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Everyone can play a part in ending poverty for millions around the world. Our work to empower the poor is not possible without your support. Here are some ways in which you can help:

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Be our ambassador to your family, friends and colleagues by letting them know how Grameen Foundation’s work provides opportunities to the poorest and helps defeat global poverty:


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We have made great progress, but so much more remains to be done. To find out how you can join the team in the fight against poverty, please visit grameenfoundation.org/give. Your gifts are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Join our Bankers without Borders® volunteer corps and use the skills you’ve gained in business (regardless of your background) on projects to help the world’s poorest – on location or from your desk. To find out about volunteering opportunities, visit bankerswithoutborders.org. giving At worK

Many companies generously support their employees’ philanthropic causes. You can designate Grameen Foundation for your workplace matching gifts program.

grAmeen foundAtion LegACy soCiety

Make a planned gift by designating Grameen Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, retirement plan or life insurance policy. You’ll help poor women and men build a future for their families while simultaneously reducing your estate and income taxes. For more information, please visit www.grameenfoundation. org/plannedgiving.

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2,558 individuals

donated an average

of $420 to

Grameen Foundation in the last fiscal year

45,000 31,000

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Donors in 37 countries supported us


Grameen Foundation Headquarters 1101 15th Street NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 1-202-628-3560 Fax: 1-202-628-3880

Grameen Foundation Seattle Office 2101 4th Avenue, Suite 1550 Seattle, WA 98121 Phone: 1-206-325-6690 Fax: 1-206-325-0634

Grameen Foundation Colombia Office Carrera 30 Calle 10C-228 Edificio Interplaza, Oficina 917 Medellín, Colombia 57-4-268-7554

Grameen Foundation Ghana Office OSDTD5041 No. 25 Labone Cresent, Labone Accra, Ghana

Grameen Foundation Hong Kong Office 12D, Kimley Commercial Building 142-146 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Grameen Foundation Indonesia Office Menara Imperium, Ground Floor 8 Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Kav 1 Guntur, Jakarta Selatan 12980 Indonesia

Grameen Foundation Kenya Office The Greenhouse on Ngong Road Third Floor, Suite 21 P.O. Box 63184-00619 Nairobi, Kenya

Grameen Foundation Philippines Office Co.Lab Unit 301, #3 Brixton Street Kapitolyo, Pasig City 1603 The Philippines

Grameen Foundation Uganda Office 6th Floor, Lourdel Towers, Plot 1 Lourdel Road, Nakasero P.O. Box 35495 Kampala, Uganda Phone: +256 312 555100

OTHeR GRAMeen FOUndATIOn ORGAnIzATIOnS Grameen Foundation India (wholly-owned subsidiary) C 406, Nirvana Courtyard Nirvana Country Sec 50 Gurgaon 122002 Phone: 91 124 4100703 Grameen Capital India Ltd. (joint venture) No. 402, 36 Turner Road Bandra (West), Mumbai - 400 050 Phone: 91 22 6675 2992 Grameen-Jameel Microfinance Ltd. (joint venture) International Humanitarian City Building # 4, Office 139, First Floor Dubai Industrial City P.O. Box 506025 Dubai, U.A.E. Phone: 971 4 430 9120 Fax: 971 4 430 9121

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