RedSeven Marketing Magazine #012 Q1/2 2020

Page 34

Couple Goals & Collaboration over in Cardiff Working in this industry is all about collaboration; when one

a summer job, sent her CV out to various companies before

person progresses, the whole team gains something. There

Kev from Promotions Co. got in touch: ‘I thought he sounded

is no formal sense of hierarchy and thus it’s less about the

really interesting over the phone, and even though I wasn’t

individual and more about the group effort. We work in a

really planning on working in Direct Sales, I was intrigued and

people-orientated business, we are working face-to-face with

so thought I’d give it a go’. Her plan had been to go back

our clients and the sales are generated by making a genuine

to study a Masters in Law with the intent on becoming a

human connection with someone, so it makes sense that

Solicitor and she had initially joined Promotions Co. in order

our company ethos is one that is driven by collaboration as

to develop her communication skills to take back into my

opposed to competition.

career as a Solicitor. This very quickly changed and Magda soon realised she wanted to progress in this industry: ‘In

We caught up with Magda Zaworksa to hear about her

September I decided to drop out of my studies and commit

journey into the industry and how her and her fiancé, Josh

to this career’.

Keeble, are making tracks together. They plan to get married next year and their business plan will act as the foundation

During this transitionary time, Magda decided that ‘if (she)

upon which to build a new life together: the ultimate

was going to commit to a career in Direct Sales, (she) was


going to commit properly’, and with this decision to take herself seriously came the realisation that she could open an

‘We strike a fantastic working balance, whereby my strengths

office of my own, that she had that potential. ‘This was the

are her weaknesses and vice versa, so in that sense we make

case for me, Josh and Vik, which was crazy! We all decided

a brilliant team (luckily!). We have quite different personalities

to change our plans and run with a career in Sales. To be

as well, so it’s not just our skill sets that compliment each

honest, I realised that I never really wanted to be a Solicitor

other, but our attitude and approach which is equally as

in the first place, but that I had never taken the time to reflect

important in a communication-based industry. In short

on my trajectory. I was simply drifting along in the traditional

we had an awards ceremony last year and Magda won

way, getting my Masters, on track for a career that would

‘Mrs Hardcore’ and I was ‘Mr. Sensitive’ so taking that into

have been ‘fine’. Now I realise how important it is to question,

consideration, I would say we make a winning team!’ (Josh)

to reconsider and to take the time to think about what it is you really want to do’. There is no point in wasting a time

Magda joined the company in June 2019, and in just 8

and money in pursuing a career that you’re not interested

months has made a huge change to her life and career. She

in, but it can be hard to come to that realisation when you’re

graduated from her Law degree in May and was looking for

halfway up the educational ladder.


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