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readers’ letters
I always enjoy reading Milford Living from cover to cover. Especially enjoyed the story about other Milfords. During the 350th celebration of Milford, we contacted the other Milfords in the U.S. and received some interesting information. Then at some point I received an email from Colin Langhorne from Milford Haven in Wales. We corresponded for a few months. I sent him some info about our Milford, and he sent me a book about Milford Haven. But my best experience with other Milfords was the time I took my part-Kiwi granddaughter back to New Zealand to go to college. We took a tourist boat on Milford Sound. In the middle of the Sound, they let us out in kayaks and as we were paddling around the leader got a call saying the dolphins were coming in. Sure enough the dolphins did come in, and must have been curious about these other creatures in their sea. They mingled with the kayaks so close you could reach out and touch them. Quite a time!

Gregory, Milford, CT
Thank you for adding even more to our winter story on Milford towns around the world. We look forward to gathering more tales of travels from our readers to help keep us all connected. It’s a small world after all.
I was recently looking at an old map of
Milford hanging in my doctor’s office where it referred to Woodmont as Merwin Point. I was wondering where that came from because I know the Merwin Farm was in Morningside. Maybe you can write about the Merwin history next time.
—Pat LaPaglia, Milford, CT
Great idea Pat. There is so much history in Milford that even though we’ve been covering it for 20 years, the well is barely touched. As an FYI: the spot in question is named for Miles Merwin who arrived in Milford in 1645. His farm was nearby, but there doesn’t seem to be any specific reason why this spot was named for him.