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environmental issues, as well as those we enact here in Milford.
But like the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Planning and Zoning Commission is first required to follow the rules as they are written. There have been many decisions over the years that have been controversial, and many residents have disagreed with them. But if the Commission were to turn down a builder because they thought it was the “right thing to do” even though the regulations permit it to occur, that person could appeal to the state courts, and a court could reverse that decision and impose a decision that could be even worse. Milford commissioners must balance the feelings of the community with the rights of builders and find the right solution.

Since we live in a democracy, if you feel the rules could be better for Milford, you have power in your hands. Any resident can propose new rules for Planning and Zoning. The City Planner or your fellow residents serving on these boards can help fill out the forms and guide you through the process to try and make those changes. You can run for Planning and Zoning as a candidate or ask the Mayor or your Alderman to keep you in consideration for a seat on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Serving in these positions requires no specific experience in anything other than common sense and desire for Milford to be the best place you hope it to be.
—Frank Farricker