Premier Magazine PH Vol. 3 - Issue 5 , 2023 Billions

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VOLUME3 5 , 2023 ISSUE ISSN2799-0702

© TheKelloggDoolittle High Desert House


From itshand-laid stone path to the marble,copperand glasswork inside, there isno underwhelming detail about Kellogg Doolittle.It takesdaysto take it all in.Neverhasthe relationship between everyitem inside a home beenso strong. However,that relationship ishighlypoetic since everything,downto the BBQand Table Lamps,wasmade custom, specificallyforthe home. The first thing that strikesmanyvisitorsis that the home reallystandsasa single piece of Art,and then,of course,it happensalso to be a house one canlive in.Playfulnessexistsbetweensome of its Brutalist formsand itsopposing Organic Architectural nature.The light playswith, and throughthe home all day,and then inthe evenings,whenlit up,it captures the quiet excitement of anopera house minutesbefore a performance.

Fora home withso muchglassand concrete,it issurprisinglywarm,intimate and inviting;yes,anotherKellogg contradiction!

© TheKelloggDoolittle High Desert House


Welcome to the world of dreams! Yes, dreams are for many of us, but they are a reality to a chosen few. Amid our reality, I cannot help but wonder what billionaires do to maintain a big life. Most of them are born rich, meaning their DNA's are formed to live and depart comfortably.In this issue, we tackled the lives of the blessed individuals who were born to make a huge difference in this evolving world.

We started with a four-part feature on the world's wealthiest men and women, followed by our film features whose stories evolve within the financial spectrum. Our Sotheby Pick pink special is a sweet take on the season, while the winner of the SDG architecture is likewise a green story to toast for. This issue puts you in an awe-inspiring mood as we keep ourselves cosy in this unpredictable weather. Wherever you are, keep your dreams wild and your realities amusing.

""I don't want to make money;I just want to be wonderful."
? MarilynMonroe
© TheKelloggDoolittle High Desert House

Billions is a complex drama about power politics in New York high finance Shrewd, savvy U S Attorney Chuck Rhoades and the brilliant, ambitious hedge fund king Bobby "Axe" Axelrod are on an explosive collision course, each using his considerable smarts, power and influence to outmanoeuvre the other. The stakes are in the billions in this timely, provocative series? ahmetkozan

© Paramount Plus

Billions Returns


Showtime announced that Billions Season 7 will premiere on August 11, 2023 on Paramount+with Showtime, and make its on-air debut on Sunday, August 13 at 8 pm on Showtime.


© Paramount Plus © Peter Lindbergh

Onlytwo typesof people made the cut,the billionaire byDNAand the self-made billionaire BILLION


Get to know the 12 World's Richest

A 4-Part Premier Special Feature

Part 1


Scott Newman is currently taking his Business Psychology Ph.D. at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. His interest also extends to data analysis. He has a Masteral degree in Educational Psychology, specializing in the Gifted and Talented, particularly social-emotional aspects. He studied Psychology and Criminology for his Bachelor's degree and has a strong interest in international relations and international issues. - PremierMagazinePH

© Elena Mozhvilo ImagebyBlackShirts

Value Your Time By Putting a Price Tag On It.

Francoise Bettencourt Meyers Meyers is currently worth $88 8 billion U S Dollars, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index Meyers was born on the 10th of July in 1953 in a city named Neuilly-sur-Seine, the wealthiest suburb of Paris, France She is notable for being the world's richest woman and only gained that title in 2022! According to her Forbes profile, she had a net worth of $48 9 billion in 2020, which shot up to $7365 billion in 2021 and over $80 billion today The previous world's richest woman, Alice Walton, known for being a Walmart heiress, is currently worth $60.7 billion and in 17th place overall in 2023.

Although Francoise Bettencourt Meyers may not be a household name the way some others on this list may be, the company her grandfather, Eugène Schueller, founded in 1919 is:L'Oreal It is the world's largest cosmetics company Meyers and her family own around 33% of L'Oreal stock; she has served on the company board since 1997 and is the president of her family's philanthropic foundation that promotes science and Art in France Myers is even a writer and has published Biblical commentaries and work on Greek mythology

There isn't much known about Francoise Bettencourt Meyers as she remains reclusive, but she is involved in her philanthropic work and as an author She owns Tethys Investments, a Eurasian investment firm She shows she is trying to be intelligent with her wealth in supporting causes important to her and sustaining and growing her wealth for herself and her family Meyers also owns Sezanne, a French fashion brand, and Sezanne, a French healthcare company

Meyers is an example of someone that inherited much of her wealth but has managed to grow the L'Oreal company and become the wealthiest woman in the world and the 12th richest person. Again, there is little information about her or her business decisions. Still, L'Oreal has had challenges it had to overcome since she has been involved, including not adapting to e-commerce in the 1990s, investing in the company Birchbox, an online beauty retailer,before selling its stake at a loss,and offering too many products.

Any company needs to focus on the core competencies that give it a competitive advantage over other businesses in the same market, and the risk of selling too many products is that it is hard to specialize in everything. If another company specializes in just one beauty product that L'Oreal sells but can sell it for a better price or create a better product, L'Oreal risks losing business. Extending this to many different products makes it more challenging to remain competitive in each one.Overall, however, Meyers has been very successful as L'Oreal is the largest cosmetics company in the world, and her wealth has grown tremendously in just the last several years.

"Your time is the greatest resource and one thing you can? t get back.To execute at the top level,you have to understand the full gravity of time.It?s imperative to prioritize your life and business in a way that lines up with what you value most."
- Francoise Bettencourt Meyers
© GN Archive
CarlosSlim Helú, 2014. © I. Wood/ITU Pictures

Moving on to a slightly more known name, Carlos Slim He is notable for being the richest Mexican in a list dominated by the United States and the richest non-white person.In fact, for a time, he was the wealthiest person from 2010 ? 2013.He is currently worth $94.3 billion.Slim perhaps has the most diversified portfolio of businesses and investments among the 12 richest people on Earth, only rivalled by the legendary Warren Buffett. He has even been called the "Warren Buffet of Mexico." His businesses and investments span a stock brokerage house, a soft drink company, real estate, construction rental equipment, mining, retail hotels, telecommunications, and more Despite being known as a Mexican businessman, ethnically, however, he is Lebanese Carlos Slim's father immigrated to Mexico from Lebanon in 1902 at 14, speaking no Spanish, and his mother was born in the Chihuahua state of Mexico to Lebanese immigrants Slim was born in Mexico City in 1940, and in 1961he graduated with a degree in civil engineering at the Autonomous University of Mexico while also teaching Algebra and Linear Programming He even continued to take economics courses in Chile, and Slim attributes his mathematical ability and fluency in reading financial statements as his advantage in making business decisions

Even at a young age, Slim's father taught him essential business skills such as creating and analyzing financial statements This gave the young Slim a business education at an early age and likely led to him wanting to become a businessman as an adult He even invested in a government savings bond at 11years old, purchased a share in the largest bank in Mexico, the National Bank of Mexico (also known as Banamex), at the age of 15, and by 17, he was working in his father's company In 1965, he created his first company, Inversora Bursátil, a stock brokerage firm Later that same year, he acquired a bottling and soft drink company He continued to acquire companies at a dizzying rate that would later form his conglomerate, Grupo Carso Slim has been described as thrifty, spending little while saving or investing as much as possible This extends to his investing strategy to buy low and sell high His careful, thoughtful strategy is key to his success and growing wealth

Like #12 on this list, Meyers, Carlos Slim has set up several foundations for philanthropic causes, such as an art museum, education and healthcare, and an amateur sports tournament In 2011, Forbes recognized Carlos Slim's large donations and ranked him fifth among the "World's Biggest Givers"

Psychologists have long debated nature vs nurture How much talent, intelligence, and success results from one's genes and inner potential, and how much is the environmental contribution, such as an excellent education and opportunities? It is generally recognized that both are important, and the contribution is likely around 50%each or at least close enough to it.From descriptions of Slim's actions and temperament as a child and the education he received, both were important.

He likely has an innate talent for understanding numbers which, combined with some excellent teaching he received, allowed him to learn and then apply this knowledge This formed a mindset for much of his life to approach things methodically and strategically, to be careful and intelligent with money and the value of patience with investing You have a recipe for success when you throw in an excellent work ethic (Slim worked 14-hour days as a stockbroker)

?If you?re in business, you need to understand the environment.You need to have a vision of the future, and you need to know the past.?? Carlos Slim Helu

- Mark Zuckerberg


https:// www forbescom/ profile/ francoise-bettencourt-meyers/ ?sh=6f7df61b2b06

https:// www bloomberg com/ billionaires/

https:// dailylearnerin/ francoise-bettencourt-meyers/ business-case-studies/

https:// carlosslim com/ biografia ing html

https:// web archive org/ web/ 20150412113346/ http:// www evancarmichael com/ FamousEntrepreneurs/ 1072/ The-Mobile-Mexican-Magnate-How-Carlos-Slim-Helu-Got-His-Start html

https:// achievement org/ achiever/ carlos-slim/

https:// www forbescom/ sites/ tomiogeron/ 2012/ 10/ 20/ mark-zuckerberg-dont-juststart-a-company-do-something-fundamental/ ?sh=480174021f51

https:// web archive org/ web/ 20130817081156/ http:// www time com/ time/ specials/ packages/ article/ 0,28804,2036683 2037183 2037185,00 html

https:// www bloomberg com/ news/ articles/ 2022-03-09/ where-venture-capital-andtech-jobs-are-growing

© GettyImages
?The biggest risk is not taking any risk...In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."

The (in)famous Mark Zuckerberg, worth $103 Billion, is the final figure for this feature He is one of the most recognizable names on the list. Zuckerberg is, of course, well known for starting Facebook, which has since been rebranded as Meta His wealth and success appear to be more concentrated than the other two, as even Meyers, at the helm of L'Oreal, had a large array of products sold by the company Despite this apparent concentration, Zuckerberg has been forward-thinking with the company, and they are investing in many areas. They even ventured into virtual reality (VR)and sold the Oculus Rift headset

Mark Zuckerburg was born in 1984 in White Plains, New York, to a psychiatrist and a dentist From an early age, he showed an interest in computers and coding He even created the Synapse Media Player and used an early form of machine learning to learn the listener's music tastes Zuckerburg was often creating programs and websites In 2002, Zuckerburg began classes at Harvard studying psychology, but more predominantly, computer science. He would create things to act as study aids for types, such as a website to help with an art history class It was there Zuckerberg created Course Match, a course reviewing platform, and then Facemash, in which students picked the most attractive picture of a person from a group of photographs, though it quickly got shut down.He described creating "Face Books" for the site with the names and faces of everyone living in a student dorm In 2004, he began building a new website called The Facebook The term "Facebook" had been used before for Facemash, but some believe the term came from Zuckerberg's high school alma mater, Philips Exeter Academy It had a student directory that students called "The Facebook"As the project became what is now known as Facebook was developing, Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard and moved to Palo Alto, California, in Silicon Valley Although there is more information and plenty of controversy around the creation of Facebook, it is beyond the scope of this brief history of Zuckerberg's early life and education and the circumstances leading up to the company he is now known for. But interested readers are encouraged to dig deeper into the history of Facebook if they are so inclined!

The question of how and why Zuckerberg was so fantastically successful with his Facebook venture is an interesting one, and while we won't have any definitive answers, let's take a brief look at the factors that likely contributed, including some unique opportunities and experiences he had early on in managing Facebook and the company that grew from it Much like Carlos Slim, Mark Zuckerberg clearly showed early intelligence and passion for a field of study, which is a critical ingredient many of the rich share They also had early educational opportunities to nurture that talent and broaden their knowledge even further, which likely formed a mindset later for how they approached the world, running a business, and what they do in their spare time

A piece of advice Zuckerberg said in a talk once was to start a company to tackle a significant problem that is important to you, not to start one just for the sake of it or for only minor issues unlikely to gain significant traction Zuckerberg's Facebook was not the first social media website However, it was still a relatively early entrant into the space and did things in a different way that people found enticing He also cited that a startup or a small company needs to be flexible and constantly examine the market for consumer needs He and his employees noticed that people frequently change their Facebook profile photographs, so they realized this was something people wanted They switched focus to pictures to meet that demand and increase customer satisfaction

Another possible ingredient in his recipe for success is the environment and culture of Silicon Valley Although, again, the details of why Silicon Valley is so successful and the culture that derives from it is beyond the scope of this article, there is a reason why, even now, it is the #1venture capital investment in the world In 2021, San Francisco alone had $938 billion in venture capital investment for a 28 2% share of all VC investment in the country Nearby San Jose added another $26.7 billion for another 8%of the share of investment, and one sees how dominant of a region it is. Rising costs have created several societal ills, and there has been some drop in the region in jobs and investment, but even now, it is still the top tech region in the world

As social creatures, humans survive and thrive off human interaction, and psychological research shows that we are happier with others We also influence each other and create more ideas together When many hard-working, entrepreneurial-minded, intelligent, and tech-savvy people come together, it drives more creativity and hard work than someone on their own It then carries a great deal of momentum, and it is likely that many successful businesses started or are headquartered there It is likely no coincidence that several other individuals we will tackle in subsequent issues are also based in this area.PremierMagazine Ph

Development Goals

?New York, 19 July ? The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development? the forerunner to the SDG Summit in September? ended today, under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), with a renewed call for urgent and collective action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 The SDGs remain the world?s blueprint for a more resilient, peaceful, and inclusive future

Over 100 countries joined businesses, civil society organizations, youth, and others during the eight days of the Forum to share successes, experiences and lessons learnt on the SDGs The Forum, which focused this year on specific goals related to sustainable energy, clean water, infrastructure and innovation, sustainable cities, and partnerships, stressed the critical need for bold and transformative action at the local level

Task ahead daunting,but still possible

Only 12 per cent of SDG targets are on track, according to a preliminary assessment of roughly 140 targets for which data is available. With only seven years left, the task ahead to achieve the SDGs is formidable, but not impossible

?We are halfway to 2030 and yet nowhere near to achieving the SDGs The bad news is we?ve lost 7 years The good news is-we still have 7 years and victory is within our reach,?said UN Economic and Social Council President Lachezara Stoeva ?But countries must integrate the SDGs into their national development plans, policies and strategies A strong push must be made to accelerate progress, and aligning national priorities with the SDGs is paramount to ensure a coherent and comprehensive approach to sustainable development?

According to the SDGs Report 2023: Special Edition, there has been progress in some areas. 800 million people have been connected to electricity between 2015 and 2021. 146 countries already met or are on track to meeting the under-5 mortality target and effective HIV treatment cut global AIDS-related deaths by 52%since 2010

?As we cross the halfway mark to 2030, one overriding truth stands out in my mind: Change is possible Backsliding is not inevitable Poverty, pollution, and gender inequality are not pre-ordained,? said UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the opening of the Forum ?They are trends that can be reversed, problems that can be solved, tragedies that can be averted, lives that can be saved And together, we can deliver?

Ahead of SDGSummit in September, countries commit to scaling up action to deliver on the Sustainable

Voluntary National Reviews

Thirty-eight countries and the European Union presented their Voluntary National Reviews at the Forum, demonstrating the bold actions they are taking to achieve the SDGs

Snapshot of countries?progress:

In the Central African Republic, the number of mobile phone users has increased from 35.6% in 2018 then to 56.7%in 2022, in essence, a leap of 21%in 4 years.

The Comoros government continues its initiatives to increase renewable energy capacity to 40%by 2030. The European Green Deal strives to make Europe the world?s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made significant progress in creating jobs, with a particular focus on female labor force participation, which rose from 19.4%in 2015 to 36%in 2022.

Tourism and its ancillary sectors have rebounded sharply in St. Kitts and Nevis, contributing to real GDP growth of 9%in 2022, after contracting 14.5%in 2020 and 0.9%in 2021.

World?s failure to invest in the SDGs

The most vulnerable countries are bearing the brunt of the world?s collective failure to accelerate progress on the SDGs

At present, 37 out of the 69 world?s poorest countries are in debt distress or at high risk, hampering their ability to accelerate action on the SDGsMore than 108 million people as of December 2022 were forcibly displaced from their homes and there was a steep rise to conflict related civilian deaths with over 50% surge in 2022,fueled by the war in Ukraine

SDGSummit 2023

This year?s Forum sets the stage for the SDG Summit on 18 to 19 September, where world leaders are called on to renew their commitments and raise their ambition for the SDGs.

Strong political will, accompanied by bold investments in the SDGs, is essential to reversing setbacks. The UN Secretary-General?s SDG Stimulus outlines the need for the international community to come together to mobilize investments for the SDGs, calling on wealthier countries to scale up affordable long-term financing to help countries in need to the tune of $500 billion annually

?I urge every government to come to the SDGSummit with clear plans and pledges to strengthen action in their countries to 2030,?said Mr Guterres ?We need ambitious national commitments and interventions to reduce poverty and inequality by 2027 and 2030?

For more information, please visit:https:// hlpf un org/ 2023

Copyright © 2023 UN Department of Global Communications, All rights reserved.

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Seaspan Ship Management Selects

Kaleris Marine Fleet Performance and Connected Loading Computer for Their Fleet

ALPHARETTA, Ga., June 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kaleris, a leading provider of cloud-based supply chain execution and visibility technology, today announced that Seaspan Ship Management, the world largest independent lessor and operator of containerships, haschosen KalerisMarine Fleet Performance Bluetracker and Connected Loading Computer solution MACS3 Connected for their fleet of 123 vessels.Seaspan isalso in the processof implementing Kaleris?Lashing Monitor onboard of 27 newbuildings.

?Setting up the vesselsof your sailing fleet for a greenerfuture and compliant to emission regulations bringsMarine Fleet Performance verymuch into the focusof ship ownersand managers,?said Alfred Gomez, Director Marine Standards at Seaspan. ?Being able to include data about the real cargo situation onboard into a standard marine fleet performance data set adds a completely new dimensionto ourunderstanding of vessel performance and emission control.?

The use of MACS3 Connected also helpsto expand collaboration between internal departmentsof a ship manager or owner because everyone looks at the same set of data with their respective questions.

Kaleris Marine Fleet Performance tool is flexible and scalable, and offers customizable reporting features, which are key to Seaspan?s ability to efficiently manage their fleet. The analytics in Bluetracker One is innovative and closely connected to the authorities who monitor and review emission compliance. Flexible integrations to in-house tools and to third party vendors help to easily transitionfrom anexisting solutionto Bluetrackerwithout disruptions.

A key benefit for Seaspan is the safety and security of the cargo and crew. By implementing The Lashing Monitor, Seaspan will reduce the risk of container loss at sea, especially during heavy weather, and as a key advantage the data is available to both the manager and the operator of the vessel to provide forsafe sailing.

?We look forward to providing Seaspan with cutting edge technology that will ensure their fleet is supported by the 30+ years of maritime expertise through our Navis brand and the mission and power behind Kaleris as a company investing to connect customers to powerful supply chain executionand visibilitysolutions,?saysMartinBardi,VPGlobal SalesCVS.

Both implementation teams are currently working on the deployment of the solution, which is expected to be live during the last quarterof thisyear.

Formore information about Kalerissolutionsformarine carriersand vesselsaswell asexecution and visibilitysolutions,visit

© William William

2014, Sydney, in the aftershocks of the Lindt Café shootings. A young woman running from violence arrives at Angel Place with $480 stuffed in a sock at the bottom of her bag. A woman who is homeless ekes out an existence on the mean streets of the city. An elderly couple continues a quest to understand the loss of their daughter. A security guard tries to restore some semblance of order. Their lives intersect at Ground Zero, at the dark heart of the city, with shattering consequences.

The sequel to bAKEHOUSE?s extraordinary, ground-breaking Jatinga - a play inspired by the lives of the girls trafficked into sexual slavery in Kamathipura - Katie Pollock?s new play is one artist?s response.

Written for Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson, for Hannah Clarke and her children, for all the women murdered by their current or former partners.

Dir Suzanne Millar with Claudette Clarke, Felino Dolloso, Atharv Kolhatkar, Trishala Sharma, Teresa Tate Britten, Karina Bracken and more TBA

© Jatinga

HUMAN ACTIVITY the sequel to Jatinga

Anirresistible blend of music, movement,puppetryand arresting performances...Forone of oursmallest companiesto reachout so farbeyond themselvesto make a difference in the world isremarkable.One of the most ambitious companiesinthe country.

? Cassie Tongue,Time Out

JATINGA Sydney & Mubai

Saudi director Abdulaziz Alshlahei heads to NEOM to shoot his latest feature film ?Hobal?

© Neom

?NEOM, SaudiArabia, 17 July2023 ??Hobal?,the upcoming Saudifeature film from acclaimed director Abdulaziz Alshlahei (The Tambour of Retribution, Zero Distance) will head to shoot in NEOM in northwest Saudi Arabia this September at Bajdah Studiosand itssprawling epic landscapes. ?Hobal? focuses on a Saudi family living in isolation in the desert in the early 1990s. Following their grandfather's strict instructions, they are not allowed to leave the desert. However, a series of eventsshakesthe family'sfoundationand pitsthem against a struggle betweenlife and death.

The film stars Mohammed Altoyan and Mishal Almutairi, along with an all-Saudi cast. ?Hobal?is the third feature from locally acclaimed director Abdulaziz Alshlahei, with his second feature film, Saudi period drama The Tambour of Retribution, securing two awards at the Cairo Film Festival and selected asthe Saudi Arabian entryfor Best International Feature Film at the 94 th AcademyAwards in 2022. The film?s scriptwriter, Mufarrej Al-Majfel, was one of the winners and recipient of a fund award at the Saudi Film Commission?s Daw Film Competition, an initiative launched by Saudi Arabia?s Ministry of Culture in September 2019 to support Saudi film production and champion the next generation of filmmakers by establishing a sustainable funding program to bring Saudi content to the screenand to wideraudiences.

The film will benefit from production support provided byNEOM who are assisting with crew,location scouting, logistics, and on-the-ground production expertise.The strategic location of Bajdah Studios offers producers the opportunity to shoot on location in the stunning landscapes of NEOM while being in close proximity to the state-of-the-art sound stages complete with back-of-house facilities comprising of make-up rooms,greenroomsand productionoffices.

© Neom ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ???? ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ??? ???? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ????? ?? ? ?? ? "??? ?? "

?DirectorAbdulaziz Alshlaheiexplained:?Since 2018, we have been thinking about unique locationsto shoot our film.We decided on NEOM, and specificallyBajdah, where the captivating landscapeswill be an influential and integral part of the narrative. Our director of photography will use anamorphic lensesto do justice to this extraordinaryand majestic destination and set a beautiful atmosphere for the film.I?m excited about shooting and would like to take thisopportunityto thank the NEOM Media Industriesteam forwelcoming usand supporting the film.?

Wayne Borg, Managing Director of Media Industries, Entertainment, and Culture at NEOM, said, ?We are thrilled to be the location of choice for Abdulaziz Alshlahei?s latest homegrown feature ?Hobal? . We are looking forward to supporting him in everystep of the wayto bring hisvision to the screen, in what is a very exciting time for the local industry. There is a huge appetite for compelling authentic stories from the region across a range of genres that are now transcending borders which we are proud to be a part of. Supporting the new generation of trailblazing filmmakers and talent is of strategic significance to our industry and is central to creating a film ecosystem as we cement our positionasthe regional gatewayto the industry.?

NEOM has supported and provided the backdrop for over 30 local projects spanning film and television across documentary and fiction in the last 18 months including Rupert Wyatt?s ?Desert Warrior? , starring Anthony Mackie and Sir Ben Kingsley, ?Dunki?directed by Rajkumar Hirani and starring Shahrukh Khan, the first regional reality TV show ?Million Dollar Island?and ?Rise of The Witches? , the region?s biggest-ever budget TV show. In addition, MBC?s ?Exceptional? , a 200-episode-a-yearTVdrama seriesisset to beginshooting inJuly.

NEOM McLaren Formula ETeam

unveil world first generative AI-designed livery in motorsport

© NEOM Mclaren Formula ETeam

- NEOM McLaren Formula E Team?s world first AI designed livery* was developed in a collaboration between NEOM and McLaren Racing

- The special livery will appear on the NEOM McLaren Formula ETeam race carsat the London E-Prix as part of thecelebration of McLaren?s60th anniversary

- The design is inspired by visions of the future provided by members of NEOM?s Graduate Program and theNEOM McLaren Formula ETeam drivers

© NEOM Mclaren Formula ETeam

- ZakBrown, CEO, McLaren Racing

- Ian James, ManagingDirector, NEOM McLaren ElectricRacing & Team Principal, NEOM McLaren Formula ETeam

- RenéRast, Driver, NEOM McLaren Formula ETeam

- JakeHughes, Driver, NEOM McLaren Formula ETeam

- SundusBaroom, NEOM

- FerasShami, NEOM

- Omar Almoalim, NEOM

NEOM, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, July 26, 2023 ? The NEOM McLaren Formula E Team today unveiled a world first motorsport livery designed using generative artificial intelligence (AI), to celebrate McLaren Racing?s 60th anniversary year at this weekend?s London E-Prix.

Developed in collaboration between NEOM and McLaren Racing, the livery features artwork built on visions of the future provided by drivers René Rast and Jake Hughes, as well as four members from NEOM?s Graduate Development Program Each contributor provided their personal vision, which were combined in an end-to-end AI process to produce the livery First, the visions were processed by a text AI to create a series of prompts. Next, the prompts were used to create an individual artwork for each vision using text-to-image AI Finally, the six visuals were combined into one artwork using image-to-image AI, before being enhanced to create the high-resolution graphics that McLaren Racing designers mapped onto the car.

The young Saudi NEOM Graduates, central to the design process, will join the NEOM McLaren Electric Talent Programme later this year on a twelve-month development program with the team. It is part of an ongoing initiative that will welcome a number of Saudi graduates to the team over the next few years, with the aim of developing Saudi talent through experience within a world-renowned high-performance organization.

© NEOM Mclaren Formula ETeam

Nadhmi Al-Nasr, CEO of NEOM, said: ?The NEOM McLaren Formula E Team partnership supports various NEOM commitments, from driving sustainable solutions and nurturing Saudi talent through development opportunities, to delivering new technology to the world. We have leveraged creative and innovative technology to create the AI-generated livery to celebrate a milestone in McLaren?s history through visions of the future?

Zak Brown, CEO of McLaren Racing, said:?We are delighted to work with NEOM on the creation of the first AI-designed livery in motorsport* When the car takes its place on the grid in London this weekend, it will mark a key moment in celebration of McLaren Racing?s 60th anniversary. McLaren has a long history of innovation in motorsport and beyond, so as we celebrate our past, it?s just as important to look to the future and continue to break new ground?

The NEOM McLaren Electric Racing partnership brings together two organizations committed to creating a better future and supports NEOM's aspirations to be a global leader of sports technology and innovation through collaborations on and off track.

*inanFIAsanctioned event/ World Championship

© NEOM Mclaren Formula ETeam

- RenéRast, Driver, NEOM McLaren Formula ETeam

- JakeHughes, Driver, NEOM McLaren Formula ETeam

?The data is clear: Our Earth is warming And NASA is committed to empowering scientists, decision-makers, and people around the world to make data-based decisions when it comes to climate With more than two dozen satellites, instruments aboard the International Space Station, and commercial and international partnerships, NASA uses our unique vantage point of space to observe our planet. To put it another way, NASA is bringing space down to Earth? ?

From wildfires raging across North America, flooding in the Northeast, heatwaves across the Southwest, and a record-hot June, millions of Americans are experiencing the effects of extreme weather.

In light of these recent extreme weather events in the United States and around the world, the agency held a media roundtable on Thursday, July 20, to discuss greenhouse gases, weather observing satellites, how surface records are used to learn more about climate change, the agency's new Earth Information Center,and more.

Bringing Space Downto

Earth: NASA'sClimate Resources

In light of recent extreme weather events in the United States and around the world, NASA held a media roundtable July 20 from its headquarters in Washington to highlight the agency?s climate work.

From wildfires raging across North America, flooding in the Northeast, heatwaves across the Southwest, and a record hot June, millions of Americans are experiencing the effects of extreme weather NASA is tracking it all, and sharing its data.

?The data is clear: Our Earth is warming. And NASA is committed to empowering scientists, decisionmakers, and people around the world to make data-based decisions when it comes to climate, said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. ?With more than two dozen satellites, instruments aboard the International Space Station, and commercial and international partnerships, NASA uses our unique vantage point of space to observe our planet To put it another way, NASA is bringing space down to Earth.?

Other NASA experts participating in the discussion were:

Kate Calvin, NASA chief scientist and senior climate adviser

- Karen St Germain, director, NASA?s Earth Science Division

- Gavin Schmidt, director, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies

- Tom Wagner, associate director for Earth Action

- Huy Tran, aeronautics director, NASA?s Ames Research Center

- Carlos Del Castillo, chief, Ocean Ecology Laboratory, NASA?s Goddard Space Flight Center

The topics of discussion ranged from greenhouse gases, NASA?s new Earth Information Center, the fleet of satellites the agency has observing weather-data, how NASA uses surface records to learn more about climate change, how climate change affects oceans, and more

?NASA?s vast, decades-long array of Earth, atmospheric, and solar data ? which are openly and freely available to anyone ? provide a comprehensive, real-time history of our dynamic and complex planet Understanding Earth gives us the means to better protect it,?said Calvin.

Audio of the full briefing is available on NASA's Youtube channel


© Amazon


Industry gives an insider's view of the black box of high finance following a group of young bankers as they forge their identities within the pressure cooker environment and sex and drug-fueled blitz of international bank Pierpoint &Co'sLondonoffice.

The Industry series was created and executive-produced by Mickey Down and Konrad Kay; executive-produced by Jane Tranter, Lachlan MacKinnon, Ryan Rasmussen, and David P. Davis, along with Ben Irving for BBC; co-executive-produced by Ed Lilly; produced by Lee Thomas and produced forHBO/ BBCbyBad Wolf.

Harington, an actor best known for playing Jon Snow on the HBO series Game of Thrones, joined the cast of Industry Season 3 last April.

The actor will play Henry Muck, "the CEO and founder of Lumi, an exciting green tech energycompanyabout to go public."

Harington is also expected to reprise Jon Snow in a Game of Thrones sequel spinoff centring onthe character.



PARIS, June 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Deriv, one of the leading online brokers, has been actively participating in humanitarian efforts that are aligned with its core values of being reliable, fair, transparent, and responsible. Earlier this year, Deriv sponsored a team of two young professionals who successfully completed the 4L Trophy rally, an annual humanitarian car rally that raises funds for the cause of underprivileged childrenin Africa.

The 4L Trophy rally started in France and ended in Morocco, covering a 6,000 km journey over 10 days. It required participantsto drive through challenging terrain, navigating their way through various checkpoints. A long journeyfora noble cause:deliverstationeryand textbooksforunderprivileged childrenalong the way.

?The challengesof navigating unfamiliarterrain,camping in the middle of nowhere,and crossing the finish line were thrilling and rewarding,?Clement David, one of the drivers sponsored by Deriv, said. ?But what made the experience truly special was the opportunity to make a difference in children?s lives by delivering much-needed school supplies.?

Jean-Yves Sireau, founder and CEO of Deriv, said:"Deriv's participation in the 4L Trophy rally is a testament to our commitment to making a positive impact on the communities we serve. We believe in supporting causes that empowerindividualsand communitiesto thrive,and educationisa critical component of that.?

?We believe that businesses have a responsibility to give back to society,? added Sireau. ?Through our philanthropic efforts, we hope to inspire other organisations to do their part in making the world a better place.?

The 4L Trophy rally is just one example of Deriv's involvement in humanitarian initiatives. Earlier this year, the company had also donated 11 boxes of clothes to Fundacion Unidos por Cristo (Asunción, Paraguay), a residential home that providescomprehensive care to children and adolescentsat risk.

To learn more about Deriv and its humanitarian initiatives, follow Derivlife and the company?s Instagram account.

© Deriv

Deriv?s philanthropic venture: Driving social change through sponsorship of 4L Trophy

The 6,000 km rallyover10 daystook place inFebruarythis year,starting inFrance and concluding inMorocco,with the aim of helping underprivileged childreninAfrica.

The Deriv-sponsored team in action during the 4L Trophy rally. The humanitarian ride through the desert in Morocco. Ballet Philippine'sYsabel Bernardo for Sealy



Meets Rest:

Ballet Philippines' Collaboration with Sealy

Ballet Philippine'sYsabel Bernardo for Sealy

Focus Global Inc recently announced its partnership with Ballet Philippines for the launch of Sealy Posturepedic® mattresses. With their shared values of excellence, dedication and high standards, the two companies have come together to amplify the conversation on the well-being of dancers, who need ?the perfect sleep?in order to foster their art form. The collaboration was made official last July 26 in an exclusive MOAsigning event at the FocusGlobal Inc,.flagship showroom inTwenty-FourSevenMcKinley,BGC.

Special guests and press friends were also treated to an exclusive look at the upcoming social media campaign starring Ballet Philippines dancer Ysabel Bernardo. The newly produced video, shot at the Sealy showroom, features Bernardo waking up from a restful sleep on a Sealy Posturepedic® mattress, and then performing a dance routine in peak condition ?Ballet Philippines, as the country?s leading professional dance institution, shares our vision of craftsmanship, innovation, and artistic expression,?shared Focus Global Inc. President Stephen Sy. ?Together, we embark on a journey that will showcase the transformative power of our respective industriesand create an impactful campaignforourclients,patrons,and audiences.?

Excellence beyond the realm of sleep

Ballet Philippines President Kathleen Liechtenstein was present at the event, calling the new partnership an honor and a privilege. She also highlighted the importance of sleep as the key to a successful dance career. ?Through this harmonious pairing of two like-minded brands, we endeavor to bring to light the importance of wellbeing and balance,?she shared in her opening remarks. ?As a professional dance company, movement is our raison d?etre or reason for being. Every perfectly executed jete or arabesque is powered by healthy habits that include time for rest and recovery.?Joining Liechtenstein at the contract signing were Ballet Philippines TrusteesBernadette Montinola-Aboitiz and Rosalind Wee.

Focus Global Inc. President Stephen Sy took time to talk about the partnership before a symbolic toast:?This momentous occasion signifies the partnership between the two pillars of excellence: the world of luxurious sleep solutions and the captivating grace of ballet. At Focus Global Inc., we have always been committed to providing our clients with the finest products, coupled with excellent customer service, and this partnership with Ballet Philippinesallowsusto extend our dedication to excellence beyond the realm of sleep.?Appearing alongside Mr.Sywere two special guestsfrom Singapore:SealyAsia Director/ General Manager Chee Yan Lee and SealyAsia Head of Regional Sales&HospitalityDennisTan

Adancer?sdream mattress

At the very heart of ballet lies the dedication in mastering the art of dance Healthy bodies, quality sleep, and proper posture allow high performance individualslike professional dancersto be at their optimum best.With the innovative Sealy Posturepedic®, it is now possible to achieve all three. The mattress is designed in cooperation with expertsfrom the Orthopedic AdvisoryBoard Each mattressismeticulouslycrafted to ensure a restful and rejuvenating sleep experience. Their cutting-edge, patented coil technology delivers targeted spinal support and long lasting comfort.With yearsof research and development behind their products, Sealy hasbecome one of the most trusted mattressbrandsinthe world.

?There was no better choice for us when it comes to rest, recovery, and sleep technology than Sealy,?shared BP President Kathleen Liechtenstein. ?Their products do not only promise a good night?s rest; their state-of-the-art innovations for bedding products also provide unparalleled support for better sleep and posture. For high performance individuals like our world-class dancers, this is? pun intended? the ultimate dream.?

A graceful partnership takes centre stage as Sealy Posturepedic joins hands with Ballet Philippines in a momentous partnership signing event.

(L to R)Bernadette Montinola

-Aboitiz, Trustee, Ballet Philippines;Dennis Tan, Head of Regional Sales & Hospitality, Sealy Asia Group of Companies; Chee Yan Lee, General Manager,Sealy Asia Group of Companies;Stephen D.Sy, President, Focus Global, Inc.; Kathleen Lior LiechtensteinPresident, ballet Philippines; Rosalind Lee Guan Siao-Wee, Treasurer, Ballet Philippines

Planet Word is the only museum in the country dedicated to renewing and inspiring a love of words and language.Located in the historic Franklin School on the corner of 13th and K Streets in downtown D.C., Planet Word opened in 2020 as a new kind of interactive and self-guided museum.Using the museum?s state-of-the-art technology, visitors determine their experience through their own words and choices.Planet Word is a bold and imaginative response to the life-long importance of literacy and to the challenge of growing a love of language.

Planet Word isa private, non-government museum, supported primarilybythe generosityof theirdonors.

© Planet Word
Sotheby's At a loss for Words? Visit Planet WORD!
© Planet Word AnneB. Friedman istheCEOand Founder of Planet Word.

Where it all began

AnnB.Friedman had just retired from teaching first grade reading whenthe idea of Planet Word struck her.

Reading about the Museum of MathematicsinNew York City,she learned how it used hands-onactivitiesto make mathfun.If there?sa museum formath,she thought,whynot a museum forwords?

Just like the museum formathcelebrates math,wordsintheirendlesslyevolving varietyshould be celebrated,too.Whether signed,spoken,written,orsung,language connectsusand shapesourmost significant moments.Ourwordsand language reflect who we are,how we interact with others,and how we interpret ourworld.

There should be a place to explore the power,fun,and beautyof words,she decided.And,since sucha place didn? t yet exist,she set out to bring hervisionto life. Planet Word wasborn.

The Earth House is envisioned as a village-like cluster of buildings rising gently from the ground in the middle of the island.The permeable layout encourages socialization and allows nature to intertwine with architecture.Each building represents a different fragment of nature reflected in the dominant material used.The living and dining areas, the main gathering spaces for eating and relaxing on the island,are made of weather-resistant and insulating thatch.The four bedrooms are created with fire-retardant hempcrete, 3D-printed concrete, and natural boulders.A series of additional facilities complete the program of the Earth House, including a Japanese-style bath, a stargazing room, and meditation spaces.

"I like to be surrounded by splendid things.I want to lead a Victorian life, surrounded by exquisite clutter." FREDDIEMERCURY

Literacy matters

Today, first-rate literacy skills are essential.The strength of a democracy depends upon a literate population to understand and address complex issues of the day. But in the U.S.,literacy trends are moving in the wrong direction.Too many adult Americans can? t read at a functional level;students are falling behind in reading skills; and political discussions too frequently descend into diatribe ? not dialogue.

32 million adults in the U.S.can? t read.

34% of 4th graders couldn? t read at a basic level on national tests in 2019.

A greenhouse made of glass bricks will provide a local food source on the island, while the boat house will take inspiration from the local tradition of using seaweed as an insulation material.Complementing the Earth House, the Wood House will feature a standalone two-bedroom,two-bathroom residence made entirely of wood from the island.The monolithic façade opens towards the seaside via an eight-meter triangular window.

© Planet Word


"We show ? we don? t tell

That meanswe explore how language isused,ratherthan dictate how it should be used.

Linguistswould call usa ?descriptive?ratherthana ?prescriptive?museum. We won? t tell you what?sright and wrong.We?re just here to celebrate the power,fun,and beautyof language!

Committed to the community

Asa museum forthe entire community,we?re collaborating with partnerswho share ourcore belief that literacyisthe foundationof a strong democracy.

Ourpartnersserve children and adultswithlow literacy,people without accessto educational resources,and those experiencing homelessness.

Together,we?re working to ensure that Planet Word isa welcoming place,serving a diverse audience, and making a difference inthe life of the community."- PW

© Sotheby's

What in theword?


It?s a Barbie world, and we?re just living in it With the release of Greta Gerwig?s Barbie movie has come a resurgence in popularity for highly feminine aesthetics and all things pink in the Barbiecore aesthetic. Kelly Wright, Co-Editor of American Speech?s Among The New Words quarterly dictionary, says it isn? t surprising that Barbie and the Barbiecore aesthetic are so popular. ?BarbieTM (the brand)has made art out of establishing iconicity Barbie isn? t just a brand or a toy ? she?s a dream, an ideal, an archetype, a memory one that comes complete with matching shoes, accessories, and an entire community of practice?Most adults ? and not only women, and not only Americans ? possess knowledge of the Barbie aesthetic; they don? t need any additional cues to understand what Barbiecore represents, what it contains, and how one participates in or resists it?

But Barbiecore isn? t an isolated phenomenon. The word and the trending aesthetic are part of a larger movement surrounding the libfix -core and a fascinating example of language change in action

Planet Word

OpenWednesday?Friday,10 a.m.?5 p.m.

Saturday?Sunday,10 a.m.?6 p.m.

Monday,10 a.m.?5 p.m.

©Planet Word

Barbiecore and the Language of Aesthetics

Libfixes and -Core

As language users, we constantly look for new ways to express the world around us, and sometimes we need new words to do so. In our Where Do Words Come From? gallery, our 22-foot-tall talking word wall explains how new words enter the English language, from neologisms and borrowings to onomatopoeia and portmanteaus Sometimes, in the process of creating portmanteaus, certain parts of words take on lives of their own. The linguist Arnold Zwicky named these libfixes, or ?liberated? word parts that have become new word-forming elements

Perhaps one of the most iconic examples of this linguistic phenomenon is the libfix -gate, which originally comes from Watergate, the name of a building complex in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, DC, associated with the political scandal that led to President Richard Nixon?s resignation from office Other common libfixes include -athon (as in walkathon, telethon, and hackathon), -inator (from The Terminator),and -core (from hardcore music).

The last work of art Mercurybought wasthisportrait byJamesJacquesTissot (estimate £400,000-600,000)

Over the last decade, Among the New Words has chronicled -core?s surge in prominence and changing scope, first in a 2012 installment on music and more recently in 2022 While the libfix was originally restricted to music genres (like deathcore, crunkcore, and even bardcore) dating back to speedcore in 1985, it has since been separated from music. According to Wright, ?its current function as a combining form is to mark ? or perhaps even bind ? an aesthetic This binding is sometimes so informal that it necessitates a Pinterest board to illustrate what types of styles and behaviors belong within and without the aesthetic (see normcore)?Barbiecore marks a shift from other -core aesthetics because of its recognizability. ?Literally everything users need to know about Barbiecore is prepackaged in pretty pink plastic.?


The Lasting Impact of Barbiecore

While Mattel has spared no expense in promoting both the Barbie movie and the Barbie brand this year with copious brand deals, news articles, and influencers spreading Barbiecore to the masses, Wright says Barbiecore?s current success is due to individual people ?Corporate propaganda, while effective, does not seem to have the same types of long term consequences for language use as the utterances individuals choose to produce themselves do. What makes Barbiecore prominent is the uptake individual users have exhibited, producing the term and performing all it marks (unironically or not)in their daily lives.?

Will Barbiecore stand the test of time? Or will hype for the trend fade once Barbie leaves theaters? It would be easy to declare Barbiecore just a passing fad, but Barbie has a way of surprising naysayers After all, there was similar skepticism about the doll?s popularity when it first appeared on the scene Linguists and lexicographers like Wright document new words and the changing usage of existing ones, but they can? t predict the future ?Predicting what language is going to do in the future is the most difficult task of any linguist because of the pesky interaction of linguistic structure and the human will?There?s so much about how an individual feels, what they?ve experienced in their past, where they are physically located in the moment, etc which determines what they do with language, which over time determines how languages move and change?At the moment, though, it is fun to watch the world turn pink

Stefano Boeri Architetti?s Green Obsession Campaign Wins the United Nations SDGAction Awards

The ?Green Obsession?campaign launched by Stefano Boeri Architetti has been declared the winner of the SDG Action Awards, the most important recognition of projects that support the United Nation?s 17 Sustainable Development Goals As part of the SDG Action Campaign, the United Nations set out to reward initiatives that ?mobilize, inspire and connect communities in order to promote positive change.?The winning initiative aims to help improve the relationship between nature and design by implementing the principles of urban forestation.Green Obsession represents a series of conferences, public programs and a book, ?Green Obsession:Trees Towards Cities, Humans Towards Forests? , published in 2021and supported by the Graham Foundation

© RAWVision Studio
© Paolo Rosselli

Green Obsession aims to present and popularize Stefano Boeri?s design philosophy based on his approach to improving urban environments through architecture, urban planning, and the careful integration of natural elements within the built structures This vision of a possible future includes reimagining contemporary cities through the integration of rooftop gardens, backyard community gardens, urban agriculture, and tree-lined streets.Going beyond individual projects, this approach would promote the creation of ecological corridors, improving urban biodiversity, contributing to diminishing the effects of urban heat islands and increasing the quality of life for all residents

© Stefano Boeri Architetti

The initiative was selected from over 5,000 entries from 190 countries, each engaged with implementing the 17 Sustainable Goals. Green Obsession has been selected as the winner of the INSPIRE category for its efforts to promote a new perspective on cities based on global collaborations and transformative policy actions. By employing a creative approach to urban planning, ecological connectivity, and urban forestry, the project demonstrates a prioritization of good health and well-being while also contributing to positive climate actions

© Stefano Boeri Architetti

On behalf of the practice, Maria Chiara Pastore, Head of the Research Department of Stefano Boeri Architetti and Researcher at the Milan Politecnico, has accepted the award during the ceremony held in Rome. The UN SDG Action Campaign was established to encourage people from around the world to take action, engage the civic society and mobilize local governments and people to work towards achieving the SDGs in homes, communities,and beyond

© Stefano Boeri Architetti

"Green Obsession brings together 20 years of ideas and projects aimed at bringing living nature and especially trees and forests, into our cities. We must put trees and plants wherever possible: in squares, courtyards, avenues, and on the roofsand facadesof houses. The two great challenges of biodiversity and the cohabitation of living species are, in fact, the basis of every project of ecological transition and reduction of the damage caused by climate change. Green Obsession is, therefore, a work commitment and, at the same time, a feelingthat we would like to share with anyone who looks with courage and optimism at the future of our cities and of our specieson theplanet."-

Stefano Boeri

As more and more cities around the world are reporting record-breaking high temperatures, posing a threat to millions of residents, the importance of integrating mitigation strategies becomes increasingly strident. Urban green spaces have been proven to be one of the most appropriate and accessible ways to lower the effects of urban heat islands and create safe and comfortable environments for urban citizens Stefano Boeri Architetti has been at the forefront of this effort, advocating for ?the need for a new proximity to nature,? developing vertical forest prototypes presented during COP27, and helping design an ecological transition for the city of Rome, Italy.

© Stefano Boeri Architetti

Sotheby'sPink Picks o f theSeason

© Sotheby's
Hermès 5PBubblegum PinkEpsom Bolide 1923 25 Palladium Hardware, 2021 Frommoviesand magazinecoverstohandbags and jewelry,pink isnoweverywhere.And no other colo r hassuch asurprising past.
© Sotheby's

Today,pink isno t only pretty,it'salsopunk and powerful.When the HarlemR apper

Cam'ron worepink mink

toNewYork Fashion

Week in Fall 2003,he started (o r re-started) amovement that made pink coo l fo r men,as well aswomen.

Nike Nike SBDunk Low Elite Pink Box| Size 9 2016

Datejust Reference79174, a stainlesssteel automaticwristwatch with date, Circa 1999

© Sotheby's Rolex

I n the1953 filmGentlemen Prefer Blondes,M arilyn M onroeworeher famous"Pink D iamonds" dress,in which shesang "D iamondsareaGirl's Best Friend." Thecostumedesigner WilliamTravillahad initially proposed anearly-naked fishnet-and-rhinestonescostume.When the Hollywood censorsrejected it,hecreated aho t pink silk gown lavishly accessorized with diamond jewelry.

Valentin Magro

Platinum, Gold, 23.07ct MozambiqueRubyand Diamond Drop Earrings

Hermès RoseTyrien Ostrich Birkin 30 Palladium Hardware, 2018 E xplorePinksin E very Hue,Availableto Buy Now,only @Sotheby's





Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will celebrate a highly contemporary presence at this year?s Festival of Speed Displayed on the Festival?s Laundry Green, adjacent to Goodwood House, a beautifully commissioned Phantom, Ghost,Cullinan and Spectre will each provide a unique, exquisite expression of the marque?s peerless craftsmanship.

- Rolls-Royce Motor Cars showcases contemporary expressions at Festival of Speed - Collection presented on Festival?s Laundry Green, adjacent to Goodwood House

- Rolls-Royce Spectre,the marque?s first fully-electric car,will be on display at the event

- Rolls-Royce Spectre will take to the fabled Hillclimb


?Each year automotive enthusiasts enjoy the ultimate celebration of motorsport at the prestigious Festival of Speed, set in the magnificent grounds of the historic Goodwood House. This event, with its proximity to the Home of Rolls-Royce, is always an important occasion in our annual calendar This year, however, is of particular significance ? it marks the first year that our all-electric, ultra-luxury, super coupé, Spectre, will be on display at the Festival of Speed.Spectre is the most anticipated Rolls-Royce ever, and we are very proud to present this transformative motor car at this year?s event Alongside Spectre, we are delighted to showcase a vibrant and captivating assemblage of motor cars, created especially for this year?s Festival of Speed. We are looking forward to the opportunity to meet with esteemed clients, valued dealer partners and media friends during this remarkable occasion" Boris

Regional Director, United Kingdom, Europe and Central Asia

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will celebrate a highly contemporary presence at this year?s Festival of Speed Displayed on the Festival?s Laundry Green, adjacent to Goodwood House, a beautifully commissioned Phantom, Ghost, Cullinan and Spectre will each provide a unique, exquisite expression of the marque?s peerless craftsmanship The marque?s presence at this year?s event comes as the company celebrates 20 years of production at the Home of Rolls-Royce, at Goodwood.




Occupying a truly unique position at the apex of luxury, Phantom Extended knows no discerning rival. Instead, with its cossetting interior suite, imperious design, and almost boundless scope for personalisation, Phantom defines the barometers of luxury, and therefore will rightly resume pride of place on the stand on the Laundry Green.

Inspiration for the commissioning of a Rolls-Royce comes from a variety of sources, and Rolls-Royce?s highly talented Collective of artisans, designers and engineers are in constant admiration, intrigue, and awe of clients?wishes, dreams and visions for their motor car.

For this year?s Festival of Speed, inspiration has come from the world of yachting, a popular pastime amongst Rolls-Royce?s illustrious clientele. A befitting exterior colour ? Submariner Blue ? was selected for this unique commission The maritime connotations in this colour name are not coincidental:Submariner Blue is a very rich colour, mimicking the deep hues of the ocean.

Inside Phantom?s inviting cabin, the nautical theme continues, with the steering wheel, seat belts and front interior predominantly finished in Navy. In contrast, the rear interior is finished in Selby Grey, with a stitching in Sunset

Phantom offers patrons an unprecedented opportunity: a chance to showcase eclectic works of art, sculpture, or objects of self-expression in the Gallery This unique single piece of uninterrupted glass, spans the entire fascia and means patrons can enjoy, admire, and appreciate their favourite artwork from the sanctuary that is Phantom?s sumptuous cabin For this nautically-inspired commission, an embroidered gallery, recognisant of the weave pattern on yacht rigging, has been created.

Bespoke is Rolls-Royce; an ethos which permeates every commissioned creation, from exquisite motor cars to luxurious accessories. This extends from glamorous cellarettes and champagne chests, to personalised umbrellas, and picnic hampers For the Festival of Speed, Rolls-Royce presents a striking Bespoke luggage collection in Navy and White, perfectly complementing the nautical theme.



Launched in 2020, Rolls-Royce Ghost is the latest iteration of the marque?s most successful product and for this year?s Festival of Speed, a truly stylish expression of Ghost has been created Presented in Iced Arctic White, this motor car exudes luxury, style and grace, whilst demonstrating the extensive scope and skill of the marque?s exterior surface centre.Inside, Black and Iceland Moss interior appointments create a vibrant aesthetic, whilst the Mandarin seat piping adds an additional splash of colour.

In addition, a Rolls-Royce Ghost, presented in Salamanca Blue, has been selected as Course Car and a Cullinan, in Dark Emerald, chosen as a Safety Car.



In 2021, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars made a historic announcement that would shape the marque?s history forever Rolls-Royce Motor Cars declared its commitment to electric technology both by announcing Spectre, an all-electric super coupé, and that by the end of 2030, the marque?s entire portfolio would be fully electric. Since this significant moment in the storied history of Rolls-Royce, Spectre has been on a remarkable journey, including completing a highly demanding testing programme, spanning 2.5 million kilometres. Last October, Spectre was unveiled to the world at the Home of Rolls-Royce in West Sussex, and response from the world?s opinion leaders across the globe has been unequivocally positive The first customer deliveries will occur in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Now, for the first time ever, Rolls-Royce Spectre will be presented at this year?s Festival of Speed. Presented in two-tone Chartreuse and Black Diamond, this expression of the marque?s genre-defining motor car exudes cool modern luxury To embolden the exterior and highlight Spectre?s dynamic presence and prowess, twenty-three-inch wheels are fitted to the motor car ? the first time in almost one hundred years that the marque has equipped wheels of this stature and size to a two-door coupé Chartreuse interior appointments echo the exterior hue, whilst Grace White and Peony Pink create a calming and serene aesthetic to the cabin.

In addition to Spectre?s presence on the stand, Rolls-Royce Spectre, will ascend the famous Hillclimb course at Goodwood during the Festival?s Supercar Run



Rolls-Royce?s highly skilled artisans, designers and engineers have taken inspiration from the world of pop-art, the famed art movement that emerged and flourished in America and Britain in the 1950s and 1960s, to create a unique expression of Cullinan for this year?s Festival. Presented in Gunmetal, with a double Coachline and Coachline Motif, finished in Phoenix Red and Serenity Green ? this expression of the world?s most desirable SUV conveys the contemporary yet luxurious essence that exists at the very heart of the marque. Striking Red brake callipers, echo the Phoenix Red Coachline and confidently resolve the exterior

Whilst the combination of Gunmetal with a bright Coachline sets the tone of this expression, it is perhaps the interior of the car that is the true pièce de résistance An eye-catching geometric Red pattern, replicated throughout the car, creates a bold and dynamic aesthetic, and demonstrates the extensive scope of marque?s Bespoke capabilities


MAY2023 ISSUE ISSN2799-0702 Vol. 3.5 SAPERE AUDE
© RAWVision Studio

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