richie GREEVES
Homeless Punky Tech
re Video Featu
seldom scene
Cristian Dedeu
Granada 2010 BERLIN
The dark crawl Readers poll
Rider of the Year 2010 Music
The Igloo
Products for BBQ’s #5 August 2011 FREE
ReD pen
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PILLOWÊ TALK PenÊ StreetboardÊ WelcomeÊ toÊ thisÊ issueÊ ofÊ RedÊ Magazine.
se of Apple’s As a tribute to the upcoming relea this Issue 5 , if it iPhone 5, we’ve decided to call I’ll lend you my ends up being called the ‘four S’, ired adjustments pen so you can make the requ t covers, the to the cover. Oh yeah talking abou r version of Kelly cove a doing Borr Peter is r cove onÊ aÊ murderedÊ DeansÊ 50/50Ê inÊ Disturbed,Ê butÊ l. I think I’ve SoCa not ary, Hung in out kink and got that all covered. will probably If you are more than half sober you by video rerealise that this issue is dominated are more than a lated banter. Fully fledged films are an essential just a showase of the riders. They Long tive. part of the sport, acting as a narra have subsided, ds crow st conte of rs chee the after copies of Red long after you’ve misplaced your plottingÊ outÊ g,Ê stron Ê stand Ê tones miles Ê pen,Ê these axes of the on rding tboa Stree of the evolution dedicationÊ andÊ progression. as a true compaNo company can be respected , until they have ny, no rider as a seasoned rider rd film. experience of making a Streetboa in this far too Day One can now stand proudly d, with the restupi and e brav the of p grou small mark the end may This e. Scen m Seldo of lease the distincbut ses, relea ical phys of of the era edits must e onlin and s video team tion between prevail., Keep riding, keep checking Redp keep filming. Jay Nowman Editor - August 2011
T! AND WHA ReDn pe
score issue, and We’ve reached our quar ter of a ting from paper to celebrate the fact we’re devia some fibres inand shouting our way out from stead. dual uses (stuck Just like our print magazine has paper to wipe? in that dark corner at NASS? No brand spankRed Pen to the rescue) so does our pad White, it ing new t- shirt. Coming in Note has dogged us also pre-empts that utterance that flew too high, an Morg y Ashle re befo even since way too high: “Oh, but you’re strapped to it”.
mind-numbing, Now instead of rolling off your makes you look honed and crafted speech that you do with like you have to fucking justify what just point at your words instead of tricks, you can cap down low, pecks, or breastesses, pull your natively go alter Or . rinse and forth and go strapped being that e realis them slam and make Satan’s concrete in is akin to making a deal with cousin. StrappedÊ in....Ê AndÊ what! Editor: Jay Nowman Graphics/layout: Stefan Tribe e Sub Editor/Staff writer: Sam Cook Web Design: Pete Dunsby Grupp//Alex Contributing Photographers: Tilo /??? mar/ Lockett//O Contact:
Ê withÊ
g some of money Money: Have to brin my summer homeo for a drink in your eur one just it’s “I feel like if this was if n eve because i’ve not work, in fact it’s funny break time no? ework! hom bag when they’re mer sum my e don Tools: Always in my s one es, sho of rs pai gs, wheels, kingtwo din bin got the I’ve Shoes: required for se than my wor are someone doesn’t ch en whi Wh r. king for wal pin or whateve es, keepsho ting ska because if we’re My shit a es. t’s skating sho bring tools, tha I still got and 8 200 with something lds te wor ska e ing them sinc filming, we have to l to skate. Maybe ed. them considerably wel ach det e a power to pre bag, because you Neobrain bindings hav T-10: It is always in my ’re going to take you n whe w kno ser ve shoes no? er nev ones:Ê AnotherÊ thingÊ gives you an unexgirl a If ro. BlackberryÊ +Ê Headph met the BB and my headneed your T-10 to I bring in my bag is my pected booty call you a pack I never get like are y .” the , call t nes tha pho answer en’t these with me. out from home if I hav
This is the chronicle of a unique trip. We faced one of theÊ mostÊ importantÊ citiesÊ fromÊ southern Spain, known for its cultureÊ andÊ itsÊ architectureÊ fromÊ many centuries ago. Easter is the best time of the year to visit Granada as it is when the city shows off its finery and all the population invade the streets. If we add to this the recent construction of one of the best skateparks of the country and the riders Cristian Dedeu, German Medina, David La Rotta, Carlos Melenas y Toni Álvarez we find a perfect cocktail. Granada is a
GRANADA 2010 words by Toni Alvare z & Cristian Dedeu
city full of contrasts; contrasts between different cultures that populated its lands leaving a legacy of an idyllic place to visit, skate and hang out... Also its city hall has decided to bet on the extremeÊ sportsÊ creatingÊ aÊ perfectÊ spot for its practice. A skatepark divided in three sections. First of all we have a transition area with some banks, miniramps with spine and wall-rides, a big fun-box and two huge handrails. The other two sections are based on skate plazas with suchÊ aÊ bigÊ amountÊ ofÊ modulesÊ that you could skate for months withoutÊ gettingÊ ridÊ ofÊ them.Ê WeÊ were housed in “La Rotta’s Hotel” jeje...10 minutes from the skate park. That’s another good thing from Granada, its smallness allows you to go skating to many places.
The tour guide, David La Rotta, was who rocked most during the trip, skating absolutely everything from the smallest handrail (tricking it with a lot of technique) to the biggest areas in the mini-ramp and the fun-box where he did a big back flip. One of the many surprises fromÊ theÊ tourÊ wasÊ meetingÊ aÊ great rider like Carlos Melenas a very complete rider with such a clever technique. He is achievingÊ suchÊ perfectÊ combos,Ê ridingÊ in switch that still turns me crazy and showing off that at his 28 years old he still has a lot to offerÊ inÊ streetboard.Ê AndÊ whatÊ toÊ say about Cristian Dedeu a.k.a. Don Limpio, always showing he’s still in shape and his great passionÊ forÊ theÊ handrails,Ê fsÊ boardslides, fs over krooks, bs feebles, everything in the biggest rail and without making any effort.Ê AnÊ amazingÊ collectionÊ forÊ
the Tilt wheels rider. Finally we will talk about GermanÊ Medina,Ê whoÊ inÊ spiteÊ ofÊ being a new-born rider, is showing good signs of improvement on skating all kind of modules and surprising with his style. We should give a special mention to PepoÊ aÊ riderÊ fromÊ M‡ lagaÊ whoÊ showed his passion for the miniramp with crazy turns and slides and a heavy fs 360 to rock. With regard to Mr. Addicted, Toni Montana... Skating modules such as banks, achieving tricks like bs feeble 270 out, fs 50 to fakie ... No one skated those modules like him.Ê ApartÊ ofÊ surprisingÊ usÊ withÊ on of the best tricks from the trip a 450 to boardslide on the flat rail,Ê heÊ alsoÊ showedÊ offÊ thatÊ theÊ more he skates the more kind of riding styles he knows, achieving good fs 360 at the fun-box or a
perfect bs 270 to bs board slide always with smart style and showing us the good influence that he hasÊ fromÊ snowboard.
The nine hours driving trip were worth it... Incredible sessions withÊ friendsÊ atÊ aÊ spectacularÊ park, a lot of laughing, some party, some street y the experienceÊ ofÊ seeingÊ thatÊ itÊ isÊ formingÊ aÊ good quarry for Streetboarders inÊ southernÊ Spain.
cristia it’s me who is on “ Sometimes theÊ otherÊ sideÊ ofÊ theÊ camera
Nosegrind 15 stair
...always keeps himself to himself. Over the years that I’ve known him, we’ve probably only spoken a handful of words in person. I usedÊ toÊ putÊ thisÊ downÊ to shyness, but now I realise it’s because he’s constantly thinking, always scoping out theÊ spotÊ forÊ theÊ bestÊ angle.Ê Ê AsÊ SimonÊ JohnsÊ once put it “ He’s quiet inÊ person,Ê butÊ loudÊ online”. Judging by the amount and quality of films he’s put out over the last year, he’s not just loud, but roaring. With his first full length film, 2009’s Emphasis, firmly under his belt and aÊ slewÊ ofÊ onlineÊ shorts,Ê weÊ thoughtÊ itÊ wasÊ timeÊ toÊ catchÊ upÊ withÊ himÊ and have a chin wag.
an dedeu...
Cristian checking exposure with a quick light metre reading . AllÊ partÊ ofÊ theÊ routine
Interview and Intro by jay Nowman
What setup do you have? I’ve had a Canon XM-2 for 3 years, and I’ve just bought an iMAC 21’ with Final Cut Pro. How did you get into filming? I started skating with my brother Kenneth (rollerblader). He bought a camera and we’d always go film. Some years later I bought my first camera, and started to film with my friends and with the Onlystreet crew,Ê Sergi,Ê Gabi,Ê YagoÊ etc.Ê Ê SinceÊ then I’ve not stopped filming. I’ve always loved cinema too.
What’s your view on the lack of full length Streetboard films around? StreetboardingÊ needsÊ moreÊ fullÊ length videos. Geeks on wheels is amazing and I’m excited for the new Day One video, I can’t wait to see it. ShortÊ editsÊ areÊ cool,Ê butÊ weÊ needÊ more full length videos. The brands have to do something more I think, it’s difficult, but our sport really needs them to motivate the riders. I’m the first to know that it’s very difficult do a Streetboard video
What directors do you admire? Do they influence your approach to filming/editing? A lot of directors. For sure Stanley Kubrick, all his films are amazing. Also Quentin Tarantino, but probably what most influenced me are Snowboard, Inline and Skate films. You made your Directorial debut with Emphasis. Are you planning to follow it up with another full length? It was so cool to do Emphasis, but it was very difficult too. Only one cam, no money, but the premiere in Barcelona was amazing. Thanks to all that bought the DVD. I’m planning to do another Drop-inn video, maybe online, but very long. It’s always difficult to film with all the riders, but we will do something soon I hope.
Yeah man, it takes a lot of time and patience, not just the filming, but capturing and editing. Why do you love it so much? YeahÊ dude,Ê alotÊ ofÊ time!Ê Ê SometimesÊ it’s stressful and disappointing but also gratifying. I love it and it’s the best way to promote the sport. Ê
Do you ever get pissed when a rider takes you to a spot to film but then pussies out? Yeah, a lot. I understand though, he can’t see the trick clearly. I can’t do anything. I understand though because sometimes it’s me who is on theÊ otherÊ sideÊ ofÊ theÊ cam. Who’s your favourite rider to film and why? Toni Montanta. I like his style and when I film with him he always does what he has to always original he
Cristian reduces lense flare by choosing the perfect shadedÊ spotÊ toÊ shootÊ from.Ê 13 stair smith on the way
oftenÊ hasÊ theÊ bestÊ spotsÊ andÊ ideasÊ to film. Apart from filming, you are also a top rider. Is it hard to mix the two? You must miss out on a lot of sessions as you have to be behind theÊ lens Yes. Sometimes it’s hard miss some sessions, but it’s cool to be present filming them. I’ll try to combine them, a while filming, a while skating. The perfect combination Who do you ride for? Tiltwheels and Drop-Inn
Nosebluntslide first try...
What’s the word with Tilt Wheels? Any plans for a video there? At the moment it’s too soon ,but with the time I wanna do something, Tilt Wheels has a good team: David, Valentino, Nils. Last Words? Thanks to you Jay for the interview and all you do for the sport...and my family and all my friends Bernat, German, Andres, Toni, Eric, Sergi, Pin, Bote... and to all the streetboarders keep skating and filming.
...but always go home with at least two takes in the can.
“Sometimes it’s stressfulÊ andÊ disappointing but also gratifying. I love it
Christian personally checks the track in preparation for a long, technically challenging dolly shot.
............THE DARK CRAWL......................................... Clock stares down. I stare back. Just gone four in the morning. Three hours to go and IÔ ve already been here for seven. ThatÕ s cool though, I like night shifts. ThereÕ s a few tasks to keep you occupied but mostly your times your own. I sit and watch a man thumb his wifeÕ s eyes out then go to make myself another coffee. A pack of leathery beasts flys around behind my reflection as the kettle fogs up the black glass. So whatÔ s a Dark Crawl? Well it more often than not these days has a filthy electronic soundtrack. There is always a generous seasoning of contemporary night time condiments and the dirty behaviour is turned up as far as itÔ ll go. The crawl gets darker and lower proportionally the further you get past the point of
knowing better. WeÕ re pretty far past that point. I wasnÕ t so much excited about the trip more cowed shivering somewhere in a corner pleading not to have the hose turned back on. Maybe we should know better but its just what we do.
I go back and see a horde of non-zombies get diced in Regents Park while sipping on the coffee. The clockÕ s minute hand moves in the top right of the scene. The minute hand transfixes me at this time in the morning. It lands with a oddly large amount of force for itÕ s purpose which causes it to flex and vibrate each time like a plastic ruler held a quarter off the edge of a desk and flicked with your thumb. IÕ m distracted by the man beating some poor girl to death on the tube and
go to do my hourly checks.... Nothing is on fire, that’s good. So as it turned out it wasnÕ t even that dark this time out. WeÕ d met some great people sampled different vibes and cultures and checked out the history. WeÕ d had some jokes and came away inspired and richer for each new experience and connection. But as with all good times, they had to end sometime. We had to get back to our jobs anyway. Fucking real jobs too. Jobs like the ones people shout at you to get when youÕ re hanging out with your board.
London is being overrun by the non-zombies and my eyes are getting heavy. Yes the crawl never really got started but still IÕ m left with that cold iron bar on the chest feeling that comes after a good dark low one. The feeling which spawned the name in the first place. My eyes are dragged back to the clockÉ the clock always tells it like it isÉ as I dopily follow the minute handÔ s angry march I have to admit the truth of it tooÉ IÕ m lowÉ post trip bluesÉ to be feared more than any serotonin starved delirium on a plane homeÉ time back in the swampÉ time spent not rolling free in new cities with old friendsÉ necessary time spent in order to continue the thing you loveÉ maybe we should know better but itÕ s just what we doÉ two hours to goÉ time back on the clockÉ the real Dark Crawl. Pedro
for video co
Málaga Tour 2011
coverage go to
p=1577 ? / m o .c g a m n e p d re / ttp:/ i Nicolas Serg Thomas Kienle David La Rotta Gotthard Pilsner Andrés Rodés Cristian Dedeu
Words by Sam Cooke Photos by Alex Lockett and Stefan Tribe
YouÊ wantÊ toÊ goÊ furtherÊ andÊ higher,Ê fresherÊ andÊ moreÊ technicalÊ thanÊ before.Ê YouÊ begin to mull over endlessly how tricks look. Things rarely go to plan. You wonder about your place in the scene.Ê PuttingÊ aÊ sectionÊ together makes you scrutinize your skating. Is your riding even good enough to sell on a DVD? Who the fuck do you think you are anyway? It becomesÊ anÊ obsession.
eo ‘Filming for this viddig part really made me en deep inside. It’s be andÊ bothÊ aÊ distractionÊ con a focus, constantly ts. Isuming my though rewrote,Ê deletedÊ andÊ ss wrote trick lists countle t times. Some tricks jus naturally occurred, but ve the most satisfying haed Ê toÊ beÊ thoseÊ thatÊ haunt t me for weeks on end tha I could then finally strike aÊ bigÊ fatÊ lineÊ through,Ê m knowing I had done thewto the best of my po ers.’ -Ê JayÊ Nowman
around watching everyone ride amazing spots. My brave faceÊ startedÊ toÊ slipÊ afterÊ aÊ fewÊ days. I’d turned to the green Estrella for help in the end just so I could join in a session. This time I had come back to try the ender I’d had planned for that last trip. Did I get it though? Did I hell. The ache. Shuffling zombie like, red eyed with bruised feet round the duty-free shop waitingÊ forÊ theÊ gateÊ toÊ open.Ê Legs like poorly designed action figures. Scuffed palms and backs like chesterfield spire. It was a familiar pain
The past two days had me completely spent. It wasn’t the most sensible of moves sneaking off to Barcelona for the weekend when I’m a poor bum with rent on the horizon. But then obsession rarely has much to do with reason. Last time we were over here I’d messed-up my heel early on. It was kind of tough limping
Photos: Sam Cooke F/S Ecir Brun B 360 /S board sl ide prezel Jay Nowm an Lipslide 12 stair
andÊ oneÊ thatÊ hasÊ comeÊ toÊ beÊ welcomed by all the DayOne riders. We’d done what we could,Ê shotsÊ inÊ theÊ canÊ orÊ not.Ê “It kind of feels like the end now…” Colin said to me as we stumbledÊ outÊ ontoÊ theÊ warmÊ tarmacÊ andÊ turnedÊ facesÊ towardsÊ ourÊ lastÊ ofÊ theÊ SpanishÊ
it ’s not a ‘You knÊ oowfÊ ifÊ youÊ needÊ question ’s just a question a beer it r green?’ of, red ooran -Ê ColinÊ H
sun. I suppose it did, but it struck an ominous chord. This thing has been two years in the making. Lives have changed, there have been new jobs, new towns,Ê newÊ women,Ê newÊ directions, but the video had been beatingÊ inÊ usÊ allÊ throughout.Ê It felt strange not to have it always in the back of your mind,
where all other of life’s pressures would melt back and you’d be lost on the next or the last shot. We’d missioned up and down the country, smoked too many cigarettes, suffered ramblings, lived on supermarket sandwiches, woken up contorted on hard floors next to naked apes, slipped sideways out the club directly onto that plane back downÊ throughÊ theÊ drizzleÊ countless times and loved every exhausted second of it.
s over I am Ê ‘Now that it’ eÊ meaning th sÊ is m gÊ goin y skating, m to t gh it brou n I can’t ai ag but then up with k wait to lin only to e, at sk to Sam urse by co f of n be blow d straight to in the TS w boozer,Ê andÊ theÊ closestÊ chip and pin only have orry about.’ w guiltbetostraight Lets an up here m ow N y Ja thoughÉ weÊ areÊ notÊ prosÉ this hasn’t been a full time thing. There has been no profit in Seldom Scene. I couldn’t tell you how out of pocket this thing has made us. DayOne is a brand sure, but we’ve been riding for the idea. It’s not about selling T-shirts it’s about giving people a real tasteÊ ofÊ Streetboarding,Ê toÊ illuminateÊ theÊ widerÊ scene.Ê For a few of us it’s been the same for the last ten years and more. “Hey we’re old school now you know man.” Sergi’s words from the night before echoed in my head asÊ weÊ wonderedÊ whichÊ wasÊ
‘If someone is going to go out of their way to watchÊ whatÊ IÊ do,Ê IÊ wantÊ toÊ shedÊ atÊ leastÊ aÊ littleÊ bit of blood.’ Simon Johns Frontside lipslide 16. North Wales
Sam Cooke Backside Smith grind B/S 360 out
our cattle car. I’d certainly felt old school over the weekend watching the new Spanish kids rinsing front feebles and back lipsÊ onÊ realÊ streetÊ railsÊ allÊ whileÊ I was still lacing up the dunks. Eric Brun is the worst though;
Colin Hora n Smith
ofÊ allÊ theÊ futureÊ promiseÊ thatÊ SpainÊ isÊ showingÊ heÊ shinesÊ the brightest. The preternatural ability he exercises at the topÊ ofÊ aÊ railÊ asÊ heÊ popsÊ intoÊ frontboard position at the very peak and fearlessly locks it in for the slide I can honestly say; is the most impressive thing I’ve seen in this last decade of bummingÊ aroundÊ withÊ aÊ streetboard. Riders like Eric and that crew will carry our family to the next level. They have to anyway because the rest of us are knackered.
new tricks for the next video I suppose.” “Fuck that, I feel like I’ve had the shit kicked out of me man. I’m retiring…” “Yeah right of course you are…front or back?” “Back, less babies. Hey you think we’re actually old school now?” “Ummm I guess so but that’s good. It means there’s a new school.” “You can be old school if you like I’m True Skool.” “Whatever man, lets get out of here.” “What’s the weather’s like back home?” “Bleak probably.” “I like that.” “Yeah? Safe” “Oi, it’s never over is it?” “I hope not bruv.”
Eric Brun F/ S boardslid e
lot of the ‘Filming was long, arduous, frustrating atime time, but the skating, the traveling, the afterÊspent theyÊ chillingÊ withÊ theÊ teamÊ andÊ seeingÊ theÊ shotsÊ Jon White were finally landed made up for all that.’
‘It’s been a long journey that’s taken me to, many different placesnphysically and emotioes ally. There’s those tim lf when you feel yourse go a little bit…well, you “So what now?” e.’ “I dunno .strang know.. ranand learn some man goHo skate Colin
Jay Nowman Nose Bluntslide
orca WORLDS 2010 - Mall
gust. h. 20th - 22nd Au Can Pastilla Beac hns halfÊ pipeÊ Simon Jo rupp. Words by where the only destination if generPhotos by Tilo G
‘The heat was hot and the ground was dry and the air was full of sounds’. Not song lyrics I could usually associate withÊ theÊ StreetboardingÊ worldÊ championships. Over the last decade, the competitions have taken place inside many a venue fromÊ anÊ EnglishÊ showÊ groundÊ cattle barn to a very colourful PolishÊ tentÊ butÊ noneÊ soÊ memorable as the picturesque Palma de Mallorca. The small island offÊ theÊ coastÊ ofÊ SpainÊ isÊ homeÊ toÊ theÊ longÊ runningÊ MallorcaÊ SurfÊ action festival and was this years home to the ‘2010 Streetboarding World Championships’.
SergiÊ NicolasÊ frontsideÊ air
Let start with the lower end of the age spectrum. The vitamin DÊ thatÊ theÊ SpanishÊ nippersÊ seemÊ to be getting on a daily basis is starting to show. We’ve seen the Internet videos, the facebook picturesÊ etc,Ê butÊ whenÊ itÊ comesÊ toÊ gameÊ timeÊ onÊ theÊ streetÊ course,Ê its a whole other level for these rascals. Cab 270’s in 270’s out, bs 720s, Rodeos and every pretzel and danish out of every board and nose in the bakery. Just a bunch of standard tricks for the younger
ation, with a double backflip attemptÊ thrownÊ inÊ asÊ aÊ warningÊ for next years possible uprising.
GabiÊ Mu– ozÊÊ b/sÊ noseÊ grab
you fall is a long way down. Gotthard Pilsner sadly learned the hard way and dislocated his shoulderÊ onÊ aÊ 540Ê attemptÊ whichÊ sentÊ himÊ outÊ ofÊ theÊ competition.Ê The rest of the Jam saw some of the best vert streetboarding to date. Thomas Kienle demonstrated how to look comfy on such a large ramp with cab 360 disaster reverts,switch rodeo’s and a world first streetboard knee slide to TV presenter catch.
The youth maybe nipping at the GabiÊ Mu– ozÊ Ê heels of the veterans but they theÊ Winner! most certainly not going down without a fight! Gabi Munoz cameÊ outÊ allÊ gunsÊ blazingÊ withÊ hisÊ signatureÊ fsÊ 450Ê fsÊ lipslides,Ê AsÊ usual,Ê theÊ battleÊ forÊ theÊ topÊ huge melon grabbed front 5’s wasÊ betweenÊ SergiÊ andÊ Gabi.Ê and a sexy lay out backflip for Both threw down incredible techthe chica’s in the crowd.GotnicalÊ runsÊ asÊ wellÊ asÊ seeingÊ whoÊ thard Pilsner answered back with could go for the newest 900 360 bs crooks as standard and variations(Rodeo and Mctwist a huge misty 7 over the launch variety) which no doubt we will straight into a massive front 7 to see landed next year. Gabi Mufakie on the ¼. Sergi Nicolas nozÊ clinchedÊ theÊ topÊ spotÊ withÊ beganÊ toÊ impressÊ allÊ asÊ usualÊ a final run consisting of regular with gnarly transfers all over and switch backflips, rodeo 5’s, the course truly using the large Mctwist’s, 720’s and huge smile ramps as they were intended to onÊ hisÊ face. be ridden. The perfect mix of The competitions were over, the hugeÊ air,Ê originalÊ lines,Ê technichampionsÊ wereÊ crownedÊ andÊ cal ability and making it all look the sun had finally set. It was easy at the same time, nabbed timeÊ toÊ marchÊ offÊ intoÊ theÊ nightÊ him the title of this years World and finish off what had been an Streetboard Champion. amazing weekend for streetAfter everyone had brutalised boarding. The crowds loved it. themselves skating the street The riders loved it. Roll on course over the past two days, 2011 they felt the sensible idea would =1231 be to ride a 12ft
Alex Wheeler
HowÊ oldÊ areÊ you? 20 HowÊ longÊ youÊ beenÊ riding? AboutÊ 7Ê 1/2Ê years.Ê Ê AnyÊ sponsors? JustÊ Streetboard-UKÊ atÊ theÊ moment.Ê Ê FuckÊ man.Ê OneÊ massiveÊ spiderÊ justÊ attackedÊ myÊ room. OhÊ yeah?Ê WhatÕ sÊ hisÊ name? ItÊ wouldÊ haveÊ beenÊ Ò DeadÊ SmithÓ ,Ê butÊ IÊ wasÊ feelingÊ nice. AhÊ soÊ nowÊ heÕ sÊ Ò FeelingÊ LuckyÊ FeebleÓ Ê yeah? IÕ dÊ sayÊ so.Ê Ê HeÊ bestÊ neverÊ darkenÊ myÊ doorÊ againÊ though. OrÊ what? OrÊ IÕ llÊ keepÊ himÊ aliveÊ inÊ aÊ falseÊ senseÊ ofÊ securityÊ forÊ theÊ 7Ê daysÊ itÊ takesÊ toÊ orderÊ aÊ replacementÊ forÊ JohnÊ McLaineÊ (RIP,Ê niceÊ oneÊ Dai),Ê theÊ PrayingÊ MantisÊ andÊ sendÊ himÊ toÊ hisÊ doom.
WhichÊ stanceÊ doesÊ heÊ rideÊ andÊ isÊ itÊ theÊ sameÊ asÊ youÊ ? HeÊ ridesÊ someÊ madÊ 8Ê leggedÊ stanceÊ withÊ aÊ styleÊ thatÕ sÊ uglierÊ thanÊ sin..Ê causeÊ heÕ sÊ aÊ spider.Ê Ê IÕ veÊ gotÊ oneÊ ofÊ thoseÊ oldÊ waveÊ wiggleboardsÊ withÊ justÊ enoughÊ platesÊ forÊ twoÊ feetÊ man.Ê Ê SomeÊ dayÊ IÕ llÊ growÊ someÊ newÊ appendagesÊ andÊ tryÊ toÊ outÊ steezeÊ theÊ spider,Ê butÊ forÊ nowÊ IÊ rideÊ goofy.Ê Ê WhatÊ wouldÊ youÊ sayÊ hasÊ shapedÊ yourÊ lifeÊ more.Ê Ê StreetboardingÊ orÊ GuitarÊ Hero? HaÊ ha.Ê Ê ManÊ IÊ havenÕ tÊ playedÊ GuitarÊ HeroÊ inÊ tooÊ long.Ê Ê ForÊ sureÊ itÕ sÊ Streetboarding,Ê itÊ hasÊ takenÊ meÊ halfÊ wayÊ aroundÊ theÊ world,Ê introducedÊ meÊ toÊ godÊ knowsÊ howÊ manyÊ awesomeÊ people.Ê Ê AlsoÊ itÊ isÊ prettyÊ muchÊ responsibleÊ forÊ theÊ houseÊ IÕ mÊ livingÊ inÊ andÊ theÊ UniÊ IÊ just finished pretending to study at.
WhatÊ wereÊ youÊ studying?Ê TheÊ TrigonometryÊ ofÊ Coping? SadlyÊ not,Ê itÊ wasÊ Psychology.Ê KindÊ ofÊ aÊ bummerÊ becauseÊ IÕ veÊ spentÊ 5Ê yearsÊ studyingÊ itÊ onlyÊ toÊ comeÊ outÊ theÊ otherÊ sideÊ andÊ realiseÊ everythingÊ IÕ mÊ interestedÊ inÊ professionallyÊ isÊ musicÊ related. IÊ wannaÊ know,Ê whatÕ sÊ theÊ mostÊ amountÊ ofÊ tricksÊ youÕ veÊ pulledÊ onÊ theÊ copingÊ inÊ oneÊ combo? HaÊ haÊ youÊ meanÊ stallsÊ orÊ grinds?Ê TodayÊ IÊ managedÊ a:Ê SwitchÊ noseÊ stallÊ toÊ switchÊ fsÊ 5.0Ê toÊ regularÊ fsÊ feebleÊ toÊ bluntÊ toÊ bsÊ nosebluntÊ toÊ 360Ê in.Ê Ê Rago!Ê Ê HowÊ manyÊ isÊ that?Ê Ê MyÊ streetÊ bredÊ mindÊ canÕ tÊ keepÊ up.Ê Ê ThatÕ sÊ whyÊ IÊ hateÊ commentatingÊ forÊ youÊ onÊ mini.Ê Ê IÊ canÊ neverÊ workÊ outÊ whatÊ theÊ bleurghÊ youÕ reÊ doing. UsuallyÊ forÊ compsÊ IÊ rockÊ outÊ theÊ MagicÊ Dance,Ê fsÊ nosepickÊ toÊ tailstallÊ toÊ nosebluntÊ toÊ bsÊ nosepickÊ toÊ disasterÊ in,Ê justÊ forÊ
“Usually for comps I rock out the Magic Dance”
“One massive spider just attacked my room”
theÊ jokesÊ factor.Ê Ê IÊ Ê thinkÊ thatÊ oneÊ gotÊ namedÊ inÊ EssexÊ afterÊ aÊ prettyÊ heavyÊ nightÊ andÊ someoneÊ putÊ LabarynthÊ on. Awesome.Ê Ê BowieÊ killsÊ it.Ê Ê YouÊ aÊ fan? Bowie?Ê Sure.Ê NeverÊ reallyÊ goneÊ outÊ ofÊ myÊ wayÊ toÊ watchÊ theÊ movieÊ though. WhatÊ otherÊ musicÊ whetsÊ yourÊ appetite? IÊ tendÊ toÊ goÊ throughÊ phasesÊ ofÊ mostÊ kindsÊ ofÊ rockÊ fromÊ progressiveÊ DeathÊ MetalÊ toÊ Screamo,Ê butÊ IÊ alwaysÊ endÊ upÊ backÊ withÊ CoheedÊ andÊ Cambria,Ê theyÕ reÊ likeÊ thatÊ oneÊ ex-girlfriendÊ everyoneÕ sÊ got. YouÊ recentlyÊ startedÊ youÕ reÊ ownÊ bandÊ yeah? YeahÊ dude,Ê thanksÊ forÊ theÊ chanceÊ toÊ plugÊ it!Ê weÕ reÊ calledÊ BuiltÊ ToÊ LastÊ ( builttolast).Ê ItsÊ meÊ andÊ 4Ê otherÊ
dudesÊ playingÊ someÊ formÊ ofÊ rockÊ orÊ other.Ê ItsÊ prettyÊ heavyÊ inÊ places,Ê butÊ thenÊ partsÊ ofÊ itÊ haveÊ almostÊ popÊ melodiesÊ andÊ aÊ lotÊ popÊ styleÊ songÊ structures.Ê ItsÊ aÊ lotÊ ofÊ fun YouÕ veÊ alwaysÊ hadÊ aÊ lotÊ toÊ sayÊ aboutÊ boardÊ designÊ whereÊ wouldÊ youÊ likeÊ toÊ seeÊ itÊ goÊ inÊ theÊ future? ForÊ me,Ê IÊ thinkÊ theÊ currentÊ shapesÊ areÊ awesome.Ê DimensionÊ clearlyÊ putÊ someÊ thoughtÊ intoÊ theÊ CampaignÊ andÊ cameÊ outÊ withÊ aÊ qualityÊ designÊ forÊ technicalÊ skating.Ê TheÊ onlyÊ shapeÊ improvementsÊ IÊ wannaÊ seeÊ areÊ loweredÊ trucks.Ê IÊ madeÊ myselfÊ aÊ coupleÊ aÊ whileÊ agoÊ andÊ theyÊ wereÊ awesome.Ê Ê OtherÊ thanÊ that,Ê itsÊ weightÊ allÊ theÊ wayÊ Ê StreetboardsÊ couldÊ beÊ prettyÊ light.Ê Ê Ê ItsÊ justÊ aÊ caseÊ ofÊ materials,Ê andÊ lessÊ ofÊ them.ÊÊ SoundsÊ likeÊ myÊ theoryÊ onÊ bikinis.Ê Ê WhoÊ wouldÊ youÊ sayÊ are your biggest influences in Streetboarding?
MyÊ favouriteÊ riderÊ hasÊ gotÊ toÊ beÊ SergiÊ Nicolas.Ê HeÕ sÊ gotÊ anÊ amazingÊ attitudeÊ toÊ skating,Ê whichÊ aÊ lotÊ ofÊ othersÊ haveÊ too,Ê butÊ evenÊ ifÊ heÊ didnÕ t,Ê heÕ sÊ gotÊ theÊ skillsÊ forÊ itÊ notÊ toÊ matter.Ê IÕ veÊ seenÊ thatÊ guyÊ killÊ itÊ inÊ suchÊ aÊ brutalÊ wayÊ forÊ 7Ê yearsÊ straightÊ now,Ê andÊ alwaysÊ with effortless style. My biggest influences though are probably MaxÊ Anderson,Ê whoÊ IÊ skatedÊ withÊ everyÊ dayÊ forÊ yearsÊ tilÊ IÊ movedÊ toÊ Bristol,Ê thenÊ theÊ BristolÊ crewÊ (bigÊ up)Ê andÊ latelyÊ rollerbladers,Ê definitely. LastÊ words? ThanksÊ toÊ NeilÊ forÊ keepingÊ meÊ inÊ boards,Ê RedÊ PenÊ forÊ theÊ interview,Ê everyoneÊ IÊ skateÊ withÊ forÊ keepingÊ meÊ inspiredÊ andÊ notÊ boredÊ (pun!)Ê andÊ toÊ anyoneÊ whoÕ sÊ everÊ putÊ meÊ up,Ê shownÊ meÊ around,Ê taughtÊ meÊ somethingÊ orÊ givenÊ meÊ aÊ ride.Ê exceptÊ GlennÊ Bushnell,Ê thanksÊ forÊ gettingÊ meÊ arrested!Ê Ê JustÊ kiddingÊ man.Ê NeverÊ stopÊ skating!
Ê DVD review
‘Seldom Scene’ ÊÊ
Ê Day One Brand feature film August 2011 Full-length Streetboarding videos are few and far between as the title of this video suggests. The owner of Day one Colin Horan is the main man behind this complex task as he has dedicated much of the last two years forming an amazing and very complete team of talented riders, organizing many filming trips, as well as carrying out much of the filming and editing himself. Seldom Scene has been filmed in many different skate world hotspots such as Paris, London, Bristol or the Mecca of Streetboarding these days, Barcelona. This film kicks off with a smooth intro with each rider walking around their cities. Colin Horan has theÊ openerÊ whichÊ hasÊ beenÊ hisÊ longÊ awaitedÊ part.Ê Colin has a good flowing style doing tricks with ease showing his confident skill which makes it a real smoothÊ part. Simon Johns will reminds us of the notorious Left for Dead,Ê withÊ moreÊ hammersÊ thanÊ anÊ ironmongersÊ heÊ makes sure that handrails are still a major part of our “sport”. The amount of rails he fits in over 3 minutes of footage is outstanding. Next up is Jon white who is a technical and very creative rider. He does never seen before tricks and has opened up a wholeÊ newÊ aspectÊ ofÊ ridingÊ withÊ multipleÊ spinÊ insÊ andÊ outs from tricks. Jon has a different vision of skating than anyone else. Sam Cooke is one of the heavy hitters who skates at high speed, doing many lines
and landing gaps with ease with a unique style that never ceases to amaze. Without a shadow of doubt heÊ isÊ upÊ thereÊ withÊ theÊ eliteÊ groupÊ ofÊ riders. Eric Brun is the up and coming Streetboarding prodigy, raising the stylometre to new heights, every trick perfectly landed without even winding down any windows. Mainly filmed in Barcelona, he has a big array of pretzels and spin-outs from rails. It is his bestÊ sectionÊ heÊ hasÊ madeÊ toÊ date. Jay Nowman has achieved legendary status for his work in Streetboarding and his part shows that he is on par on the riding front. It is a truly well thought out part mixing big rails with some of the best tech tricks out there. His section has more energy than a hyperactive child on an overdose of red bull. All in all this video has an remarkable flow to it with every angle of street covered, the editing matches up to the high standard of the team with a great mix ofÊ differentÊ genresÊ ofÊ music. This video in years to come will be considered a classicÊ upÊ thereÊ withÊ theÊ bestÊ ofÊ theÊ best. Let’s hope that the scene is less seldom with more releases from the major Streetboarding brands and companies that will only serve to improve popularity andÊ professionalism.Ê WeÊ allÊ canÊ referÊ toÊ thisÊ DVDÊ asÊ a bench mark for future videos. - Richie Greeves
s... ......... Interview by jay Nowman Pictures by Omar
. ....... ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . First up, the . . . . . . .... ........ burning question that I know everyone wants to know the answer to. When is TSFM coming out? Ha ha. I don’t know, ask True Skool. Its been a long time coming, maybe 2012. What for the London Olympics? Yeah definitely, the opening ceremony. Actually isn’t that when Nostradamus predicted the end of the world or something? Yeah him or the Mayans… 12.22 on 12/12/12. Well then I think the premiere should be on the 13th December 2012.I’m getting a bit worried man, I thought
B/S nosegrind revert, Barcelona evenings Opposite: Switch 360 b/s 5.0 revert
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. ............ ....... you had been through all the twelve steps, then you send me your profile shot and it looks like you’ve relapsed back into your sugary ways again. Ah man it was just a really stressed day. I had been preparing my student’s for exams all day. So I was at my mates eating pizza and my photographer Omar turned up with a €25 baggie of sweets, so we just went for it, and threw the pizza in there just for some savory. Oh yeah I was gonna mention the T-shirt… I was just talking to Omar and saying we thought you guys would blur it out…. No way people need to know about Caged In… They need to dig in some real old school analogue crates for that streetboard video. How long you been riding? A hell of a long time man, like 12 years, although I still can’t air on mini ha ha ha. I can rock and roll, probably the hardest trick I can do…. Now that’s straight up modesty, you’ve probably been one of the most influential riders in trick progression, although its mostly been out of the media glare. Yeah I had a small section in One and Elevate and in the extras on Geeks on Wheels. I’m just a person who’s up for enjoying skating, I’ve got a lot filmed, but I’m not worried about showing what tricks I have. Before I think the barometer of the tricks was measured against
what tricks you can do on a launch box, then it was measured on the size of the handrails you could do. They weren’t the hardest tricks or whatever, but you had to have balls. Like trying to nosegrind a 21 stair handrail. Such as tricks that we’ve seen Spit or Gotthard do, that’s how it was measured. Then it has moved away from that after Geeks on Wheels, which I guess I had an influence on. It moved to how many combo’s you can do, then 360’s in and out. Now we are seeing it taken to another level, 360’s between tricks, which are harder to do on ledges. Finally we are getting into triple combo’s. An area I think we can progress on is flat rails. Because there is the same quantity of tricks as on a ledge, but you you can also add in lipslides and feebles etc. There’s an infinite amount of possibilities. Do you think in the future that you may start to see these ledge and flat bar tricks being stepped up to handrails? On a handrail you can’t get much of a combo on it, you may get a double, but it’s hard to push a triple, but on flat rails you can really push the limits. To get a triple on a handrail you’d have to find a perfect rail,
l ride with really smal “You might know I wobbly board” wheels and a bit of a de to bank Top B/S bluntsli vert fs krooks ooks- sw bs 5-0 re Kr t on fr om tt Bo
I really think the evolution on handrails will be spin in tricks. Like Alex Morton and especially Gotthard Pilsner with his 360 backside nosegrind. I also believe that tricks like those are exclusively Streetboarding tricks and that’s the direction we need to take. This will give the sport its own soul, a way of differentiating and expressing our sport, not just doing skateboarding tricks. Like there are some tricks that really not even Snowboarders can claim, like 360 back smith, that is really exclusively a Streetboard trick. Yeah, Streetboarding is only 22 years old... Yeah it’s taken time, but we are now finally finding our own tricks that will make us unique in this world of “extreme sports” or whatever you want to call it. What would you say to the kids going out there riding and learn-
ing new tricks? Streetboarders are always going to be judged. There’s few of us, so when you’re at a park or wherever, you’re representing the sport. So when you’re at a spot you do the best that you can. People are very judgemental as we know, they will form an opinion in the first few tricks, and therefore an opinion on Streetboarding as a whole. For sure, I always have a few standard Streetboard tricks that I throw down at the beginning of a session, that are quite easy for me, but nigh on impossible on a skateboard. Definitely, you need to have some safety combo’s, a mouth opener like a 360 back smith, that you can do to really impress. Then you can go and learn something new, or slam on a crooks that for them is easy. How do you see the in-
dustry where it is right now and where it has come from? I think some people have been let down because they thought it would grow, progress, faster than it has. I think the roots of Streetboarding are there, and even if its slow growth, it’s better having a natural progression rather than for it to suddenly explode and then die. I believe we need to create more of a Streetboard culture. We need more riders focusing on getting video parts and working for interviews like this, that will get more people hyped. Bro you’ve definitely gone out and set up some sweet shots for this interview, rather than just going out skating at the same old place and just shooting away. Yeah well that’s the way it should be for an interview, you go out and
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in the World. How did you get it to where it is now?
set up something special. The backside bluntslide was a bit of a mission. We had to drag our portable ledge and some palettes down there in my mate’s truck. We also had to bring a 7 metre long ladder because the only way down there is from the bridge in the background. When we rocked up we realized the ladder wasn’t long enough. So we had to trek all the way along until we found a lower place to get it all down. You might know I ride with a really small wheels and a bit of a wobbly board. The ground there was super sketchy and the hardest part wasn’t the trick, but actually getting to the ledge! A lot of kids now may not know this, but you and Sergi were the original one’s who started up the Spanish scene, which is now probably the best
I mean most of it has been Sergi and he’s done an amazing job, but yeah I helped out. Barcelona is probably the Streetboard world capital. Most of the scene’s main movements are coming from there, the progression and the whole vibe, it’s definitely a hotbed of the new talent. I’ve been involved in two big projects that have helped the scene massively, HPT with Simon Lorenzo and helping out Sergi in the beginning in getting the scene to where it is today. Do you feel any sort of pride when you look at how far its come? Yeah definitely, we’ve both been through the really dark days of the sport, where there were no boards and no scene at all. People in Spain had Anderson boards and could only scrape parts from here or there. There were no board companies or anything, and now we have board companies and the sport is progressing. I think we just need that extra push, we are getting there, we need that
positive message, just we need to keep going. Thank You’s? Thanks to the True Skool, Stef-Why, Sam, yourself and Red Pen Magazine for giving me the opportunity of being granted the interview. Also thanks to my parents who have always helped me out, my homies who have been skating since forever and a big one to Omar, my photographer, we’ve been through some hard times, but we got there. Final words – A big thanks to all the Streetboarders, keep riding, every one of you counts.
Long dreamy days and cool summer nights. With summer finally with us now is the time to give your wardrobe a much needed boost with some of 2011’s finest new streetboard gear, so slap another one on the barbie and kit yourself up for a summer to remember.. Board Gotthard Pilsner ‘Campaign’ from Dimension Streetboards £160 Bindings Neo Brain ‘Blackout’ bindings €55 Bar ‘Flare 50’ from Highland Streetboards £40 highland-streetboards. com T Shirt Day One ‘Logo’ in aqua, Day One Streetboards £18
Shed - The Traveller// Ostgut Son
where you are or heading. Predominantly a techno album,Ê aÊ genreÊ thatÊ PawlowitzÊ himselfÊ callsÊ boring,Ê each tune explores a new more exciting direction that the scene could take. From the pounding drums of “Keep Time” to the subtle but hard bass lines of “Hello Bleep!”, they all sound like flashes of inspiration; deeply layered but not quite finished ideas. The almost agonisingly slow thrusting dubstep of “The Bot” will leave you exhausted and intrigued, whilst the album rounds off with the highly satisfying, swirling drum and bass tune “Leave things”. More thought provoking than dance floor filler, this isn’t an easy to swallow long player. However spend some quality time with it, and you will be rewarded. - J.N
LV - Routes// Keysound Recordings
people you see on London’s infamous 38 bus route, his seemingly off-the-cuff lyrics flowed from insightful to humorous over LV’s rolling productions. Routes, again featuring Idehen on vocals, definitely feels like a follow-up. His vocals are there, but this time they’ve been reigned in, sampled, and used to LV’s own effect. The music takes centre stage, refined and crafted with the deep basslines running under hand picked loops, from the laid back reminiscing “Last Night” to the throw your ass up and hands down “Primary Colours”. One of the classics has to be the side splitting “Northern Line”. I can no longer look at the destination board on my dreary commute without cracking a little grin and murmuring at least one of the tune’s lines.
Techno/House After Rene Pawlowitz’s (aka Shed) critically acclaimed 2008 debut “Shedding the past”, many have been eagerly waiting to see what direction he would take next. His sophomore album is aptly named “The Traveller, more akin to multiple flights to drastically different electronicÊ landscapes,Ê ratherÊ thanÊ theÊ smoothÊ transitions of an inter-rail journey that so many of his contemporaries would release. From one track to the next you find yourself waking up in different tempos and sub-genres never knowing exactly
Dubstep/Urban Folklore We first introduced you to the London Trio that is LV with their, what we like to think of as a streetboard retrospective, 12” Boomslang. We may be clutching at straws here, but vocalist on said track, South African Okmalumkoolkat, doesn’t half look like fellow country man Ashley Morgan. Have you ever seen them in the same place at the same time? Thought not. Add to that, although I can’t find my copy, my used and abused memory tells me thatÊ thereÊ wasÊ aÊ tuneÊ inÊ NaturalÊ DisastersÊ thatÊ hadÊ something to do with Boomslang. “Boomslang.....Snake!” Coincidence? Probably. Last year they also teamed up with Hackney’s Joshua Idehen on their “38” Ep. Based on the
Kode 9 and Spaceape Black Sun// Hyperdub Dubstep/Grime
Kode 9 AKA Steve Goodman teams up yet again with the SpaceapeÊ forÊ thisÊ titanicÊ sophomore effort some 5 years after their groundbreaking 2006 debut. Not that Kode 9 could be accused of resting on his laurel’s, his Hyperdub label has been behind the released some of the most groundbreaking and downright unique bass music of the last decade (check out 2009’s 5: Five years of Hyperdub compilation if you don’t believe me). So with near on impossible expectations to fulfil, this album comesÊ asÊ aÊ welcomeÊ relief. The dystopian sine wave laced opener ‘Black Smoke’ sets the tone with Spaceape’s smoothly delivered vocals buildingÊ onÊ familiarÊ themesÊ ofÊ urbanÊ alienationÊ andÊ postÊ
Suburban Droogs need not apply, this is one for the metropolis, headphones and exploring the Routes it throwsÊ up. apocalyptic speculation. ‘Promises’ and ‘I am’ deal with relationship battles and self questioning over deep, rolling beats and bitcrushed 8 bit sound scapes before Love is the drug takes us towards a more melancholy mood, somehow reminiscent of Joy Divisions best early work. The second half of the album takes a more dance focused approach, with a hypnotic reworking of Kode 9’s 2009 Black Sun 12”, and subsequently ‘Green Sun’, a more bounding,Ê sunÊ drenchedÊ repriseÊ alongÊ similarÊ themes.Ê Interspersed with these tracks is a selection of exquisitely sculpted sound-scape pieces (the album finale boasts a perfectly incorporated Flying Lotus number), which will have you dancing across your kitchen one minute, then laying back in your favourite lounge chair the next. AllÊ thingsÊ considered,Ê thisÊ isÊ aÊ nearÊ faultlessÊ additionÊ toÊ the Hyperdub roster. It could be argued that Spaceape occasionally lays his Ballardian themes on a little thick, which can detract on first listening, but give it time and this album will prove its widely acknowledged worth. - S.T
TooÊ fastÊ forÊ London Salutations. This column will loosely focus on punk , so just a swift disclaimer: the opinions herein are solely mine, and the punk police won’t take you away if you agree or disagree with the things I say. I plan to look ,Ê atÊ aÊ differentÊ topicÊ eachÊ time tion men that ms albu ve such as ‘fi cheese’, ‘five albums that could break the speed limit ’, or ‘five ’. albums not to play to your mum Get in touch if you have requests. Bear in mind, top fives suck , so theÊ columnÊ willÊ beÊ presentedÊ asÊ c a selection without any specifi order,Ê notÊ aÊ countdown. inaugural this In records ‘ten have we edition, throughÊ whichÊ toÊ enterÊ theÊ hardcore punk fold’. Because Ê thereÊ isÊ aÊ fold,Ê ofÊ course.Ê First off,Ê MinorÊ Threat’s ‘Complete a Discography’ (Dischord 040); raw and complete breakfast type band to kick-start your angr y day t, – even if you don’t drink. Nex soup up the speed by twenty, add , a pinch and a half of darkness and you get another record for the completists, ‘Discography 8793’ (Deep Six Records #23), by
of DPA they burst onto the stage. No gimmicks, no dancers or backing band, this was the as real as hip hop gets, two emcees and a DJ, playing the rawest tunesÊ releasedÊ thisÊ decadeÊ andÊ last. El-p bounced around the stage, spitting every one of his complex, layered verses like it was being played off wax. Big Juss, hid beneath his Fisherman hat, baiting the crowd and reeling off rhymes in shoals. Mr Len brought me back to my turntablist loving days, stuttering and reworking every sample until finally releasing it to sink deep into the minimal ruggedÊ beats. If you don’t know Company Flow, well then pure and simple, you don’t know hip hop. I thought I knew, but having seen them live, I realise only now I know. They once again proved that they can still rip all these signed big budget motherfuckers. Company flow are, and always will be the ‘toughest penis sucky sucky’. - J.N
Company Flow ReunionÊ Show @ Portishead’s ‘I’ll Be Your Mirror festival’ London, July 23rd Back in November 2010, for the first time in years, I shat myself. Now normally this isn’t something you’d shout about, let alone put in print, but I say it with pride. Ten long years after going their own ways , Company Flow announced they were reuniting to play at the Portishead curated I’ll be your mirror festival in London, and I had got myself a ticket. This wasn’t a fuck it we’re broke let’s regroup, it was the invitation from Portishead that sparked the whole thing. In the ten intervening years they have lost none of the fire in which you burn. A slight technical hitch left us hanging, but even though they were saying nothing it was still beautiful use of negative space. The anticipation grew, then to the rising intro
NoÊ CommentÊ this time. Tempering the speed (if only a little) with someÊ righteousÊ politicalÊ rageÊ andÊ a somehow not quite incongruous ear for a melody gives us ‘How ) to Clean Ever ything’ (FAT 506 by Propagandhi. If you prefer theÊ melodiesÊ warpedÊ andÊ theÊ rhythms bamboozled (not to mention the lyrics), then it’s ’ DoneÊ LyingÊ Down’s ‘Kontrapunkt (DLD100CD) for you. Whilst retaining that wonky tunefulness, a tautly funkier yet epically nastier version of this is found on ‘Wrong’ (WRONG30CD) by NoÊ MeansÊ No. Next, the best album title ever, ‘Unfuckwithable’ (TMU 029), should say it all about HarriettÊ theÊ Spy’s hear tfelt and aÊ seethingÊ harmonicÊ mess,Ê whileÊ thrashy and thought-provoking
thesis is provided by BGKÊ onÊ h their discography called ‘A Dutc Of ks Wor plete Com The t... Feas Balthasar Gerards Kommando’ (Virus 218). The irrepressible NapalmÊ Death take on the distinctionÊ betweenÊ artÊ andÊ industry on ‘Enemy of the Music Business’ (CRIDE 33) in a metallic , but no less punk way. However med asha tly sligh if you are of yourself because loved-up pop punk is your preference, BuzzcocksÊ still display a satisfying andÊ desperateÊ bitternessÊ onÊ I ‘Singles Going Steady’ (EM 7243 5 34442 2 8). Finally, washÊ allÊ thisÊ downÊ withÊ theÊ nÊ lightningÊ fastÊ mentalÊ meltdow l ofÊ OutÊ Cold’s ‘Goodbye Crue s show h whic 20), e World’ (Acm that the world’s problems (let alone your own) are as nothing compared to this band’s Ê profoundÊ depression....Ê andÊ with for y read ut abo just that you’re Ê bed,Ê toÊ beÊ rebornÊ theÊ following d coul I er. rock punk a as day have picked a million others, but this is as good a start as any. Safe.
SeeduardoÊ Primero
We have seen this cheeky chap with one eye on the chicas turn into the fully fledged street board businessman, emissary and player that you see before you. This is down to the man himself. Forever moving. Forever pushing himself and the scene. Forever happy to see you. Forever radiating a passion and focus for what he does that pervade in all aspects of his life. IÕ m glad heÕ s on our side. - Sam Cooke
It’s a typical slay the dragon without even scuffing your armour and boost off with the swooning princess on your shoulder kind of scenario for our man. This prize is won with nonchalance, will be accepted with humility and the Knight in question deserves all the eyebrow fluttering wenches, reverent peasants and nods from the gentry he gets, for he has worked damn hard to be this good. He rolled smiling onto the scene at the turn of the millennium worlds in Salt Lake City. His progressive riding saw him along side Sir Gundersen sent on an all expenses crusade in the antipodes. From this moment on he has kept the fire burning and himself omnipresent in the streetboard mind. Any gathering, any production, any happening and his name either on it or never far from the surface. Whenever you see him on a board your head will be spun. Be it battling monster rails, throwing a new nine-hundred variation or a block session with the crew, itÕ s always on a next level. Skills that have has duly picked up the first ever pro-model shoe in the game and two signature boards from Dimension.
Sergi helping the needy
In his home city he has put up an inspirational fight for streetboarding. Spreading the word and nurturing the emerging scene with unbound enthusiasm. Feeding it and giving it a centre by opening his shop, Drop Inn. These Catalonian plazas have produced a scene which is the corner stone of tomorrow. It is no stretch to say that if it were not for our man, this might not be the case.