral spa facilities and private cinema room, to the Sky Terrace with its elevated deck making so much more of the panoramic views of the Cornish countryside. Working with great partners be they contactors, landscape consultants, architects and lodge manufacturers are all vital ingredients in helping to deliver the Charteroak E xperience. We are extremely grateful for their continued support and the important contribution they make to what we deliver. The result of all of the above is a holiday home that provides a signiďŹ cant sense of space, an environment your lodge feels a part of and a home designed for you and with amenities just for you. This is the Charteroak E xperience.

Find out more For more information or to book a site visit call 01707 601463 or email: info@


Find out more about the Charteroak E xperience at

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Some of Charteroak’s owners display Jo’s pieces in theirçlodges, MAIN as pictured here in Some of Charteroak’s Tree Tops at wners display Jo’s Stonerush akes pieces in their lodges




Jo at her aunceston studio workshop

Talent, tenacity and twenty years of experience have put designer Jo Downs at the forefront of bespoke fused glass design.


ince she established her first studio in ondon in , artist Jo owns’ reputation as one of the ’s leading designer makers has positioned her at the forefront of bespoke fine art glass, winning her commissions from international hotels, corporate headquarters and private homes around the world. ew contemporary makers have ventured into this unique field of creativity on the scale that Jo has been able to achieve: in a design area such as this, talent must be teamed with technical knowledge and a significant investment in studio space and equipment, including super heated glass fusing kilns large enough to accommodate si square metres per firing of e quisitely crafted, hand cut glass.


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| COVER FEATURE At her studio in the rural setting of orth Cornwall, where she now lives and works, Jo lives the busy life of a working designer sketching, e perimenting, testing and creating spectacularly beautiful bespoke works for private and commercial clients, as well as her seven handmade glass galleries, located as far west as St Ives in Cornwall, and as far east as Twickenham. With her gallery collections firmly established, and years of e perience under her belt, she recently launched Jo owns Architectural lass’, designed to work in partnership with interior designers and their clients, giving them the chance to incorporate bespoke glasswork into their home and office designs. Supported, as lead designer, by a dedicated team which includes specialist glass workers and a full time pro ect manager, Jo has invested in new studio spaces and the equipment needed to create cutting edge new work for her clients, meaning entire pro ects can be handled in house. These specialist facilities and her unique talent have won her an enviable client list, and she has seen through some impressive pro ects in her twenty year career, including two astonishing eleven metre glass ceilings on the cruise ships Arcadia and entura, bespoke windows for the home of world famous soul and a singer Joss Stone, and multiple installations for the lu ury lying Boat Club restaurant, spa rooms and swimming pool on the Isles of Scilly.


lass eaves installation

“Clients come to me with some really big ideas says Jo “but to put it simply, they want me to create something beautiful and totally unique. That might be a bespoke wall mounted installation or a multicoloured fused glass window for their home. or corporate clients, it could be anything from custom designed wall panels for a conference room, to glass room partitions for a restaurant. I often work with interior designers, and what they will want is a stunning centrepiece which fits their overall design scheme. It’s my ob to partner them in their grand vision. ost importantly, I think my clients want to e press something of their own identity through their personal design choices. The space a business occupies, for e ample, should reflect the identity and aspirations of that business. A public venue needs to create an environment that speaks to and inspires its guests. A family home should e press the character of the family that live there, and should reflect the cultural interests or the aspirations of the people who created that home. Commissioned works are really a reflection of the client, and it’s my ob to create work which they feel strongly connected to. There is a huge commitment in terms of time and energy with private commissions, but each pro ect is all the more rewarding for that. It’s a totally fulfilling e perience for me to see a pro ect through from my very first drawing to the final installation.


eaf inspired chandelier for a private client at estronguet Point


A bespoke work for an architect designed house in Padstow


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Bespoke shoaling fish chandelier

indful of the emotional and financial investment inherent in the commissioning of bespoke works, Jo’s focus is on a close partnership with each of her clients, and her ultimate aim is to create a space the client can feel strongly connected to. “I relish the chance to take my client’s thoughts and ideas and make them into something beautiful Jo continues. “The initial meetings I have with clients are almost my favourite part of the pro ect – I love that moment when I first encounter the space we’ll be working with, when I take in its shape and dimension, and feel its potential. I listen to my clients’ ideas, I tell them mine, we walk around the space and we talk until we’ve con ured up a vision of what could be created. ach pro ect is unique, because each client and each space is unique. That’s really the oy of it. The ideal commissions are those I create for private homes, places where the final piece makes a real difference to the family’s sense of place. I have recently completed pro ects for architect designed houses on the Cornwall and evon coasts, houses which, for the clients, represent a lifetime’s hard work and a great deal of emotional investment. Those commissions are particularly rewarding because I’m enhancing not ust the space, but also the lifestyle of the family that live there. Although Jo creates pieces of all si es for her clients, from mirrors, to elegant art frames, to me anine height chandeliers, her real passion has always been large scale works. “Creating large pieces has always been my favourite thing to do. used glass is a medium which enhances light and colour, so the bigger the piece the more spectacular the results. The thrill I get creating a one off piece for my galleries is ust the same, but it’s amplified on larger bespoke pro ects. It’s also incredibly rewarding because I love the challenge of e ceeding my client’s e pectations and getting it absolutely right, and I love the endless potential for creating ama ing new pieces that comes from pushing the limits of fused glass. The most spectacular of these ama ing new pieces must surely be Jo’s mesmeri ing fused glass lighting chandeliers, launched initially at ondon’s esign e hibition, followed by rand esigns ive at Birmingham’s C. Created from tens, even hundreds of individual pieces, they are the result of intensive, handcrafted work, requiring multiple firings and incredibly detailed finishing. The brilliance of Jo’s chandelier designs is that they can be adapted to suit any space, in any design, meaning their truly bespoke nature really shines through, and the concept has already been taken up by various clients including a lu ury home on the Cornish coast, and the Bristol ercure Hotel. ç LEFT

Scoring glass with a diamond wheel cutter


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Cornish Pilchards mirror


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A choice of detached cedar clad holiday lodges, nestling in a beautiful and tranquil valley setting, all within a comfortable drive of the ma niďŹ cent south ornish coast and the nearby harbours of Fowey, Polperro and Looe.



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An impressive interior installation


Church Cove

V isit Cornwall Adam G ibbard

The launch of these uniq ue works also marks the beginning of a new creative partnership between Jo Downs and design company Northern Lights, who have worked with Jo to create integrated lighting for these stunning new pieces. The most beloved however, for her many clients, must surely be her bespoke wall mounted installations, whose endless potential for variations have also made them a firm favourite of Jo’s. “ Wall mounted installations can be created to almost any brief” says Jo “ and they give each client the freedom to cover huge areas in texture and colour. They are multi- piece, which makes them very adaptable, and like every piece of Jo owns glass, they are cut, crafted, fired and finished by hand at my Cornwall studio. E ach piece, and therefore each installation, is totally uniq ue because the nature of fused glass is that tiny random details and colour effects happen in the kiln, so that every piece has its own special beauty. That, I think, says everything about what I am trying to achieve as an artist.”

For further information on Jo’s bespoke work contact or see For her designer collections and gallery locations see

RIGHT Beach Q uintych


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extra mile We meet Margaret Brown from Caston, Norfolk, who owns a gorgeous lodge at Stonerush Lakes along with her husband Frank.

We have holidayed many times in Cornwall over the years and fell in love with its beauty and diverse nature


rank and Margaret Brown are the happy owners of a stunning detached cedar lodge at V alley V iew, Stonerush Lakes, which they visit around once a month. The luxurious lodge, which spans a spacious 45 by 20 feet, has two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and comes complete with a hot tub and decking. We’re keen to discover how Margaret and Frank came to make their purchase. “ We have holidayed many times in Cornwall over the years,” Margaret tells us, “ and fell in love with its beauty and diverse nature.” U ltimately, its draw proved too much to resist and the Browns began to look for a more permanent holiday home for their own use as well as family and friends. So they started to do some research and having discovered Charteroak, were q uickly won over by both the q uality of the lodges and the location.



Stonerush enjoys a stunning location ç LEFT

Margaret and Frank Brown

G o online to watch videos on what our owners say at


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| OWNER INTERVIEW “ Stonerush Lakes attracted us because it is q uiet and secluded, yet still within easy reach of Cornwall’s many attractions.” So, what do they love most about their lodge? “ Naturally its position – the views are lovely and the lodge itself is well- designed, fully- eq uipped, spacious and extremely light and airy.” Another great benefit of opting for a Charteroak lodge, particularly when buying off- plan, is that you can add a degree of customisation. Margaret tells us about some of the personalised features that they added. “ We chose the fabrics for the curtains and blinds,” explains Margaret. “ We also gave a list of artists we like and req uested two sofa beds to accommodate all the family. Otherwise, we felt the design, layout and furniture suited our tastes for a modern and contemporary scheme.” When it comes to deciding upon her most memorable experience, Margaret doesn’t hesitate. “ Sat in the hot tub with a glass of wine, watching the most amazing sunsets over the valley.” While the accommodation itself clearly has made a huge impact on the lives of Margaret and Frank, the other main advantage, of course, is its proximity to Cornwall’s many wonders, as Margaret explains. “ We are a family who enjoy good food so, on special occasions, we love visiting the nearby Talland Bay Hotel. owey is a lovely fishing village, easily accessed via the car ferry from Bodinnick, with many interesting and varied shops. We love to walk along the E splanade, stopping at P intxo, the tapas bar, for a late lunch, then walking to Readymoney Cove, where there is a lovely little beach and further walks.”

Don’t hesitate – we wish we had bought a lodge years ago! Staff are very friendly and extremely helpful, always going that extra mile to assist you

As well as the local offering, a short car journey rewards with yet more delights. “ P adstow has many excellent eateries; we usually park at Wadebridge, hire bikes then cycle the Camel Trail to P adstow. The views as one cycles along the Camel E stuary are spectacular. Another favourite is the coast to coast cycle ride from P ortreath to Devoran along the trail of the old tin mines – such a lot of history. The Old Q uay Inn pub in evoran is a definite must; the food is e cellent. Culturally one is spoilt for choice. We love visiting Cotehele, the P orthminster Beach Café in St I ves, Mousehole, St Mawes, Falmouth, and Marazion. There are so many outstanding options.” With no stamp duty, V AT or solicitors fees, another thing that particularly impressed the Browns about Charteroak was the buying process itself, as well as the continued aftercare. I t wasn’t simply a case of being left to fend for themselves once the sale had gone through. “ We cannot praise the Charteroak team enough,” says Margaret. “ I t was very straightforward. Sam Weller, who guided us through the process, is very charming and extremely helpful. Nothing was too much trouble.” This included introducing them to the Timberventure team, the West Country company that creates the stunning lodges, and taking them to see their lodge during its construction. “ E ven after purchasing the lodge, Sam has remained in contact to ensure everything is functioning properly and that we are satisfied and happy. He has since been a great help with advice and assistance when family visited.” Margaret continues: “ The same applies to the support staff. Anita at housekeeping and Annie and Sally in reception are very friendly and extremely helpful, always going that extra mile to assist you. I t is comforting to know that there is always someone on hand to help if needed.” So, if this tempts you to buy your own lodge, Margaret provides some parting wisdom: “ Most importantly we would say: don’t hesitate – we wish we had bought a lodge years ago!”

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No better time

to buy

We find out what’s currently available to buy from Sam Weller, Charteroak’s Sales Director at Southern Halt and Stonerush Lakes.


ith a range of innovative holiday lodge designs and plots available on both sites in Cornwall, now is the time to visit Southern Halt and Stonerush Lakes if you’re looking to buy your dream holiday home in the Duchy. Sam tells us: “ at our long- established site, Stonerush Lakes, we have the last two homes remaining in Lake V iew, with one in particular being a newly designed, impressive two bedroom lodge at c. 9 40 sq ft plus extensive external decking.” This lodge has only recently been completed with a brand new style of interior dé cor that incorporates an elegant modern kitchen design and contemporary tiling in both bathrooms. “ This new dé cor has been especially well- received by visiting buyers” , adds Sam, “ and to such an extent that we will be adopting the same design and specification at Southern Halt. However, eq ually we can also still bespoke a lodge as req uired for the needs of individual buyers.”

é MAIN 8 Lake V iew could be your dream holiday home

ê BELOW A modern and bright interior in a Faraway Fields’ lodge


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V alley V iew at Stonerush Lakes é ABOVE

ou’ll find e cellent build quality on all Charteroak lodges

alley iew is the final phase at Stonerush akes where two lodges have already been sold, and just another seven remain. This area has been specifically designed to take full advantage of the views across the valley towards the unspoiled farmland lying beyond. All of the two bedroom lodges at V alley V iew have decking that runs along the south and west facing elevations and have the added option that the deck can also incorporate a hot tub. “ E ssentially there are only nine properties in total left at Stonerush Lakes before the site is built out,” Sam tells us, “ so buyers are welladvised not to delay in getting in touch if they are thinking of purchasing on this development.” For Charteroak’s other Cornish site, Southern Halt, this is an especially exciting time. During September, a new phase has been launched, Meadow Retreat. With there being a popularity for holiday lodges near water, Meadow Retreat promises to deliver just that! The impressive water feature runs throughout this striking phase and has been carefully considered to integrate with the lodges. There will also be a riot of colour to en oy from the gorgeous wild flower planting. The phase will accommodate 23 lodges and with the works done so far, any prospective buyer will already be able to get a very good feel of what this environment has to offer. The first show home is now in place and welcomes purchasers keen to explore this exciting and very different phase. Find out more about Meadow Retreat from page 28.

Buyers can choose a one, two or three bedroom home and they can talk to us about kitchen, bathroom, flooring, tiling and dé cor options – we are always very keen to work with buyers to meet their preferences and taste, and have already sold the first lodge within the eadow etreat phase. Lodges are also available in the Faraway Fields area that is now well advanced in terms of building and selling of lodges. “ We have plots available here where customers can buy off- plan but, as ever, we also have lodges that have already been built, ideal for those wanting to start their holidays straight away,” adds Sam. The new planting at Faraway Fields is now really beginning to flourish and is creating a wonderful feel, providing lovely natural screening around all of the lodges. The cascading stream that meanders through the phase and feeds the lake is another highlight of the landscape design and is being enjoyed very much by all owners and guests. Sam sums up: “ I ’m encouraged and delighted by the number of people who are coming to our sites in Cornwall. These prospective buyers are very motivated in their search and comment on the things we are most proud of – the space around each of the lodges, the quality of build and fit out and the peace and quiet of the overall environment.” With so many exciting things happening across both developments, there is no better time to purchase a lodge at either Southern Halt or Stonerush Lakes. Don’t delay, be sure to give Sam a call to arrange a site visit soon! ç LEFT An artist’s impression of how Meadow Retreat will look in full wild flower bloom

Find out more


There really isn’t a better time to buy with fantastic offers on a selection of homes. For more information or to book a site visit call 01707 601463 or email: info@

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y l d n e i r Dog f beaches

There’s nothing better than paddling with your pooch

Your guide to the best dog friendly beaches close to our Stonerush Lakes and Southern Halt sites.


ou’re eager to feel the sand between your toes and your pooch is itching to chase a ball across golden sands or go for a dip. After all, being within easy reach of lots of beaches and coves is one of the most beautiful things about Cornwall. The good news is there are plenty of dog friendly beaches close by that allow dogs all year round, and even more that allow them during the winter season from November until E aster.

V isit Cornwall Adam G ibbard

BELOW P olperro harbour is great for exploring at low tide


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| BEACHES With more than 300 beaches around the coast of Cornwall, it’s definitely worth doing your homework before you set out to avoid wasting time on the ones where there’s a seasonal or complete dog ban in place. To help out, here’s our guide to our favourite dog friendly beaches within easy reach of our sites.

This stunning coastal gem is not the easiest to reach by land, but boy is it worth it – and the half hour walk from the car park makes a great start to your dog walk. ocated on the South coast between Fowey and P olperro this has to be one of the most stunning beaches in all of Cornwall.

Darren Blight

Best hidden gem: Lantic Bay é ABOVE

The golden sands of ooe beach

Park in the ational Trust car park about a mile east of Polruan and then follow the well- signed route across the road, into a field and wait for the first view from the hilltop of this absolute beauty of a bay set beneath high verdant cliffs with white sand and clear, turq uoise waters.

Best to get away from it all: Polridmouth Cove

At high tide you’ll find two coves here – ittle antic and reat antic. ou can easily walk between the two when the tide’s out and there are also secluded coves at the western end waiting to be e plored – ust take care not to get cut off by the returning waves.

At high tide there is very little beach at all, so it’s well worth checking the tides and timing your visit when the water’s low and there are two distinct beaches.

P olridmouth Cove is rarely busy as access is not immediate but for dog walkers this is a great spot to combine a leafy walk along wooded farm tracks with a beach visit.

ocated between owey and ribbin Head this sheltered spot is safe for swimming, although there is no lifeguard on duty. There’s a car park ust ten minutes along the farm track or the pleasant walk from owey will take you a couple of hours.

The shoreline shelves steeply making this a great place to visit by boat and you’ll often see kayaks arriving and yachts anchored just off the bay. I t’s also a good place for a dip but do stay aware as there can be strong currents and it isn’t lifeguarded.

Dog friendly all year round Post code: P T (appro ) OS Map reference: S

Dog friendly all year round Post code: P H (appro ) OS Map reference: S


Best to take a step back in time: Readymoney Cove

Peak Point overlooking ribbin Head

Nestled in the heart of old Fowey, the brilliantly named eadymoney Cove allows dogs in the winter season ( th September – aster). An easy walk from the centre of town with all its great shops and restaurants, this sheltered, sandy cove has St Catherine’s Castle on one side and medieval owey on the other. It’s also overlooked by a former coach house that was the home of author Daphne Du Maurier for a few years during World War – she wrote Hungry Hill whilst living here. All this makes it a worthy stop on a wider winter walk to e plore owey’s historic and literary connections. And if you walk along the waterfront you’ll be following the Saints Way – the final part of the ancient pilgrim’s route to the town.


St Ives




Adam G ibbard

Dog friendly from 30th September until Easter Post code: P JH (appro ) OS Map reference: S

Rock Newquay


perienced walkers may also en oy taking the South West Coast Path to other beaches including Polridmouth (see map ), which welcomes dogs all year round and Polkerris where you can take fido in the off season.

Bodmin St Austell Penzance

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01736 366550 • 01872 888400 •

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| BEACHES Best for families with dogs: Talland Bay Talland Bay is easily accessible from both Looe and P olperro along the South West Coast path and sitting as it does on a Heritage Coast and in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty this is a real unspoilt treat of a beach. I t’s about a 3- 4 mile walk from both towns. Again there are really two beaches here and plenty of space for dogs to run. Talland Sand is the westerly of the two coves with smaller Rotterdam Beach on the other side, overlooked by St Tallan’s Church. The rocks here have a range of colours in them including red, purple, pale green and grey. Talland Sand is well eq uipped with a car park, toilets, shop and a café with tables overlooking the beach. There’s plenty of rock pools to e plore, safe swimming, fishing and snorkelling and dogs are welcome all year round making this a great spot to spend a relaxing day with all the family. Dig a little deeper and you’ll uncover tales of shipwrecks and smuggling at these still secluded coves. I n 19 22 a French steam trawler, the Marguerite, hit the rocks here. Fortunately the crew were all rescued, but look carefully and you can still see the ship’s boiler marooned in the middle of the bay at low tide.


The clear waters of Talland Bay

Dog friendly all year round Post code: P L13 2JA (approx) OS Map reference: SX 2278 5118

Pooch friendly pit-stops There are plenty of café s and restaurants about that are very happy to welcome well- behaved dogs, including:

Talland Beach Bay Café E njoy a lazy lunch, Roskilly’s ice cream or delicious afternoon tea at this delightful beachside café overlooking beautiful Talland Bay. With a dog friendly beach next door this is the perfect spot to spend a whole day without having to use the car.


Fowey has some great dog friendly pubs and restaurants to enjoy after a day exploring with your hound

The Ship Inn at Fowey

V isit Cornwall Monika K ludcka

E njoy a pint and some proper pub grub at Fowey’s oldest pub. Y ou’re sure of a warm welcome at this dog friendly spot that’s been serving visitors and locals for over 400 years. The menu takes great pub classics and makes great use of the fabulous fresh fish and seafood coming into the port each day, alongside other seasonal and local fare to provide honest lip- smackers from Fowey River Mussels with Coriander P esto to their amazing Cornish K ing Scallop Scampi.

Pintxo, Fowey Tapas and sherry are the order of the day at funky P intxo. Find it tucked on Fowey’s E splanade which leads from Readymoney Cove directly to the town centre. Y ou can’t book, you just have to rock up and hope that dogs are allowed at the outside tables. From creamy croquettes to ama ing Jam n ib rico it’s definitely worth a punt for an authentic taste of Spain.

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There’s a storm coming! Watch those dark clouds roll in and experience all the drama of a Cornish storm in true comfort with our choice of vantage points.


illiam Shakespeare knew a thing or two about creating drama. One of his most famous devices in his plays was to use the concept of a raging storm to heighten the sense of tension – a device that’s still often used today in books and films. Why? Because it’s an e tremely effective way to reflect the mood of the characters and add to the atmosphere. After all, crashing waves, great cracks of lighting and growls of thunder all have a natural, theatrical, melodramatic q uality to them. And, as far as storms go, Cornwall has some of the wildest, especially when viewed right on the coast. Now, whilst we all love basking in the glorious sunshine on a beautiful summer’s day, there’s another side to Cornwall that’s equally enthralling in its own unique way. Witnessing the occasional storm is a thrill in itself, particularly when you are tucked up somewhere warm and cosy – and safe, of course! Needless to say, while storm watching is a real spectacle, the elements can obviously be dangerous too, especially if you are on the edge of the coast. So, just follow a few simple tips to ensure a great experience that’s memorable for all the right reasons. Firstly, never venture out onto a harbour wall or pier during a storm to get a closer look, even if it seems fine. I nstead, when the dark clouds start to roll in, keep indoors, undercover and away from the waves. I n our opinion, there’s no better position than beside a roaring log- burner with a steaming mug of hot chocolate to warm your cockles! Of course, a great place to start is from the comfort of your very own Charteroak lodge, whether at Southern Halt or Stonerush Lakes. Y ou couldn’t ask for a more welcoming environment, and if you’re already at home when the storm arrives, you certainly don’t want to venture out into it! But, on the other hand, if you are already out and about exploring the county, we’ve suggested just a few ideas for taking refuge across Cornwall.

Frame that view To savour the full cinematic sensory widescreen experience, find somewhere with a great wall of glass – large, thick, contemporary glass, that is! There are many examples to be found across Cornwall, from coast to coast, so let’s start with the north. In our first issue of perience, we highlighted the collection of restaurants on istral Beach, ewquay, as being a great place for witnessing a Cornish sunset. For the exact same reasons – namely, great food and large, floor to ceiling windows framing the panoramic views of the coast – Fistral is the ideal spot for storm watching too. Y ou have a choice of


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Dark clouds can generate some dramatic light shows


Mother nature creating a coastal drama

The Stable, home to tasty pizzas and pies, The Fish House, and Rick Stein’s Fish & Chips, each offering something special to enhance the experience. I f you are on the Lizard P eninsula and in need of refuge from the approaching storms, then head to The Polurrian Bay Hotel in Mullion. This grand hotel perched on the edge of the cliff also boasts huge expanses of glass to hide behind and snuggle up, all warm and cosy, as you watch the waves crashing below, sending spray high up the cliffs.

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Our marine wildlife is facing more threats than ever before – overfishing, pollution and plastics, plus far too little protection.

Help us put the life back into our seas Porthcurno Beach © Natasha Ewins

Join the Marine Conservation Society today and receive your welcome pack, free gift and your opportunity to help make a difference to our amazing marine environment -

© John Archer-Thomson


© Andy Bowen

© Dave Boyle

© Tom Shelley

Marine Conservation Society is a registered charity no:1004005 (England & Wales); SC037480 (Scotland). Company Limited by Guarantee no: 2550966. Registered in England VAT no: 489 1505 17. Registered office: Overross House, Ross Park, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 7US. AD0008-17

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| ACTIVITIES BELOW ighty waves crash against the pier in Porthleven

If you find yourself on the south coast in or around almouth, then a wonderful spot is ylly Beach Cafe on almouth’s yllyngvase Beach, looking out towards the bay and into the nglish Channel.

Traditional charm If, however, you’re looking for a cosy traditional tavern in which to rela , then Cornwall has these in spades. The Ship Inn, Porthleven, ust a short walk from where the fishermen still land their daily catch, is about as traditional as it gets. Sit down by the fire, with a pint of Tribute and a packet of peanuts, and watch as the mighty waves crash against the pier on the opposite side of the harbour. Another Ship Inn, this time in owey on the south coast, also boasts fantastic views over the harbour. See the boats bobbing up and down on the river, the wind whistling and howling through the rigging. ikewise, if you take the foot ferry over to neighbouring Polruan, head to the ugger Inn to witness the views from the other side of the river. The Idle ocks in St awes is one of Cornwall’s most chic and stylish places to hang out. Situated right on the waterfront, behind the harbour wall, it offers a wonderful vista out into the Carrick oads. So, if you’re on the oseland Peninsula when the skies open, you know where to head to. or something a bit different, why not head to Camelot Castle in Tintagel? This ictorian mock castle is perched high up on the headland looking out towards the ruin of the original castle. Inside the stylings are decadent and ornate – you may feel like you’ve stumbled upon a edieval banquet hall! But owing to its cliffside position, the views over the ocean are truly stunning and you’ll be guaranteed a fantastic spot for watching a thunder storm.

Wherever you find yourself, remember – stay warm and safe, and most importantly enjoy the spectacle!

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow! William Shakespeare, King Lear

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Image courtesy of ock yster estival


n o i t a n i t Des

Camel Trail


There is stunning scenery to be seen at every turn on the trail

Whether you’re a power walker, a saunterer, a marathon runner or a leisure cyclist the Camel Trail between Padstow and Wenfordbridge is a great place to get out and enjoy the Cornish countryside.


s you walk through the winding streets of P ort I saac you can see the history of this former trading port set in the cottages’ stonework. The houses stand strong, looking out to sea like the Cornishmen who built them. From the Middle Ages until the 19 th century, P ort I saac was a busy port handling coal, timber, pottery and Delabole slate from the nearby Delabole slate q uarry. The traditional granite and slate- fronted Cornish houses now hold significant architectural and historical importance, reflecting Port Isaac’s intriguing history. After the introduction of the railway (which took over the transportation of these goods), P ort I saac increasingly became a fishing port and is still used by local fishermen today. Snaking alongside the fast flowing iver Camel, the mile trail follows the route of an old railway line. That means it’s mostly flat and smooth – making it pushchair, and wheelchair friendly — and a great family day out. The section between

P adstow and Wadebridge is the busiest part of the trail - and with good reason. This 5.5 mile stretch links foodie P adstow beside the sea with the old market town of Wadebridge, full of independent shops, café s and boutiq ues. But it’s definitely worth venturing a little further afi eld and following the trail east of Wadebridge if you prefer things a little less congested. Hiring bikes is probably the best way to cover some ground, or drive to one of the many car parks along the trail as a starting point and plan your own circular route. Accessing the trail from the Bodmin and Wenford ailway makes a perfect day out, too. Catch a steam train from Bodmin P arkway to the Boscarne Junction stop which is located right on the Camel Trail and within 30 minutes walk of the Camel V alley V ineyard, Camel Trail Tea gardens and the Borough Arms pub. Check out the timetable before you travel at: train- operating- dates.


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Matt Jessop

| DESTINATION Image courtesy of ock yster estival


When legs are tired, the Camel Trail has plenty of picnic spots

Image courtesy of ock yster estival

BELOW The flat route makes the Camel Trail ideal for the whole family

P art of the Camel estuary has been designated as an Area of utstanding atural Beauty and whatever time of year you drop by there’s always spectacular scenery to enjoy. From daffodils and snowdrops in the spring to lapwings and winter waders on the salt marshes in the winter. Flora and fauna are abundant in a host of habitats along the route. ature lovers will relish the chance to observe wildlife in its natural habitat and keen twitchers and wildlife watchers will find a number of hides along the route, including an accessible one near Wadebridge. P eregrines are regularly spotted, alongside osprey, kingfishers and otters.

Places to eat There are lots of places to stop off and enjoy a well- earned coffee, ice cream or meal along the route (as well as some perfect picnic spots). We love elish in Wadebridge. Tucked away in Foundry Court this café and deli is well worth hunting down. Choose to sit indoors or outside in the shaded courtyard and en oy a cup of ising round coffee, brewed next door or a light lunch. The Camel Trail Tea ardens, located roughly halfway along the trail at anstallon, is one of the most popular stops on the trail. Set in a beautiful apple orchard with terraced areas this is a great refreshment stop for cream tea or something stronger as they’re fully licensed. For a true taste of Cornwall the wines are supplied by neighbouring Camel V alley ineyard. wners ike and athryn Hamley also cater for larger groups if you pre book on .

Find out more BUY NEARBY The Camel Trail is within easy reach of Charteroak’s Southern Halt and Stonerush Lakes sites. These exclusive holiday retreats are constructed using natural materials that blend into their beautiful surroundings. Floor- to- ceiling windows, luxury interiors and private hot tubs set into wide wooden decking make these exclusive lodges the perfect place to get away from it all. Find out more about buying your own piece of Cornwall at

I f you love a proper pub then make a beeline for the Blisland I nn close to the Wenfordbridge end of the trail. This real ale heaven wins CA A awards for fun – look for the blackboard behind the bar telling you how many different beers have been sold since the current owner took over in 19 9 4.

Hire a bike idn’t bring your own wheels? on’t worry – there are plenty of places to hire a bike along the trail at P adstow, Wadebridge, Bodmin and Wendfordbridge. The trail is very popular in school holidays so it’s a good idea to order your bikes in advance. nly licensed providers are permitted to hire bikes so do check your provider is properly registered.

Did you know? The Wadebridge and Bodmin ailway ine was one of the first railways in the world. pened in , it carried the first steam trains in Cornwall and was the first railway in West Britain to carry passengers. The orth Cornwall line closed for all passenger services in 19 67 and the disused line is now the Camel Trail.


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eadow by name and meadow by nature

Meadow Retreat We share an exciting preview of the latest luxurious phase at Southern Halt, Meadow Retreat.




These gorgeous lodges sit beautifully in their surroundings

o online to watch our video on eadow etreat at

The water features and planting will make this a very special place


I n the heart of the glorious Cornish countryside you’ll find the third phase at Southern Halt which will consist of beautiful plots. This striking new phase combines natural wild fl ower charm with the finest finishes, creating an environment that you’ll never want to leave and presents country living at its very, very best! eadow etreat will be surrounded by water, from gently fl owing streams to still pools, providing a haven for wildlife and instilling a sense of tranquillity. Wild


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fl owers will be in abundance, bursting with colour in the spring and summer and perfectly complementing the cedar cladding of the lodges, all bringing you closer to nature. Whilst the feeling is organic, it’s a carefully orchestrated element of the wider Charteroak e perience – blurring the boundary between indoor and outdoor living. After all, it’s well known that breathing in the fine country air really is good for your health and general wellbeing.

To enhance the e perience further, e pansive decking makes the most of each location, providing perfect alfresco dining opportunities in a stunning setting. As you’d e pect from Charteroak, only the finest fi tures and fittings will be used to kit out these lodges. The mantra of e ceptional, aspirational and lu urious is highlighted in all its glory at eadow etreat. What could be more rela ing, for instance, than the ultimate indulgence: a soak in your very own private, sunken hot tub whilst taking in the sights and sounds of the beautiful surroundings?

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Whilst the feeling is organic, it’s a carefully orchestrated element of the wider Charteroak Experience Inside the lodges will feature full height glass windows to capitalise on the fabulous countryside views and the wonderful quality of light that Cornwall is famed for. The kitchens will be beautifully equipped, with everything you could need for preparing a feast. All you’ll need to do is pay a visit to the local farm shop or delicatessen to load up on Cornish goodies to tuck into. ach lodge will include a truly sumptuous master bedroom suite with a fabulous bathroom and private terrace. Just imagine waking up to en oy your morning coffee as you watch the array of wildlife that abounds in the rolling fi elds. Take it all in as you plan your ne t day’s adventures from your new base at eadow etreat.

The choice is yours These days, as well as lu ury, we all want choice. Thankfully there’s plenty of this at eadow etreat. ou have the opportunity to choose from a range of designs and layouts to suit your preferences and needs, such as the stunning iSpa™ or Sky Terrace lodges that are part of our Hygge Collection. This range is aimed at enhancing wellbeing by providing comfort, cosiness and rela ation in a perfect setting in wonderful Cornwall. (Turn to page to read a review of the iSpa™ lodge.)

Find out more

BOOK A VIEWING or more information or to book a site visit call or email: info

So, why not pay a visit to Southern Halt for a tour of the brand new show lodge? Reservations are now being taken for early 2019 occupation, so get in quick to reserve your very own slice of paradise before somebody else beats you to it!

M e a d ow R e t r e a t Southern Halt, Havett Close, obwalls, iskeard Cornwall, P HB meadow retreat


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G o online to watch our video on the iSpaTM lodge at


Adam and his family enjoying the iSpaTM lodge


iSpa lodge ™

We catch up with Adam O’Brien, who recently enjoyed a relaxing weekend’s break in a luxury iSpaTM lodge.


arlier this summer, Adam O’Brien, his wife and their two- year old son, were bowled over by the beautifully eq uipped iSpa TM lodge at 5 Faraway Fields, Southern Halt, heaping high praise on this sensational and innovative new lodge. “ I t really was a weekend of indulgence for us,” enthuses Adam. “ The whole experience was superb, from the design and use of space to the specifi cation. In a nutshell, the iSpa TM lodge has everything you could possibly want while on holiday. I t was an experience that as a family we would love to have again, and we were very sad to leave!”

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Relax the Hyyge way with a soak in the spa bath or let the warmth of the sauna ease your muscles

lacking, from the state of the art finishes to the stunning panoramic views of rolling countryside. U nlike some luxury stays – that although chic can feel a bit sterile – the lodge has that element of homeliness and cosiness complemented by the opulence of the spa facilities. Charteroak have got the balance just right. My wife and I have a critical eye, but it really was hard to find fault! So, drilling down to the specifi cs, we’re keen to discover exactly what impressed Adam most about the iSpaTM lodge. “ What worked really well is the uniq ue blend of features – notably, the spa and cinema room,” says Adam. “ E ach aspect works really well in its own right. I t’s not just a gimmick that then fails to deliver. I t’s all well thought out, extremely luxurious and fully lives up to expectations.” Take, for example, the cinema room. “ I was seriously impressed! Y ou really feel the full audio- visual experience, like you would at an actual cinema. I t’s not just a large screen screwed to the wall, but a fully immersive experience, and the sound q uality is truly superb.” Adam’s awe continues with the spa itself. “ I t was fantastic! The spa, with its fresh, Scandanavian feel, provided a feeling of genuine escapism – an experience in itself. The sauna is great, the jacuzzi is massive, and the aq ua TV works really well too. I t’s clear that every touch and feature has been carefully considered to enhance the overall experience. These two uniq ue and distinct features combined together seamlessly, delivering something that is above and beyond what you would typically expect.”

The incredible features of these lodges offer the same level of luxury as you would expect to find in a high end hotel, but you get to experience them all to yourself “ From the moment we arrived at Southern Halt we were continually impressed. The smart entrance to the site with its well- maintained grounds (including a very welcoming and hard- working gardener!) and well spaced lodges, giving glimpses through to the stunning Cornish countryside all around, created an immediate sense of arrival and set the tone well for a relaxing escape from the daily grind.”

The incredible features of these lodges offer the same level of lu ury as you would e pect to find in a high end hotel, but you get to experience them all to yourself. Adam comments: “ the grounds are beautifully landscaped, with a natural feel and there’s a green to play games with the kids, and a pretty duck pond and streams to enjoy at your leisure.” Charteroak’s thought process when creating the iSpa TM lodge was to create a sanctuary with facilities exclusively for guests’ personal, private use and this has very much been achieved at Faraway Fields.

As a case in point, ironically, considering the heatwave

Adam continues: “ I nside the lodge itself, it’s hard to imagine a better planned internal space. Nothing is


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| LODGE As a case in point, ironically, considering the heatwave enjoyed throughout June and July, the weather on the weekend of the O’Briens’ visit wasn’t great – not that they noticed! “ I t’s a real testament to how well the lodge performs that the weather had absolutely no impact on our enjoyment of the experience at all,” says Adam. Of course, staying somewhere just for the weekend is very different to investing in a property to enjoy long term. or a start, it has the benefit of the novelty factor. So, why would somebody wish to purchase their own lodge? For Adam, the answer is twofold: both for repeated personal en oyment, but also as a financial investment, offering a potentially high return.


The kitchen and living areas are modern and spacious

“ G iven the facilities of the spa and cinema room, there’s more than enough to keep you entertained, time and time again. But then, combine that with the rest of the lodge, which is beautifully presented – the bedroom, kitchen area and sitting room are all wonderfully appointed. I t’s also surprisingly child- friendly too. Our two- year- old seeks disaster at every opportunity, yet it felt very safe, both inside the lodge and the enclosed decking area. I t’s extremely well- designed in that respect. I t’s a bit like being in a large lu urious hotel suite, but one that benefits from the privacy and seclusion of the setting as well as your own private facilities.” I ndeed, as well as the stunning design, another great benefit is the location. “Southern Halt offers the best of both worlds. Firstly, it’s far enough away from civilisation to feel like a genuine retreat. Y et, eq ually, it’s also conveniently placed for reaching nearby towns and villages, such as Looe, Liskeard and P olperro.”

Find out more


See for yourself what impressed Adam and his family so much about the iSpaTM. For more information or to book a site visit call 01707 601463 or email: info@

As Adam testifi es, the iSpaTM would also be extremely attractive as a holiday let for a couples’ escape. The premium holiday market is evolving, with guests becoming increasingly discerning in search of the ultimate in luxury. So, in light of increasing competition, being able to offer integrated private spa and cinema facilities is a fantastic way to stand out from the crowd. “ The iSpaTM is a really uniq ue idea,” says Adam, “ combining these luxurious features all in one very generous space. I ’ve never seen that before, and I can’t imagine being able to find similar experiences elsewhere – certainly not executed to this high standard.” I n conclusion, Adam sums up the experience neatly. “ The whole weekend was ust a pleasure from start to finish. Charteroak really are trailblazers at the cutting edge of the luxury holiday lodge market. I t’s no exaggeration to say that the iSpa TM could be a blueprint for the future of lodges – I think they’ve got it absolutely right!”


i Spa L od g e Southern Halt, Havett Road, Dobwalls, Liskeard Cornwall P L14 6HB about- southern- halt TM

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G o online to watch our video on the Sky Terrace Lodge at

Find out more BOOK A VIEWING Don’t wait until it’s too late, call the team now to book your viewing and let your Sky Terrace Lodge adventure begin. 01707 601463


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Experience Introducing the new Sky Terrace Lodge Southern Halt Another first in lu ury retreats, the Sky Terrace odge, part of the Hygge Collection at Southern Halt, embraces the Scandinavian philosophy of cosiness and contentment. This lu urious, one bedroom home offers the perfect hideaway, set within its own secluded setting. Climb the cedar steps to access your own private roof terrace and as you look out across the view to the hori on, it’s as if the whole of Cornwall is laid out before you. The interior wow factor matches that of the view. Step out of the master bedroom from the rench doors straight on to a private deck to soak lu uriously in your very own hot tub. The walk in wardrobe is the ultimate in lu ury and the bathroom has both a large shower and deep Jacu i bath. The living area is open plan with twin patio doors that open out on to the deck. A deep sofa provides the ultimate place to rela indoors when watching your favourite film on the wide screen television or listening to music on the Bluetooth sound system. A fully equipped kitchen with state of the art appliances completes the picture of what can only be described as the perfect holiday retreat.

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ç MAIN Matt James

Cornwall is a place you don’t want to leave once here, it gets its hooks into you. I can’t imagine not being here

RIGHT A selection of att’s recent projects, highlighting his techniq ue for stripping things back and letting the setting dictate the planting theme

y r t n u o c The gardener Landscape designer, author and TV presenter Matt James, aka The City Gardener, swaps urban life for the great Cornish countryside.


hile he may have escaped city life, landscape designer and all- round gardening expert Matt James shows no sign of slowing down. I ndeed, he seems to have about ten things going on, at any given time. By his own admission, he has “lots of fingers in lots of pies” , from tending to his own half- acre to designing gardens for others, and running the Landscape Design degrees at The den Pro ect. He even finds a bit of time for dad surfing’.


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| REAL LIFE Matt is known to millions as The City G ardener, who burst onto our screens in 2002, offering a fresh and contemporary take on gardening, bringing much needed greenery to urban spaces. We’re eager to find out how and why the former ondoner of the ear’ traded the big smoke for the countryside. att’s passion for gardens blossomed shortly after school, working at a market garden in south London, “ growing beans and driving around on tractors.” Following a degree in horticulture he began teaching, sharing his natural warmth and passion for plants. Things started to get interesting when a T producer friend suggested he’d be great in front of the camera. So, he put together a showreel, kick- starting a fruitful media career, from The City G ardener to Selling Houses on Channel 4, and G reat British G arden Revival on BBC2, plus stints working across America, and a string of books, several for the Royal Horticultural Society, the most recent being HS How to Plant a arden. But while he’ll always have the city in his heart, the draw of Cornwall proved too much to resist. Matt and his childhood sweetheart, E llie, were looking to escape the ondon rat race and find a rural retreat to raise their family. With great childhood memories of Cornish holidays, and friends already in the area, it all fell into place when a post at Falmouth U niversity came up. “Cornwall is a place you don’t want to leave once here,’ says att. “I get grumpy whenever I’m asked to leave! Cornwall gets its hooks into you. I can’t imagine not being here. We live in a lovely village with great neighbours, it’s friendly and relaxed. P eople actually talk to each other – unlike in ondon! We have ama ing scenery, sea and countryside right on our doorstep.” Matt and E llie love exploring the Helford and nearby beaches with the family. “ Being able to go to the beach straight after work is ama ing! We do lots of kayaking. And, of course, for someone with a passion for gardens, Cornwall provides endless inspiration. “I find places like Trebah arden really inspiring. I sway towards natural, relaxed and atmospheric design, adopting a plants first approach, e plains att. “If a client wants to build a wall, I’ll suggest putting in a hedge! I love natural materials, like oak – I have a particular penchant for rusty chains, and like visiting reclamation yards, exploring that hybrid between older materials and the natural elements.”

A case in point is a current five acre pro ect near eedstown. The previous owner created their own interpretation of a Thai garden, with at least 50 Budhas on site, one of which scaling around foot. att’s approach is to make the landscape more authentic, more sympathetic to the Cornish environment. He refers to this as “ designing with a rubber, rather than a pencil” – the notion of stripping it back to create something less incongruous, embracing the natural environment and letting the landscape speak for itself. As Matt explains, particularly in coastal regions like Cornwall, you have to follow this lead in choice of planting. “In every pro ect, you pick plants that fit the climate, working within the demands of the location and environment. Cornwall has a warmer climate compared to many parts of the U K , but a wetter one too, so the palette of plants is very different. It’s subtropical, verdant, and larger than life; full of form and structure.” att continues: “Any designer should embrace where they’re working, using plants that will thrive. I love coastal gardens – they demand careful thought and can be problematic. Actually, it’s easier to have a tricky site, as it naturally limits the options.” E ssentially, you plant based on what is appropriate for the site itself. If you’re inspired to redesign your own garden, att gives us some invaluable tips. “ Time spent in the garden is important, getting to grips with the space, learning about its characteristics before making wholesale change. I really believe that the landscape tells you what’s best; you ust need to take some time to let it do that! Work with the space, don’t impress upon it. My job is to help you realise that potential.”

Find out more at

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A little


Escape to the lost world of the Hidden Valley Gardens to relax and recharge.


ovingly created and maintained by owners Tricia and P eter Howard, who live on- site, Hidden V alley ardens is a gem of a find that’s off the beaten tourist trail.

Nestled in a hidden valley (as you might have guessed from the name) at Treesmill near owey, there’s an immense sense of calm here and it’s a wonderful place to wander around and en oy some peace and quiet away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist hotspots. nce a wilderness, the award winning planned and planted garden now spans three acres. And there’s plenty packed in with beds and seven borders featuring a host of native and e otic plants. The hot border bursts with a riot of scorching colours in summer, si ling with sunflowers, red and orange dahlias and psychedelic purple foliage, red and silver rubragrass and sword shaped phormiums. THIS IMAGE The I ris Fairy Well

Raised beds have been crafted using the stone from the old barn for plants that en oy drier conditions including herbs and dianthus. There’s also an iris garden, fernery, Japanese garden, potager, primrose garden, herbaceous and cottage garden beds and a editerranean area, which really makes you feel as if you’re abroad. And don’t miss the chance to make a wish at the magical fairy well! Pop by the pond to see innovative bog planting and spy wildlife like toads, gravity defying pond skaters and dancing butterflies; or sit in the shady ga ebo and ga e out across the Cornish countryside. This is a great place to en oy a catch up with an old friend or a romantic walk with a loved one and thanks to a genius free qui sheet to keep the kids entertained, the whole family will find something to en oy. Seating is strategically placed around the garden making it easy to take a break if you need to and dogs are very welcome on leads. on’t worry if you’re a bit of a gardening amateur plants are well labelled and there is a printed leaflet available which takes you on a tour of the beds and the diverse plant species they contain. Typically open from arch to ctober, the garden recently acquired a new snowdrop collection and now also opens by appointment in ebruary to those wanting to view these delicate winter wonders. roup bookings are also taken outside regular opening hours. Peter also recently added a small orchard to the plot growing fruits of the season and there’s also seasonal pick your own strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and tayberries (whilst stocks last!).


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THIS IMAGE The Mediterranean beds in front of the gazebo ABOVE LEFT The main house is surrounded by beautiful raised beds

THIS IMAGE wners Tricia and Peter surrounded by hundreds of vibrant dahlias BELOW RIGHT The pretty garden studio

eep an eye out for the birds and the bees too – bees love all the flowers to be found here and bird life including ays, nuthatches, swallows and woodpeckers fill the air with song and sounds. There are plenty of rabbits around and deer have been spotted too. The Howards always have one eye on their environmental impact and collect rainwater for watering as well as composting their waste material. They recently installed a new water feature, which is solar powered and the whole space has been planned with the topography and climate of the site in mind.

Find out more HIDDEN VALLY GARDENS V isit the website for more information, details of events, a gallery of images and directions: Hidden Valley Gardens, Treesmill, Par, Cornwall PL24 2TU T: 01208 873225

Admission costs £ 5 for adults, children are free, and this includes a tea or coffee which you can help yourself to in the dedicated Tea Hut. There are also some wonderful homemade cakes on offer if you’re feeling peckish. If you’re feeling inspired and your green fingers are twitching to create your own hidden garden at home, make sure you stop off at the impressive plant nursery. Here you’ll find traditional and more unusual plant species that are mostly propagated on site and often from seeds in the garden. The garden is well signposted from main routes and has plenty of free parking. pening times are from arch to ctober between am and pm, Thursday to onday. The garden is also open by appointment for snowdrop walks in February.

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Matt Jessop


A wild


An ancient landscape of varied terrain, steeped in mystery and abundant with wildlife... nothing beats a hearty stroll around Bodmin Moor.


here’s something magical about Bodmin Moor that’s hard to put your finger on. Perhaps it’s that feeling of wide open space; of the natural rugged beauty of the ancient land; the rich and varied landscape, from flat heathland and rising tors, occasionally dissected by flowing rivers and lush woodland. Humans have been captivated by this enchanting region for millennia, as highlighted by the many ancient monuments left behind. There are scores of stone circles, crosses, ceremonial sites and burial grounds to be found in and around the moor, including the Hurlers near the village of inions and nearby Trethevy Q uoit. The land is steeped in legend, from tales of K ing Arthur, the Lady of the Lake and the sword E xcalibur – allegedly taking place at Dozmary P ool – to the mythical ‘ Beast of Bodmin’, a supposed big cat occasionally sighted prowling the moor. With a section previously known as Fowey Moor, having only acq uired the title Bodmin Moor relatively recently (the earliest known reference being in 1812), the moor occupies around 80 sq uare miles of land in north central Cornwall. It’s easily accessible from both our sites, at Southern Halt and Stonerush Lakes. The moor is also home to the ancient coaching inn, The Jamaica I nn, famously immortalised in Daphne Du Maurier’s novel of the same name, featuring a band of smugglers and with much of the action taking place in this wild landscape. The moor is replete with wonderfully named sites and geographical features, including the highest point in Cornwall, Brown Willy, and the slightly smaller though eq ually impressive Rough Tor. Another fascinating feature is the ‘ Cheesewring’, a mighty, top- heavy, naturally forming stack of granite slabs ominously piled on top of each other in a

ç MAIN Scaling the heights of Rough Tor

BELOW Hidden crofts and moorland ponies are just some of the things you’ll discover on a moorland walk

precarious balance, like a giant’s game of Jenga. I ndeed, local legend claims the formation is in fact the result of an ancient rock throwing contest between a giant and a man. Just below the ‘ Cheesewring’ is a cave, occupied by one Daniel G umb in the 18th century to avoid paying taxes. Meanwhile, granite from the nearby Cheesewring Q uarry was used to clad the iconic Tower Bridge in London. Parts of the moor fall within a Site of Special Scientific I nterest and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. I t has also been designated an I mportant Bird Area by Birdlife I nternational, owing to its 260 or so breeding pairs of E uropean stonechats and 10,000 E urasian golden plovers which can be found over the winter months. I ndeed, as well as its huge range of livestock – including around 10,000 beef cows and 55,000 sheep – the moor is a haven for wildlife, from semi- wild ponies by the roadside to birds of prey. For both the avid walker and simply those who delight in a gentle stroll in the countryside, there is plenty to enjoy. There are many circular walks to be taken in and around the moor, catering for all abilities, from easy to moderate riverside ambles, to more adventurous treks and climbs, scaling the mighty tors. For full and up- to- date details on a range of walks, it’s always best to consult a good recent guide book or online guide, with specific marker points to guide you along your journey. As always, with any walk, it’s important to plan your route ahead, and check the latest information on specific routes, as there is occasional re routing due to weather damage or temporary closures. Likewise, it’s essential to ensure you have a good pair of boots, clothing for all eventualities and plenty of supplies – a picnic, well- stocked with local Cornish delicacies, is an absolute must!


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| WALKS Rock Newquay





St Ives


Bodmin St Austell

V isit Cornwall - Adam G ibbard


Bear in mind that, while stunning in its beauty, parts of the moor can be very exposed to the elements and the weather can change q uickly, so having a wind and waterproof coat to hand is always a good idea, even on a seemingly bright day. At the same time, while it may sound obvious, you don’t want to find yourselves stranded, so if embarking on a circular route ensure its practical to complete in the time you have, once you’re committed – unsurprisingly, phone signal isn’t always fantastic out on the moor! Walking on the moor is perfect with the dog too, although always be aware not to disturb wildlife and livestock. There are some simple rules to follow when walking in the countryside, to ensure it’s left as you found it, and it may be advisable to keep your dog on a lead in certain areas. But, don’t let these small caveats put you off, and with just a little pre- planning, there’s nothing better than a hike through the glorious Cornish countryside.

P hillip Capper

V isit Cornwall - Adam G ibbard

One of the many streams that criss- cross Bodmin Moor

E ach visit to Bodmin Moor rewards with new discoveries as the landscape shifts with the seasons, and you’ll never tire of new routes to explore. Don’t forget your camera too, to capture those special moments and fabulous views, and if you have them, binoculars, for wildlife spotting – though watch out for that Beast of Bodmin! Wherever you choose to start your next adventure, you’re never too far from a traditional country pub. So make sure you find a nice spot to mark your halfway point, or celebrate the end of the walk with a hearty lunch and a glass of something cold and refreshing.

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| ç LEFT

Stunning harbour views from The Square at P orthleven

Embracing autumn The changing of the season brings hearty produce, perfect for warming your soul as the nights begin to draw in.


Seasonal seafood at the Bedruthan Hotel


s highlighted in our interview with Margaret Brown, who owns a lodge at Stonerush Lakes (see page 14), one of the great draws to Cornwall – other than its fabulous coastline and countryside, of course – is the food. P adstow, for instance, has long held a reputation as a foodie Mecca, and many other towns and villages, P orthleven being one example, are following suit, reinventing themselves as top culinary destinations. This phenomenon reflects not only the country’s appetite for quality food and drink with a clear provenance, but – crucially – Cornwall’s ability to sate it.

When it comes to eating fresh, local produce – and why would you desire anything else? – each season brings its own delights. So, as autumn once again returns, we say: don’t resist the change of season, but rather positively embrace it! After all, autumn presents the opportunity to indulge in some hearty, warming food. We’ve tracked down some of Cornwall’s top chefs, to give us the lowdown on the seasonal wonders that will be gracing their menus this autumn, as well as providing insight on what makes this time of year so special for foodies.


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Tom Hunter, Head Chef at the Bedruthan Hotel

“ We chefs love autumn!” So says Tom Hunter, Head Chef at the Bedruthan Hotel ( “ We can move away from the lighter dishes of summer as the evenings get darker. We see the beginning of the game season and root vegetables and mushrooms become readily available. What I also love about the beginning of autumn is that we have this great little micro- season, where some of the summer vegetables like peas and runner beans are available at the same time as roots, squashes and pumpkins. This allows us to create dishes with ingredients that are only available at the same time for such a short period.” Tom tells us more about the ingredients he will be using this autumn. “ Root vegetables begin to be available, and parsnips and celeriac are two of our favourites for purees and, particularly, soups. I t is a great season for wild mushrooms such as G irolles and Wood Blewits, which will be a regular addition to our autumn menus. We tend to use them as garnishes, but they can equally be the star in a simple wild mushroom risotto or sauté ed in butter on a wonderful piece of buttered sourdough.” Tom continues: “ G ame is also a big part of our autumn menus. I t starts with grouse in August, then moves on to red- legged partridge and pheasants. We also love wild deer from the Tregothnan E state, here in Cornwall.” So what is Tom’s favourite seasonal star? “It has to be artichoke. They have an original and distinctive flavour; nothing else tastes quite like them! Jerusalem artichoke soup is my autumn soup of choice. P erhaps with some lovely wild mushrooms, or the best combination to my mind is to serve them with smoked haddock.” Tom provides his own delicious artichoke and hake recipe with us below – perhaps one to try yourself, from the comfort of your new lodge? ê BELOW Autumnal flavours at The Square at Porthleven

Bryok Williams, Head Chef at The Square at Porthleven (, is another chef who excitedly awaits the changing of the season. “ As the weather cools,” enthuses Bryok, “ my mind turns from the crisp, bright summer ingredients to think about earthy flavours, slow roasts and the deeper colours of autumn.. Braised lentils, roast squash and caramelised apples to go with a lovely piece of pork, crackled to perfection!” Andrew Snell, Head Chef at G reens of P adstow (www., adds: “ Autumn for me is a great season! I love to go out blackberry picking with my family around the Cornish hedgerows, collecting the freshest berries. The best thing to do with them is a classic apple and blackberry crumble, served with clotted cream, and this will be arriving on our menu soon.” Andrew also notes that the season is great for local fi sh too, “with the water still warm enough to keep a lot of species around. We will be using hake on the menu throughout autumn.”

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Located within the beautiful Stonerush Lakes resort in South Cornwall, the Old ill restaurant o ers the perfect settin to enjoy a delicious meal or rela in drink


T O MAKE A RE SE RVATI ON PLE ASE EM AI L o ld mi ll@ OR CALL 01503 220 220 1

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Cosy up in the bar with a pre- dinner drink before sampling the delights of the menu at The Old Mill

Stonerush Lakes boasts its very own restaurant, The Old Mill, where Head Chef Callum Royle has created a dynamic and vibrant menu using q uality, local produce. His signature dish uses fish sourced from Simply ish in ooe, ust a few miles away.

Callum Royle’s ‘Pan fried seabass with confit tomatoes, basil and salsa verde on a bed of asparagus.’ INGREDIENTS (SERVES 4) Seabass ( fillets per person) Cornish sea salt and cracked black peppercorns Olive oil Asparagus ( stems per person) Tomatoes ( per person) Basil ( bunch) Mint (1/ 4 to the amount of basil) G arlic cloves thinly sliced ( medium large si ed) Cucumber diced small (1/ 3 of a cucumber) Baby capers from brine (small medium handful)


or the salsa verde, roughly chop the basil and mint, slice the garlic, dice the cucumber, drain the capers and add to 100ml of good q uality olive oil – season to taste and set aside.


To confit the tomatoes, halve, season and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


Prepare the seabass fillet by scoring the skin about an inch apart across the fillet, then season generously on both sides before frying in hot olive oil, starting skin side down until the edges of the fillet turn golden (about minutes).


While the fish is cooking, boil the asparagus with a pinch of salt until soft (about minutes). nce the skin on the fish is crispy, flip the fillets, and fry for a further seconds, before removing from the pan, draining off any excess oil.


Plate the fish, asparagus and tomatoes while piping hot and dri le with the fresh salsa verde – en oy!

Find out more

THE OLD MILL BAR & RESTAURANT Table reservations are availale from 5: 30pm to 8: 30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, ridays and Saturdays. oldmill@ 01503 220220

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A winter

wonderland Wrap up warm this winter and enjoy the Christmas revelry with a host of festivities happening across Cornwall.


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é ABOVE The magic of Fowey Christmas Market


ut- of- season and winter breaks are becoming ever more popular in Cornwall, as visitors seek time to explore with fewer crowds about and experience a different side to Cornwall’s character. The winter months are all about getting cosy around roaring fires, delighting in festive music and entertainment and savouring the rich, spice- infused food and drink on offer across harbour market stalls. I f you are visiting with your family, perhaps the grandchildren, then they certainly won’t tire of things to do, with Santa making appearances across the county and countless festive trails to enjoy. But whoever said that Christmas is just for the little ones? We all know that’s nonsense, and there’s just as much fun to keep the grown ups entertained across Cornwall too. Just imagine that steaming mug of mulled wine in your hands, sweet treats infused with cinnamon and nutmeg to tuck into, and carols filling the air! Over the following pages, we select just a few highlights to help you plan your festive adventures. Remember dates and details can always change – especially those that are weather dependent – so visit the respective websites for all the latest, up to date information ahead of your visit!

“Nadelik lowen!” 01707 601463

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TOP Truro

City of Lights, Truro (21st November 2018)

The City of Lights in Truro is certainly one to put in your diary if you happen to be in Cornwall at the tail end of November. What could be more magical than a beautiful parade of intricately designed paper lanterns through the city streets? The sheer scale and complexity of these works of art really needs to be seen to be believed.



I t’s a wonderfully enchanting event that brings together the whole community, with the lanterns created in the months leading up to the event in workshops by schools, community groups and skilled artists. E very year, their creations are inspired by an overall theme, such as the recent ‘ glow’. Some of the more imaginative and elaborate lanterns in the past have included a giraffe, a giant sq uid and even the king of rock and roll himself, lvis Presley! As well as the lanterns themselves, there’s usually plenty of music and dance to immerse yourself in too, with lively processions through the streets, typically including a range of styles such as samba, pipes and drums and brass bands. A visit to the City of Lights is the perfect way to get the season started in style.

www cityo i hts or uk


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Fowey Christmas Market

(30th November to 2nd December) This popular festive market in the pretty south coast harbour town returns again for its 14th year, presenting the perfect opportunity for picking up that special something for that special someone. Last year’s event, which showcased over 200 exhibitors in total, attracted over 10,000 visitors across the weekend, and 2018 looks set to be even better. Across three days, the town comes alive with stalls, food, music, lights and much more. The ‘ A Bite of Cornwall’ Christmas Food & Drink Market promises a plethora of tasty Cornish delights to sink your teeth into (or take home for friends and family, if you can resist the temptation). E xpect a hog roast with lots of cider and mulled wine to wash it down, in addition to the many café s and restaurants dotted across the town serving award- winning food. What’s more, this year, the organisers have announced an additional venue, bringing even more festive delight with 50 additional traders hosted in the Leisure Centre. I f previous years are anything to go by, keep a look out for children’s choirs, big band swing, samba, Santa’s arrival by boat and the traditional procession, as well as the big switch on of the lights. owey really knows how to get festive!. 01707 601463

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Padstow Christmas Festival (6th to 9th December 2018)

Brought to you by Cornwall’s culinary holy trinity, Rick Stein and the Michelin- starred P aul Ainsworth and Nathan Outlaw, the P adstow Christmas Festival is always a real highlight of the winter calendar. E xpect Christmas markets, chef demonstrations, loads of fantastic food – and don’t forget the incredible fireworks display over the harbour. As you’d imagine from this north coast foodie destination, the market is a haven of q uality food and drink producers, showcasing the very best of the South West. P revious exhibitors have included Cornish Meadow P reserves, The Cornish Crepe Co., P adstow Farm Shop, and Rodda’s, to give just a small example of the typical delights that await you. But whilst food is understandably a huge part of the festival, there’s lots else besides, with arts and crafts stalls promising all manner of goodies and gifts to peruse. Throughout its duration, the town plays host to countless events and activities to get everyone in the festive spirit. Witness, for example, the marvel of hundreds of Santas taking part in the annual Santa Fun Run – one of many similar such events in towns across Cornwall in aid of the charity Cornwall Hospice Care.


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Christmas at Eden

(24th November to 30 December) The great thing about the E den P roject is that it really does change with the seasons, ensuring a notably different experience upon every visit. Christmas at E den guarantees a truly magical experience for all. Of course, it’s a great place to visit if you have children or grandchildren in tow – the little ones can meet Santa and his elves and also enjoy some festive storytelling. But it’s eq ually enchanting for grown ups too! very year, the ice rink returns for skating and there are usually lots of seasonal activities, food and gifts to entice you. I n recent years, the Festival of Light and Sound has been popular, as the Biomes and night sky have been dramatically lit up with laser light shows accompanied by rousing music. This year, look out for the festive plant displays to meander through in the Mediterranean Biome.

The Mousehole Lights (15th December switch on)

Needless to say, Christmas just isn’t Christmas without the beautiful light displays across the country, getting everyone in the mood for the big day. I t’s particularly special in a Cornish harbour village or town, watching the lights twinkle and reflect off the water’s surface as the boats gently bob up and down. One of Cornwall’s most famous and popular displays is in the far west, in the beautiful seaside village of Mousehole in Mount’s Bay, just around the bay from P enzance. The poet Dylan Thomas once described Mousehole as “ the loveliest village in E ngland” , and it’s hard to disagree with this sentiment. Returning in 2018 for its 55th year, the Mousehole Lights display is truly spectacular, often with elaborate floating displays in the harbour itself. Things kick off at the entrance of North Q uay with an open air Carolaire service, featuring the Mousehole Male V oice Choir, Members of the Mousehole Methodist Church and the P endeen Silver Band.

Mike Newman

On 19 th December, the lights are traditionally turned off between 8pm and 9 pm in respect for the lifeboat men who tragically lost their lives in the 19 81 Solomon Browne lifeboat disaster.

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TOP Father Chirstmas pays a visit to Lanhydrock

© National Trust I mages/ Andreas von E insiedel


Christmas at the National Trust (Throughout the winter)


Lanhydrock bedecked with Christmas spirit

© National Trust I mages/ Chris Lacey

The National Trust really knows how to do Christmas in style, with all the trimmings. For starters, you can guarantee some tasty seasonal delights in the café and plenty of wonderful gifts in the shop for friends and family back home. What’s more, all of the Trust’s beautiful and grand Cornish properties and gardens are easily accessed from both Southern Halt and Stonerush Lakes. A popular attraction across the National Trust in previous years has been the traditional ‘ green’ Father Christmas, presenting a refreshingly unusual alternative to the red version we all know!

© National Trust I mages

INSET Cotehele’s magnificent garland

We recommend paying a visit to Lanhydrock on the outskirts of Bodmin for a proper V ictorian country house Christmas. I t’s the perfect setting for indulging in seasonal delights. After all, it was largely the V ictorians who brought in many of the traditions we know and love today. Another particular favourite that you really should seek out if you can is the incredible garland in the great hall at Cotehele. This Tudor manor house is situated just west of the Tamar near Saltash. The great garland, which hangs majestically from the ceiling, spanning the length of the room, is a wonderful tradition that returns year on year and really is a sight to behold! eanwhile, Trelissick, near eock, ust outside of Truro, is another National Trust gem, that’s great for a visit over Christmas. This grand country pile looks over the Carrick Roads, miles of waterways, rivers and creeks that lead out towards Falmouth and into the E nglish Channel. I f great food and drink, a beautiful setting and slice of history sounds tempting, then the ational Trust ticks all the bo es!


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Mike Newman


Christmas in Penzance (Throughout the winter)

E very Christmas, there’s a whole host of festivities going on in and around P enzance, including the turning on of the Christmas lights, the town trail, live music and fantastic window displays with a popular competition to choose the best one, typically around a specific theme.


Truro Cathedral bathed in Christmas lights

A P enzance procession


Mike Newman

Montol Festival is an ancient festival celebrating the midwinter solstice, traditionally held on 21st December in the streets of P enzance. This magical and mysterious event brings you much closer to an ancient winter celebration, with a real pagan feel courtesy of the masked street entertainers. Cap off the experience with a wander around the various market stalls, sampling the delicious food and homemade wares.

Carols at the Cathedral (December)

Whilst you’re in Cornwall, what could possibly be more Christmassy than a visit to Truro Cathedral to hear – and possibly even participate in – carol singing and beautiful choral music? Truro Cathedral has played host to some breathtaking concerts over the years, reminding us of the real meaning behind Christmas. December is usually packed with a varied calendar of events from the more formal to the relaxed and casual – in previous years, pets have even been invited in for a special Christmas service! This is just a small taster of the many events and attractions to experience across Cornwall this winter. E ach village and town has its own festivities, from traditional pantos and carol services to market stalls and fairs. I n Looe, for example, New Y ear’s E ve sees thousands of people in fancy dress take to the streets, and the town’s fireworks display – launched from Ban o Pier – is a real spectacle! Turn over to discover more... We excitedly await news of what this year brings.

Of course, sometimes, the best thing to do is simply head to your location of choice, then follow the sound of music and the smell of delicious winter warmer food! Wherever you find yourselves, we hope you have a fantastic winter right here in Cornwall. 01707 601463

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Experience New Year’s Eve Fireworks Looe Celebrating New Y ear’s E ve is something that the historic fishing town of ooe does in style, with thousands of people in fancy dress visiting for a huge informal street party. isted as one of the ’s top ew ear’s ve destinations, local restaurants and pubs oin in the celebrations, welcoming in the ew ear with the pi ce de r sistance of the night being not one, but two spectacular fireworks displays. amilies with young children can en oy the first display that takes place early evening from the town’s Ban o Pier, best viewed from the seafront promenade, in advance of the traditional main display at the stroke of midnight.

Find out more LOOE


For more information visit or call Looe Tourist I nformation Centre on 01503 262072.

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n o i t a n i t Des



Mevagissey harbour

A twin-harboured haven of zig-zagging streets and hidden gems.

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he E xperience team are natural born explorers — and, home or away, we’re always most relaxed when we’re close to the sea. So it’s no wonder Mevagissey is right at the top of our list of Cornish hotspots.

The village nestles in a small valley facing east to Mevagissey Bay, its traditional cob and slate buildings creating a colourful labyrinth that’s choc- full of hidden gems. G ems like the freeto- enter aq uarium in the old lifeboat house where you’ll come face- to- face with many of the underwater locals including crabs, lobster and a variety of fish. Named after the I rish saints St Meva and St I ssey, there’s been a hamlet here since at least 1313 (when it was known as P orthilly). Local discoveries dating back to the Bronze Age suggest people have lived here for thousands of years.

Not content with just one harbour, Mevagissey has two — east and west each filled with colourful boats that still include a fishing fleet floating home a daily catch of fresh lobster, skate, plaice and sole to feed the numerous e cellent local fish and chip shops and seafood restaurants. Restaurants like the teeny but amazing Salamander – make sure you book early to secure your spot! Rather catch your own tea? Fishing trips run regularly from the harbour. Anyone can try their hand at catching mackerel and they’re divine smoked fresh on the barbeq ue. The more adventurous might like to try venturing a little further out for wreck fishing to catch some ling, pollock or even shark. r, if you just fancy getting out on the water without having to work, why not plan a sightseeing trip? Seals, dolphins and basking sharks are regular visitors to the waters here.

Lorna Tremayne

And you don’t need to look very far in the village to find evidence of the smugglers who used to call this home. Drink in the atmosphere of secrecy at the Ship I nn, where the low ceilings and dark corners have hardly changed since those 17th century raiders connived here.

Adam G ibbard

It’s a place with a colourful past – filled with pilchards and plunder. In the th century fishermen here prospered from the plentiful supply of pilchards found in the waters of the Bay. Discover more about the village in days gone by in the surprising Mevagissey Museum. I t’s packed with information and exhibits on the history of the town and free to enter.


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Beach bunnies can head north to sandy P entewan Beach for a watersports outing, or south to secluded little P ortmellon for a plunge into the waves. Active types will love to walk or cycle the P entewan trail as far as St Austell, taking in stunning countryside along an old railway line, the banks of the St Austell River and through some beautiful woodland sections. For an afternoon tea stop off, wind down at Tea on the Q uay on the West Wharf. At this dog friendly café the grub is locally sourced and the cakes all homemade and seasonal – so no two days are ever the same. From free- range mini q uiches to delicious salt- baked jacket spuds, the savoury choices are pretty awesome too. And it all comes with a sea view to wash it down. For sensational pub grub you can’t do much better than the K ing’s Arms. Run by K ris and Helen Nathan, the menu includes delights from lobster with tarragon mayo and fennel salad or a simpler cheddar toastie and chilli. All the bread is baked fresh at the microbakery on site – and you can buy a loaf or pasties to take away, or to enjoy with your pint of local ale. The pub’s Barrel and Mackerel Food Foundation also runs twice- monthly courses on cooking and food prep – from pasta making to filleting and butchery. P erched on a hillside above the village, be sure to pay a visit to Heligan estate! The ancestral home of the Tremayne family, it’s now most famous for the Lost G ardens of Heligan, which were rescued from decay in 19 9 6 by Sir Tim Smit (founder of the E den P roject) and are now open to the public. ç LEFT

The I talian G arden at Heligan G ardens

Adam G ibbard

Mud Maid at The Lost G ardens of Heligan


Mevagissey harbour

Named after the Irish saints St Meva and St Issey, there’s been a hamlet here since at least 1313 (when it was known as Porthilly) Here you’ll find remarkable gardens filled with e otic plants including giant rhododendron and camellias, as well as E urope’s only surviving pineapple pit. This wasn’t voted E ngland’s best garden by in- the- know viewers of the BBC’s G ardener’s World for nothing! Love a party? Drop by in the last week of June for Mevagissey east Week – packed with food, choirs and bands, flora dances, parades, boat and raft races and a huge firework display.

If a place with narrow, higgledy roads tumbling down to the briny blue and filled with one o shops, restaurants and galleries is your kind of heaven, then we’d recommend you put Mevagissey on your bucket list. Pronto. 01707 601463

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| ç MAIN The rugged clifftop above the village

TOP Traditional fisherman’s cottages line the village streets

Adam G ibbard

BELOW The famous Harbour Light Tea G arden

n o i t a n i Dest


romantic fishin villa e set in an ancient landscape


et between Tintagel and Bude on the rugged north Cornish coast, Boscastle is an enchanting village that’s steeped in history and mythology and is full of tall tales and fables that are just waiting to be discovered.

Sitting at the point where three rivers meet, many of us will have heard of Boscastle because of the devastating flash floods that hit the national headlines in . Since then the village has bounced back and this is a truly romantic spot for a day out, with the river winding down past Cornish stone and white painted cottages to the narrow man- made harbour and out to sea. Boscastle nestles between green valley sides and there’s a real feel of being in a very different and untouched world. The oldest building here (once a pigsty) has been converted into the higgledy- piggledy Harbour Light Tea oom. Inside you’ll find an ama ing photographic record of the flooding as well as Cornish pasties and cream teas that are difficult to beat.

Artists and authors have often been inspired by the rugged remoteness of Boscastle, including the famous V ictorian writer Thomas Hardy who worked as an architect on St Juliot’s Church and met his first wife mma in the village. Hardy’s third book, A Pair of Blue yes, was based on his experiences here and you can walk in his footsteps from the ld ectory to the church where you’ll find memorials to both Hardys on the north wall. The Wellington Hotel boasts Hardy as a previous guest, alongside Sir Henry I rving, and Dambuster G uy G ibson C. ook for the marker in the bar to see how high the flood waters rose here. And watch out if you choose to stay the night – the Wellington is one of Cornwall’s oldest coaching I nns and is said to be haunted by phantoms reportedly including a coachman with frilly shirt and ponytail, a little girl and a woman who leapt to her death from the tower. I n the 19 th century Boscastle was a busy port. I t was chosen as the only viable place for a harbour along this 40 mile section of treacherous north Cornish coastline.


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Boscastle’s hidden harbour is a haven for local fishing boats

Before the railway came to Camelford in 189 3 it was the only way to bring heavy goods to the area. As many as ships a year would come in and out of here, bringing timber, coal and other heavy goods from south Wales, Bristol and even as far as Canada. Twisting and narrow, the harbour at Boscastle is not the easiest to navigate and Meachard Rock at the mouth of the inlet provides an additional ha ard. Boats could not enter here unaided and were towed by a boat called a hobbler rowed by eight oarsmen, whilst more men on shore used ropes to keep ships in the channel. Around Boscastle you’re truly in the presence of the ancients and the past whispers all around you. Walk out in either direction for spectacular scenery and find clues to more hidden stories. The cliff of Willapark stands sentinel over one side of the harbour and on the summit, where you’ll now see a sq uare whitewashed tower, evidence has been found of an I ron Age cliff castle. Humans have lived on this hill for over years. Just further inland, there’s one of the three best examples of the medieval Celtic farming method of crop rotation – the Forrabury Stitches. Over on the other side of the harbour sits P enally P oint and beneath it a natural blow- hole known as the Devil’s Bellows. About an hour either side of high- tide this thumps water out and, in the right conditions, it will snort a hori ontal waterspout halfway across the harbour entrance! Q uite a sight.

Around Boscastle you’re truly in the presence of the ancients and the past whispers all around you. While you’re in town be sure to plan a visit to the enchanting independent Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. Here you’ll find over intriguing ob ects of witchcraft, magic and the occult over two floors. And if you want more, why not drink further from the cup of forbidden knowledge with one of the museum’s candlelit evenings (with or without spooky stories) or a tour around Boscastle with local folklorist and author Steve P atterson to discover sea witches and saints. Finally, for a truly mystical experience make the three- mile pilgrimage to the sacred site of St Nectan’s G len – a 60ft high waterfall set in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This is one of the U K ’s most spectacular and poetic sites, coloured by legends of healing waters, faery lore and mystical spirit guardians. Bring your wellies to paddle in the shallow pool and get the best view of the site.

ake time out to make your own oscastle story soon – it s a reat spot to make a le end or two! 01707 601463

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A Cornish Christmas with Charteroak Southern Halt

Stonerush Lakes

Christmas is a special time of year and there’s no better place to enjoy it than in the heart of Cornwall spending time with family and loved ones in a lodge at either Southern Halt or Stonerush akes. oaring log fires and plenty of Christmas cheer make a Cornish Christmas one to remember. Days can be spent exploring the rugged coastline, taking woodland walks or visiting some of Cornwall’s excellent Christmas markets and light displays. After a day out, where better to return to than the comfort and relaxation of your cosy lodge? Whilst staying at either site, why not take the opportunity to visit the Old Mill at Stonerush Lakes for a festive meal or a rela ing drink by the fire. As they say in Cornwall

Nadelik Lowen!


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Find out more CHRISTMAS EVENTS Turn to page 72 to discover Christmas events across the Duchy.

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E ach lodge comes with a range of exterior options

The Hygge Collection

Follow the path to ultimate wellbeing with the latest luxurious o erin from harteroak



The bedrooms are generous and extremely comfortable

G o online to watch the video on the Hygge Collection at


he Scandinavians know a thing or two about wellbeing. In fact, they’ve got it down to a fine art in the form of ‘ Hygge’, a way of life that’s all about comfort, happiness and relaxation. We’ve taken the best bits of this concept and instilled them into our own luxurious offering, the Hygge Collection, which promises the perfect retreat in the beautiful Cornish countryside. The Hygge Collection is a group of imaginatively designed lodges, specifically created for Charteroak’s delightful rural settings. I ndeed, we believe it would be q uite a challenge to


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Hygge lodges are beautiful from the outside in

find a more sumptuous finish in such stunning locations. E ach one- bedroom lodge is designed to make the most of its environment within beautifully landscaped grounds, providing both great privacy and supreme indulgence. What’s more, depending on your chosen lodge, there’s a selection of innovative designs and features to enjoy. Y ou could even create your own bespoke hideaway, tailored exactly to your needs. After all, why settle for anything less? At the heart of each home is the master bedroom, designed with relaxation and comfort in mind.

new collection of lod es, inspired by the Scandinavian concept of y e meanin cosiness and comfort is now available at Southern alt or a preview of the iSpaTM od e turn to pa e

What could be more rewarding than returning from a day’s adventures to your lavish bedroom suite, complete with a four poster bed and a freestanding bath? Other features available in some lodges include walk- in wardrobes, dropdown TV s, and direct access through the French doors to your own private hot tub, set into the deck. E ssentially, whatever your idea of luxury is, Charteroak will strive to make it happen. For the movie buffs, there’s the option of your very own private cinema with big screen and reclining seats – you’ll

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just need to bring the popcorn! The bathrooms are simply fabulous, featuring either double showers or deep jacuzzi baths depending on preference. The jewel in the crown of the Hygge Collection, exploring the concept to its fullest, has to be the iSpa™ lodge.

For the ultimate in indulgence, supreme luxury and a deep sense of wellbeing, it can only be the stunning Hygge Collection from Charteroak. Turn to page 31 for a full review of the iSpa™ Lodge.

This ground- breaking lodge has a breathtaking wellness room with double whirlpool bath, aq ua TV and a relaxing sauna. I n all of the lodges in the collection, the main living areas – finished with deep sofas, widescreen televisions and Bluetooth sound systems – are made for lazy summer days or q uiet nights in. I f you enjoy cooking, you’ll love the beautifully designed kitchens, which are fully- eq uipped with everything you could need to create your next culinary masterpiece. In another first, we present the ama ing Sky Terrace lodge, featuring your own private roof terrace to make the most of the panoramic vista. The whole of Cornwall is laid out before you with stunning views towards the far horizon.

Find out more

BOOK A VIEWING For more information or to book a site visit call 01707 601463 or email: info@


The state- of- the- art cinema room


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Modern family living BELOW The kitchens are modern and fully- eq ipped

Presenting two stunning new developments from Metis Homes, Old Station Park in Sutton Scotney and Forest Walk on the outskirts of Farnham


uch like Charteroak, sister company and award- winning new homes builder, Metis Homes is known for its commitment to q uality and attention to detail. Creating beautifully designed individual homes in stunning settings across Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and Dorset, with only the finest fi tures and fittings, their pursuit of e cellence sets them apart from the competition and has led to prestigious industry awards. We take a look at two new gorgeous developments in the south of E ngland, both featuring wonderful interiors, high- spec designer kitchens, chic downlighting and sumptuous bathrooms.

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Old Station Park, Sutton Scotney Occupying what was once the yard of Sutton Scotney station, Old Station P ark sits within a delightful thriving village, surrounded by beautiful countryside and within easy reach of Winchester, Andover and Basingstoke. The village originally grew up as a major crossroads on the route from London to Salisbury, and today has become a popular place to call home. With the creation of Old Station P ark you have the opportunity to do the same. Comprising a selection of three, four and five bedroom houses and one and two bedroom apartments, each of these attractive homes has been designed to Metis Homes’ awardwinning q uality standards.

There are good schools and amenities within easy reach, whilst nearby Winchester – freq uently voted one of the most desirable places to live in Britain – offers Michelin star dining, boutiq ue shopping, theatre and the arts, and plenty of history and culture to immerse yourself in. With a mainline train station nearby you can be in central London within an hour, whilst there are good road links connecting to nearby towns. As a result, Old Station P ark presents the best of country living with the added convenience of having all you need within easy reach. P rices range from £ 415,000 to £ 785,000.

ou’ll find a plethora of wonderful country pubs on your doorstep. The Coach and Horses is at the heart of traditional village life, serving great food seven days a week. Beyond the village you’ll find The Wonston Arms and the Swan Inn at Barton Stacey. The surrounding countryside is intersected with ancient pathways, providing ample opportunity to get out into the fresh air, whether on foot or two wheels.

ABOVE E xterior of Old Station P ark show home ê BELOW

The stunning show home bedroom


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| FEATURE Forest Walk, Farnham

Metis Homes introduces a collection of eight superb three and four bedroom homes, in the South Downs National P ark, combining modern family living with the great outdoors. Surrounded by acres of ancient woodland, the q uiet setting of Bucks Horn Oak is an idyllic place in which to put down roots. A curtain of green encircles Forest Walk, with Alice Holt Forest providing a verdant boundary to this exclusive development. Designed to perfectly harmonise with their lush rural setting, most of the homes have their own private driveway and all have ample parking in addition to generous, secluded gardens. Just over four miles away, the town of Farnham is steeped in history, with a 12th century castle overlooking the town, complete with the 320 acres of medieval deer park. The narrow streets and delightful courtyards are lively and welcoming with a wide variety of shops, restaurants, café s, pubs and art galleries, many housed in listed buildings. arnham boasts some of the finest eorgian architecture in the south of E ngland. For the foodies, there are regular farmers’ markets, along with a weekly Country Market and a monthly market at Farnham Maltings, the town’s vibrant community arts centre. Stunning countryside is the hallmark of this beautiful corner of E ngland, where miles of footpaths meander through National Trust land. With the North Downs and Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty so close, the rolling chalk downs, flower rich grasslands, heaths and ancient woodlands offer an ideal haven for wildlife, while the sandy beaches at Frensham P onds provide the perfect playground for nature lovers of all ages, along with swimming, sailing and fishing.

Just beyond Alice Holt Forest, Frensham Common shares some of the best walking, riding and cycling in southern ngland. What’s more, the popular Blacknest olf and Country Club is also nearby, ideal for enjoying a few leisurely rounds in the stunning countryside. Whether you need a rural base within commutable distance to London (the train journey from Farnham to Waterloo takes just an hour) or are looking for a new life in the countryside, Forest Walk offers the dream lifestyle in a truly stunning setting. P rices range from £ 465,000 to £ 785,000.

M e t i s Ho m e s 59 Tower Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8TA 019 62 89 3545 sales@

Help to Buy Metis Homes is delighted to offer the Help to Buy scheme, making it easier than ever to buy one of their high q uality new homes.


Computer generated impression of development layout

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Scott Jeff and Colin McNulty

Meet the innovators e catc it cott e , irector o imbervent re, t e est o ntr com an t at creates t e bea ti l lod es at t e eart o o r sites


s we have mentioned, Charteroak’s entire ethos is focused on providing a uniq ue experience, through the environments we create and our meticulous attention to detail and product development. Of course, it’s the lodges themselves that sit at the heart of this e perience so it has been essential to find like minded souls committed to producing lodges of the highest q uality that complement their surroundings. Thankfully we found this, and so much more, in Timberventure. Timberventure was started in 2014 by Colin McNulty, with Director Scott Jeff joining in 2015. “ We were both friends

a long time before Timberventure was created,” explains Scott, “ and with a combined 25 years of experience within the industry, we both fancied a bit of a new venture, hence the name!” So what is it, in Scott’s view, that sets the company apart from the competition? “ U ltimately the people are what make it so special. We heavily promote an environment where people can be expressive and creative, enabling everybody to use their skills and show off their abilities. With the combination of the best materials, the latest build methods, and a great team, we achieve a very high standard of build.


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| INTERVIEW Scott explains a bit more about the natural synergy between the two businesses. “ We have been working with Charteroak for three years now and what really attracted us in the first instance was how well they develop their sites across the South West, as well as the detail they put into each lodge. We provide Charteroak with a turnkey service, from initial design all the way to handing the keys over and making sure their customers are totally happy.” ç LEFT The q ualit of the lodges is apparent both inside and out

The ideas never stop... a great team always produces great things!…Charteroak gave us the opportunity to really show off what we can do

RIGHT These lodges blend perfectly with their surroundings

Scott continues: “ I think the main value we share is that we are both very focused on happy customers. We want them to have the best experience possible, so continually learning and developing new ideas to create that best experience is a shared effort. A great team always produces great things!” What’s more, both companies are proud and unashamed innovators. “ Charteroak gave us the opportunity to really show off what we can do with the iSpa™ and Sky Terrace designs. I t was a fantastic opportunity for the team to come up with some brilliant ideas. U sing virtual reality software really helped us to get a better feel for the new lodge before we even started building. Being the first to design and build groundbreaking lodges sets us apart from the rest. I ntegrating all kinds of exciting features into lodges for people to experience is great – cinema rooms, spa rooms, bars, saunas, roof top terraces... the list goes on! We even design and build our own furniture when we need to get the most out of a certain space or room. I t’s all part of our bespoke manufacturing.” So, this begs the q uestion of what exciting new developments are yet to come. “ The ideas never stop, we just need to select the mad from the crazy sometimes! We are currently building a hybrid lodge, which is a mixture of previous lodge designs all rolled into one! I t’s going to be very special and we can’t wait to show everybody.” Finally, what excites Scott most about his work? “ I love designing lodges and then seeing the reaction of people when they walk around one of them – it’s always a proud moment! Y ou know how hard the team has worked to create every lodge and when it is appreciated it makes it all worthwhile.”

All our builds, from a lu ury lodge to a garden office, come with a lengthy guarantee, giving customers the reassurance that they are investing in a q uality product.” Scott continues: “ We are fundamentally a bespoke manufacturer, which enables us to fulfill a customer’s needs better than anyone else. We can design and build with every detail accounted for, from the position of a window to optimising a lodge for a disabled person’s use. Our customer service is very important and constantly reviewed, as we all know that receiving positive feedback is a great motivator and we all thrive on this.”

Find out more Find out more about Timberventure here:

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1st - 31st October

Discover more on a free garden tour


4th October

Falmouth Beer Festival


5th October

Stories of St Agnes and Chapel Porth: SWCP Challenge Walk

St Agnes Head

4th - 5th October

Ocean Film Festival

Regal Theatre Redruth

4th - 7th October

North Cornwall Book Festival

North Coast

6th October

Beer Festival at The Eden Project

The Eden Project

6th October

Land's End 100 Sportive cycle

Land's End

6th - 7th October

Oktoberfest Cornwall


12th October

Chapel Porth Beach Clean

Chapel Porth

12th - 15th October

Falmouth Oyster Festival


13th October

Scrub 'n Spuds at Trevose Head

Trevose Head

13th October

Sun and Stars at Carnewas


20th - 28th October

Pumpkin Carving


20th - 28th October

Hallowe'en Happenings

Goldolphin Estate

20th October

Autumn Trail


20th October - 6th January

Nashashibi/ Skaer at Tate St Ives

St Ives

20th October

Halloween Fun at Lappa Valley

Lappa Valley Newquay

20th October - 4th November

Halloweden at Eden

The Eden Project

11th - 15th October

Walk Scilly Long Weekend

Isles of Scilly

27th October

Halloween Masked Ball


Events Diary Cornwall’s Christmas fair at the E den P roject

I mage: © E den P roject

A quick guide to what’s on across the Duchy in Autumn/Winter 2018.

Truro City of Lights


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3rd November



i ht

Saint Agnes

3rd - 25th November

Willow Wreath Making Workshops


9th November

Chapel Porth Beach Clean

Chapel Porth

9th November

Bude Blues Rhythm and Rock Festival


7th - 8th November

Cornwall's Christmas Fair

The Eden Project

8th November

An Evening on Board the RMS Titanic

The Greenbank Hotel

16th November

Jim Davidson: Tour 2018

Regal Theatre Redruth

17th November

Cornish Winter Fair at the Royal Cornish Showground


24th November

Fowey Christmas Market


24th - 25th November

Christmas Craft Fair

Bedruthan Hotel and Spa

24th November - 15th December

Trerice Christmas Tudor Banquet's


24th November

Charlestown Christmas Market


30th November - 2nd December

Fowey Christmas Market


1st-31st December

Victorian Christmas at Lanhydrock


1st December

Tudor Father Christmas


1st December

Flambards Christmas Fayre


7th December

Chapel Porth Beach Clean

Chapel Porth

6th December

December Bird Watch


8th December

Magical Xmas Fun at The Milky Way

The Milk Way Adventure Park Bideford

8th December

Mcmillan Newquay Christmas Fair


12th December

Winter Gift Fayre

Lemon Quay Truro

15th December

Mousehole Christmas Lights


20th December

Murder Mystery

Bodmin Jail

23rd December

The Scrooge

The Lost Gardens of Heligan

31st December

New Year's Eve Firework Display


1st - 6th January

Festive Family Trail


1st January

Victorian Christmas at Lanydrock


20th January

A BIG Cornwall Wedding Fayre


26th - 27th January

The Healing Light Festival


27th January

Simply Cornwall Wedding Show

Truro and Penwith College

I mage: © E den P roject




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1st February

The Beach Boys Tribute Show

Regal Theatre Redruth

1st February

The Arc of Attrition


2nd February

Hemmick beach cleans


4th February

Community beach cleans (Porthcurnick)


4th February

Community beach cleans (Pendower)


9th February

The Eden Project University Courses Open Day

The Eden Project

10th February

Simply Wedding Show Case


17th February

Cornwall's Ultimate Wedding Show

Royal Cornwall Showground

4th March

St Piran's Day Celebrations


5th March


Royal Cornwall Showground

10th March

Simply Wedding Showcase at Eden

The Eden Project

12th March

Cornwall Wine Fair


17th - 25th March

Falmouth Spring Festival


30th March-1st April

Oyster Gathering and Seafood Harvest


5th April

Newlyn Film Festival

The Acorn, Penzance

11th April

Bude Geology Walk


14th April

Pentillie Defender Day 2019


Dates are correct at the time of going to print but may be subject to change. Check with the organisers.

Simply Wedding Showcase at the E den P roject

Oyster gathering and Seafood Harvest


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Your new home at Forest Walk awaits...

Located in the South Downs National Park near Farnham, Forest Walk comprises of eight 3 and 4 bedroom homes. This perfectly planned development, with Alice Holt Forest on the doorstep, is a wonderful place to live and is located just 4 miles from Farnham. Built to Metis Homes’ award winning standards, each home offers a high quality specification, good sized gardens and parking.

Prices from £465,000 - £795,000 for 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Book your viewing by calling 01962 893 545 or email

Find out more by visiting Charteroak--02--AD--Metis Homes--1.00 v3.indd 1

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