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Suzanne Cahill

Editorial Director
Ann McGuire
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Contributing Photographers
Suzanne Cahill, Susan Carroll Dwyer, Steven Franko, Sherry Johnson, Cathy Leite, Maryalice Manning, Gerry McGuire, Annabel Wardman
Contributing Editors
Tracy Farricker
Contributing Writers
Angela Arpino, Susan Carroll Dwyer, Timothy Chaucer, Shaileen Kelly Landsberg, Jason Marchi, Marilyn May, Ann McGuire, Gerry McGuire, Cindy Papish Gerber, Mike Patrick, Maya Rossado, Annabel Wardman
Production Assistance
Kevin Maher, Wendy Macomber, Todd Manning, Tamara Simpson
Bridget Dwyer, Maryalice Manning
Milford Living Magazine

162 Bridgeport Avenue Milford CT 06460
203-283-5290 http://www.milfordliving.com
Milford Living Magazine (ISSN 1547-4429) is distributed quarterly by Red Mat Publishing. P.O. Box 2387 Milford, CT 06460. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Publisher. Subscription Rates: U.S. $23.96. Newsstand: $5.99. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Milford Living Magazine P.O. Box 2387, Milford, CT 06460. Please allow six to eight weeks for subscription processing. Copyright 2003-2023 Red Mat Publishing.www.redmatpublishing.com
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Greetings, dear friends!
Welcome to the summer issue of Milford Living! Summer brings to mind feelings of warmth, sunshine, and the relief of not having an overpacked schedule. It’s a season for outdoor exploration, rest, and enjoyable moments spent by the shore.
As time goes by, our experiences also evolve. In this issue, we look back to see how Milford has changed over the years. Although the ways in which we celebrate and connect with our community may be different from the past, the happiness and joy it brings remain constant. Looking to the future, we take time to celebrate our graduating high school seniors. We had the opportunity to speak with several of them about their aspirations and what they love about Milford. It’s inspiring to see the potential they hold for the future of our community.
Taking a break from our daily routines and enjoying the warm weather and nature’s beauty is always a great idea. We are so fortunate to have so many activities to choose from. We highlight some community favorites to keep you busy and unplugged all summer.

Enjoy reading the issue and sharing our stories with friends. Since you know we love hearing from you, send us your favorite summer memories when you have a moment and we’ll be sure to share photos and stories in a future issue.