Bahrain Desert Times (539) - January 2025

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SECNAV Del Toro Announces Navy Expeditionary Medal for U.S. Fifth Fleet

WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro awarded the Navy Expeditionary Medal to U.S. Fifth Fleet for exceptional leadership and achievements from June. 25, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2024 during Operation Unified Takedown, Jan. 14.

Operation Unified Takedown is a comprehensive effort to disrupt smuggling networks that fund extremism and contribute to the global circulation of illegal substances. Over the three-year period, the operation resulted in the seizure of more than 70 tons

of explosive propellant, 1,400 weapons, 226,000 rounds of ammunition, and 43,000 kilograms of narcotics. These actions significantly disrupted terrorist supply chains, bolstered regional stability, and curbed the global impact of illicit trafficking.

“The Sailors and Marines of U.S. Fifth Fleet have set an extraordinary standard of excellence and perseverance,” said Secretary Del Toro. “Their success in Operation Unified Takedown has not only enhanced maritime security but also strengthened

global partnerships and fostered long-term regional stability.”

Vice Adm. George Wikoff, Commander of U.S. Fifth Fleet, also expressed his gratitude and pride in the fleet’s accomplishments.

“This recognition reflects the relentless commitment, courage, and professionalism of our Sailors and Marines,” said Vice Adm. Wikoff. “Operation Unified Takedown has been a team effort, and our success would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our

coalition partners and the dedication of every individual involved.”

The award recognizes the fleet for its innovative use of resources, including advanced unmanned systems, robust intelligence sharing, and seamless integration with coalition forces.

“This operation showcases how innovation and collaboration can drive success in addressing complex maritime challenges,” added Secretary Del Toro. “The men and women of COMFIFTHFLT exemplify the Navy’s commitment

to protecting our national interests and those of our allies.”

The Navy Expeditionary Medal highlights the profound contributions and unwavering resilience of COMFIFTHFLT’s Sailors and Marines. Their efforts have disrupted illicit activities, saved lives, and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

This announcement follows Secretary Del Toro’s recent visits with units in Manama, Bahrain, and Rota, Spain, that will be eligible for the award.

New Zealand Assumes Command of Combined Maritime Forces’ Combined Task Force 150

Published by Combined Maritime Forces MANAMA, Bahrain — The Royal New Zealand Navy assumed command of Combined Task Force 150, a multinational maritime task force, from the Pakistan Navy, Jan. 15.

Pakistan Navy Commodore Asum Sohail Malik turned over command to Royal New Zealand Navy Commodore Rodger Ward.

CTF 150 was established in February 2002, and is one of five operational task forces under Combined Maritime Forces. CTF 150 conducts maritime security operations outside the Arabian Gulf against threats from non-state actors.

Since Pakistan took command of CTF 150 in July 2024, ships working in support of the task force carried out three successful interdictions, in which six tons of illegal narcotics were seized. These seizures prevent criminal and terrorist organizations generating income from drug-smuggling.

While Commander of CTF 150, Malik also spread CMF’s message through key partner engagements with countries including Seychelles, Kenya, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka. These engagements help strengthen ties between CMF nations and provides an opportunity to discuss the work of CMF with countries not yet members.

Vice Adm. George Wikoff, commander of Combined Maritime Forces, thanked Commodore Malik for his work in spreading CMF’s message.

“Thank you to your team for continuing the reputation that Pakistan has as tremendous leaders,” said Wikoff. “We look forward to continuing our friendship that we’ve developed here.”

Ward joins CTF 150 following a tour as the Chief of Information Warfare for the New Zealand Defense Force where he established Information as the NZDF’s Fifth Warfighting Environment. He has an extensive background in maritime operations, with deployments to Malaysia, the Solomon Islands, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

This will mark the second time New Zealand has taken command of CTF 150. CMF’s other task forces include CTF 151, which leads regional counterpiracy efforts; CTF 152, dedicated to maritime security in the Arabian Gulf; CTF 153, providing maritime security in the Red Sea; and CTF 154, which delivers maritime training.

Combined Maritime Forces, headquartered in Bahrain with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command and U.S. 5th Fleet, is the largest multinational naval partnership in the world, with 46 nations committed to upholding the international rules-based order at sea. It promotes security, stability and prosperity across approximately 3.2 million square miles of international waters, encompassing some of the world’s most important shipping lanes.


met with Navy Reserve Sailors during a recent trip to Bahrain, who are currently supporting U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet missions critical to maintaining maritime security in the region. Reserve Sailors are the strategic advantage for America's Warfighting Navy, providing more ready players on the field to deliver decisive combat power whenever and wherever called.

Vice Adm. Nancy Lacore, Chief of Navy Reserve,
Reserve Force Master Chief Tracy L. Hunt

SECNAV Del Toro Names Future Aircraft Carriers

CVN 82 and CVN 83

WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced the names of two future Gerald R. Ford-class of aircraft carriers as the future USS William J. Clinton (CVN 82) and the future USS George W. Bush (CVN 83).

The future USS William J. Clinton honors President William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America, serving two terms from 1993 to 2001. The future USS George W. Bush honors President George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America, serving two terms from 2001 to 2009. This will be the first Navy vessel named for either president.

The names follow the Navy tradition of often naming aircraft carriers after U.S. presidents.

“President Clinton and President Bush led the United States through some of the most challenging moments in U.S. history,” said Secretary Del Toro. “Their legacies will endure through these aircraft carriers, which serve as formidable platforms dedicated to safeguarding our national security and strengthening our resolve to protect this Nation against any who would threaten our freedoms and way of life.”

As Commander-in-Chief, Clinton was responsible for multiple military operations that achieved success with no combat casualties including Operation Uphold Democracy in 1994, Operation Deliberate Force in 1995, and Operation Allied Force in 1999. In response to a reported Iraqi attempt to assassinate former President H.W. Bush, President Clinton directed a U.S. Navy cruise missile strike against Iraqi intelligence headquarters in 1993, and another cruise missile strike in 1996, Operation Desert Strike, to deter Iraqi aggression. These strikes were followed in 1998 by Operation Desert Fox, an air campaign to degrade Iraqi capability to produce weapons of mass destruction. In 1996, he directed the largest deployment of U.S. naval forces since the Vietnam War in response to the Third Taiwan Straits Crisis to deter Chinese aggression.

Among his numerous diplomatic achievements, President Clinton had a pivotal role in the Oslo Accords, which

established a framework for peace between Israel and Palestinians and was also instrumental in the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, which ended conflict in Northern Ireland. He declared Iran a “state sponsor of terrorism” and imposed substantial sanctions on Iran. An integral part of the “Agreed Framework” of 1994, his efforts temporarily halted North Korean attempts to develop nuclear weapons. He established full diplomatic relations with Vietnam and oversaw the first expansion of NATO since 1982, with the addition of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, as well as creating the Partnershipfor-Peace program with nations of the former Soviet Union.

"It’s never far from my mind that the precious freedoms Americans enjoy are safeguarded by our armed forces, anchored by a strong, modern, and agile Navy. I’m honored that future servicemembers carrying on that proud tradition will serve on a carrier bearing my name,” said President Bill Clinton.

During a private ceremony at the White House on Jan. 3, 2025, along with the ship’s name, Secretary Del Toro announced the sponsor for the future USS William J. Clinton (CVN 82) will be Ms. Chelsea Clinton, daughter of President Clinton. She will represent a lifelong relationship with the ship and crew.

As Commander-in-Chief, President Bush rallied the nation in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. He forged an international coalition of 25 NATO members and 17 partner nations to execute Operation Enduring Freedom, dismantling terrorist networks in Afghanistan. He spearheaded the largest U.S. government reorganization since 1947, creating the Department of Homeland Security by combining 22 federal agencies and establishing the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to integrate operations across 18 intelligence agencies. He also signed the USA Patriot Act, updated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and directed deployment of aggressive financial measures to freeze terrorists’ assets.

In 2003, he directed Operation Iraqi Freedom, which ended the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and enabled Iraq’s first direct elections in over three decades.

On the global stage, President Bush supported a further expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, while working with Russia to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles.

Recognizing the evolving nature of global threats, he directed the establishment of the U.S. Africa Command and advanced the planning for U.S. Cyber Command. He also launched the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

(PEPFAR), a historic humanitarian initiative that saved millions of lives. Throughout his tenure, President Bush increased defense spending by more than a third to modernize the military and accelerate technological advancements, ensuring the United States Armed Forces remained the most capable in the world.

“I am honored that my name will be associated with the United States Navy and a symbol of our Nation's might,” said former President Bush. “I have a special admiration for the men and women of our Navy - including my dad -

and ask God to watch over this ship and those who sail aboard her.”

Aircraft carriers are the centerpiece of America's Naval forces – the most adaptable and survivable airfields in the world. On any given day, Sailors aboard an aircraft carrier and its air wing come to the fight trained and equipped to fulfill a wide range of missions. They are ready to control the sea, conduct strikes, and maneuver across the electromagnetic spectrum and cyberspace. No other naval force fields a commensurate range and depth of combat capabilities.


There’s no wrong door to start—we’ll get you to the right place!


- Your main resource is your existing support system

- If not supportive, tell another trusted resource or command - Acting as friends, family, and shipmates, remember the main factors that ensure resilience: A sense of Belongingness and Purposefulness

- Non-medical counseling - Flexible counseling locations - Minimal reporting requirements - No health record documentation






Contact: 1- 800- 342- 9647 / - Life skills, financial, stress, coping skills, and couples counseling

- Non-medical counseling via phone/VTC

- No referral needed - No health record documentation


- Providers/teams stationed at select units

- Make military duty determinations

- Keep you “fit to fight” and medically ready

- Evaluate and treat mental disorders with therapy and medications

- May communicate with CO/medical providers

- Health record documentation


- Contact your unit’s CDO, Medical Department Representative, or a trusted shipmate

- Base Dispatch: 439-4911

- Emergency Services Off-Base: 999

- Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

- Go to the nearest emergency room



- IDC, “Doc,” Medical Department Representative

- May communicate with CO/medical providers

- Medication management for most concerns

- Places referrals for more serious conditions

- Health record documentation


Primary Care (Medical Home Port) via Tricare Online or Appointment Line 439-6110 / 1785-6110

Specialty Care (Behavioral Health) 439-4169 / 1785-4169

Readiness Clinic: 0730-0930 Sun-Thu; No appointment necessary Within one business day: evaluation/referral to right place on roadmap

- Medical psychotherapy and medication management, Group treatment, SARP, Comprehensive care

- Health record documentation,

- Consults among providers

- CO may request information

Kickin’ it with Shaun – Believe

Let's set the scene.

It's your time, the moment you have been dreading for months has finally arrived. You set yourself up, looking down at the ground, then back up, deep exhale as you whisper to yourself - Believe.

Before you go forward with long strides and kick the football through the goals to get those three points in the American Football game. The first of the season and the first time you have kicked since being asked to be the new kicker last season. With the weight of doubt washing over you like waves pounding a ship in stormy seas. The team believed in you but you knew you had work to do.

You may not have been the best kicker in the team, but you were all the team had. You were not going to let them down. After the last season ended in May, you got to work.

Kicking at least 100 kicks a day from various angles and distances for months. Racking up well over 6000 kicks before play started up again in August. This was your time to shine. Hard work and Belief.

The above example is a tribute to how much hard work, dedication and consistency pay off. Keep at it, my friends. Know that I believe in you.

If you need me, come chat to me in class as listed below. Do you need to decompress after a long day, maintain or increase fitness with a team to help keep you motivated and accountable? If so, my classes are a sure way to get you on track.

Sun. @ 1600 Boxing (Human Performance Area aka NOFFS)

Mon. @ 1600 Kickboxing (Aerobics Studio)

Tues. @ 1600 Boxing (Human Performance Area aka NOFFS)

Wed. @ 1600 Kickboxing (Aerobics Studio)

And if group sessions aren’t really your thing, I am available for one-on-one coaching as well.

Fill in a PT request form requesting Shaun at the P911 gym reception.


Awakenings is a non-fiction story by Oliver Sacks written in 1973 recounting the life histories of those who had been victims of the 1920’s encephalitis lethargica epidemic. The book won the Hawthornden Prize in 1974, and was adapted into the 1990 film Awakenings starring Robert Deniro (Leonard, the first awakened patient) and Robin Williams (Dr. Malcolm Sayer) whose performances linger with me to this day. The story centers around an experimental treatment (L-DOPA) utilized to incrementally awaken catatonic patients after decades of slumber who must enter into a new life within a new time period. Oliver Sacks wrote in 1982, “Such patients have undergone an enduring awakening, and enjoy possibilities of life which had been impossible, unthinkable, before the coming of L-DOPA.” The patients dance, take risks, relish the small offerings of life, tell their stories, reconnect with loved ones, and catch up with history and technology. Each one experiences feelings ranging from deep grief and sadness to vibrant elation and a renewed lust for life. The reader of the book or the viewer of the film is left understanding that life and time are a gift not to be squandered unawaken.

We are crossing into a New Year. I cannot help but notice how modern technology lures us into our own versions of encephalitis lethargica. We easily become catatonic versions of ourselves going through our day-to-day routines without gratitude or soulful presence during this short miracle of life. We often give ourselves away to the synthetic dreamscapes of social media and technology to enter into our voluntary slumbers while the years perish and life goes unlived all around us. How many of us will awake decades later only to regret the way we have spent our day-to-day lives and shortchanged the ones we love most with twilight versions of ourselves? Dare we push the boundaries of drinking deeply the mystery of existence in the unregretted investment of life and love? Dare we awaken our souls into a renewed perspective in order to live in the world anew? This year, is it possible to invest more into living fully present, pushing out the darkness of discontent and ingratitude, putting away the opium of our devices, and stepping into the morning light of true life. This may mean ritualizing small decisions that pay big dividends towards an abundant life or you may make large decisions unveiling a new trajectory of living. This year, I don’t propose any specific resolutions but more of an interest towards an enduring awaking as living souls in a mysterious universe. This life, although filled with sadness and elation and everything in between, is best lived awake. As John O’Donahue, the Irish poet writes, “Your soul is the priestess of memory, selecting, sifting, and ultimately gathering your vanishing days toward presence.” Let’s follow the priestly guidance of soul to rest in the abundant life of spiritual awakenings.

“Tu Certa Salutis Anchora“



3D TICKETS: ADULTS : $5.00 CHILDREN (6-12) : $4.00

Children 5 and under : FREE Admission

A Complete Unknown (R) – 2h 21m

In 1961, an unknown 19-year-old Bob Dylan arrives in New York City with his guitar and forges relationships with music icons on his meteoric rise, culminating in a groundbreaking performance that reverberates worldwide. Cast | Timothée Chalamet, Edward Norton, Elle Fanning

Wicked (PG) – 2h 40m

Elphaba, a misunderstood young woman because of her green skin, and Glinda, a popular girl, become friends at Shiz University in the Land of Oz. After an encounter with the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, their friendship reaches a crossroads. Cast | Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande, Jeff Goldblum

Kraven the Hunter (R) – 2h 7m

Kraven's complex relationship with his ruthless father, Nikolai Kravinoff, starts him down a path of vengeance with brutal consequences, motivating him to become not only the greatest hunter in the world, but also one of its most feared. Cast | Aaron TaylorJohnson, Ariana DeBose, Fred Hechinger

Mufasa: The Lion King (PG) – 2h

Mufasa, a cub lost and alone, meets a sympathetic lion named Taka, the heir to a royal bloodline. The chance meeting sets in motion an expansive journey of a group of misfits searching for their destiny. Cast | Aaron Pierre, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Seth Rogen


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