RedSeven Marketing Magazine #012 Q1/2 2020

Page 22


Developing our

Diamonds In the Rough






have made huge progress in the last 6 months or

The traditional career


so, to give you an idea of what this sort of career


move looks like.



interruption with more and more companies

First up, we have Paul Coombe who boldly decided


to take the plunge and leave a career in horse


recruitment as

racing after 22 years! Paul began working for Rob


Cotterell at RedSeven in July of last year and ‘hasn’t

LinkedIn as opposed

looked back since’. The year prior to the move, he

to the (let’s face it) rather archaic method of posting

had gone over to work with horses in New Zealand,

an advertisement and requesting GCSE grades

which despite being an amazing experience in

or details of ‘work experience’. This isn’t to say

terms of the country itself, didn’t fulfil him in terms

that going to University is ‘redundant’ in this new

of the work. His career had started to feel stagnant.

age of career development. Studying to a certain

Upon returning to the UK, he took some time out

degree is something to be proud of and grateful

to reconsider his options - an admirable thing to do

for; however, what we want to make clear to our

in this modern age where we seem to cultivate an

readers is that they shouldn’t feel under-qualified

attitude of ‘can’t stop, won’t stop’ when it comes to

to apply for a career with us purely based on their

working - and it was during this time that he met

grades. To ‘qualify’ for a career in Direct Sales, you

up with James Buckley, head of Mantra Marketing:

don’t need a ‘perfect’ CV; in fact we’re looking for

‘James is actually my future brother-in-law, so we

those imperfections that make up a human. We’re

met up, he introduced me to Rob and I started at

looking for a bit of personality. We are looking for

RedSeven the very next day! It’s been a whirlwind

people who know how to engage with another

but I am absolutely loving it and I’m so glad I made

human being, how to empathise and how to make

the move.’ Paul wanted a change. He had had

meaningful connections.

enough of working in a salaried position where he



felt stuck and where his lack of agency had begun We are expanding at an extraordinary rate, so we

to frustrate him. Many people never pluck up the

are currently searching for a vast array of new

courage to make a big life change such as a brand

recruits to make up the teams in our offices all over

new career later on in life; however, there is much

the UK. Could this be you? We wanted to share with

to be learnt from doing so: ‘I wanted to challenge

you some stories of people in our team who never

myself, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. I

imagined their career to take this path, but who

wish I’d done it a few years ago’.

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