3 minute read
Becoming a Great Communicator

Csuch a broad term, used over and over again with little substance behind it. So, what do we mean by “Good Communication Skills”? It’s not simply about being able to talk to another. It’s being able to listen, understand, and respond accordingly, but also being heard, and getting your point across well, finding solutions collaboratively and building relationships.
We communicate through our words, but also our body language, our digital presence and our actions. Everything we do as individuals impacts the level of understanding and appeal. Whether that’s at work, in relationships, with family, friends or strangers.
Having good communication skills allows us to effectively manage expectations, having great communication skills aids success.
Have you ever had an online conversation with a partner for it not to go the way you envisioned? Have you ever attended a Doctor’s appointment and walked away having forgotten to mention all your points or ailments, feeling flustered and unheard? With the rise of digital normality, and decreasing human contact, we’re concerned that what should be common courtesy amongst each other, is becoming a rare commodity. Robots may be creeping into every day life, but we are all still human, with human thoughts, feelings and needs.
Just as punctuation can completely change the sentiment behind a message, body language and tone of voice can determine the experience of an in-person interaction. See Asma Brahimi’s piece on how she built her business despite English not being her first language.
Times are evolving and digital activity is everywhere, and we’re not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing, but there are ways to get it right, and definitely ways to get it wrong. Here are some of our top tips for effective communication.

Listen to understand, not respond
If you only ever want to get your point across, and quickly, you’ll never get the result you’re after. We all know when we’re not being listened to, and it’s infuriating. The best way you can help others, and consequently hit your goals too, is to really listen to what it is someone is saying to you. Are they looking for a solution? Are they just wanting to air their thoughts? Are they looking for support?
Be genuine with your intentions
If you’re not going to be able to do something, don’t say you will. You may intend to call someone later when you’ve got more time, but if you know you’re probably not going to do it then be honest about that. We as individuals respect honesty and we appreciate reliability. If you can’t claim to be either, you may find you struggle with building strong relationships.
Is there a better way to phrase something?
There’s always another way to get your point across. Perhaps in a more sensitive, clear manner. We’re not suggesting you pander to people, but you may find altering your tone and choice of words will get the desired outcome more effectively. The ‘Compliment
Sandwich’ is a great example, and if you don’t know what we’re talking about, ask the Managing Director in your office!
Having been in the direct sales industry for over twenty years we’ve noticed the increasing challenge of effective communication within, not only our recruitment efforts, but with customers too. With everything we teach daily, and the experience we have built in the field, our in-person interactions with all involved in our business leave people feeling elevated, heard and inspired. And that is why we’ve continued to succeed, with clients coming back year on year to utilise our services. What appears to be a lost art for some, is a core value for us.
Would you say your communication skills are up to scratch? Ask someone. Feedback is a wonderful thing.

With everything we teach daily, and the experience we have built in the field, our in-person interactions with all involved in our business leave people feeling elevated, heard and inspired. And that is why we’ve continued to succeed, with clients coming back year on year to utilise our services. What appears to be a lost art for some, is a core value for us.