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Publisher’s Letter
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publisher’s letter

Welcome to Autumn! The fall issue is always a reflective one for me. With the magnificent views the season brings to our landscape, we welcome the need to pause and take in the vibrancy of color and crisp air that holds you in the moment. We think about how we made the most of our summer days and, if we feel a tinge disappointed that it went by so quickly, we’ll start thinking of next year.
Summer is over, the travelers have left, and our beaches are ours once again. In this glorious season, now is the time to take long walks and indulge in the splendor of our beautiful neighborhoods, our porches dotted with welcome mats flanked with mums and gourds. Our many trails beckon us to engage, to hear the familiar sounds of the birds that remain with us all year long, and the crinkle of leaves at our feet as we move onward down the path.
Together we are facing these not so ordinary days, taking care of family, business, and community. All too soon we’ll need to hunker down once again into the cocoons of our homes, but we’ll do so in the knowledge that our loved ones are with us and we are all safe at home.
Like every issue that has come before it, this issue of Milford Living is a celebration of our community, our history, our culture, our businesses, and our people. We hope you enjoy it, reread it, and share its stories with each other. We appreciate your readership and are grateful to you for being a part of the Milford community. We hope you have a wonderful season filled with warmth, love, and thanksgiving. Wishing you all the splendor of this beautiful season,
Charlene Allen Mary Anthony Kathy Anderson

Eileen Barrett Danielle Blumner Sandy Burnell Leila Chaucer
Peter Chapman Noreen Daniells Judie DiFranco Sue DuBrow Kelly Durrschmidt Lisa English Sarah Ferrante
Alicia Hale Ken Hawkins Robin Helburn Kelly Hill-Mihalyak Donna Howe Marilyn Hurteau Paige Jenney
Ruth Korpita Beth Lopez Lorraine Luzietti Debi McGinley Lori Melius Sophia Messore Laura Kelleher-Nichols
Lorna Nichols Barbara Oliver Christine Shaw Victoria Stillings Donna Tartagni Colleen Zacarelli Barbara Zink