At the first thought of developing this magazine, I felt it was a farfetched idea that could only happen if I had a slew of partners and a developing team. Nope. I had great contributors and myself. That is it! And look what has been accomplished. I also thought the idea was repeated time and time again, that the notion would be over looked immediately. Well, that thought was overturned after interaction with many entrepreneurs who felt they were too small for big time magazines and their voices were not being heard from side of the globe to the other. The vision was formulated based on entrepreneurial growth and development, but also on Voice and Vision purposes. The platform Red.Ish Magazine will embark on is beyond our wildest dreams. Being able to provide entrepreneurs the leverage to show and tell their business is mind blowing, but it is happening inch by inch.
I have imagined great things happening for me, but I could have never believed I would put together a magazine at this magnitude, let alone publish and harass social media about it. Wow, how things can change in your life if you allow greatness to enter your visions and have a passion for your mission. As a development and growth magazine for the driven entrepreneur, the entrepreneur should understand that this creation is meant as an avenue to read up on great tips and resources, so that growing a business could become easy overtime. We are not built to learn things overnight, per se, but we can become knowledgeable with the right material in the right amount of time. And this is what Red.Ish Magazine promise. To be able to provide articles, success stories, resources, tips and guidance from experts in all business industries, at your fingertips monthly. My purpose for this magazine is to keep the audience - those that are striving to grow and develop their business - informed of trending business now and future information. Of course, you can go to other platforms to obtain information, but here you are getting real time resources from real time co-professionals. The concept of the magazine is to have other entrepreneurs share their experiences good and bad with Red.Ish and we promise to deliver this information immediately to our audience. Because what is learning from our peers if we do not share the good, the bad and the ugly with each other. What may work for one, could work for the other, and vice versa. It’s all about learning everything there is to learn from others in and around their business endeavors. And I personally call this interaction the entrepreneur effect. Red.Ish Magazine has a lot to offer its readers. With growth and support from other entrepreneurs we can build this magazine to a level of recognition for us all. Visit the website at and view more information on this great magazine. Chime in to the blog and get acquainted with Red.Ish because we are here for you, and our vision shows us we are going nowhere, but up for you. Take care
This guide cites "how to" books, reference books, and directories, all of which will be useful at some point in the process of becoming an independent business leader. Many of the items listed in this guide are serials, such as annuals or yearbooks, which put out new editions regularly. In the entry for a serial item the date of the publication's first appearance is given, followed by a hyphen and the notation "present". This indicates that to the best of our knowledge the work is still being issued, and a researcher can expect to find that current issues are available. Many of the books and serials listed in this guide are available for sale from book dealers, and most will be found in a local public or university library.
Red.Ish magazine would like to wholeheartedly thank the contributors to the magazine for supporting us by providing their stories, expert advice, information tips and business research. When others believe in your vision, it is easy to keep pushing to make a little business idea emerge into a phenomenal concept. We are forever appreciative of your belief in us. So here, we offer you a huge shout out and we are your biggest fan. Thank you…
“I must admit I was terrible starting off. I think people were just showing up because they liked me.” (laughs) The confirmations from the conference calls were affirmation for which path he should journey into greatness. He noticed that people wanted and needed to hear what he had to say. With no formal training in public speaking, no training or educational background in writing or coaching, besides being a true and selfless advocate…
Judge K.A. Gauff- Courting with Chance page 16
Silee K. Williams Interview page 58
Gerard Brown – Business Coach and Consultant Tray Kearney – Founder of Women2Women Talk Show Lawrence McGee – CEO of New Kings Youth Foundation Angela McClain – CEO & Founder of AM Editing and Freelance Writer Red.Ish Magazine Editor Lisa Porter – Magazine Journalist & Business Education Writer at Red.Ish Magazine Te’Mika Chatman – CEO at Build You and Your Wealth Isabel Lopez Starck – Transformational Life and Business Coach at Isabel Starck Ed Blunt – Owner of My Life University and Bluntartistry Diana Jerry – Health & Wellness Coach Melinda Hunt – CEO of Mylin Travel Experience Domonique Garis – CEO of Creative Minds Silee K. Williams – Silee Williams Enterprise LLC Tia Johnson – Owner of The Powder Room Nicole Narvaez Manns – Founder/Owner of Nikki’s Magic Wand Sydney Harrison – Chief of Circuit Court Prince George’s County Phylicia Brown – Founder of Women Empowering Women…The Network Association
Courting with Chance is about Karen A. Gauff reconciling her memories with her mother’s ninety-six page manuscript found after her mother’s death. In the care of a mother who battled mental illness, Karen was fortunate to have survived neglect, sexual perversion and violence while spending most of …
This Nikki’s Magic Wand journey has been quite a roller coaster ride, with super high highs and some pretty sad lows. When I first had the idea, I felt it’s value right away (I mean, it was a cosmetic device designed to get all of your leftover product from small tubes and containers. Who wouldn’t want that?) but I had ZERO idea how to get that idea…
Tia Johnson Where is the Support Page 63
Nicole Mann’s – Nikki Magic Wand Page 12
Domonique Garis Interview page46
Garis grew up middle class, but in an instant found herself without her father due to infidelity and a mother who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She did not have the upbringing of success and wealth knowledge; however, she gained the street knowledge behind what it takes to make it in this world and ran with her skills. Having leadership, management, customer service and social networking under her belt, she decided she wanted to become an entrepreneur. And not just an entrepreneur, but a successful entrepreneur
I had the idea to create my own hair and skin products made entirely of natural oils and butters. Now today I have hair, skin and face oil, along with body butter. I have an idea of a good soap mix as well that I have not pursued just yet. I don’t want to create too many products without having a good customer base. This leads into the real issue at hand, support.
Whatever happened to integrity in business? In a world that is ruled by money and power, the honest mom and pop grass roots shops have slowly faded in the midst of Big Business. I had been talking to a couple of the women that I am blessed to work with and there was a common question that came into play: how to have a thriving business without compromising the truth of who you are. Why should you have to put on a mask or fit a role in a generic method of approaching business? How do you keep your foot in the game? By bringing your heart and “soul� into every aspect of your approach to how you run your business.
Soulpreneurship What is a Soulpreneur you ask? A soulpreneur is a spiritually-centered, soul-based business owner. A soulpreneur shines their light so the whole world can see. They enjoy a life filled with vitality and prosperity and are supported to their clientele in doing the same. A soulpreneur is living their purpose, is financially abundant and living in pure true bliss.
5 Ways to become a Soulpreneur 1. Know who you are! Explore all sides of you, Body Mind and Soul to bring that divinity to your clientele. 2 .Speak to your audience. Have a social media platform for you and your clients to communicate online line and authentically share your daily lifestyle to engage and build your following. 3. Get out in the community! See how to can volunteer your talents to better the community you live in! This will help you gain testimonials as to impact your work has had! 4. Be Responsive rather than reactive! Rather than react when faced with challenges, you can choose to be in control of your emotions and to see the positive or lesson to learn in any given situation. 5. Know your WHY! Remember why you decide to become an entrepreneur in the first place. What was the need that you felt needed to be filled. Be of service while keeping in mind your ultimate goal.
The Sky Is Just The Beginning, Not The Limit. When it comes to selfconfidence, how do you build and maintain it? Self-confidence is not something you are born with. You must dig deep down beyond yourself to find that thing that makes you feel unstoppable. Reach deep into your subconscience mind and develop a positive mindset, relentlessness, a strong will, the lion or lioness within!! Self-confidence is something you learn and strive to perfect and it takes courage, attitude, and a persistent mindset. Don't settle for doubt, fear, negativity, and consistent use of the two words, "I Can't". With self-confidence, you don't need anyone to motivate you because you are motivated. Once you are to that point LIFE begins!! You will have a different view than others. You will crave superior enlightenment, be your own catalyst, your glass is always full or it is half way full. The sky is NOT the limit.
You wake up every morning excited about what new venture to tackle on that day. You will recognize all of your strengths and know your worth. If you have "normal" days, then you are limiting yourself. Go above and beyond everyday as much as you can, therefore you will have no excuses of receiving handouts or disappointments. Build your empire as you desire to have it and never settle for mediocracy. You were born a King and/or a Queen so represent yourself as just that. I am a firm believer of one can't motivate another. Some may not agree. But I feel that you can only motivate yourself and then others will see that, be inspired about what they see from you, and then they reach deep inside of themselves. You will inspire others and the cycle will continue.
That is a question that most have trouble answering without some type of hesitation. As humans, we live in a world based more upon negativity, doubt, and taking short cuts. We look for handouts, and we sometimes receive them. But what that does is spoil us or put an imaginary leash around our necks. Receiving handouts will only manipulate or trick your mind to think that that is the best and only route to take. Networking with others, receiving advice, and gaining knowledge from seasoned and other inspiring individuals with the same vision is what you would call receiving help. Receiving help from others and receiving handouts are on two different levels entirely.
“Your attitude determines your altitude. Remember that and the sky will never be the limit my New Kings and Queens!�
As we grow into our business savvy selves, we often run into questions concerning how to accomplish better business growth in product and clientele. We notice competition in the industry; therefore, go into beast mode trying to overcome being a business statistic of trending unsuccessful businesses, new and small. One thing is for sure, the information needed to grow your business is out there to read and search. It just takes time management and great maneuvering skills when it comes to searching the Internet’s database. Can it be discouraging? Of course. But as entrepreneurs we are forbidden to give up or give in to the challenges surrounding our every business move. There is a way of being distinctive in and for your business growth; but just how far does that really get us with clientele?
As the owner of two businesses, one in graphic design and another, an association, distinction works in our favor as far as branding and strategy goes. However, it is not enough. There is a secret element when it comes to a successful business, which can be wrapped up intelligently in one word. Consistency. When you see this word, it is not about being the best or the most qualified in business. Consistency leans more towards being predictable and providing reliable results to the customer or client during each interaction.
2. The way your team treats clients and customers. You may not want to believe this but who you have working under you are a direct representation of your business and, of course, you as the owner. Although, this might not be true, you have to look at this from the customer’s perspective in order to gain growth in business. What you and your team have to say and do for customers will determine their repeat business with your brand, as well as referrals. And we all know that referrals are the number one business growth tactics in history. Customer must know that they are top priority when they come in to your business space. So it will behoove you, business owner, to develop standard consistent procedures for day to day interaction with customers, helping to build on that constant foundation needed.
Perspective: A customer comes in to your space of business, and at the same time was provided a great product, along with a great service. They come back a second time, and received the same great service and product. So what’s the point? As a business owner you must realize what this customer is trying to say to you and about your business. If you cannot already understand where I am going, it is high time you subscribe to Red.Ish Magazine; a source that will continue to help you grow in your business success with great tips and resources. But the customer returns due to your businesses level of consistency. The first visit pretty much sets the benchmark for customer experience. The second visit will confirm, or not confirm consistency for the customer or client. Each customer, whether consciously or sub-consciously, forms a judgement spot-on on whether or not they are gaining value based on your product, and determining if the service will remain consistent with every interaction. So grab them on every encounter.
How to Achieve Consistency
Here are three areas to focus on, maintain, and develop accordingly. 1.
The way your business looks. It really does not matter the physical location of your business i.e. home based, landmark, or online. When you are in a position to provide a visual impression to people, it is inevitable that you will be immediately judged by what they see. This is – in the eyes of the customer – a sure way of how you will conduct business on a day to day basis. So if they see disorganization, you best believe, the customers thought process would be that you would not be able to help them meet their needs in customer assistance. So make sure your presentation is inviting, professional, and consistent.
Cont’d. Business Tip
Take an in-depth look in and around your business. What are clear identifiable elements that make up consistency in your business brand? The Point: Consistency creates your businesses reputation, believe it or not, and it is what your business can develop on (positive or negative). Without consistency this means you are constantly learning in your business, revamping something that is not jiving, or disorganized in many aspects of your business needs to the point of not being able to produce a consistent environment for customers and clients. These are indicators for customers, alarming them of a product or service they do not want or need. And as businessprenuers, we do not need that reputation. So How Do You Develop Consistency For Your Important Business?
3. Keeping promises to your customers is definitely a determining deal breaker. Never make promises you cannot keep, but rather strive to meet or exceed the customer’s expectations each interaction. When there are standard consistent procedures in place, this is actually a very easy process to uphold; especially in service delivery. Consistent standards will minimize disorganization, learning curves, and things falling into cracks in business matters. Yet, standard consistent procedures will maximize you and your team’s ability to provide consistency with customers each and every time. Remember, people will always have a choice in the matter as far as services rendered. Why not jumpstart your business client retention by creating standards for long-term consistency and build on that reputation needed for business growth so that you are not competing so much with others in the area. Other related business tips and topics: Ensure that you have a concrete plan (Details coming in Red.Ish August issue) Stay focused and be smart about the decisions you make Don’t be afraid to join with other businesses – this will only expand your business and clientele base even more You are your brand and your business is a part of you
I’ve been right where you are right now. Whether you have an idea and haven’t done anything about it or you got started and stopped, trust me, I’ve been there. This Nikki’s Magic Wand journey has been quite a roller coaster ride, with super high highs and some pretty sad lows. When I first had the idea, I felt it’s value right away (I mean, it was a cosmetic device designed to get all of your leftover product from small tubes and containers. Who wouldn’t want that?) but I had ZERO idea how to get that idea from my head to something I could hold in my hand. Many times when I couldn’t figure out what to do next, I did nothing. Doing nothing can be so unnerving because you feel that you’re wasting the idea, the time you’ve already spent and money you’ve already invested. I sat the idea down for almost a full year after a big rejection. I was focused on a new position at my 9 to 5 and Nikki’s Magic Wand seemed to overwhelming to take on. Having to learn EVERYTHING about running a business just seemed like way too much to do so I did nothing. Well, a few things happened to get me off of my butt. Someone offered me a super low amount of money for the idea and even though I didn’t know how to get it off the ground, I knew that it was a VERY valuable idea with the potential to be quite lucrative. Also, in that same vein, I couldn’t fathom the idea of someone beating me to the finish line with this. Oh no, that would never work. So, I picked it up again and took baby steps. I promised myself to do something toward the business every single day, even if it was just to make a to do list. Little by little I became more productive, learned more and gained more skills. As time passed, I became more confident, which made me more assertive in my communications with people related to the business.
If you don’t take anything else away from this story, remember this: YOU MUST BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU’RE DOING 100%. This is key because there will undoubtedly be obstacles along the way that will threaten to knock you off course. Only through knowing and truly believing that your idea is a great one, can you keep going and forge on. In the lowest times, when it seemed no one wanted a Wand, I never wavered from believing that it was something that people needed and would want. I am happy to share that after taking those baby steps, Nikki’s Magic Wand ended up at NY Fashion Week, winning a contest on and even selling out in a 6 minute segment on air on QVC. Hard work, always being willing to learn something new, and truly, honestly believing that your product or service is the very best will get you to the winner’s circle every time. Stay the Course and You Will WIN!!! Let’s GO!
Nikki 412-901-1908
Ed Blunt is a Life Design Specialist whose BFT (Blunt Force Trauma) Enterprises focuses on taking people out of their comfort zones and into their growth zones. Utilizing the tenets of Leadership Development, Enhanced Communication Skills, Financial Intelligence, Visualization and Actualization, Ed has created self made millionaires, six and multiple six figure annual income earners and thousands of people who are on a steady path of constant never ending improvement!! Ed is about RESULTS and Life Transformation. Ed Blunt’s Warrior Leadership Training “The greatest results in any endeavor stem from a specific vision, a connected purpose, a blueprint for action and measurable results.” Ed Blunt
The participants who come out of Warrior Leadership Training will have:
More self confidence Better tools for effective communication Greater ability to handle different personalities Stronger Team building skills A larger Vision and greater commitment New habits for ongoing Success
This comprehensive and highly interactive program addresses fundamental core principles of Leadership, Communication, Team Building and Personality Types. The participants will experience various challenging scenarios with the task of coming up with positive, constructive responses. There will also be a portion that focuses on the power of languaging and how to program yourself and your people for Success. This is a RESULTS based training. We stand by our process, our reputation and our results. Your group will come out on the other side equipped with a specific blueprint and tools for implementation to better serve the goals and objectives of your mission.
Architect of Effective Leadership Keynote/Workshop/Training For business organizations, institutions of higher learning, conventions and conferences Life Design Specialist Ed Blunt delivers powerful keynote presentations that uplift, engage, transform and inspire audiences around the world. For organizations that want to go the next level of effective leadership, group synergy and increased results, Ed Blunt creates an interactive experience of great depth, imagination and intensity that provides the tools, process and philosophy for new growth, greater impact and more joy! Architect of a Greater Future Keynote/Group Training There are some organizations that are faced with insurmountable odds, overwhelming obstacles and tremendous competition. There are others who are faced with exponential growth, unexpected opportunities and excessive demand. And there are some who just want to do better and be better. Whatever your story, Life Design Specialist Ed Blunt will deliver a customized keynote, training or workshop GUARANTEED to help you and your organization create a greater future!
Architect of Your Greatest Performance Private Coaching/Group Training/Keynote Are you in a position that could benefit from you making presentations that are persuasive, impactful and dynamic? Do you have a business, idea, story or message that needs a voice that is confident, powerful and articulate to promote it? Do you have something to say, but there is something blocking you from saying it? Do you simply desire to be a more effective communicator? From your home stage to your business stage to a worldwide stage, Life Design Specialist Ed Blunt will help you discover your voice of power and teach you how to use it more effectively!
Architect of a Customized Presentation There are organizations who already have a specific topic or challenge that they want addressed, whether it be ‘Increasing Focus’, ‘Coping with New Leadership’ or ‘Confronting the Unpredictable Trials of Layoffs and Downsizing Under the Pressure of Increased Performance.’ We meet those needs with a customized Life Design Blueprint that leaves organizations with a stronger track to run on with a fresh perspective and measurable results!
“Ed is a master storyteller. He is a rare breed of heart, soul and integrity determined in his mission to better the planet. I have no doubt that he will far surpass me in this industry.” Les Brown, THE MOTIVATOR “Your Artistry has reshaped me in a way that cannot be undone. You have pushed the ‘insecure’ me out of her comfort zone and around a corner that the ‘effervescent’ me has been wanting to turn for a very long time.” Leonette P. Joseph, Life Coach “Ed Blunt’s life, dreams and work are always characterized by integrity, commitment, and excellence. He has an undying fire of authentic inspiration to be at his best in all endeavors while motivating others to do the same.” Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr., Pastor, Scholar & Civil Rights Pioneer
Title: BOLD Subtitle: Living a Confident Christian Life Price: $12.99 Release date: June 16, 2015 Twitter feed: @BoldMinistriesW Facebook page: Website: The book can also be purchased from and For readers of the magazine Red.ish I will offer the book for $10.99 when the promotion code "Red.ish" is used for purchases from the Bold Women Ministries web site. Please note the Bold Women Ministries website will be fully operational by July 1st which is well before your July 11th launch. Back cover copy: Are you confident in God but sometimes lack confidence in yourself? Do you desire to walk boldly in your purpose? BOLD is a study of developing confidence and security in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 4:16 says, "Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace;" (AMP). As Christians, we should be confident and secure that we can freely and fearlessly approach God because of the finished work of Jesus Christ. God's wrath for your sin has been satisfied, giving you full access to fellowship intimately with Him. Gaining confidence in your approach toward God will impact how you seek His presence, the words you say, the boldness of your prayers, how freely you praise, your thinking, and the depth of your faith.
From the very beginning of his presentation Ed connects with the students immediately in a way that disarms them and opens them up to a level of thinking that breeds greater potential and new possibilities. Throughout his presentation he brought them in with engaging questions and interactive exercises. Through a great array of wisdom, insight, heartfelt storytelling, real life success stories and surprising amounts of humor, Ed created an experience that resonated long after the presentation. RicheleJDavis Columbia University College of Dentists & Physicians
“Ed is one of the most captivating and truly honest speakers that I have ever heard. After listening to Ed for one hour on a Saturday morning, I had one of the most productive days of my life.” Justin Finkelstein, CPA
An Autobiography by Judge K. A. Gauff Courting with Chance is about Karen A. Gauff reconciling her memories with her mother’s ninety-six page manuscript found after her mother’s death. In the care of a mother who battled mental illness, Karen was fortunate to have survived neglect, sexual perversion and violence while spending most of her childhood learning how to steal, survive and sue others. Karen was on her way to becoming a statistic until she was given a change to change the trajectory of her life. This book is about the likelihood of Karen using the ugliness that surrounded her childhood journey as a chance to transform her problems into positive solutions, which ultimately catapulted her onto the track to becoming a Judge.
Read more >>>
Biography for Judge K.A. Gauff Judge Gauff is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court and a book author. Judge Gauff is the youngest of seven children, four boys and three girls. Judge Gauff and her two sisters were primarily reared by her mother, after her parents divorced when Judge Gauff was five years old. While in the care of her mother who battled mental illness, Judge Gauff was fortunate to have survived neglect and sexual perversion while spending most of her childhood learning how to steal, survive and sue others until she received a miracle in her life. Judge Gauff is a graduate of Crenshaw High School in Los Angeles, the University of California at San Diego, and Whittier College School of Law. Judge Gauff is also a veteran of the United States Air Force where she served as a paralegal for the Judge Advocate General’s Office. Upon becoming an attorney in 1991, Judge Gauff practiced as a criminal defense attorney and civil rights prosecutor before recruitment by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2000. While at DOJ, Judge Gauff was assigned to the Health, Education and Welfare Section for ten years before her appointment as a Judge in 2010.
Simultaneously, in service to her community, Judge Gauff has served on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity, Los Angeles, Inc. and mentored over one hundred college, law students and attorneys. She has also appeared before the United States Supreme Court to personally sponsor the admission of over thirty attorneys. Additionally, Judge Gauff founded the Legal Eagles Program, a free legal clinic at her church. Judge Gauff is assigned to the Compton Courthouse presiding over misdemeanor and drug court matters. She also volunteers to judge Compton High School’s Teen Court Program and coordinates its six week Courthouse Exchange Program. Judge Gauff has recently published her first book entitled, “Courting with Chance (Reconciling Memoirs),” which was released on April 1, 2015, at Finally, Judge Gauff is married to Will and is the proud mother of two sons: Shawn and Brandon. In addition to purchasing a book on, Judge Gauff can also be reached on Facebook at Courting With Chance; and Twitter at #CourtingwithChance or by email at
“…truly an intense yet inspirational tell all life portrait. Judge K.A. Gauff is unyieldingly transparent in sharing her gritty and moving journey which teaches how to overcome defeat, peril and low self-esteem through education, spiritual nurturing, forgiveness, and ultimate trust in the saving power of the name of Jesus. Simply Triumphant!” Sara Alford-Mcintosh MD, Dual Board Certified American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Hobbypreneur to Entrepreneur
Starting out in business can be frightening. Especially when you go "all in". Which is why I meet so many "Hobbypreneur's" in my business. After all, isn't it a safe way to try something out while still paying the bills with your day job? The answer is Yes.....and....No. Like most things there are pros and cons. Deciding which resonate with you the most will ultimately help you decide which path to take. For the purpose of keeping this article specific and helpful, I am going to be speaking to those who are currently dreaming of turning their side gig into their full time career. Because, although they are few and far between, I have met Hobbypreneur's who are completely content with doing what they're doing for little to no money. The overwhelming majority desire to earn a decent living and many of those would be ECSTATIC if their Hobby paid off and they could do what they love ALL THE TIME.
The first step would be to take a really cold hard look at your hobby and ask yourself if you really desire to do this day in and day out regardless of anything else. Most people answer a resounding YES here. But I urge you to take a look at doing the thing you love all day everyday, but also realize that turning your hobby into a business means at some point you need to start looking at it like a business. Treat your hobby like a business and you'll get paid. Treat your hobby as a hobby, don't expect it to pay the bills. That means planning, goals, creation, work, meetings, financials, sales, the list goes on. It's a sore spot to consider but taking the time now to discover this can ultimately save you from turning your hobby into a chore.
Next, you'll want to take a look at what you do and how marketable it is. Do people out there need what you have or what you do? Will they pay money for it? And how much? You'll have to sell thousands of hair clips to earn a decent living and most likely spend hours of work doing so. Or perhaps you can "teach" others to do what you do. Of course, nobody will do it quite like you. However, the successful business owner knows that it's not the amount of knowledge you have but what you do with that knowledge that counts.
Thirdly, are you in a position to launch this business? Too many times I've seen Hobbypreneurs shift from a hobby to a business without the structures in place to replace their previous income. While heart and sweat are surely needed, they aren't enough to put money in your bank account. I recommend having a timetable to launch your business. It could include a set dollar amount in savings or maybe a timeframe amongst other things. And one of those important factors is support from those around you. Talking your dreams over with your partner or family is extremely helpful, but not always necessary. Surrounding yourself with likeminded business people is also another means of support. Finally, having someone you can trust and go to to bounce ideas off of is priceless. Whether it me a friend who's in business, a mentor or coach, you always need to have at least one person who will hold you accountable to your goals and inspire you when your down. Because, those down days, they will come. You can count on it. And the last thing you want to do is throw in the towel. If you do, you will not only be tossing away your dream business, but most likely your hobby would have lost some fire too.
in” I wasn’t taking a BIG enough risk. Yes, you can be all in while still working the day job, but you have to be mentally “all in” and physically “all in” and that means hustling every free moment you have in your hobby. During your morning commute, during your mandatory breaks (yes, they are mandatory in the workplace), lunchtime, commute back from work. You get the picture. EVERY free moment you are living and breathing your dream to be realized. And you are doing "everything you can, from where you are, with what you’ve got." This beautiful quote I first heard from Mike Dooley. And from experience, I know he’s right. On top of it all is the question of "Why?" Why do you want to start this business? I believe that the businesses that have staying power are the ones who are not in it for the money. The businesses that succeed are fulfilling a deeper calling, a stronger purpose, and are in touch with their inner message. Work a hobby like a business, get paid. Work a business like a hobby, nobody gets the bills paid. Are you ready to take your Hobby to the next level? Isabel Starck is a Business & Empowerment Coach who serves Solopreneurs desiring to launch their business to the next level. Her client’s want to make a positive impact in the world, LOVE what they do and are ready to paid handsomely for it. She helps those client’s realize that by supporting them to get, earn and have more, they can then serve their own customers best.
Finally, playing it safe can of course be “safe”. But it most likely will keep you stuck in a rut between full on success and the thought of full on success. Only you can make that decision. However, what I’ve mostly seen and experienced myself is this: unless I was “all
Have you noticed how the business environment has shifted into high gear? Or at least for those that eat and sleep entrepreneurism. Not even two years ago business gurus where enforcing “business leadership” as the number one tactic to business success. Proclaiming the traditional “safe zone” was the mere success factor. Well, we all can agree to that notion for one reason or another; and the other one million traditional “success factors” reiterated time and time again. But just in case you are interested in knowing other ways, as a growing society of business matters and an ever changing industry, we must move past traditional business pointers and adapt the new role of a “business advocate”.
Advocacy shapes the trends, procedures, and legislation that affect our future success. And along with the elements of being a successful advocate, we learn to respect and appreciate the industry of which we support; as well as earn that same respect and support. So having advocacy tendencies will afford you a voice for your cause, which in turn will drive your developmental innovations. This is how one would sum up and define advocacy. Yes. Advocacy has its ups and downs, as most everything in life of worth. But, we must not be afraid to shake things up a little and create a master strategy alternate to any tradition business efforts.
What’s the Buzz about Business Advocacy? The same analogy applies to business advocacy. In business, advocacy puts us on the frontal stage of any and all future innovations; especially for those industries that has a real success potential. Take action, and most importantly, recognize how becoming a business advocate will raise the “level bar” up, not one, but notches above your industry competitors; thus, establishing you as a soaring advocate. So, here is the difference between the business leader and the business advocate. Leaders are great, no doubt. They understand the “how to's” to business success. They are fluent in the numbers, how to compete, and serve the companies mission and goals. Also, they acknowledge any key issues affecting their industry as a whole – the strengths, the obstacles, and the company’s future possibilities. On the other hand, advocates forcibly drive change and protection, benefiting their industry and ensure its future line of business.
but on steroids. With this type of “head high, back straight” attitude, it privileges you for successful collaborations with other like-minded individuals in the same industry; among others.
How do you become a business advocate? Of course, there are difficulties to the start of any process. Just being honest. But we have listed steps to get you started on practicing your craft to becoming a business advocate.
Think Big. Dig Deep.
Did you stop to think that you are not in the business industry for yourself? Some people do not think that far into entrepreneurship. But it is true. We are not in the industry by ourselves because we are not the only ones offering the service. We have to work together to establish a business continuance. So when you adopt the business advocacy mentality you are exemplifying the business leadership attitude,
You are not solely working for yourself here. So make sure you understand the problematic areas thoroughly about your industry. Develop innovative ideas that essentially will benefit the business industry as a whole. Look at it as, you are devoting timeless effort to make another person’s job easier. Sit back and watch your advocacy work in your favor.
2. Build Like-Minded Partnerships.
Turn to the people in your industry who are advocating, but for different needs and services. If your mutual advocate is willing to “shut up” and listen to your ideas for change and in exchange offer up suggestions, then you have found your soul-advocate. Seek those individuals that bring to the table sound influences – those that have a powerful force in the business sector to make the needed changes easier. Make these people your advisors.
Look at this bigger slice of pizza here. Being a business advocate for your industry may appear you are trying to fit a twin size sheet on a queen size bed. But once you realize your mishap, you realize there are a chain of stores with the product you need. Meaning, a solution for one is a solution for all. Tradition will never diminish. We love the old ways of structure because they are “hands down” successful tools. But in our new world, the game changers are successful; especially when we can influence business advocacy among the industry.
3. Confront the Industries Inconsistent Elements. Change is always a good thing. So don’t be afraid to disrupt a status quo. You are now a business advocate for your industry. You are now in charge of positioning growth and success into another’s grasp. Yes, it sounds intimidating, but you have to remember, you are in the third stage of this business advocacy practice, which means you are in a position to make miracles happen. Don’t be afraid to step on the toes of those only looking to benefit in the industry along. They need to learn you can’t grow as an industry as one entity. Work hard to develop improvements for everyone, business advocate!
Did you know... You can register your business trademark name online? Here’s the scoop! Although the process is pretty straightforward, there is some information most do not know about. Like, the online application taking up to 90 minutes; and that is without a lawyers help, of course. Really?
According to The Wall Street Journal, the simplest way to register your business trademark is going onto the website, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s or But first, and many people do not know this, check the site’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database, to ensure you are clear from similar to identical trademarks already registered. We did not know this though... if the trademark is similar or identical to another in the SAME categories of goods and services you offer, is when the checker will pick it up. Everyone wants to be unique and distinct in their business brand, so we suggest checking other categories just in case. The trademark protects the first business to use and publish a mark in the geographic area in which it operates. When you have a trademark, do not wait to register it. Because even if your mark was used first – developed a logo, and have a website and business documents with the logo attached, but some other company registers the mark first… Guess what? Your mark is DENIED! And to include insult to injury, in order to proceed with “re-claiming” your mark, a lawyer must be consulted. One of the biggest issues I run into with trademark questions is, “how much does it cost?” Well, an online trademark registration costs between $275 and $325 and requires information on categories of goods and services for your mark, date of marks first use in commerce and design component. Now, here is where registration gets a little tedious. When you have a business online (website), it is noted that you should refrain from registering your web extension, such as .com, .net. or .org etc. with the business name, unless you plan
to register the mark with and without the extension. The benefit to registering a business with the extension helps to prevent other businesses from registering the same name. Once the 90 minute registration is completed, the response time is within a six month period filing period. So the moral of this tid-bit is to make sure your trademark is not similar, where it confuses people or flat out similar to another business, because chances are you will have to consult a lawyer and run the risk of the mark being contested or rejected. In addition, it is difficult to register a name too generic or descriptive (“The Barber Shop” or “The Gym”). Have your peoples reach out to their peoples, in an attempt to find the right people to help you with a distinct trademark ready design. And… if you already knew this information, consider yourself an expert trademarksman, on us. Share the knowledge!
In business good branding creates trust and can make it easier to sell a product to customers. While the brands we choose as customers can be reflections of our beliefs and values, the right kind of branding can steer us toward products or services that we may otherwise not have been looking for.
Do you define your business endeavors or the way it is coming along as "Oh, it’s coming along fine?"
Improve your startup branding with five tips:
Did you know that "fine" is not a word in business? In fact, it means Feelings I’m Not Expressing. Let’s change the fine word for a word like “Clear” – strong, unblemished, vibrant…sharp. When it comes to business the vision must be clear. Wiemar, a graphic design business, defines its acronym for C.L.E.A.R. as Consistently Learning Effective Affirmations for Revelations. A clear vision is an independent perspective of one’s business goals – focus, plan, and mission. Having a clear vision initially is important when taking action on that perspective. With a clear vision the key factors necessary to reach your vision in a concise manner means your actions are correlating with your goals. So to have a clear business vision means your actions must be congruent with your business goals. With that said, stay away from Fine and adapt Clear in everything.
Be Authentic. No one like to be mislead. Remember that products become brands when people start to trust what will occur when they interact with your brand. While a small lie may seem necessary, it can have major consequences for a brand if ever exposed.
Be relatable. People often connect with brands and other people who evoke an emotional response from them. Controversial movies are talked about a lot because they evoke our emotions. Brands are no different. Make sure you are relating to people’s emotional values such as sharing in their problems or showing empathy.
Be Consistent. Regardless of what your startup is about, it needs to be consistent for people to recognize it as a brand rather than a product. Especially in the early states of growth. People’s trust is established once they are confident in your brand and what it stands for.
Focus on a niche. I can be smarter to focus on winning over smaller demographics one at a time rather than trying to appeal to everyone all the time. Focus on building products for different niche groups in order to unite all those groups into one single brand.
Be extraordinary. Products don’t become brands for nothing, just like people don’t become known for being simply ordinary. While ordinary is safe, recognition and high praise are given to those who step out of the traditional in favor of the unconventional. While trying to be extraordinary, make sure you don’t stray too far to the left and lose sight of being authentic.
development and growth, and success is right at your fingertips, as long as you are willing to put in the necessary work! Let’s look at the different stages with tips to keep your business savvy and ready to keep the idea going.
PASSION: What is your passion? What is that one thing that moves you? The one thing you would do for free? Your passion is that ‘thing’ that you cannot stop thinking about, the ‘thing’ that consumes your mind on a daily basis. Passion may not necessarily be something you have thought about your entire life. It could very well be something that you have discovered later in life. Passion is what will keep you going even when you are facing your most difficult times.
From idea to vision. From vision to business. From business to success. Although we are living in a society where there are a lot of new business ventures popping up, start-up entrepreneurs are still a rare breed of people. You would have to be pretty crazy to believe that you cannot create something from the ground up with the potential of making a healthy living from it, but also with the conceivable notion of passing that very same business down to the next family generation. Personally, I don’t call it crazy I call it “discovering your passion.” It is one thing to discover your passion, but it is something quite amazing when you can take that passion and create a revenue-generating business! You are never too young or too old to discover your true passion. I always say “whatever it is that you love doing, figure out a way to get paid for it.” We live in a world where the opportunities are endless. All the excuses that we could conjure up, the world has stripped those excuses away from us. In today’s world, there is a ton of information readily available for your business
IDEA: Getting to the idea stage means you have at least discovered how the idea could appeal to potential customers and/or clients. This stage is beneficial to the entrepreneur because with the right coaching and consulting, your idea can truly be catapulted to the next level. This is the stage where you really begin your thorough research and educating yourself on every aspect of your idea.
Vison: At this critical stage, you really begin to map out your plan, formulating a blueprint, and setting goals. The vision stage is when you began to forecast financial possibilities for your idea. You have done the research and now it is time to put your plan in motion. The vision stage is also where you should start thinking about a potential business partner, if necessary; and certainly narrowing down a location or facility. The vison stage is also when you begin to create a marketing plan and other creative ways in which you will drive in new business!
Well, you’ve heard it from a renowned business and life coach…
Gerard Brown Start-Up Business Consultant/Coach Workshop Facilitator IG: @gbrowninc
Business: Being at this stage is phenomenal and means…This is Go Time! This is where you began to put all business endeavors in motion. This stage is also where you incorporate your business and get your legal documents in order. It’s time to work. It’s important to set a 3 month, 6 month and even a 12 month goal for your business, as it gives you something to look forward to. Budgeting, keeping track of business expenses, and keeping track of your sales will be really vital you your business model. Organization will be key, an organized entrepreneur is really setting him or herself up for success.
Success: You must keep going despite the obstacles you will face, as this journey will not be easy, but it will certainly be worth it. Do not get caught up in the glitz and glamour of being in business, rather focus on the things necessary to remain in business and grow your business. Also, do not rely too heavily on Social Media, it’s important that you get out and meet people, network, and develop relationships. Individual sales are great, but seek out partnerships and contracts, they will ultimately help catapult and sustain your business.
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Success in Black:
Note: this is my personal experience. Not everyone will or would have encounter such a lack in their family and community. But because it is becoming more and more prevalent in the community, I’ve decided to share my story in hopes to open eyes. And honestly, it does not have to be just in the black community, but applicable to others as well. Please find this message well… Lacking the support for our black businesses and developments within the community… Speaking from an entrepreneur perspective of three businesses, I was once naïve to the intricate approaches of how business developments became successful in growth. Initially, I founded my businesses for the purpose of my community. I for one knew the empowerment of developing businesses within the community i.e. engage local networks, economic growth, employment opportunities and cultivating social justice and equality. But more so, my wanting to build establishments was fueled by the sights of other cultures savvy approach to our communities. The response received by the black residents have created a domino effect for other cultures to bring beauty supply stores, gas stations, and privately owned banks to every corner of our community. Let me make it clear, I am not “hating” on anyone putting forth the effort to initiate and develop a business; as it is what it is, a stressful investment that involves meticulous technique and has a high potential to bring monetary gain. And anyone with a business mind will jump to the opportunity of putting their business where growth will succeed if given the chance. However, I am “throwing shade” a little because the community seems to relish in supporting “others” versus supporting and uplifting our own people. The bad part is “they” are aware of this nonsense among our community. This has become such a significant trend that it has surprisingly become a standard norm in black communities. People do not question why black businesses fail in the community, they simply ignore the facts. Personal Experience One business of mine was mastering the art of the perfect eyelashes and eyebrows. This was a hot trend in the state of Texas, so I took up training, spent big money on products and became licensed. After researching the areas market, I realized that many residents traveled far to look fabulous. That bit of information prompted me to move forward with my business ideas. I took to twitter and Facebook to introduce my techniques and advertise the business. I was just thrilled to be providing my community with a product of quality and competitive.
prices from their “own”. And with all the excitement coming from family and friends for my business venture, it appeared I was doing them a favor by bringing a product that was wanted in the community. After all, we have all heard the stereotypes about black businesses: “It always drama”, “they are never on time”, “it is so ghetto”, or “they don’t know how to treat their customers.” Believe me I have heard it all. So I grounded my business to deflect those “labels” and to prove that professionals can derive from the black community Business opened with a grand opening with 25% off all products. More than enough people showed out for the event; I was ecstatic. However, a week goes by, three weeks, and then a month and business wasn’t picking up as the numbers suggested. So I formulated a survey to the surrounding residents and gathered the conclusion that my business was a demand and the products and services were exceptional. So my question was, “why were there no customers coming to my business?” With further observation, I noticed the stares, the whispering and the slander coming my way on my accomplishments. Friends, family, and external associates at the preopening of the business now were retracting their “talk” about supporting my business. Why? Analysis
It is a known fact that most people do not react to other
people’s success genuinely due to envy, jealousy and/or bitterness towards that person. It has nothing to do with the business-oriented person per se, but the envy stems from their ability to succeed above the rest. Some people do not ration change very intelligently; meaning if someone from the “clique” or community starts moving in another direction from normal protocol, then the others begin to feel neglected or may feel left behind, or that the success of the person will make them better than the rest. But statistically, the reason for people’s reaction to ignoring a black owned business is they do not want to witness another person achieving or reaching for higher goals. Although this analogy seems far-fetched, the truth of the matter is that black community studies show innumerable facts on this particular subject.
on black support. Have we gone brainwashed to seriously believe that we cannot prosper in our own accomplishments? Are we blind to the methods of how successful cultures and communities grow and flourish? Do we have such low standards for our culture, that we would rather see others rise while we struggle to climb the equality chambers? These are serious questions I ask myself every day. I have not given up on my people. We cannot succeed together, if we continue to leave each other behind without the proper knowledge on how progress is obtained. Truth be told, I relocated my business for growth purposes only; however, my observations have not been absent. I continue to speak on the matter because the issues we bring among ourselves have to be noticed at some point; now rather than later. I am a firm believer in supporting all entrepreneurs; and I will guess my personal experiences have determined that. If it were not for me being very business minded and equally focused on my originating goals, I would have enabled others to influence my fate. On Another Note I would encourage all aspiring entrepreneurs and the “3 year breakthrough” entrepreneurs to continue to push efforts and break down barriers. It is hard enough to have to tolerate external disillusions concerning our intelligence and abilities as a Black or African American; but we are also at a disadvantage when our own kinds are “Debbie Downers” to our community’s exertions. I suggest that we continue the awareness of how a collective abandonment to black developments and businesses in the communities are actually hindering our developing welfare. Harsh Reality
We need to wake up and realize that when we come together as a community, we succeed as a culture. For some reason, it appears that we neglect to see how other cultures accept and support their brothers and sisters accomplishments. The reality is we begin to see new developments from other cultures appear rapidly in our communities because of our naïve ways and lack of black
When it comes to business we should listen to the superiors in business developments, but also put forth our own efforts in research. We should not rely on family and friends as initial supporters, but make a conscious decision to eliminate those close encounters, by replacing them with the people who will find our products and services a necessity. As well, we should not disclose our business ideas first-hand to the circle of “kinfolk”, but rather put it off until our success has been implemented and confronted by the real consumers. We do not want to leave family and friends out of the equation; however, we do not want other obstacles (drama, envy, non-supporters, and discouragers) to get in the way of a real success. From a business mind, most people are systematic cohorts: therefore, one must realize that followers will follow suite when leaders front other leaders up for bait; as home is not where the support is. #HarshReality
Toll Free: 704-222-6944 (Outside of NC) Charlotte Office: 704-222-6944 There is something to be said about having a physical business card. Your business card should be like your website – clear, concise, useful, and designed with care. When presented in the correct way it can serve as a powerful branding tool and help those who meet you better remember you and what your business offers. Did you know that first impressions are formed within the first 7 to 17 seconds of meeting someone? Your business card can help you nail that first impression. Use this checklist of dos and don’ts to help create a business card that highlights your professionalism and makes everyone you meet want to get to know you better.
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Do opt for a professional design. Do prioritize readability. Do choose your layout carefully.
Do include various ways to contact you. Do double and triple check your card for mistakes. Do use business cards to help link names with faces. Don’t leave home without your business cards. Don’t hand out business cards unless it’s the right time.
How does your business card design help you give a good first impression? Usually it is better to wait for someone to ask for your business card before you assume he or she wants one. If you hand out your card after speaking with someone briefly, you may come across as pushy or aggressive – and ruin what could have been a great relationship. Instead, ask before handing out your card. Also, accept others’ business cards with kindness. If someone hands you a business card, take a moment to look at it before filing it away. While often overlooked, business cards still reign as a valuable networking tool. This small piece of paper is a way you can accurately portray your brand image and give a strong, positive first impression. When designed with care, your business card can mirror your welldefined brand identity.
What is long-term success? I hope we are all in agreement that long-term success is setting goals. Goals are a fundamental component to achievement; which are the basics for clearly defining where it is you are trying to go in life. Goals are a direct link to enhanced performance in business, as well as personal life. But goals will help you focus and utilize your time and resources more efficiently. So overall, goals can keep us motivated if we can apply them accordingly. Goals sole purpose to us is to keep us aware of what is expected. Therefore, it is essential that we set and achieve our goals for the mere reason of feeling accomplished in our efforts in order to further achieve greater productivity and confidence. So it is a cycle we must commit to, for ongoing success. To stay the course in your business and personal endeavors here are a few guidelines to keep your goals set and accomplishable for long-term success: 1. Make sure the goal is practical and precise. The key element here is visualization. Visualizing your success in detail allows you to prepare for the necessary steps to get to your destination
achievements. If there is a vision, there is affirmation to your business success. Don’t be afraid to be thorough and concise in your efforts to grow because goals that are way too broad will not add much value to success. 2. Ensure your goals are measurable. Be realistic with values in business. Do not settle for ambiguous accomplishments because there would be no way to determine measurable success. It is best to always quantify results by using percentages, dollars, and time, giving you the tools needed to measure achievables accordingly. 3. Have the goal in your hand pre and post achievements. Achieve your goal by putting out the hard work and determination it takes to succeed either independently or with a support team. Having control of your own goals initially will help with maintaining obtainable realistic goals. Because not having control of your own goals can seem unrealistic after all is said and done. Your goals are critically important to you, so take action on your goals that will enable you to achieve your goals you set. 4. All goals should be come to a merge. Ensure that every short-term goal you make
for the long-term purpose is effectively moving to intercept with the big vision. It would not make sense to make goals that have no real end result or purpose to your long-term goals. 5. Refrain from over goal setting. Always measure your goals based on performance velocity. Look at your past achievements and set goals according to what has worked and what has not for you. Having one or two goals are standard practices among many; however, setting more than three goals at a time can become overwhelming. However, if you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses with business planning and developing, then ensure that you are well equipped to fulfill those goals and achieve. 6. Flexibility matters. The best tool to use periodically is assessing. Assessing your progress periodically, providing honest feedback and adjustments as needed can eliminate the roadblocks entrepreneurs encounter from time to time with goals. Be willing to alter goals to meet your personal and business needs. Try to
disregard goals that have become irrelevant to you and your business endeavors, as this will help with measuring your goals realistically. It’s okay‌ sometimes we have to learn to walk away from shortcomings in business. It is called progress. 7. Set short-term and long-term goals. It is always best to set long-term goals, but during the journey of accomplishing the long-term goal, you should set short-term goals that will tie in with the ultimate vision. Goals can be over a span of 5 or more years. So it is important to set mini goals in an attempt to make accomplishments more feasible and less overwhelming. This strategy will keep the discouragement to a minimum, yet also help keep your long-term perspective in motion consistently. 8. Make sure all initiated goals are really wanted. Your goals should be a passion and emotionally satisfying, where when things start to get tough you strive harder in your efforts to accomplishment the goals set. You never give up. In business, this may mean honestly evaluating and having a clear reflection of your perceived achievements. So all in all, being committed to a goal means to believe in its business magnitude. 9. Write all goals down. Writing your goals down represents a true commitment. Commitment really does separate our dreams from our goals. Always have a copy of your goals in sight and refer to them often. The key to goal success is to develop habitual habits and strategies that will, without a doubt, shadow your achievements of your goals. It is known that successful people incorporate habits that most people do not like to do. 10. Set goals and celebrate as a team. It is no secret that increasing motivation means to have goal-getters on your team to help the process maneuver into the right direction. All goals are indeed a contribution to the visions overall success. The key to goal-getters is clear direction and balance. In addition, it is always good to approach one accomplishment by setting a new goal.
The company will offer a unique, exclusive membership that will allow its members to travel at rock bottom prices. Mylin Travel Experience under that umbrella Melinda sells travel memberships via Surge365
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Layering is in, and we’re not just talking about cute jackets and blazers. As you may already know, layering your daily skin care products can have some major benefits for your complexion. By combining a multitude of essential ingredients, you’ll improve efficacy, yielding more impressive results and a healthier glow. But in a world filled with endless amounts of moisturizers, serums, and anti-wrinkle creams, knowing exactly what to use and more importantly, in what order to use them, can be downright confusing, even for us. To officially clear our minds (and our complexions), we quizzed Dr. Craig Kraffert, dermatologist and president of Amarte Skin Care on the art of layering. Here, he breaks down the products you should be using, and exactly when to use them, in 7 steps. RELATED: The Coolest Exfoliating Method You Definitely Haven’t Tried Yet Step 1: Cleanser A.M. and P.M.: “You gain quite a lot from cleansing as opposed to just splashing water on your face in the mornings. It’s important to cleanse twice daily (in the morning, you are cleansing away the dead skin cells your retinoid or other nighttime products have exfoliated from skin).” Step 2: Exfoliator A.M. or P.M.: “Both cleansing and exfoliating are essential for keeping skin youthful and fresh, but in many cases, you can combine cleansing/exfoliating into one step. Save time by using a daily exfoliating powdered cleanser, which offer just a touch of gentle manual exfoliation, while also cleansing and removing makeup.”
Step 3: Toner A.M. and P.M.: “Toners are wonderful products to use, and while not everyone needs to use them, everyone can use them. They’re calming and provide an additional layer of hydration to prep the skin for makeup. Those with true acne-prone skin and oily skin tend to reap the most benefits from toner, because they’re formulated to remove sebum, oil and dirt from the pores.”
Step 4: Serum A.M.: “Your serum should be full of botanical extracts and antioxidants, and feature lightweight yet powerful hydration properties as a primary benefit. Think water-based serums, like Aqua Veil Pure Hydration Serum ($57;” Step 5: Moisturizer A.M.: “You want your lotion or moisturizing cream to have some brightening or retinol properties—yes, it’s OK for daytime, too!— and then follow that with a light formulation of SPF coverage.” P.M.: “Skin does its reparative work at night, so now’s the time to zero in on specific concerns with powerful anti-aging creams, and/or sleeping masks.”
Step 6: Eye Cream A.M. and P.M.: “Always the last step in your regular routine and twice a day is ideal. It is very important to keep the skin around your eyes moisturized.” Step 7: SPF A.M.: “Apply SPF over your moisturizer and under your makeup, because, by nature, SPF products sit on the skin and shields skin absorption. So an SPF will block any antiaging cream placed on top of it from absorbing into the skin, compromising the benefits.”
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Successfully fit people are successful not because of good luck, birth order, or family heritage but because they have adopted the right habits. They do things differently than the rest.
that they enjoy, why look further? Keep in mind, there's a fine line between careful eating and disordered eating. The careful eater's diet is a habit and not a matter of control or obsession.
To be a successful person, you must adopt the habits of success.
2. They Eat Breakfast
Stephen Covey's theories on learning from the habits of successful people in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People suggest that by emulating the habits of successful people, anyone can enjoy the life he or she desires. Learn the habits, adopt the habits, practice the habits, enjoy the success. It really is that basic. Here, excerpted from Push by Chalene Johnson, the 10 eating habits of successfully fit people.
1. They Tend to Stick to the Same "Daily Menu“ The majority of fit people say they eat virtually the same meals every day, mostly the same breakfast, same lunch, same dinner, and when it comes to snacks and beverages . . . well, you guessed it, very predictable food. To clarify, they did not suggest that they eat exactly the same entree for every meal, but they often chose from three, maybe four things that they like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There are three possible reasons behind this shared habit among fitness professionals, individuals who have succeeded at taking off 100-plus pounds and keeping it off for years, and those who have been trim all their lives. First, it allows "careful" eaters to predict their daily calorie allotment without much effort. Second, perhaps the most fit among us are entrenched in habit, including the habit of taste. Third, effortlessly fit folks are in tune with the energy and calorie needs of their bodies. When they find foods that deliver what they need and
This one common characteristic is nearly universal in statistical studies of people who have achieved and maintained a large weight loss. Eighty percent of those who have been able to maintain a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least a year report that they always eat breakfast. Research has consistently shown that the people who successfully lose weight are the ones that wake up and eat! Furthermore, people who eat breakfast regularly have better vitamin and mineral status and eat fewer calories from fat. Experts agree that the majority of people who struggle with overeating are those who under eat during the first part of the day, specifically those who skip breakfast. So it seems that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! Why does eating breakfast help people lose and ultimately maintain a healthier weight? One theory suggests that eating a healthy breakfast reduces hunger throughout the rest of the day, therefore decreasing the likelihood of overeating and making poor food choices at lunch. 3. They Drink Water Not soda. Not iced tea. Just plain old water. This is the biggie. Drinking enough water is a vital part of any conditioning program because it keeps your body functioning in homeostasis and aids every aspect of bodily function. Highly successful fit people drink at least six to eight 12-ounce glasses of water a day, plus more as needed during exercise. Note: It's possible to drink too much water, which dilutes the body's electrolytes (potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium). Don't drink more than a gallon a day unless you're also replenishing your electrolytes.
4. They Eat Small And Often Most people know that small, frequent meals are absolutely the only way to go. Why? Because when we go longer than 3 hours without eating, our levels of the stress hormone cortisol rise. And high cortisol levels signal the body to store fat in the abdominal region. Keep in mind too that people who skip meals have the highest cortisol levels of all! Eating small meals more often reduces cortisol levels, research suggests. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people who ate six small meals a day for 2 weeks, as opposed to three large meals containing the same total number of calories, reduced their cortisol levels by more than 17 percent! They lost belly fat, too. When you eat small, frequent meals long term, the body becomes efficient at keeping cortisol levels low, which helps both men and women reduce belly fat. Eating throughout the day also makes you less tempted by the monster-size buckets of popcorn and supersize fries and drink containers that include triple and quadruple servings. Guided by their nutritional needs and deeply rooted habit to eat small meals throughout the day, the super fit stand steadfast, even in the face of a delicious, jumbo chocolate-chip muffin.
IsagenixŽ is transforming lives every day with its Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing systems and we want to hear your story! IsaProduct is the ultimate resource for everything you want to know about Isagenix products. Whether you’re looking to lose pounds and inches, improve performance and recovery, or combat the aging process and improve overall health, Isagenix has long-term health and fitness solutions for you. More info. Contact MaryAnn Ciambriello RN. Health, Wealth and Wellness Coach with Isagenix
5. They Eat Whole Foods First Successful fit people tend to eat mainly whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, veggies, and whole grains (and products made from whole grains). Certainly they enjoy the occasional treat, but 80 percent of the time or more, their preference leads to whole foods. Whole, natural foods—apples, steel-cut oatmeal, broccoli, salads, brown rice—are what food researchers call low-density foods. That is, they take up a lot of room in your stomach because they contain lots of fiber, which satisfies hunger with few calories. High-density foods are the opposite; they are things like butter, oils, candy, or ice cream. Think about how much frosting you could pack into your stomach if you really tried. (Okay, don't think about it—it's too gross.) Eating mostly low-density foods is the easiest way to keep your weight in check without feeling hungry or like you’re depriving yourself.
6. They Know Their Foods This characteristic is truly universal among fit people: They know, generally speaking, every food's calories and approximate protein, carbohydrate, and fat content. It's not a case of being idiot savants but rather of having an understanding, a knowledge of food that allows them to make an educated guess. Their assumptions are almost always spot-on. This gift affords them the skill of making better food choices on a moment’s notice. Just as important: They know what one serving of said food really looks like. You can show an effortlessly fit person a whole grain cracker, and even without looking at the label, he or she can accurately predict how many crackers count as one serving. It’s not a gift, actually. It's a skill, and all habits are skills you can master. This skill is easier to acquire than it sounds. A couple of weeks of label reading is all it takes. There are even apps for your phone and Web sites that provide this information quickly and for free. 7. They Eat Their Favorite Foods— Carefully Despite knowing everything about their foods and tending to stick to the same foods day in
and day out, fit people rarely report eliminating foods. If it's something they crave, they enjoy a little taste. They know that simply eliminating foods they absolutely love will only set them up to fail when the temptation is too great. Instead, successfully fit people know that it's okay to indulge every once in a while. They savor those moments instead of sucking down the food as if they’re afraid it's the only time they'll ever see it again. 8. They Don't Keep Red Zone Food in the House If you look in a successfully fit person's fridge, pantry, or cupboards, you won't typically find cookies, crackers, chips, chocolate, full-fat ice cream, or soda. Why? Because they don't crave these things. They also know you can't eat ’em if you don’t have 'em. Smart, right? What's interesting about these trim types is that they don't have the same inner battle of healthy versus junkie foods that the average person who struggles with weight might have. They can walk past the aisle with chips and sodas and think nothing of it. Either they never developed the junk food habit or they kicked it. 9. They Close the Kitchen after Dinner
Unlike most Americans, successfully fit people eat their final meal at a reasonable hour, as opposed to eating dinner followed by a lavish 10:00 p.m. snack and another dessert. Most often they go to sleep, not hungry, but on an empty stomach. This allows them to wake up feeling thin, rested, and hungry for breakfast. It may take a little effort, but going to bed earlier and going to sleep without food awaiting digestion in your stomach keeps your body’s metabolism in a fat-burning state. Instead of digesting, which causes restless sleep, your body can focus on other things—like repairing cells! 10. They're Resourceful and Politely Picky at Restaurants Successfully fit people find healthful alternatives to selections on any menu, from a five-star restaurant's to Wendy's. They know that it's the food choices, not necessarily the restaurant choices, that help them to stay slim and healthy.
They generally steer clear of fried meat, poultry, and fish. Instead, they order their protein broiled, steamed, stir-fried, or poached. They also speak up in restaurants, politely making special requests like asking that their dish be prepared with little or no butter or sauces and with dressings on the side.
Absolutely love this style! It’s versatile. I can see myself leaving the office and going straight to an event. Most people are not daring enough when it comes to their body. I for one feel it is necessary to explore your fashion sense because what you may feel does not hug your body right just may surprise you. I hope Red.Ish will continue to use all sizes when it comes to this section. Let’s keep it real… curvy; skinny, voluptuous, etc. can be fabulous in many different wears. Love this! Tabitha P. Atlanta, GA
What is deemed appropriate business attire for business professionals has and probably will always be controversial. But Red.Ish would like to get opinions; would like to know what our readers feel is acceptable. Because at the end of the day our likes and dislikes as a society set the trends that pushes fashion for tomorrow. So chime in by sending your opinions to or poll it on our facebook fan page Red.Ish. And our editor and chief will ROCK the most liked outfit (or something similar in the next issue) Ready, Set, Go…BE FASION OPINIONATED! Now, this piece is appropriate for just about any event/meeting/office. This is my type of wear anyway. I love being casual, but at the same time looking the part even when I have to be in a space filled with business minds. I do not think you can go wrong here. So I will just leave at that, lol. Denita J. Tampa, FL
What do you think?
I can see this being a great outing with the girls or your man wear. I do not particularly like it for business – from or to business. The outfit is HOT! No doubt. But when you say business or entrepreneur, the style does not feel appropriate; and I may be wrong. Maybe in certain settings or industries may this wear be appropriate, but I cannot say in the field I am in this would be acceptable. I also feel that mid-section showing is another sign of nonbusiness wear. My opinion is just my opinion; but we are living in a trending society where “out with the old and in with the new” is dominating. So…. Stacey M. Charlotte, NC
I hope my opinion on this outfit is chosen! I absolutely love this piece. You just cannot go wrong with black; especially when the ensemble is put together flawlessly. She is rocking this outfit. And I would wear this to business or to an evening meeting. I am not sure I could pull this off at the events I attend. But, I suppose I could try. Very nice! I really like this section because it helps me to find other business/entrepreneurial styles that are trending and not over-the-top. Thanks Red.Ish! Mia C. Virginia Beach, VA
What Does Beauty Defy? In the 21st century, and about time, distinguished is the new beauty. Today, beauty is defined as uniqueness bringing looks together that defy traditional business norms about what is a professional should look like. You remember when others judged people on colorful hair and dressing according to a self- look? Well, how times have changed. In all honesty, It is considered one of the biggest perks when owing your own business.
You can still look business savvy and professional quality after coloring your hair purple and wearing sophisticated casual attire to the office. This is such a fresh of breath air. Especially for professionals that want to feel a sense of empowerment in their own right, with a personal look. So in a nutshell, beauty does defy the old traditional vision of how a person should look in the professional sector. New beauty trends bring to the table a new concept of what we, as a society, call beauty and brains.
See, the thing about me is that I am comfortable in my skin and confident in myself. And this style is business and meeting for me. So this right here would go very well with my outlandish attitude. As a man, we feel that if we dress a certain way or outside the norm, it is looked down upon. But I cannot stress how untrue that is. Most people [men] find solace in being traditional when it comes to a dress code; because it is supposed to be a woman’s area. I am here to say that Miles is one of the few that feel rocking what you are comfortable and confident in is best, but stepping it up a level just might surprise you. Miles T. Philadelphia, PA
This is alright. I do not like to be in suits or what most call casual wear. So, this is right up my lane. I am an entrepreneur. I have had my business now for five years as a life coach in the Georgia area. So, to me, this is normal wear for any occasion, lol. I think it is a great outfit and those boots are nice. I guess what the magazine is asking is whether it would be business appropriate for an entrepreneur, and I would have to say hands down‌ YES! Daryl B. Atlanta, GA
I chose to comment on this pic because no one else seems to want to. I think it is a nice out wear. I feel it just might be out of the average person taste, but for the person with the right build and confidence, this could turn heads. I believe it should be worn at a very specific event only. Would I wear it? Probably not. But as I stated earlier, it’s for a unique and very distinct person. Linsay H. Winston Salem, NC
Okay, this looks comfortable. I could see myself in this piece. I would wear it for the office and for a meeting. I could not see myself wearing this to an event. It is more of a lounge wear; but all the more fitting for my taste because I do not do uptight events. Ha! I just asked my wife and she says she would like to see me in something like this more often. Go figure! Never asking or chiming in again. Columbia, MD
We feel good now You’ve Been Warned
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As you can see, the process of business education has evolved and expanded over the years. Therefore, in today’s ever evolving world, we must take it upon ourselves to obtain the knowledge necessary to conduct ourselves successfully in the business world. We interact with a form of business on a daily basis. Whether it be at a job, being a consumer at different retail locations, or even while obtaining an education in school. Therefore, it is necessary to educate ourselves from of all aspects in order to not only be successful in a career but also to conduct ourselves professionally when dealing with the public.
Webster’s Dictionary defines business education as education designed for use in business, and obtaining training in subjects useful in developing general business knowledge and developing commercially useful skills. The earliest record of private business education goes back to 1834 with a school ran by R.M. Bartlett in Philadelphia, which focused on penmanship, bookkeeping, and commercial arithmetic. The first business degrees were Over the next several issues, I am going to guide created in the United States in the 1880s due you in the business education standards and steps to business school founders wanting to to becoming a success in every aspect of business. formalize the education of future business Below are the 10 tips we will be targeting in the leaders. Throughout the country in the 1900s, upcoming issues: undergraduate business education increased rapidly. The modernization and standardization of work meant workers and managers “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination needed more formal education in and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your business concepts. Harvard University then offered their first Master degrees in goal—a commitment to excellence—that will enable business administration in 1908. Ethics and you to obtain the success you seek.” Mario Andretti, entrepreneurship courses became more race car driver. popular in the 1980s. We then moved to alternative programs designed for How to take responsibility and make changes the working class who weren’t able to attend How to identify the right business for you classes during the day due to work. Today, Rewarding yourself online classes are popular and allows students Understanding target audiences to study and communicate with their Evaluating your progress instructor by email and other digital Identifying personal finances interfaces. Building support networks Selling by creating value Setting long and short term goals So, let’s always stay positive and continue learning together, as we propel ourselves through this journey and educate ourselves together. Together, we can accomplish many things.
By: Lisa Canipe-Porter
I’ve always wanted to be in a position where my job did not seem like a 9 to 5, but a hobby I loved to do, can take with me anywhere around the world, and get paid providing a service I have expertise in. My “job” ended up being a graphic designer and a magazine developer. Had anyone asked me two years ago if I thought I would be either of these as a business owner, I would have had to say, “Yeah, okay.” But because life throws us curves and we grow into ourselves and mature in our visions, I am actually a graphic designer, and magazine founder and developer, of which I love them both.
When people ask me about my experience as an entrepreneur, they initially assume that I am “lucky” or “one of the few that have made it.” I actually smile, not because they are right, but because they cannot be further from my truth. I am not lucky I just chose to pursue my vision, endure the challenges and overcome the obstacles. So, I am “one of the few…”, but does that mean I am the exception from the entrepreneurial woes and hardship. Hell no! Let me explain my business ventures in short. I started my first business at 24 years old. Ecstatic as I was, I did not comprehend the nature of my decisions until I was neck deep into my entrepreneurism. I conquered and failed many times over the course of 10 years. But I never gave up my desire to being my own boss, my own leader and my own inspiration. At age 28, I started a mobile lash business, at age 30 I started a very small day care business, at age 32 I begin to start my non-profit organization and stopped because I then understood that I was starting businesses based on the idea rather than the passion. Being a business entrepreneur is not easy or as carefree as many may believe. Time, money, passion, and strategic creativity are the basis of being a business owner. I came into the business sector with little knowledge on how to develop and grow a business. Honestly, I just jumped right in with no hesitation, full of myself and ready to take on the challenges and obstacles. I can recall the first line I stood in for my
That’s what you call a hard working entrepreneur. You wear the hat of many titles including CEO, HR personnel, sales and marketing staff, tech guy, office manager, and janitor.
business license in Upper Marlboro, Md; with a huge smile on my face, looking around and seeing how I was the youngest person in line registering a business; just a carefree nut really. It felt amazing, but at the same time I was eager in my endeavors. Nothing, no obstacles or challenges, could had deterred me from my business visions. And I knew that in order to succeed in business I had to endure the business woes, the naysayers, the envious, the non-supporters, statistical classifications and issues…just everything that comes with being a business woman. My point is I conquered and I survived it all. When you are committed to your vision there is nothing that can alter your passion, at any age. So I have rambled on to say, if you have a vision for business that is validated by your abilities and your passion, I say take on the challenge because in the end it is well worth the process. You have to know that nothing in life is free or easy. It’s a process that requires steps into the right direction. I will not insult your intelligence when it comes to entrepreneurial truth and try to have you believe the process is all cake and cranberries (easy and sweet). No. I would be feeding you right on to the increasing statistical lists of businesses that only survive three years, or less in today’s society. So here are a few truths about being an entrepreneur: 1. It’s Stressful. Business ownership is not easy. Better yet, if you had to choose from a boss’s deadline and your business deadlines, you would find that the later deadline is preferable. Having the pressures of getting your business off the ground is in itself a stress ticker and eats at your laid-back personality. There is nothing more stressful than waiting to see some type of financial gain in your efforts to jumpstart the business. Not only that, it’s the business planning, the meetings, the networking, the financial burdens, the paperwork, the strategy’s, the marketing, etc. that really eats at your stress level. 2. It’s never-ending. Yup, the workload is intense. No you cannot just go home to your family to relax and spend quality time; especially when you are starting up. Are you serious? This journey has only begun. So not only are you watching conversions, monitoring social media, connecting with partners, creating bigger and better ideas, and just fully engaged after hours, you are a walking brand for your business 24 hours until you are in the safe zone to pull away; which may take up to 5 years or more.
3. It’s frustrating. You may never know what is around the corner in business. But you have to be prepared ahead of time. Things are not destined to go smoothly with a business. You may plan a work week out to develop the business further; however, you end up repairing documents, developing alternate plans, handling a glitch in the system, or I’ll do you one better, an irate customer because everyone knows when you start a business there are little glitches that would need to have a run through in order to fix them. Right? So, things happen just prepare with space added in your schedule. So with this kind of stress, pressure and workload, why, then, would anyone subject themselves to being an entrepreneur? The answer is simple: the positives outweigh the negatives: 1. It’s rewarding. Reaping the successes of financial and emotional rewards is two-fold in your efforts. Seeing services and/or products you’ve worked so hard at preparing take off and really resonate with your target audience is exciting and have you floating on cloud 9. Hearing customers tell you that your service or product helped them in some way is gratifying news. This will keep you forging forward, and to tell you the truth this satisfied attitude you begin to feel will make you work harder for your customers. And of course, turning a profit and knowing your business is financially stable are extremely rewarding as well. 2. It’s flexible. Working for yourself, you would begin to feel as though working a conventional 9 to 5 can never be done again. Of course, being a business owner you are working longer hours, but this is done on your own accord. You have the flexibility to stop and resume at the times you desire. You can work from home, be mobile, or in an office, all your choice. As the boss, you get to call the shots. No more weekends unless you say so. Nice! 3. It’s the chance to create. As an entrepreneur you will gain the “driven” quality; especially if business is moving in the right direction. You begin to feel the need to develop something phenomenal, help others, or possibly leave something behind. Maybe its adding to your business vision or creating something for the community; or anything meaningful that will stand the test of time. This type of fulfillment is difficult to implement in most career paths. However, doable when you have your own successful business and you are calling the shots. I am now 33 years old, and if I had to do business all over again… I would do it just the same. No fear. If you have the vision, take it for what it is worth. It could mean making a difference in your life. Work on your business vision or else you may find yourself working in someone else’s vision.
“A Well Read Woman is a Dangerous Creature” So who is Dominique Garis? And more importantly, why is she a mogul? Well, let’s see… At the age of 26, Ms. Garis, is the leading manager of her business with NovaeLife and leads an encouraging and empowering lifestyle for all to follow. She has acknowledged, at such an early stage in life, that it takes risks, challenges and action to become a public figure in our society. So she went for her destiny and never once looked back. Garis begin to make her mark in leadership at the early age of 17 years old, working in management for banks, and leading people younger and older than her. She exudes leadership from her core by learning from her upbringing ‘what not to do’ in order to become a success in her own life.
Garis grew up middle class, but in an instant found herself without her father due to infidelity and a mother who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She did not have the upbringing of success and wealth knowledge; however, she gained the street knowledge behind what it takes to make it in this world and ran with her skills. Having leadership, management, customer service and social networking under her belt, she decided she wanted to become an entrepreneur. And not just an entrepreneur, but a successful entrepreneur building an audience of followers and teaching those eager to learn about business development and growth along the way.
Red:What has prompted you to start your business movement with Novae? DG: During the time I worked with the banks, I gravitated towards working with people and providing them a service in which they needed. I was never the sales pitcher, but I knew I could network through a demanding product. And being introduced to Novae, it wasn’t a push business, it wasn’t a “take this product and sell it, then you get paid.” So, it was an easy decision to build my mark with Novae because I was able to take my skills I learned and put them to great use in the company… which has proven to be quite successful. But too, Novae provide me that growth that I have always wanted in my 9 to 5. I am able to make moves on my own terms, but more importantly, I am able to give my customers something they need in life in order to better their life… and that is bettering a person financially. Growing up, I did not know anything about credit and was not taught stable finances.
A Growing Mogul… She found solace in the company Novae, after figuring that as an independent consultant for beauty industries she could not convince some men to wear her makeup (go figure). So she opted for a business endeavor helpful to men and women. Novae is a growing company based out of Atlanta, GA providing debt free personal growth and self-development with a goal of inspiring people to achieve more in life through education and opportunity. At Novae, Garis found that she
could utilize her expert skills to grow her business within the company… and she did. Now as one of the top leadership teams in the company, Ms. Garis would like to share the obstacles and curve balls she took, but never letting either cripple her way into success. Here is what she has to say…
Red: Did Novae just fall into your lap or where you introduced to the opportunity? DG: No, I was introduced to the company. My previous company was shutting its doors and we didn’t know when it would come, but I prepared myself and my team. So when I heard on the opportunity with Novae there were only 200 views on the company and the opportunity video. It was small. But after research I knew it was the company for me. So I jumped in during pre-launch, which is really awesome. It is only 4 months old… December 1st was its launch and it is still booming now. We knew something big was coming!
Red: So what is it about Novae that have you flooding the Facebook timelines? LOL Because that’s how I caught wind of you. DG: Novae is about network marketing, and I realized that success does not happen overnight. So I took to Facebook because it was and still is the most profound trending networking tool. If you went back on my timeline where I was new to network marketing you will see my growth. And that is what I enjoy, showing people my growth in business because they can grow to.
You cannot expect to do the same thing and expect different results because that is the definition of insanity. I had to strategically plan and really learn how to network the social media, and after so long, I was getting great responses and my strategies where “hits” literally by targeting people’s feelings rather than pushing the product into the customers face. So, now that I am great with network marketing and it is essentially my cash flow, I flood the timelines knowing I will obtain business.
Red: Tell me what is so appealing about this company? DG: It’s a lifestyle enhancement company… the money that you spend every day we can help you save on that money. It is also considered a write off on your taxes. Most people do not understand that having your own homebased business is a write off. Barack Obama said it himself that everyone should have their own home-based business because you actually get to write off 1/5 of that on your taxes. So at Novae we want to help put people in a position so when they are ready to take big leaps in business or buying or anything, they are able to without a struggle. And too, instead of being a manager of a company, they will instead be the CEO of their own company because they will know how to run it and build it financially and personably.
Red: Could anyone become involved with the company? DG: Anyone can get into it. But I would honest advice to come in with some type of business background because it is basically a business you build. For me and my team, I only seek those that have a vision and are coachable. It is really a business for leadership and it is hard to pinpoint those people who can help us build together. Actually, my boyfriend
and I are a team of support and we are building together in our business with Novae. Red: In what demographic area does it seem business is booming for the company? DG: We are all over. But Philadelphia is huge right now and seriously building. But also Atlanta, Ga is where the headquarters is located and business is so hot right now. Red: Where were you in business or employment a year ago or two years ago? DG: A year ago, I was in banking and I still work in banking part time. I actually love the connection I have with my customers and gaining that business experience. I actually work two days a week for my bank. I just find that a piece of me just cannot give it up, yet.
Red: Would you consider giving up a 9 to 5 for a business opportunity? DG: No. You should at least stay part time because if you go and quit your job you will not be comfortable…paying bills, just living day to day and pay check to pay check. For a while, I was working full time. But I am actually slowly beginning to replace my corporate income with my business income. Now, I am part time in the banking industry… only twice a week, and the rest of my income comes from my business with Novae. There is a part of me that still loves the banking industry; but not only that, I am still learning and gaining the experience in the banking world and with learning different skills.
Red: Do you have great support? DG: My boyfriend Makeal is a great support, and my family. Now, they do not understand what I am doing, but the great thing is they still support me. I am always talking about the business and they are all like, “
please stop talking about it.” But at the end of the day, they are there to support me. As well, my team is there for support. They inspire me. For instance, they will contact me to say a phone call inspired them, or the book I suggested for reading was motivating. So my team is a great help to my management skills and leadership. It shows me I am going into the right direction.
Red: How do you go about marketing and obtaining customers? DG: I think about who I want and need to target. I am better at targeting women like single mothers, and help them to understand that they do not have to live a 9 to 5 for sixty years… because there are other ways to make a living. I target this group because I can show them how they can really start with Novae part time and make it a full time job after training and growing themselves. So, I go after the women who would really benefit from my services and come out on top. I always tell everyone to use network marketing as a vehicle to get to where you want to be in life.
Red: Was there an event in your life that transpired that pushed you to become an entrepreneur? DG: Yes. At middle management you are responsible for the people under you. So whatever they do, good or bad, it reflects on you. Well, I had a teller have a bad situation happen - I will not go into much detail there - but long story short, it ruined my reputation, as far as my managerial skills and leadership. And I had to rebuild myself and my reputation back to the top; which drove me to make decisions about my life and move forward with my business endeavors.
Red: As an entrepreneur, what sound advice could you provide our readers? DG: I would say if you are going to start a business do your research and make
educated decisions. Do not go off on a whim because in the end, the only person it is going to reflect is you. And I would also say, no matter what people may say about you, like “haters”, use that as a motivation, and your driving force; they need to know that people hat because they do not understand or worst, they do not want to see the next person doing well. So I say, just accept the challenges that will come with entrepreneurship and embrace them, learn from them and keep pushing forward.
Red: What is your favorite quote? DG: If you could be who you wanted to be, being the person that you are today, you would already be where you are today. Red: Who inspires your efforts? DG: My son and mother. My mother is still struggling to this day. Her alimony runs up this September, so there is nothing afterwards. However, my mother deserves to live the lifestyle she has lived for so long. So I will work my butt off from now until forever to make sure my mother keep her lifestyle. That is what inspires me to keep going. I want to leave a legacy for my son and for my mother.
Red: Is there a lovely guy in your life? What percentage would you say he supports you in business? DG: Yes. Makeal supports me 1000% because we are team. Not only that, we work together in the same business. He is just great. Red: There a many situations where women give up their dream and desires in an attempt to court and/or pursue a man. What do you think about this? DG: I understand that feeling of love. I have made the mistake before of putting my career on the back burner for the person that I have lusted over…not caring to get to work on time or whatever… or go hangout with the
person knowing I had other important matters to take care of. So I totally understand how that feels. BUT, it has never worked out in my favor. And that is my opinion, but it is also my experience. So people in general should always keep the balance between relationship and business, because when a person come and go, you are left to pick up the pieces. Giving up your all is not smart thinking and it certainly is not business savvy. Red: Do you believe it is important to keep business and relationships separate? Why or why not? DG: Yes. Absolutely. We work together and we market together, but we have our own things going aside from Novae. See people know us together, but they also know who we are as individuals when it comes to side grinds. This is what keeps our personal relationship strong and helps to keep our business relationship strong, safe and sane.
Red: Do you believe in networking? What has been your experience? DG: Yes. The people I have met are just incredible. I’ve made connections I’ve never dreamed of connecting with outside of my business. Networking in general has led me to travel. This past month alone I’ve been to Miami, Los Angeles, and Atlanta… all in a three week span. But it was an amazing experience. It humbles me to know that traveling to these different places means I am expanding my network, my clientele, and my social connection. And I love that we have a lot of networking events here in Pennsylvania; I try to attend them all. Networking helps me to find new resources and referrals, as well as do a lot of sharing of information; meaning what I may know will help the next person and vice versa. But overall I love talking with people and connecting with them. It’s my customer service background.
Red: Can you give our readers one last piece of advice to take with them along their business journey? DG: I would really focus on growing your mind and really focus on personal development. Also, read a book weekly. I know it is hard to commit to some things, but when opportunities come your way, you can better understand it, and thoroughly absorb what’s going on around you. Reading is definitely fundamental in its own right. It opens your mind to other avenues about life. It gets those receptors working hard and working for you; expanding your knowledge.
You Rock Girl… I cannot wait to share your story to the world. Thank you for sharing.
According to Josh Felber, the #1 tip to finding financial success in 2015,is to become universal, or at all places of business at one time. Most people would simply say this statement is BS. But what the average person and the business savvy person would take away from this statement are night and day perspectives. But first let’s further elaborate on what Felber had to say about finding business success. Basically, what Felber meant by being in many places at one time is utilizing the resources around you and from a far. From a different perspective, it also means to push yourself, your brand and your business 10 times the action around you and what you do. In a nutshell, create a celebrity status to dominate your target market in the business sector. Always have something going on by branding yourself as a whole, and you’ll capture the needed attention of potential clients. Take for instance, Oprah Winfrey or Donald Trump. Either it is their brand you recognize, their respected area of expertise you are familiar with or it is their dominate business demeanor that everyone knows very well. So when it comes to putting your business in front of the world to see, it is best to conform your business mind by thinking outside the box, meshing ideas and realistic goals to formulate a financial plan of success.
First let’s take a glimpse into what business is all about. Business is about priorities, and what you would like to accomplish in every aspect of your business endeavors. Business is also about goals and objectives, which are eventually placed into the categories by strategically prioritizing. Understand the purpose and strategy for prioritization: What will you do with the prioritized items? Prioritize for the means of eliminating items, but to ensure alignments to objectives, plan scheduling and managing the scope of the business.
What everyone in pursuit of growing their business should realize is that achieving accomplishments are the result of a goal that was set, but only charted and realized after its success. So, what does that mean? With goals and objectives, you are able to outline specific intermediate goals, by breaking down the BIG goal into smaller obtainable ones. When we break down our big goals and objectives into smaller ones and them as a short term goal to achieve, we will eventually make all goals, and before we know it all smaller goals were obtainable, but more importantly reachable. Reaching goals on a short-term scale also has its advantages by being able to gain clarity on all goals existence as they pertain to your business, but also measure them against the business and its business plan.
Now, let’s get back to “What’s holding you back?” Yes, business can seem challenging and even discouraging for most. But when you take the necessary steps to achieve business growth and development, it really does become easier to obtain the success that you see in a lot of other businesses. Here is a starting point…
Do a Quick Assessment of Your Business… Take the time to step away from business and look at the business basics… like the original business plan. Even if you are a thriving successful business, it does not hurt to evaluate the point from which you started to present. And too, it is always a business savvy practice to look at the basics of the businesses fundamentals. When you conduct a business assessment, it is essentially outlining your initial business plan. But only this time, you are seeking the accomplishments and achievable, measuring them to the present. This is the best way to find common errors in strategies and build favorable ones for business growth and development. So, while this may only be a quick assessment, take the new found elements about your business in all aspects and build from it. According to Tim Berry of Bplans, the plan can only get better and more successful. Step One: View your objectives – market shares, sales and profit objectives (if applicable) • Have you set objectives that have been obtainable and achievable? If these objectives do not appear solid or are in need of revamping, do some adjusting. At the end, make sure these objectives are concrete and measurable for future assessments, but will be growth worthy in the present. And be very specific with details as you asses. Step Two: Have you followed through with your business mission statement? • Does your mission statement define how your businesses concept is operating
today? The underlying goals and objectives that were placed in this section in broad strategic terms must show signs of the market you sought to service and the benefits behind those terms must also be noticeable. If not, what was the point of building a plan in the beginning? • If you must regroup this section for clarity purposes, ask yourself – What business are you in? Please, do not make the mistake of narrowing your business endeavors. Just because you sell candles, do not lose a chance to expand in the twentieth century due to misdefining your business. Meaning, selling candles as a home-based business, great. Now, also incorporate, becoming mobile, being a whole seller, conducting parties selling distinct candles i.e. cupcake candles, shape candles, or yummy dessert candles, and do not forget collaborating with people who make gift baskets or vendors utilizing swag bags. So many opportunities if you just do not misdefine your business abilities to expand into other avenues. • Have your customer satisfaction guarantees that were defined in your mission statement? Have you developed customer care programs that aids in spreading the idea and importance within the company? • Is the workplace philosophy active and running smoothly? This defines the internal goals, such as maintaining an organized, creative and diverse environment? • What does your marketing framework look like at the current time? The framework is the benefits a business offer, to whom and at what relative price level. Are they consistent and competitive?
Step Three: What are your Keys to Success?
Focusing on “the keys to success” is ideal for keeping priorities in the forefront of your business. What are the four most important factors for your business? Take those four, or how ever many factors, and develop a focus framework around them making them business priorities by implementing them steadfast. Making these key factors a main priority will help in making your business work. For example, retail business key factors of focus might be location, convenient parking, low prices and 24-hour service. These factors will help them make their business more successful. What are your four key factors?
Step Four: Are you Breaking-even in your current business endeavors? Build an analysis table, where you estimate business gains. The table will calculate a break-even point based on fixed costs – all running fixed costs, including payroll and normal expenses, variable costs per unit of sales – the increment al cost of each unit of sale, and revenue per unit of sales – the price you charge per unit, plus any discounts and special offers. Great right! If your business, at its current stage, is not breaking even then it is best to consider this analysis chart to determine your bottom-line financial realities. So can you sell enough to make your breakeven volume?
Figure 1.0 Use this example to configure the break-even point.
Step Five: Does your Market Analysis provide real time numbers? Has there been a sufficient market to support your business? At this point, it is all about a business reality check. Here is where you develop a Market Analysis table. This table will provide you a list of market segments, which is a group of customers. Define the groups according the needs you supply, demographic characteristics, buying habits, preferences, or what any other classifications system that works for your plan.
Step Six: What does your business look like now? Conduct this objective appraisal. So, at this point, how do you feel about your business assessment? Now, that you have evaluated and redefined your business how does your business look from this viewpoint? Does it make sense? Can you make sales you need to break even? Is the market big enough? Are
your projections realistic? Can you bring together the key factors to success? Can you? This bit of information is especially critical for entrepreneurs, because it is a moment of reflection. You know, many people dream of starting a business, but quickly turn into discouragement when the business is not successful. If you believe you can be honest with your business current situation by conducting this quick assessment, then there is potential to growing your
business successful. Because growing a business begins with know the ins and outs, the strategies that are working and those that are not, and evaluating your business plan constantly to ensure your business is aligned with success tactics. Good Luck!
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Do not put your career on the back burner for love.
Ladies we support our men so much that we neglect our hopes, dreams and most importantly our careers. It's not that we lose our jobs or business as much as we lose ourselves, our identity, our minds, our focus, our individuality and our vision. We so often become complacent. Being satisfied is an extension of our mate as opposed to remaining an individual in relationships. I'm not saying we shouldn't support our mate. However, he should not be the air that we breathe. When our relationship has a bump in the road or God forbid, it's over. We cannot function when our personal life has problems; our business/professional life suffers drastically due to the fact that we haven't learned how to mesh business and personal. We have to learn how to turn our emotions off to some degree in order to make sure our business is in order. Men have mastered this skill. Their business does not suffer when their personal life is having issues. During the process of our relationships, we lose years of productivity toward our dreams because we allowed them to fall at the wayside to foolishly show someone we love them more than we love ourselves. We began to lack vision, lose focus and sight of our end goal. We have to maintain our focus because there is business to conduct after love is lost. Life is truly about balance and what's in the center of it all. We make our mate the center of our life and when the center is troubled everything around it is off balance. We should never make a person the center of our life because life happens every day. People die. People change. Relationships end. Even our children will leave home. What's in the center of your life? Our center should be unmovable. God should be the center of our life because He never changes. His Word never changes and His foundation is solid. When you think of balance, Don't be the girl who didn't chase her dream because she was too busy chasing a man, there is room for both. You are the captain of your ship. In the end we must maintain what is important to us as it pertains to business. We have to be alert and honest with ourselves. We have to be mindful at all times that this relationship may come to an end. Ask yourself these questions. If we/he decided to end this relationship today can I maintain my home? Can I pay my bills? Have I neglected my career thus far? This is where you can learn to mesh business and personal. Support your mate but always make sure to keep your passion, dreams and mainly your business at the top of your priorities. Handle YOUR business.
The Selfish Side of A Woman So many women catch men in the growth stage of their transition from a boy to a man. When they show us they're not ready by lying and cheating instead of letting go, we hold on only to further stunt their growth by condoning their poor behavior in what we disguise as forgiveness, because we are selfish and we want what we want so we take what he doesn't have to give which is honesty, loyalty and a commitment only to blame him for the pain we inflict upon ourselves. We have to understand men are not possessions and that we cannot own a man. We have to realize sometimes it's time to let go. Once we've had a serious relationship with a man we think we own him and that he owes us something forever. We decided to give ourselves mind, body and soul to someone who was not ready for a serious relationship in the first place and instead of letting go, we selfishly steal his growth.
For every bit of pain I took, I own it. I knew he wasn't ready the first time he cheated. For the second time he cheated, and definitely the third time. He did not force me to stay there. I had to stop saying he promised to never do it again when I knew his word was no good. We're so selfish we hurt ourselves in fear of what if it goes somewhere and is happy with someone else. So many of us would rather be in an unhappy and unhealthy relationship just to make sure he's not happy without us. The need to win him stunts our growth tremendously. I'm just saying I know because I used to be there.
I made a choice to choose me and I encourage you to choose you too. Stop holding on to someone who doesn’t belong to you. Outside of him being with another woman, he doesn't belong to you, he is a person not an object to be owned. Women we have to realize a man is not a possession. We don't own up to it, but we make it our business to steal his happiness if he hurt us or decides he needs to move on, only to let our own happiness be stolen in the process. So let that man go so he can grow for the woman he is supposed to be with. If it is you trust God and stop being selfish. If he cheated on you just accept the FACT that he's not ready to be in a monogamous relationship with you right now. If you DECIDE to stay on that roller coaster ride, put the blame right where it belongs, on you. Now don't get me wrong some men are just dogs; however, in every situation you have a choice.
The question is, are you going to choose him or will you choose you? Are you going to be selfish or selfless? The choice is yours.
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Silee K. Williams, a 29 year old entrepreneur, author, public speaker and life coach begin his journey from a small town outside of Atlanta called Statesborough. He made his way to the big city on a whim and notion that he knew there was a bigger and better life waiting for him in the big city. After working odd jobs, and getting fired from them, he knew that he had to put his life into perspective and evaluate the path on which he would take. He knew the possibilities were limitless, but really needed that moment to confront him. So he asked himself, “What is it that you really want to do with your life moving forward?” He decided that the one skill set he exceled in was communication. After putting his skill into motion, doors begin to open. Another compelling skill he noticed was his ability to provide sound advice. He did not begin providing people advice because he felt he was a great communicator. Instead, people gravitated to him for his advice because of his communicating skills and approachable demeanor. So he found the two things he did well – communicate and provide quality advice. That is when Silee K. Williams, the public figure, was born. He started hosting conference calls on Wednesdays called Empowerment Sessions that took place at 9 or 10 o’clock in the morning. At the blink of an eye the conference calls begin to be noticed and successful. People were calling from across the country to hear him speak. He says, “I must admit I was terrible starting off. I think people were just showing up because they liked me.” (laughs) The confirmations from the conference calls were affirmation for which path he should journey into greatness. He noticed that people wanted and needed to hear what he had to say. With no formal training in public speaking, no training or educational background in writing or coaching, besides being a true and selfless advocate for inspiration and self-prospering, Silee dove into his calling from God. Silee K. Williams decided to interview with us to give you the scoop on how he grew from a “bad kid in school” to a powerful mogul in the making. With one bestseller under his belt, a notable list of public speaking engagements and thousands of followers, we believe he has proven himself to many that he has what it takes to give our readers insight on how to build, grow and be a success in their own right. Here is what Silee had to say…
Red: Give us a little bit of a background about Silee? SW: Okay. I currently live in Atlanta, but I grew up in a small town 45 minutes outside of Savannah called Statesborough…like I bet you have never heard of it. I moved away from my home town at 18 years old. So I knew that whatever I was destined to do would never take place in Stateborough. So I moved to Atlanta. I really did not have a direction or call on what to do with my life; but I knew I had to put myself in the city where I would be more exposed to other things around me. So one day – after knowing that my mother would eventually talk me out of moving – I packed up and started driving to Georgia. That is when I called my mother and told her I was moving away when I was half way to Atlanta and that I had no gas money to come back. (laughs) So, I got to Atlanta, working odd jobs here and there. Then a changing moment happened to my life when I was introduced to New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, led by Bishop Eddie Long. This story is so embarrassing. But, one day after a long night out I went to church drunk, I decided to go to this church because he had a 7:30am service. While, I was sitting there the most miraculous thing happened. The bishop began to tell his life story similar to mine, and ending up in a church drunk. I was blown away. But essentially, what set my life on a different path was years ago I liked a guy named Matthew Odom, a pastor in Savannah and
really popular. Well, what I used to do as a child was dress in a rob and preach to my stuff animals. So even as a young kid I was mesmerized by ministry and impacting other people lives. So in August 2004 on this particular day Pastor Eddie Long was preaching a sermon called “Back to the Basics”, talking about how not to take things for granted and then he ended the sermon with the story of how he was in Washington DC attending college and on one particular Sunday he went to church with a hangover. He had mothers of the church praying over him and saying how he would do awesome things for God. At that point, I realized the he and I not only had the same story, but the same visions and goals. So at that point, I knew what I was meant to do in lives; which lead me to being a motivator and inspirational speaker today. Red: So, share with the readers what it is that you do as an entrepreneur? My purpose in entrepreneurship is to wake people up to their purpose in life and whatever journeys they intend to take. Through communication… it is the one thing that energizes me, so what God is doing with my life is taking me, my centerpiece of communicating and applying that to life in different aspects. When I am writing my book I am communicating with others, when I am public speaking I am communicating, and when I am
hosting seminars and conferences I am communicating; all of which I am doing in different formats but the skill I am dispersing is still my business, what I have started as part of my entrepreneurship. I am inspiring people to wake up and have tenacity to go out there and achieve goals and what God has created them to be. Red: Can you tell us more about Project Lead Mr. CEO? Project Lead is basically a project developed to equip leaders in the areas in which they are experienced and show them how to be a leader to others to gain followers. Overall, I drive their ambitions further and teach people to go after their dreams and destiny. As an entrepreneur, putting yourself out there and in the forefront of others it attracts others and followers. So when people ask the questions, “why is it not working for me?” It could very well be that they are not being excellent in their area. They need to know that they must push more to achieve more. And that is the facts. Doing things to the best of your ability draw attention and attracts the masses. After having so many people come to me individually asking for advice of spiritual, life coaching and business, I decided to move forward in building my business Project Lead. In order to take your life to the next level be assertive and do not go looking for the “big break.” Excellence draws people. I started this business on a conference call where I sucked, but it has manifested into a conference where people come from all over. Just get started and all other things will draw itself together like a magnet. Red: Why do you give so much of yourself and your mind to others? What do you gain from it? Let me tell you this. That is a great question. When you start to walk in your purpose you start to walk in the vision you were created to be. When I started walking in my purpose, I automatically understood that everything I learned and dispersed were not just for me, but for the bigger picture. Let me tell you why. You hear people saying all the time, “I need to find my purpose.” But your purpose is not there to be found. In the book of Jeremiah, God says he has a plan for our life. Knowing this information, I get excited knowing that I am living in my plan that was intended for me. For me, it is being aware that the reason I exist is because God created me precisely for this job and that I am the only one to do it to the extent he intended it to be. So, I give myself to others because I want them to walk in their purpose. And those that are lost in that purpose, I want to be the one to lift them into that purpose. Here is my analogy: When you bake a cake it has many ingredients. If one ingredient were missing, that would not make for a tasty cake. However, when all ingredients are incorporated it’s a delightful treat. So that is what essentially happens in life. We have to encompass and endure all the individual ingredients first; which are nasty. But once you have all the ingredients to make your ‘cake’ then you have the ingredients for your business success. Red: Do you consider yourself a public figure? If no, at what point in your career would you consider yourself a public figure? No. I actually do not consider myself a public figure at all. Let me tell you why. Have you ever received advice from someone that at first glance you thought were not really smart, but when they provided the advice, it blew your mind away? Okay, this is what happened to me. I was reading this book called Decision Points, written by George W. Bush. At this one page, George Bush states, “I’m going to do the things that are best for me now, and I will let history decide where I line up.” This was the message provided after Mat Lauer from the Todays Show asked him, “When do you think the decisions that you’ve made would align up where people will rank you for being a president?” At this point, I was speechless, and that is the best statement of all time. If you focus on your status, it will be done at the expense of fully operating at the level at which you can create excellence. If I focus on my purpose and do everything to the best of my ability history will tell others how great I am, history will tell one how effective I was in this moment. That statement made perfect sense to me. And here is the thing, people criticize the man, but he held a job that only 43 people had last 200 years. So I give credit to someone in that position. That is brilliance. I can’t get wrapped up in status I will let others decide that for me.
Red: Who inspires your efforts? My son. Red: Was there an event in your life that transpired that pushed you to become an entrepreneur? So many different events happened to me collectively. But there is the one thing that has stood out to me overall. When I was 13 my sister lived in Washington, DC, right? I saw something that blew my mind. I saw homeless people in DC! I never thought that was possible. It’s the capital. And this is what I said to myself. I remember that day because I was with my sister, riding with in her red 1992 Toyota Camry that had a gray stripe down the side. But this is what I remember thinking that day … If the government does not care about people here in this city then they surely do not care about me all the way in Georgia. And I remember thinking, I am going to have to put myself in a position to be successful and not wait for someone else to do it. This same mindset stuck with me. If you want to be successful, you are not going to be rich working for someone else. People who run the government walk all over people underneath them; so if you want to take life to the next level, you have to put yourself in a position to be in charge. However, this eye opening experience influenced my thoughts of - if I wanted to jumpstart my success, I must go after it for myself because no one else is going to want it for me. So that experience really changed my thought process. Just like an employer, they will pay you, but they will walk right pass you as if you did not matter or exist. I do not want to reduce my life down to that. And this is why it is best to be the leader, to take action for yourself. No one cares about me…you. Remember, to be successful you must be tenacious. Red: What do you like most about everything you do? What I like most is being about to help other people. The number one thing I love is when people tell me that the example I made of myself and the things I’ve shared influenced these things to take place in their life. I remember this woman reaching out to me on Facebook messenger from Minnesota. She was indecisive on going back to get her master’s degree mind you, I do not have a college degree – but she came to me for advice and we talked about things that were possibly taking place in her life hindering her situation, and making it harder for her in that current phase of her life. Months later, she came back to me and she mentioned all the tough things I said to her and how she felt offended by my spoken words to her. However, she wanted to inform me that our conversation really influenced her to enroll in college. She is now pursuing her master’s degree. This is the type of acknowledgement and affirmation for me in regards to my purpose in life. I believe it is God showing me that I am walking in my purpose, and showing me that I am on the right path. I have learned that if certain events did not happen in my life, I would not have the drive or encouragement to do the things that I am doing now. Things happen to people individually and right now things are taking place in my life for my purpose in life. He was setting me up for this moment. And I am excited about it. That brings me to life. Red: What do you like least? Pass. I cannot say there is anything I like least at this time. I enjoy everything I do and will do in the future. Red: If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? I would not do a thing differently. The reason…if things were differently in my life… what I am encountering would not be as effective as it is now. Just like a cake, when all ingredients are mixed in the outcome is just right, and it is the same way with life. Eating each ingredient is hard to swallow by itself, but once all ingredients come together it develops something delicious and wonderful. Red: Who are your heros? That is a great question. I would say my number one hero is my mother. But my definition of a hero is anyone who has a dream, who has a goal, who is ambitious, and those who have pressed through no matter the hardship, are those I admire. That automatically puts them in the group of the elite. Those are the people who had a vision and did not let the course deter them. To be an entrepreneur you must have a vision, and be excited to overcome the detours and setbacks in order to get to your vision. Not being able to push through, those are the people who will get
knocked out of the course. But remember, experiencing hardship does not mean the vision is not for you, it just means it is part of the role. We see that Hilary Clinton is being targeted by people left and right, but my thought on that is, it is part of their job to make it hard for her. But she is definitely withstanding the hardships; which in turn prove how powerful she is as she continues to push through to her vision. You have to have the tenacity to keep going. This is what brings you much success. It’s not that one is smarter or brighter, it’s simply your ambition to keep going through the hard times. Red: What’s the side of you that the public never sees? This is a really good question. You know when people come to me they come to me so serious. I am just like a huge class clown. But most people never see this side of me. So they take me so serious based on my role in life. I am so goofy and I like to get on peoples nerves to the point that friends be like, “dude you need to grow up.” I used to joke around so much in high school that in the year book it said that I would be on comic view or something one day. But the irony in this is that I am on television, but as a motivational and inspirational speaker. How about that? Red: What’s the magic formula for success? This is a great question. For me, there are six elements for success, and if they are strategically applied they will put an entrepreneur in a position of success. The number one element is setting goals. And what I mean is setting goals with a plan and a completion date. Setting goals shows me where to best place my energy. The number two is to get started. People with success do not wait to get started. They get started immediately and move on from there. Everything is not going to be aligned precisely. So it is best to put things into motion and along the way make adjustments. The third element is to think positive. Everything you do is going to handle the way you perceive it. Opportunities and lack are birthed out of the same event. If there is no need or lack, there is no room for opportunity. So how does one see one from the other? It depends on the way one thinks. Let me say this, the difference between a CEO and a janitor is what is going on in their head. Nothing else separates them but how they perceive life. The fourth element is take action. You do not have to have all the information to get into motion, but you will need to put work behind it to get things moving. Most people say they need everything to line up in order to get started. But successful people do not go into things blindly, but they use enough information to get started and put action behind your words. (emphasis) Put action behind your words. Start where you find yourself in order to build the things you want. The conference I am hosting started from a dude who was unemployed. Let that marinate. The fifth element is to be determined. In war they say this every time. But there is no way to determine a bulleting flying. However, people who press forward are the ones who win. I cannot determine the end from the beginning, but if I am determined to win. I will be able to overcome those obstacles to obtain the things I envisioned when I started the race. And number six would be to attack it. Attack it means to get a clear vision of the things you want and do not stop until you achieve. Put everything in play until achieved. Wishing is not big enough and not a part of the formula for success. But putting action into your formula is a clear way into success. Red: Do you think Americans put too much emphasis on competition? Not necessarily. I do not think that competition is a bad thing. It gives you the opportunity to see where you can improve and do things better. You do not have to necessarily focus on the component in competition, but be aware that there are other people out there doing the same things as you. But to keep the focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Essentially, if I am running a race I am going to focus on the finish line. I am going to try the best of my ability, but not because I see where my brother are; and because I know I have brothers out there running. I am confident in what I do that I do not have to focus on my components. Just because you shine does not take the light off of me because I am comfortable in who I am and what I do. And this is how I am able to collaborate with others in my field and outside of it. Have self confidence in what you do. That way you can say, “Hey man, can you come do this, because I suck at it, but you are great at it.” This is confidence and shows your ability to come together, not in competition, but in collaboration. Most people want to be good at everything. I am not good at everything, but I am great at what I am good at and confident enough to stay in my lane. Red: Do you worry about whether people like you for the real you, or because you are a public figure? No. I do not do that at all. I think time will show the real meaning of why people like you. If you continue to do what you do well, then life will be able to show the motives of others intentions when it comes to their connection with you. I am not too focused on this area because I let time tell that true story. People who are around me for the right reasons will continue to follow, and those that are not will fall off. But it is not my job to really figure it out. My job is to continue to do the things I am doing, which is impact lives. Others reasoning behind connecting with me will come to light when the time is right. You know the moment one start getting caught up on the “being famous”, the less you start to be approachable and connect with people. God did not call me to be famous. He called on me to effective in certain areas. Red: Can you tell the readers a bit about the book? The book is really is to understand that so many people feel like life and events pull them away from purpose. You will often hear people say, “I would have done this, if x, y, z did not happen.” The book is basically telling you the exact opposite. Life events are not taking you away from your purpose, yet equipping you for your purpose. Also, what you thought was taking you out of your arena, is actually making room for the things you were meant to be in life. So the book is broken down into 13 elements that I feel will give the reader the momentum to look at life and the events from the right perspective. I use a lot of biblical understanding and a lot of my own life experiences to really help connect the readers. I am very personable with my book. I have placed a lot of events and personal experiences, as well as practical tactics one could apply to life.
Red: Are you currently working on a book? Can you disclose your latest book and what it is about? My next book is called Exceptionalism: You Were Created to Stand Out. The book is about how God did not call on you to be superior, but, in fact, exceptional. Meaning the things you can do well… other people may have to study the skill you are so exceptional at, but nonetheless, everyone is exceptional in their own right. This book will be out in the next two months. I want to be able to give back with every phase of my life. So, writing allows me to do that. I have another book also in the developing stages called Achieving the Impossible. This book was birthed after, in 2006, in a place in life of not having anything and nine years later achieving things I felt once where impossible. And because of my ambitions I will be featured in the Atlanta’s “Who’s Who” book this year.
Red: As an entrepreneur, what sound advice could you provide our readers? Understand this…you do not have to go chancing purpose, but understand that you were made for a purpose. There are skills and magnificence inside each of us, you just have to develop them. Also, understand this when I say develop your skill sets, that mean you have to have enough courage to believe that God placed this on your life and you have to have enough courage to go after them. Understand that you are the one for the job. No one else can do what you were created to do. You are the number one. And know this… if you do not do what God prepared you to do, it will not get done to the level of which it was made to reach. So know you are the one to do it…whatever it is. Do it to your fullest potential and do it because it’s your purpose.
By: Lisa Canipe-Porter
Our first topic of discussion is how to take responsibility and make changes in business. Every business is responsible for taking responsibility of their actions and for keeping up with changes as technologies progress. Doing this places emphasis on the ability to communicate. Communication within the community in which the business is located is vital to the success of any business. Interacting positively with the suppliers, citizens, other businesses, and the community itself will aid the business greatly. Contributing to the community where it hopes to prosper is a wonderful way to obtain a positive presence. This can be done through community events that are sponsored by the local businesses, and by minimizing negative social and environmental impacts that it places on the community itself. To separate your business from others, use unique marketing, and networking concepts. Marketing is vital to any business; therefore, finding unique ways to place your business within the view of potential customers is essential. Determine to what type of clients you are selling your products to. For example, if you are selling pet food and supplies, obtain ad space in local dog parks, on the benches within these parks, and billboards near these areas. This places you in their direct line of vision and puts your business into their mind with the goal of them stopping by to purchase items while they are out and about. Networking with other businesses is a key role in continuing to developing your business. One of the unique ways of networking today is through Facebook. There are various pages that cater to business minded people allowing you to connect with people from all over the globe with businesses similar to yours. Another is through attending business seminars in your area, and some larger ones that may be some distance from you. However, it is worth the time and effort. This allows you to obtain valuable business relationships with other successful companies and individuals. Both Facebook and business seminars offers you the opportunity to speak with others in your like area of expertise and compare notes on what works for them and what doesn’t.
Changes in technology are a major responsibility of any business to keep informed of. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the business to keep up to date with and ensure the business obtains the appropriate knowledge needed to keep up with the times. This can be done by changing the business from an office concept to an administrative concept by emphasizing the need for greater knowledge of the employees. Having employees return to college to develop technical, conceptual, analytical, interpersonal skills, as well as decision making; is the best way for a business to enhance its own future success and its ability to create more wealth by straightforward tasks. Remember, that the actions of a business leader affects not only themselves but the customers to which it sells its products, the suppliers from which they purchase materials, and the citizens and the community which purchase and interacts with this business in everyday life.
As with any business, you will face obstacles and hardships. You will find yourself on a high, then level off to a plateau, and hit a bump that will slow you down. Overcoming, this bump in the road is something that you can handle however. You simply must think outside the box and do what is necessary to overcome this situation. Most all community colleges offer some type of business courses, and entrepreneurial classes that can aide you in this ever changing economy. Another major ally in aiding businesses in most communities are local business societies They work with the community by aiding business through marketing, networking, and connecting you with other businesses in your area. It is always worth reaching out to these places to aid your business and stay afloat as changes are occur from day to day. So, let’s always stay positive and continue learning together, as we propel ourselves through this journey and educate ourselves together. Together, we can accomplish many things.
“Success takes time…” This simple quote that I heard radio Dj Quik Silva say plays over and over in my mind. I needed to hear this at the time he said it. I was close to giving up again, pushing my goal to build a second income to the side. My natural hair and skin line was not my first business venture. In 2008 I tried to start my own catalog business with a company I cannot even remember the name of. I had no idea what to do. They delivered the books and I was supposed to sell the items. Needless to say, that didn’t last long. Fast forward four years and I brought tee shirt prototypes and some jewelry because that’s what everyone else was doing. Again I figured it too hard and gave up. Then last summer of 2014 my mother found a natural hair mixture of oils used to keep hair healthy and moisturized. I had the idea to create my own hair and skin products made entirely of natural oils and butters. Now today I have hair, skin and face oil, along with body butter. I have an idea of a good soap mix as well that I have not pursued just yet. I don’t want to create too many products without having a good customer base. This leads into the real issue at hand, support.
When I started my business I created an Instagram page and a website that I thought would for sure boost my sales through the roof. I was so wrong and a little disappointed. I had no basis on how to market my products, how to sell to the public. I thought having the Instagram page would be enough. Through a little research I learned that I needed first to have people test out the product to be sure it was good enough to sell. Here lied my disappointment. After ordering my bottles and labels, mixing all of my formulas, researching the benefits of what I was selling, I contacted many of my family members asking if they would purchase a product or two just to give me feedback. Out of about 15 people I contacted via text message, 2 responded. My fiancés Aunt and my mother in law, who use the hair oil. Not one of my blood relatives I text responded or even seemed the slightest bit interested in what I was doing. My mother uses the hair oil faithfully and my fiancé uses the body oil. I would think that family would be my first costumers but they weren’t and haven’t been. Not one has asked to try anything out. It’s a struggle getting them to promote my business freely on social media as well. Something that is free of charge. I have asked the opinion on the situation from other small business owners and they have the same stories. Family is not your biggest supporters when you start your own business. According to family is a single unit of parents and children. That is the most generic definition. In my 28 years of life, family was the people who you share ancestry with, people who are your grandmothers’ sisters or brothers’ children, and people who share great grandparents with. Family should be the first support system that one has and in 2015 it is not. Family today is the people who you see at funerals when someone passes away. By the definition I give of family, I would expect members of my family to be supportive of each other when one ventures out to do something different like starting a business. I cannot control how other people feel about supporting a member of their family, I cannot expect everyone to be as excited as I am. The values of people, even in your family will differ from your own. I have learned these things in the last few months of developing my business. Another small business owner told me that I need to get used to the people closest to me not supporting me. I should expect more support from a stranger than the people I have known my entire life. It’s the strangest thing because I did not think that it would be that way. Showering me with support for my business venture is what I expected. Being my first testers of my product is what I wanted. I needed to know from the people I know, what they thought of my brand. Tell me what I needed to change to make my products better, but that didn’t happen. I now will rely on myself to help myself to build my brand.
The Powder Room, where you will find natural oils to moisturize your skin, keep your hair healthy and manageable, while also being affordable. I am still working on my slogan or business quote that best describes my products. I never thought about all that it takes to run a business until I was actually in the midst of it. It is so much more than creating products and picking a name. Small business is very competitive market because you have to make consumers want to buy your product over someone else’s. You have to have something that sets you apart, something unique. Besides having the hair and skin oils, I also have mini water bottles that I decorate with gems. When I am doing my hair in the morning, I usually add water before adding product and following up with the oil mix. There were no cute little bottles to use so I created them. Glam bottles are what I call them. Something I have not seen on the market yet. This is what I have that separates me from another small business owner selling similar products. In the end, I have learned that in order for me to be successful, I have to take risks and go way beyond my comfort zone. Being a shy introvert, selling to strangers is my biggest obstacle that I need to overcome. Nothing is scarier to me than to have to address a crowd full of strangers. I am working on getting over it, being afraid does not equal success. You must be fearless and brave in the business world. Take chances, be prepared to not have the support; and failure may happen but you must never give up. My advice to another small business owner would be to remember that success takes time, nothing worth having comes easy, and your work will pay off if you remain focused.
Kid-Friendly Apps
Kids are your future customers so gaining their loyalty now isn’t a bad idea.
Companies are increasingly turning to freelance and contract workers to fill the skill gaps in their staff. It's not hard to imagine that you could build a whole company around providing freelance services of one sort or another. According to, which lists more than a million freelance projects on its site, the most in-demand freelance services are: data entry, academic writing, Excel projects, data processing, Web search and Facebook-based jobs. Some freelance gigs pay by the project while others pay hourly, and the rates can vary greatly. But as you gain more experience, your earning potential will soar. - See more at:
In its 10th annual trends report, THE FUTURE 100, which highlights the big and small trends to watch this coming year, JWT Intelligence cites the connectivity of kids as a big trend for 2015. According to Common Sense Media, three-quarters of kids have access to a mobile device. This spells a big business opportunity for anyone who can create products or design apps just for kids. And, if they also happen to be educational or promote good health, you’ll win their parents over, too. You can start small by designing a few kid-friendly apps and see where you business goes from there. - See more at:
Business services
Healthcare Consulting The combination of aging baby boomers and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act means that the healthcare industry will rapidly continue to expand‌ and change. As an independent healthcare consultant, you can offer management and data analysis for organizations like hospitals, labs and therapist offices to help implement solutions to improve efficiency and/or save money. This is a great opportunity to put that marketing or economics degree to use. - See more at:
Food Truck We included this on our list of business ideas for foodies, and for good reason: a December 2012 study by Intuit and Emergent Research predicted that revenue from the food truck industry will reach $2.7 billion by 2017. A truck is a much less expensive investment than a brick-and-mortar restaurant and, according to Mobi Munch founder Josh Tang, the failure rate for food trucks is just 10 to 20 percent (as opposed to 60 to 90 percent for restaurants). With the right equipment and some great recipes, you can have your mobile eatery up and running in no time. - See more at:
A lot of companies cut back on support staff during the recession and many are reluctant to rehire, even though they need help. Instead, many are outsourcing non-core business functions to third-party firms. This is creating a business opportunity for anyone who can provide marketing, human resources, healthcare management or any other service a business needs. This is especially good news for entrepreneurs who want to run a small business. According to business research by the Michigan State University Broad College of Business, the business-to-business services field is highly fragmented and not dominated by any large players. Instead, small businesses have the opportunity specialize and focus on their niches. - See more at:
Traveling salon As people live longer, there's an increasing need for senior services of all sorts. And not all are related to health care. One such service, a mobile salon that travels to customers' residences to do their hair or nails, has nothing but growth potential. As aging baby boomers move into the senior citizen category, there will be a growing need for these mobile services that help keep boomers looking good without requiring them to make a trip to the salon. - See more at:
Wocket Smart Wallet ($150) For those who travel frequently for work and have multiple credit cards--for business and personal use--this wallet holds just one card that you program with the credit card details you need for that transaction--say, a Best Buy card or a Visa card.
Flapit Counter ($299) Another unusual product for business use, this counter is like a stock-ticker for social media. It sits in an office or retail store and can show Facebook likes, YouTube hits, and other data in real-time. It connects over Wi-Fi from a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Epson WorkForce WF-100 Mobile Printer ($280) This smart business printer uses a quick-drying ink to avoid smudges. You can output 4x6 glossy photos as well, and the printer can be connected to a power outlet or used with the built-in battery from anywhere. Fully charged, you can expect to print 100 sheets.
Asus Transformer T300 Chi Notebook ($799) The big selling point on this detachable laptop/tablet computer is the crystalclear display, which runs at 2560x1440 pixels. It uses a wide-angle viewing technology so you can show it off in a conference room and everyone will see the screen just fine.
New Matter MOD-t 3D Printer ($400) This low-cost 3D printer uses Polylactic Acid (PLA) plastic filament, which is a fancy way of saying it can make 3D objects that are about 6x4x5 inches in size. The main perk is that you don't have to know a ton about 3D printing-you just load up and press print
Imagine being able to find what you need when you need it. Imagine having an office you are proud to show off. Imagine having plenty of clear space where you can spread out and work, think, and create.
workout again, and more. It is an eye opening exercise that you should do before touching a single sheet of paper.
An organized office provides a backbone to any thriving business. Why then is it so hard to keep order? All too often, people with the best of intentions sort and toss for hours, only for the piles to return with a vengeance. The tips here allow for some wiggle room, letting you create a functional workspace that is uniquely yours. Here are twelve fresh ideas that you can start implementing today:
Let this be your mantra. If I had to explain how to organize an office in just four words, this would be it. Group anything from statements and receipts to writing utensils and paperclips. It’s awfully hard to create files when you’re not looking at complete categories. This should be a very straightforward step. Don’t get caught up in where these things will go. That will come to you once you see everything in one snapshot.
1. Know your goals (aside from having an organized office)
3. Purge anything that is not useful or beautiful
I have all new clients make a list of ten things they’ll do once they’re organized. People never get organized just for the sake of having pretty folders. They organize so that they can spend more time with their family, delegate more,
2. Group like with like
How do you know what to toss and what to keep? It really is this simple. Anything else in your office will just be in the way. This also applies to office supplies. Many people overbuy or recycle tattered folders one too many times.
The more beautiful the space, the more you (and others) will respect it. 4. Be held accountable Share your immediate goals with a friend, not a family member. Have him or her check-in on you at the end of the day or week. Personally, this is how I move mountains and get things done. 5. Don’t get too hung up on going digital I constantly hear “I just want to scan it all.” This usually comes from a place of utter frustration. Going digital only works when dealing with essential, orderly papers, not piles and bags of crumpled papers. Focus first on weeding, then you’ll be in a better place to decide if going digital is necessary right now. 6. Start with the low-hanging fruit If purging is hard for you, go easy in the
beginning. Get your sea legs by starting with what is easiest. This may mean starting with what’s oldest such as old catalogs, starting with what’s irrelevant, such as faded grocery receipts, or what’s useless, such as dried up pens. 7. Declare your office a no ________ zone Decide to ban certain items from your office. Write the list down and post it on the door! Here are some ideas to get you started: laundry, dead plants, kids’ toys, expired coupons, ugly office supplies, broken things, dead electronics, etc. 8. Don’t force yourself to use a filing cabinet You may be challenged with office organizing simply because you are out-of-sight-out-of-mind. Don’t feel bad if your files in the cabinet haven’t seen the light of day in years. Keep all essentials in plain view and reserve the cabinet for archives. Think of your cabinet as a dead end, reserved only for things you’re keeping “just in case.”
9. Label like crazy It’s nearly impossible to over-label. Labels create nice, neat lines between categories. Without labels, many categories quickly slide into the dangerous “miscellaneous” zone. 10. Create designated places for everything This rule applies to all things big and small. For example, tax archives should all be together in one, and only one spot. The same applies for bills to pay, stamps, mailing supplies, chargers, Sharpies, and more. Keep close to your desk chair only things you reach for at least once weekly. Committing to #9 helps! 11. Keep it visible If your office is out of order, it’s probably in part due to you being out-of-sight-out-of-mind. For many, anything filed is as good as gone. Files in drawers are best for archives. Anything
active should be organized on the desktop or on the wall. Step racks and wall file pockets are good solutions. 12. Be decisive Every paper that’s out represents an unmade decision. Your decision doesn’t have to be on the paper’s final resting place, but it does have to result in it either getting trashed, acted on, or filed properly in a place where you’re 100% sure you’ll be able to find it again.
Any one of these rules has the power to transform an office. It’s unlikely that you’ll have the need or focus to perfect each of these steps. Decide which one (or more) resonates with you and let that tip be your guide. I do encourage you to start with tip one, then feel your way to the next action step. There is no underestimating the value in of an inspiring, organized workspace! Do you struggle with staying organized? What are your challenges with keeping a tidy workspace?
Throughout this magazines issue, we have serially discussed business development and growth extensively. To the point that Red.Ish hopes you have grasped a lot of information and that some of the information brought out some new innovative ideas for your business endeavors moving forward. We have discussed the traits successful entrepreneurs share and how they can be leveraged to build healthy businesses. Business development can seem challenging, but understand your direction and build from there. The process will get easier and more rewarding. According to the Small Business Association, only half of new businesses will survive the first five years and only a third will make it past 10. So with these statistics under your belt, follow Red.Ish Mag! where we will provide you the information essential to our readers business success.
Now, we would like to highlight some successful entrepreneurs and their products. Get to see the businesses that are thriving out there, but also build a professional list with every client we feature. You never know, having quick responses to your own client’s needs outside of what you can offer them, makes for a ‘go to’ person for external sources; which in itself builds more clientele. According to Leisa Peterson’s article How to Build a Thriving Business: 6 Things Entrepreneurs do (That Most Other People Don’t), successful entrepreneurs:
Have Extreme Internal Motivation.
An entrepreneur has to be willing to face extreme hardship while they pursue their dream. They risk so much and grow and evolve in ways that corporate employees wouldn't understand unless they, too, ventured out on their own. Most people focus on their hobbies when they have downtime. Entrepreneurs, meanwhile, maintain focus on their business. Rampton defines a holiday as a work day when there's nothing that will get in the way of the work he has to get done that day.
Geneshia Simon is the CEO of Icing on the Cake & Event Toppings, a unique event planning and accessories company, specializing in delivering personalized services and products for celebrative events. Building an academic repertoire in Elementary Education from Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in Baton Rouge, Geneshia continued to discover her true niche in event planning and accessory production. Reaching the pinnacle of her career in 2009, Geneshia launched her company to fill a creative need for personalized event services and has driven the growth of her company to hold a regional presence.
Icing On the Cake & Event Toppings Geneshia Simon Custom Event & Party Products/ Event Planning (203) 507-2277 FB Business Page- Icing On the Cake & Event Toppings Business Link...
Drawing on her own innate creativity, Geneshia strives to deliver luxury class events with the utmost cost efficiency, gaining rapid popularity for her customized cupcake trees, diaper cakes and edible centerpieces. Adding to her expansive spectrum of talents, Geneshia also offers talent booking services and a team of promotional models, extending a fully comprehensive range of event services. Highly regarded as a driven individual, who does not accept boundaries or limitations as an option, Geneshia completes each project whole-heartedly and with passion. Crediting her achievements to her innate thrive for success with patience, honesty, loyalty and prestige, Geneshia feels blessed to be in a position to help others enjoy special moments in their lives.
Facebook Web Address
Diaper Cakes,
Heavenly diaper cakes for the little angel on the way and the radiant mom to be. Our delectable 360 degree cake creations are anything but the ordinary for they are an array of adorable to precious and whimsical to couture unique cake designs. We are here to serve up the most beloved gift a new mom could receive from those nearest and dearest to her. Not only will our captivating diaper cakes make for chic shower center pieces but they also make a wonderful keepsake for the mom to be to have in her newborns room until the big day arrives. Where she may then use our nonperishable ingredients to shower her precious little one with love from her closest friends and family. Email:
A baby and mom boutique where you’ll find unique gifts for a special friend, family member, baby or even yourself. Shop for any occasion or just stop by and treat yourself to a gorgeous piece of jewelry. Our fabulous, make a statement, hand-forged precious metals and stones jewelry, wearable art, is about empowering, strength, love, surviving, inner peace, encouraging, girl power, dreams, making your voice heard and so much more.... Posh Baby and Mommy Boutique caries a wide variety of baby items. Anything from high chairs and changers to decorating a nursery to feeding time and bath time to lovies and blankets to paci holder, teethers and toys to buntings, swaddlers and onesies to shoes, socks, headbands and hats to memorable keepsake items and more..... Our delectable yet not edible handcrafted one of a kind diaper cakes are anything but the ordinary for they are an array of whimsical to couture unique 360 degree diaper cake designs that make for beautiful chic baby shower center pieces and or unique gifts for the mom to be. Please contact us, through our website, if you would like to have a cake other than the cakes you see available in our boutique and would like for us to design a custom cake for you. TAX FREE SHOPPING on every purchase. 502-792-8344
Cupcake Soaps
Trial size lotion gift basket
Lemon Shea Body Lotion 2. Maintain a Bias Toward Action
As important as it is, motivation is only the first step. "There's only one percent of people who will go build it, who will go do it," says Rampton. A lot of people have big dreams but not enough of those people take action to build those dreams. "You can be the most motivated person in the world," says Rampton, "but you can't be just a say-er. Be a do-er." 3. Have a Willingness to Travel a Nonconventional Path It can be difficult to take the first step toward launching your own business. Even so, once people get a taste for working for themselves, many find it hard to turn back. "Once you understand what it's like to build your own thing and feel the passion behind it, you know nothing else feels quite like it," says Rampton. Still, the leap comes with challenges not experienced by most corporate employees. Income can vary dramatically from month to month and business challenges like poorly performing employees, a rough economy, or a prototype that doesn't sell can have a dramatic affect on your trajectory. An entrepreneur has to be willing to accept those risks.
4. Find The Market Before Developing The Product
"One of the biggest mistakes I see around people starting a new company is that they don't validate their product," says Rampton. Many new entrepreneurs think they have the greatest idea but they don't take the time to vet their idea with a potential market before starting to build -- and that can be a costly mistake. Rampton gives an example of a business acquaintance who spent $350,000 building a new app and was disappointed when he only saw 50 downloads. Instead, Rampton suggests building low-end version of the product. Then, you can watch and see how the market responds. "You need to make sure people want what you're selling," he says. "If no one cares about it, no one will buy it." No matter how much you paid for the prototype.
5. Understand The Value of Time Successful entrepreneurs know their time is worth more than money. "Time is limited but money is not," says Rampton. "You can never get time back -- even if you're charging a million dollars an hour. At the same time, the amount of money you can make is infinite. You can always make more of it. Keep time in mind and prioritize what's important in your life." Rampton turns off his phone and email while he's working, for example, so he works distraction free and finishes faster.
Contact Information: To place order and inquiries on other products email: Faceboook Page: Instagram: @candy_body_factory Twitter: @CBFACTORY2011 Candy Body Factory is a family owned & operated business that produces quality & signature made-toorder products, retail and/or wholesale, including but not limited to: bath & body items; holiday & festive wreaths; signature wax artifacts & candles; home, laundry, & pet care merchandise; and more. Made-to-Order Products: •Hand-crafted scented soaps •Soothing lip balms & body butters •Decorative holiday & festive wreaths •Signature wax artifacts & fragranced candles •Dynamic & characteristic event favors •Valued home, laundry, and pet care merchandise
6. Prepare For Risk
Rampton built an emergency fund that covered two years of living expenses before he quit his day job. Running a business comes with ups and downs -- and they aren't often controllable by the entrepreneur. If you have partner or family, in particular, the risk of losing the house or not having enough cash month-to-month can be devastating. "I had a marital coach tell me once that if you have a year's worth of cash in the bank, sitting there, it will make your life ten times better," says Rampton. "In fact, it makes my relationship with my wife amazing."
Testimonial OMG the whipped body butter is the bomb! !!! Once you use it you will never use anything else -Rebecca Serene B Thanks again to Candice D. Norwood of for my two jars of whipped avocado body butter! This cream is great for your skin and ladies for those of you that love to wear flip flops, and sandals during this time of the year you already know the struggle so if you want baby soft feet order some today or maybe you just like your skin altogether to look and feel good this is for you smile! Btw works great for eczema as well - Melissa Coles
My husband received his "sexy stranger" soap sample and loved it! He especially likes the way it smells. It leaves his skin very soft and clean. Looking forward to ordering in the near future. Avocado whipped body butter. BEST.THING.EVER! If you haven't tried it make sure you do. You will LOVE it Love love love my peach mango soap and body butter!! The peach mango soap left my skin so smooth and the body butter just added extra softness! Great product and I love that it is homemade without all the extra ingredients that aren't good for you. Thanks candy body factory -Jennifer Coles-Brown
I'm loving Candy Body Factory's unscented oatmeal soap bar. I've replaced my old facial soap for this one. The oatmeal really does stop irritation and inflammation....and it still smells great without added scent. I've been recommending these products to friends and will continue support CBF products. – Koa Richards I absolutely love "Candy Body Factory" prod-ucts. My skin is very sensitive so I have to be very careful when using skin care products es-pecially those with perfume fragrances. I can honestly say that I haven't had any problem with these products. I just used the facial toner and when I say it's the bomb! My skin feels fabo!!! Thanks Candice D. Norwood for sharing your talent and gift!!!!!! -Valarie Bright Bryant
Love my scented wax melt from Candice D. Norwood of Candy Body Factory! It smells so good. I believe this one is raspberry lemonade! Check her out! -Melissa Bush I love,love,LOVE the raspberry lemonade wax shot!!! It has my room smelling awesome and I haven't even put it in the warmer yet!! -Sylvia Coles Ok so Candy Body Factory has put my daughter and I at odds. We literally fought over the wax shots. From the fruity loop to the margarita they all smell great! Just know that I won the fight because she's 12 and she does not have a candle/ potpourri burner. Whoot whoot!!!! Lol. These are wonderful. How creative! – LaTia Reed My daughters and I LOVE the lip balm. It made our lips extra soft. I even put it on my son. -Stacy Mack Willis I love the body cream and the lip gloss, need more -Denise Coles-Tucker
July Product Highlights Product Whipped Body Butter Candy Wax Shots Oatmeal Soap
Purchase Amount
4 ounce/per jar 8 ounce/per jar
$ 7.00 $ 10.00
5 for
$ 10.00
per bar
$ 7.00
Red.Ish Magazine Thank you for reading!