RED LEAF LOANS – SHORT TERM LOANS When payday is just a little too far away but you need cash today, would you prefer to take a loan that you are forced to keep for an entire year over a short-term loan that gets you the cash you need, is repaid and then forgotten? Waiting for the bank to approve a loan, often for way more than you need, can take several days or even weeks to reach your bank account. Afterwards, you are usually obligated to pay interest over a full year term. offers short-term loans designed to get you just enough money to tide you over until your next pay day. Once you repay the loan on your pay date, you can forget all about it with no longterm obligations or payments. Unlike typical bank loans, having bad credit will not automatically disqualify you for a short-term loan. The short-term loans offered by are 100% online, making your experience as simple, hassle-free, and speedy as it can be. The entire process can be done from the comfort of your own home, office, or mobile phone, 24/7. Once approved, the money can be in your bank account as early as the very same day you apply. No matter what your profession or pay scale, sudden expenses can occur at any time. Our customer care agents are payday loan experts, and are ready and waiting for you if you have any questions at any stage of your short-term loan. offers short-term loans to Canadians in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario. Each province has a legal maximum limit that is controlled by the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act (British Columbia) the Fair Trading Act (Alberta) and the Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Ontario). Our short-term loan rates and representative examples can be found on the Rates page. strongly advocates Responsible Lending and urges you to consider if a payday loan is the right solution for your urgent financial need.