Korean For People Like You and Me

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Korean for People Like You & Me

(Conversation Starters For You To Use When You Need Them)

! By: Vladimir Melnikov ! ! !

Content page A word from the author How to use the booklet Alphabet – vowels Alphabet – consonants Characters introduc:on “Basic Conversation”

How all of us start off (Gree:ngs) Long 0me no see (Time) I’m paying today (Dining) What are you doing today? (Dates) Is it cold there? (Placement, weather and seasons) I’m calling to say: “I’m sick” (Phone conversa:ons and being sick) How much is that? (Colors, clothing, prices and large numbers) Let’s get out of here! (Direc:ons, basic ameni:es and transport) Shall we eat some bibimbap? (Family and Korean food) It’s your choice… (Body parts and Korean landmarks) You even have a dog! (Furniture and pets) What we talk about with people we meet the first 0me (Hobbies, wild animals, K-­‐pop and Korean drama) Thinking of the future (School phrases and job types)

“Soccer” Posi0ons on and off the field Good phrases to use with team mates Useful words

A final word from the author

Dear reader Hi! I’m Vlad and I’m extremely excited that YOU decided to have a look at what I have created as my Personal Project. What you are holding is a 10 month long effort of studying, memorizing, designing, drawing, organising and producing. To be more elaborate -­‐ before starting this booklet, I studied Korean for 10 months and have taken an exam called TOPIK (Test Of ProMiciency In Korean). I passed the Beginner level test and used the knowledge I had acquired earlier in the studying period to create this booklet. All the images present in this booklet have been iPad drawn by me. So you could say that this booklet has been entirely “handmade”. The information in the booklet has been checked and improved by Korean language bearers. By the end of the 10 month period, I had hoped to achieve a goal. In Shanghai Singapore International School, about 40-­‐50% of the students are from South Korea. For “People Like Me”, foreigners, that are strangers to the Korean language, but that Mind the language to be enchanting, wished to Mind a way to be part of the Korean students’ daily conversations. That one goal – to break (or to attempt to break) the language barrier between Korean and International students. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could come into your class in the morning and be able to say, ” Hey, how you doing?” to a Korean friend? If you ever did think of wanting to (slightly) understand Korean, you have chosen the right person to come to. My booklet will give you insight on the most basic things that would be nice to start a conversation on. Flip the page and good luck!

How to use this booklet: The sentence is given in Korean, with a translation underneath it and a transcription* in English. 1. 2. 3. 4.

In the “Story” section, read the English sentence. Read the transcription for the Korean sentence to yourself. Read the transcription out loud a few times. The words with emphasis (or written in bold) are for “new vocabulary” and the words with a straight underline are “terms to know”. 5. The high superscripts near each underlined words are footnotes. So if you see _ _ _1, look for number 1. in either the “new vocabulary” or “Terms to know”. 6. After reading the “Story”, read the “Good phrases” 7. The phrases listed on each page are very useful in everyday life so try to remember them as you read the booklet. Some of the phrases might not be found in the text. 8. When you get to the “New vocabulary” section, there might be a few types of vocabulary: a) Either there will be a single word from the text, b) or the word from the text + extended words that could Uit into the text as substitutes for that single word, c) or the word from the text + words that could be antonyms of the word, d) or the word form the text + words that are somehow relevant to the word and are good to know, but have nothing to do with the text. 9. In the “Terms to know” section, a word from the text is given that is related to a major category. For example, burger à Food, watching movies à Hobbies, and so on. Each page includes about 1-­‐2 major categories. Each category name is written in Italics. 10.Right after the word from the text come words that are relevant to the category and that would be nice to have in your Korean word arsenal. 11.Then comes the “Cultural extra” section. In this section you will learn things from Korean culture or just the basic interaction etiquette. 12.MOST IMPORTANTLY, Practice the phrases that you learn through this booklet with a Korean native speaker. * -­‐ Korean romanization for all transcriptions present in this publication has been used

according to The National Institute Of The Korean Language. However, some of the transcriptions have been modiMied to make their pronounciation much the same as to what they actually sound like. APA reference: The National Institute Of The Korean Language. (2012). Romanization of Korean. Retrieved from: http://www.korean.go.kr/eng/roman/roman.jsp

The Korean Alphabet~ There are 21 vowels: Basic













Start with







Basic with





Letter Sound

ㅏ a (ah, not eigh)

Start with “y”




And 19 consonants:

It’s not necessary for you to learn the alphabet if all you want to know is how to say a few phrases. Just follow the transcriptions under each sentence/phrase/ word.
























About the Characters

Jim 짐 [jim]

Yoon Yuh Joon 윤여준 [yun yeo jun]

Ella 엘라 [el la]

Situations between characters in the booklet: 1. Jim doesn’t know Yuh Joon very well, so they talk formally. 2. Jim’s best friend is Ella, so they talk informally. 3.Yuh Joon meets Ella and since they are strangers they talk formally. As they get to know each other better, they start to speak informally. However, Ella still uses formal language because Yuh Joon is older than her.


ry à

How all of us start off... Hi. My name is Yoon Yuh Joon. What’s yours?

안녕하세요. 저 이름은 윤여준이예요. 성함이 어떻게 되시죠? An nyeong ha se yo. Jeo i reum eun yun yeo jun i ye yo. Seong ham i eo tteoh ge doe si jyo?

Nice to meet you. My name is Ella. I am from America1.

반갑습니다. 제 이름은 엘라예요. 미국 사람이예 요. Ban gap seup ni da. Je i reum eun ella i ye yo. Mi gug sa ram i ye yo. Are you Chinese1?

여준 씨는 중국 사람이예요? Yeo jun ssi neun jung gug sa ram i ye yo? No, not Chinese, Korean1. I am 18 years old. 아니요, 중국 사람아니예요, 한국 사람이예요. 저는 열여

덟살이예요. Ani yo, jung gug sa ram a ni ye yo, han gug sa ram i ye yo. Jeo neun yeol yeo deolp sar i ye yo.

Oh! I am 152 years old.

오! 나는 열다섯살이예요. O! Na neun yeol da seot sal i ye yo.

Good Phrasesà

New Vocabularyà

! Hi/Hello 안녕하세요


an nyeong ha se yo

America Korea China Ghana Russia Panama

! Hi (informal) 안녕 an nyeong

! My name is _ _ _ 내 이름은_ _ _

nae i reum eun_ _ _

미국 한국 중국 가나 러시아 파나마

Mi gug Han gug Jung gug Ga na Reo si a Pa na ma

! What’s your name?

성함이 어떻게 되시죠? seong ham i eo tteoh ge doe si jyo? ! What’s your name? (informal) 이름이 뭐야? i reum i mwo ya?

2. Numbers

! I am from _ _ _ 저는 _ _ _ 사람이예요

je nun _ _ _ sa ram i ye yo

! Where are you from? 어느 나라 사람이예요?

eo neu na ra sa ram i ye yo?



2 둘

! I am _ _ years old 저는 _ _ 살이예요

Terms To Knowà

je neun _ _ _ sal i ye yo

! How old are you? (informal)

몇살이야? myeoc sar i ya?

Cultural Extraà Here you can see that Yuh Joon is a boy who is older than Ella. In this case, Ella would have to call Yuh Joon, if directly translated, as her “older brother”. A younger male would use hyeung (형), while a younger female would use o ppa (오빠) to address an older male. Both words mean “older brother”. The female equivalents are eon ni (언니),

which is what a younger female would call an “older sister”, and nu na (누나), which is what a younger male would use. These terms are also used amongst family members.


ha na dul


4 넷


5 다섯

da seot

6 여섯

yeo seot

7 일곱

il gob

8 여덟

yeo deolb

9 아헙 10 열

a heob

11 열하나

yeol ha na

12 열둘

yeol dul

13 열셋 14 열넷

yeol set


yeol net


20 스물 30 서른 40 마흔

seu mul seo reun ma eun

Long time no see... Sto

ry à

Hey Jim!

짐 안녕! Jim an nyeong!

Oh! Haven’t seen you in a while.

오! 오랜만이다. O! O raen man i da.

You are right. What say we get a cup of coffee1 tomorrow2 in the evening3?

그래. 내일 저녁에 커피 같이 마실래? Geu re. Nae il jeo nyeog e keo pi ga chi ma sil ae?

Sure. Let s meet at 5:30pm4 and go to a coffee shop.

그래. 다섯시 반에 만나서 커피샵으로 가자. Geu re. Da seot si ban e man na seo keo pi syab eu ro ga ja. Bye!

안녕! An nyeong!

Got it. Bye!

알겠어. 잘 가! Al guess eo. Jal ga!

New Vocabularyà 1. cup of coffee … cup of ginger tea… eat breakfast/lunch/dinner

커피 한 잔 …인삼차 한 잔 아침/점심/저녁을 먹어

keo pi han jan in sam cha han jan a chim/jeom sim/jon yeog eur

eat some McDonalds burgers…

맥도날드 햄버거를 먹어

maek do nal deu haem bo go

meog eo

reul meog eo


tomorrow … today… … the day after tomorrow…

내일 … 오늘… … 모레…

nae il on eul mo rae

Cultural Extraà Make sure you know when to use and when not to use informal language (like in “hi” or “bye”). Use informal language ONLY with people that are close to your age AND who you know extremely well. In all other situations use longer, more formal phrases for greetings and goodbyes.

Terms To Knowà 3. Time of day … in the morning? … 아침에? a chim e … at noon? … 정오에? jeong o e … in the afternoon? … 오후에? o hu e … in the evening? … 저녁에? jeo nyeog e

4. Time … at 9:00am…

… 오전 아홉시에… o jeon a hop si e … at 15:15pm… … 오후 세시 십오분에… o hu se si sib o bun e … at 8:45pm… … 오후 여덟시 사십오분에… o hu yeo dolp si sa sib o bun e

Good Phrasesà

! Haven’t seen you in a while 오랜만이다 o raen man i da ! Would you like to drink some coffee?

커피를 마실래요?

keo pi reul ma sil ae yo?

! Bye (to someone leaving) 안녕히 계세요 an nyeong hi gye se yo ! Bye (to someone staying)

안녕히 가세요

an nyeong hi ga se yo

! Bye (informal)

안녕/잘 가 an nyeong/chal ga


I’m paying today ry à I’m hungry! Ella, would you like to go to McDonalds1?

배고파! 엘라, 맥도날드에 갈래? Bae go pa! El la, maek do nal deu ae gal lae?


좋아. Joh a.

What do you want to order? I’ll eat some French fries2.

무엇을 주문할래? 나는 감자 튀김 먹을거야. Mu sun ju mun hal lae? Na neun gam ja twi gim meog eul go ya.

I will have 2 burgers and a coca cola. I am buying today.

나는 햄버거 두 개하고 콜라 한 병 시킬꺼야. 오늘은 내가 살래. Na neun beo geo du gae ha go kol la han byeong sik ilk keo ya. O neul eun nae sal lae.

No. I will pay for us today. You pay next time.

안돼. 오늘은 내가 살게. 다음에 네가 사. Anh de. O neur eun nae ga sal gae. Da eum ae nae ga sa.

New Vocabularyà 1. McDonalds … a café? … an Indian restaurant? … the cafeteria?

맥도날드 … 카페 … 인도 래스토랑 … 식당

maek do nal deu ... ka pe ... in do rae seu to rang ... sik tang

eat French fries … eat a burger … drink a coca cola … eat chicken wings

감자 튀김 … 햄버거를 먹다 … 콜라를 마시다 … 닭날개를 먹다

gam ja twi gim ... haem beo geo reul meog da ... kol la ma si da ... dalk nal gae reul meog da


Good Phrasesà

! I’m hungry 나 배고파요

na bae go pa yo

! Would you like to go to _ _ _? _ _ _ 하러 가고 싶어요?

_ _ _ ha reo ga go sip eo yo?

! What do you want to order? 무엇을 주문할래요?

mu sul ju mun hal lae yo?

! I’ll have some _ _ _

나는 _ _ _를 먹을거예요 na neun _ _ _ rul meog ul go ye yo ! I’m paying 내가 살게요 nae ga sal gae yo

Cultural Extraà Be polite at all times, especially when with someone who is older or whom you only recently met. Show common courtesy by offering to pay for the meal or drink, asking of their opinion or what they would like. Treat them with attention and interest.


ry à

What are you doing today What are you doing today?

무엇을 하나요? Mu wo sul ha na yo?

Today -­‐ I am learning taekwondo.

오늘은 태권도를 배워요. O neur eun taek won do rul bae wo yo.

That’s nice! On which days of the week do you learn taekwondo1?

재미겠다! 무슨 요일에 태권도를 배워요? Jae mi get da! Mu seun yo ir e taeg won do reur bae wo yo?

On Wednesdays2 and Fridays2.

수요일과 금요일에 배워요. Su yo il gwa geum yo ir e bae wo yo.

Since today is the 26th of December3, Wednesday, your next lesson should be on…?

그러면, 오늘은 십이월 이십육일, 수요일이니까, 다음 수업이 언제예요? Geu reom yeon, o neul sib i wol i sib yug il, su yo il i ni kka, dae um su eob i eon je ye yo?

On the 28th.

이십팔일이요. I sib par il i yo

New Vocabularyà

Good Phrasesà


! What are you doing? 무엇을 하나요?


Mu wo sul ha na yo?

! What are you doing? (informal) 뭐해?

mwo hae?

! I am _ _ _ 저는 _ _ _ (verb)

jeo nun _ _ _

! Today is _ _ _

오늘은 _ _ _ o neur eun _ _ _

태권도 tae kwon do … swimming? … 수영… su yeong … Korean? … 한국어… han gug eo … cooking? … 요리… yo ri

Terms To Knowà 2. Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일 일요일

3. Dates wor yo ir hwa yo ir su yo ir mog yo ir guem yo ir to yo ir ir yo ir

4. Dates in full … November 3rd … March 24th

십일월 삼일 sib ir ol sam il 삼월 이십육일 sam ol i sib

… May 13th

오월 십삼일 o wol sib sam il

yug il

January February March April May June July August September October November December

일월 이월 삼월 사월 오월 육월 칠월 팔월 구월 시월 십일월 십이월

ir ol i wol sam ol sa wol o wol yug wol chir ol par o gu wol si wol sib ir ol sib i wol

Cultural Extraà Taekwondo is a national sport in Korea that is enjoyed by many people in the world. It is a martial art that upholds your physical Mitness and keeps you healthy. If you ever get the chance, you should try it and who knows? Maybe you will like it and will continue learning it.


ry à

Is it cold there? Is it cold in America?

미국은 추워? Mi gug eun chu wo?

In America it’s cold1 in the winter, hot in the summer2.

미국은 겨울에 추워요, 여름에는 더워요. Mi gug eun gyeo ur e chu wo yo, yeo reum ae neun deo wo yo.


좋다! Joh ttaa! It started to rain… Do you like rain? I don’t.

비가 내린다… 비 좋아해? 나는 안 좋아해. Bi ga nae rin da... Bi joh wa hae? Na neun anh joh wa hae.

So do I. I hope you brought your umbrella3.

저도 안 좋아해요. 오빠, 우산 갖고 왔어요? Jeo do an joh a hae yo. O ppa, u san gat gwa sseo yo?

I didn’t. Lets hide under4 that tree!

아니. 저 나무 아래로 피하자. A ni. Jeo na mu a rae reo pi ha ja.

New Vocabularyà

Good Phrasesà


! Nice! 좋아!

umbrella ... rain coat

joh wa!

! Do you like _ _ _? _ _ _ 좋아요?

! So do I/Me too

_ _ _ joh a yo?

나도 na do

우산 … 비옷

u san bi ot

Terms To Knowà 1. Weather conditions cold 추워요 chu wo yo hot 더워요 de wo yo warm 따뜻해요 tta ttuet he yo rain 비가 와요 bi ga wa yo snow 눈이 와요 nun i wa yo

2. Seasons winter spring summer autumn

겨울 봄 여름 가을

gyeo ur bom yeo reum ga eur

4. Placement next to under on top of to the left of to the right of

Cultural Extraà The capital of Korea is Seoul. It can get both very hot and very cold. It can also be pretty humid. Check the weather if possible, so as not to get caught off guard by rain.

옆에 아래에 위에 왼쪽에 오른쪽에

yeop e a re wi e oen jjog e o reun jjog e

I’m calling to say: “I’m sick” Hello? This is Ella. Is this Jim’s home?

여보세요. 저는 엘라예요. 거기 짐의 집이에요? Yeo bo se yo. Jeo neun el la ye yo. Geo gi jim ui jib i ye yo?


Hello? This is Jim.

여보세요. 응. 나 짐이야.


Yeo bo se yo. Eung. Na jim i ya. I’m very sorry, but I won’t be able to meet you today at 5:30pm.

정말 미안해… 나 오늘 다섯 시 반에 카페로 못 가. Jeong mar mi an he... Na o neur da seos i ban e ka pe ro mo gga.


I caught a cold1…


나 감기에 걸렸어…


Na gam gi ae geol lyeoss eo...

Oh no! You should take some medicine2!

약 먹어야겠다! Yag meog eo ya gaet da!

Don’t worry about it. Let’s meet on the weekends3.

괜찮아. 주말에 만나자. Gwaen janh a. Ju ma re man na ja.




Cultural Extraà

Good Phrasesà

When you call someone or receive a phone call, always start with “yeo bo se yo” (여보세요). It’s like 喂 in Chinese, a hello to check if there is a connection between speakers. Introduce yourself Mirst, because the person that will pick up might not be the person you were looking for. Smile (genuinely) when talking on the phone. It will make you sound more friendly and welcoming.

! Hello (for phone calls) 여보세요

yeo bo se yo

! This is/I am _ _ _ 저는 _ _ _ 예요

jeo nun _ _ _ ye yo

! I’m sorry (informal) 미안해

mi an he

! I caught a cold

나 감기 걸렸어 na gam gi geol lyeoss eo ! Don’t worry about it 괜찮아 gwaen janh a

New Vocabularyà 1. catch a cold … have a stomach ache … feel dizzy … muscle cramps

감기 걸리다 베가 아프다 어지점다 쥐가나다

gam gi geol li da be ga a pu da eo ji jeom da jwi ga na da




weekends … holidays

주말 … 휴일

ju mar hyu ir



ry à

How much is that? Ella, what do you think of this green1 sweater2?

엘라, 이 초록 스웨터에 대해서 어떻게 생각해? El la, i cho rog seu we teo e dae hae seo eo tteoh ge saeng gak he?

It looks pretty. Do you like this hat2?

예쁘다. 이 모자 좋아? Ye ppeu da. I mo ja joh wa?

Haha! It looks funny3. How much is it?

하하! 웃긴다. 얼마야? Ha ha! Woo kkin da. Eol ma ya? It’s 25 thousand4 won5.

이만 오천원 이야. I man o cheon won i ya.

That’s expensive…

정말 비싸다… Jeong mar bi ssa da...

Terms To Knowà 1. Colors 초록 cho rok

빨강 ppal gang


주황 ju hwang

파랑 pa rang

하양 ha yang

geom jeong

노랑 no rang

분홍 beun hong

보라 bo ra

2. Clothing


Top Sweater T-­‐Shirt Shirt Jacket

스웨터 T-셔츠 셔츠 재킷

seu we teo T- syeo cheu syeo cheu jae kit

Bottom Shorts Pants Jeans

반바지 바지 청바지

ban ba ji ba ji cheong ba ji


Hat Glasses Scarf Shoes Watch

모자 안경 스카프 구두 시계

mo ja an gyeong seu ka peu gu du si gye

Good Phrasesà

! What do you think of _ _ ?

_ _ 에 대해서 어떻게 생각해? _ _ e de hae seo eo tteoh ge saeng gak he?

! It looks pretty

예쁘다 ye ppeu da

! How much does it cost? 얼마예요?

! That’s expensive

eol ma ye yo?

비싸다 bi ssa da

New Vocabularyà 3. funny


... scary

… 우섭다 eu seob da

... ugly

… 추하다 chu ha da

woo kkin da

4. thousand ... hundred ... ten thousand ... million

천 … 백 … 만 … 백만

cheon baeg man baek man

5. won (₩) 원 won

Cultural Extraà 1 KRW = 0.0009 USD in December 2012. Here are some examples of prices. In DongDaeMun, one of the most famous shopping complexes in Seoul, a top is usually between 15000-­‐40000₩. If you live in a place like America where most things you buy have 2 or 3 digit prices, you will need some time to get used to the 4-­‐6 digit prices in Korea.

Let’s get out of here! Sto

The rain Minally stopped1!

ry à

비가 멈췄어! Bi ga meom choss eo!

Let’s take a taxi2 and go to your house.

택시 타고 너네 집에 가자. Taek si ta go neo nae ji be ga ja.

Hi . C ou 안 ld yo 녕 하 u t An 세 ak 요 e u se n y ey . s t 이 o. on o t 주 hi g s a ha 소 d



Where do you want to go?

어디로 갈까요? Eo di ro gal kka yo?

dr 가 es o. s3 주 I ? 세 ju 요 s . o ro g a ju


네. Ne.

Turn left4 once you reach that school.

저 학교에서 왼쪽으로 돌아가세요.

We’re here. Where do you want me to stop?

Jeo hak gyo e seo oen jjog eu ro do ra ga se yo.

다 왔어요. 어디에 세워 드릴까요?

Could you stop in front of that Mlower shop5? Thanks.

저 꽃집 앞에 세워 주세요. 감사합니다. Jeo kkoc jib ap e se wo ju se yo. Gam sa hap ni da.

Da wass eo yo. Eo di e se wo deu ril gga yo?

New Vocabularyà

Good Phrasesà


! Take me to _ _ _ _ _ _ 으로 가 주세요

_ _ _ eu ro ga ju se yo

! Please stop at the _ _ _ _ _ _ 에 세워 주세요


계속하다 gye sok ha da


! Thank you 감사합니다


택시 taek si 지하철 ji ha jeol 버스 beo seu 기차 gi cha 비행기 bi haeng gi 말을 타고 mar eul ta go 자전거 ja jeon geo

앞으로 뒤로 읜쪽으로 돌아 오른쪽으로 돌아 유-턴을 해요

ap eu ro dwi ro uin jjog eu ro dor a o reun jjog eu ro dor a you-teon eur hae yo

kkoc jib baek hwa jeom eun dong yong pum jeom si jang byeong won hak gyo

4. Directions forward backward turn left turn right make a U-­‐turn

5. Basic amenities Mlower shop ... department store? ... sports shop? ... market? ... hospital? ... school?

꽃집 … 백화점 … 운동용품점 … 시장 … 병원 … 학교

ju so

Once again, interact with strangers politely. Strangers like taxi drivers and others should be treated with respect.

2. Transport taxi subway public bus train airplane horseback bicycle

meom chu da

Cultural Extraà

gam sa hap ni da

Terms To Knowà



_ _ _ e se wo ju se yo



Shall we eat some bibimbap?

ry à

How many people are there in your family1?

식구가 몇 명이예요? Shig gu ga myeo myeong i ye yo?

5. My mom1, my dad1, my sister1, my brother1 and me.

다섯 명이예요. 어머니, 아버지, 누나, 동생 그리고 나. Da seos myeong i ye yo. U ri eom oen i, a beo ji, nu na, dong saeng geu ri go na.

I am the only child2…

저는 외아들이예요… Jeo neun oe a dur i ye yo...

Jim, do you like bread crumbed, fried pork tenderloin cutlets3?

짐 씨, 돈까스 좋아해요? Jim ssi, don ka seu joh a he yo?

They are good, but I like bibimbap3 more!

좋아해요. 하지만, 나는 돈까스보다 비빔밥을 좋아해요. Joh a he yo. Ha ji man, na neun don ka seu beo da bi bim bab eur joh a hae yo. Then let’s go eat bibimbap at a Korean restaurant!

그러면 한국 음식집에 비빔밥 먹으러 가요! Geu reom yeon han gug eum sig jib e bi bim bap meog eu reo ga yo!

New Vocabularyà

Terms To Knowà 1. Family mother father


어머니 아버지

brother/sister (older) was mentioned before sister/brother (younger) 동생 dong saeng cousin uncle aunt grandfather grandmother

사촌 아저씨 이모 할아버지 할머니

only child

eo meo ni a beo ji

sa chon a jeo ssi i mo har a bo ji hal meo ni


oe dong

Good Phrasesà

! How many people are there in your family? 식구가 몇 명예요?


shig gu ga myeo myeong ye

! I like _ _ _ but I like _ _ _ more _ _ _ 을 _ _ _보다 더 좋아헤

요 a he yo

3. Korean Food

_ _ _ eur _ _ _ beo da do joh

gim chi 김치 bi bim bap 비빔밥

ra myeon 라면

don kka seu 돈카스

gal bi 갈비

gim bap 김밥

tteok bokk i 떡볶이

Cultural Extraà Korean food is a must try! I have listed only a few foods, but that doesn’t mean that the Korean cuisine is limited to those dishes. Go to a Korean restaurant, practice ordering and try any dish that you are engrossed by. My personal favorite is don kka seu. If you ever can’t decide where you want to go for lunch or dinner, go Korean! Family is important to everybody and everywhere. When people from some countries say that the most important thing in their culture is family, I don’t think that can be specialty, all cultures should cherish family. Families usually consist of 4 people: the parents, a son and a daughter, but of course there are other alternatives as well. On New Year’s day, the Mirst day of the Mirst lunar month of the year, families dress up in traditional clothes and one of the traditions is for the younger members to honor/ show respect to their elders by bowing to them and giving them wishes for the new year.


ry à

It’s your choice... Oh no! Yuh Joon, I twisted1 my ankle2…

안돼! 여준, 발목을 삐었어요. An dwae! Yeo jun, bal mog eur bbi eoss eo yo...

That’s bad! Lie3 down on that bench.

아이구! 밴치에 누워봐. A i gu! Baen chi ae nu wo ba.

Thanks, I will walk4.

괜찮아요, 저 걸을께요. Gwaen janh a yo, jeo geor eul ggae yo.

Isn’t that the N Seoul Tower5?

저것이 N 서울 타워이지요? Oh! It is!

맞아요! Ma ja yo!

Jeo geos N So ur ta wo i ji yo?

New Vocabularyà

Good Phrasesà


! That’s bad!

아이고야! a i go ya!

! It’s Mine (when you don’t want assistance, etc)

괜찮아요 gwaen janh a yo ! Isn’t that the _ _ _? 저것 _ _ _ 져? jeo geos _ _ _ jyeo? ! My _ _ _ hurts 저 _ _ _ 아퍼요 jeo _ _ _ ap peo yo

...twist(ed)... break hurt cut


비틀리다 부러지다 다치다 잘리다

...lie down... 누워

sit down 앉아 stand up 일어 서

bi teur ri da bu reo chee da da chee da jal li da nu wo anj a ir eo ssoeo

4. ... walk crawl run Mly

걷다 기다 뛰다 비행하다

geot ta gi da ddwi da bi haeng ha da

Terms To Knowà

head 머리 meo ri

2. Body parts


귀 gwi

코 ko

눈 noon

팔 pal

머리카락 meo ri ka rag






Minger 손가락


seon ka rak


pal kkum chi

입 ip

hand 손

seon leg

발 bal ankle


bal mok

5. Seoul Landmarks N Seoul Tower Namdaemun gate Dongdaemun gate Mount Pukhansan Insadong

N서울타워 NSo ur ta wo 남대문 Nam de mun 동대문 Dong de mun 북한산 Buk han san 인사동 In sa deong

Cultural Extraà The places I listed are one of the most popular places to visit in Korea, perfect for sightseeing.


You even have a dog! ry à

Jim! I’d like you to meet my friend – Yuh Joon.

짐 ! 제 친구 한 분을 소개해 드 릴게요. 그 옆에 애 이름이 여준 이야.

Nice to meet you!

Jim! Jae chin gu han bun eur so gae hae deur il ge yo. Geu yeop eae i reum i yeo jun i ya.

Man na so cham gi ppeu yo!

만나서 참 기뻐요!

May I sit here?

여기 앉아도되요? Yo gi an ja do dwe yo?

This seat is taken -­‐ by my bag1. Could you sit on this chair2 please?

이자리에 저 가방이 있어요. 이 의자에 앉으시겠어요? I ja ri ae jeo ga bang i iss eo yo. I ui ja e an jeu si gaess eo yo? It’s kind of chilly in here.

여기 약간 줍다. I’ll just


close t


Yo gi yak gan jup da.

he win dows 3 then.

창문을 닫을께 Geu re 요. om ye on ne dul ge ga jan yo. g mun eur d

You even have a pet dog4!


강아지도있네! Gang a ji do in ne!

New Vocabularyà

Good Phrasesà

! I’d like you to meet my friend

저의 친구 한 분을 소개 해 드릴께요 jeo ui chin gu han bun eur so gae hae

deu ril ggae yo

! Nice to meet you! 만나서 참 기뻐요!

man na so ni cham gi ppeu wo yo!

! May I sit here? 여기 앉아도 되요?

yo gi an ja do dwe yo?

! This seat is taken

자리 있어요 ja ri iss eo yo

Cultural Extraà If you are a guest in someone’s home, comment nicely on things that you Mind interesting. You have entered another person’s home, show high levels of respect and be on your best behavior.

Terms To Knowà 2. Furniture chair table sofa lamp shelf

의자 테이블 소파 램프 선반

ui ja te i beur so pa raem pu seon ban

4. Animals (pets) dog cat rabbit turtle parrot


gang a ji 고양이 go yang i 토끼 to kki 바다 거북 ba da go bug 앵무새 aeng mu sae

1. bag 가방 ga bang ... books 책 chaeg ... clothes 옷 ot ... teddy bear 장난감 곰 jang nan gam gom


window wall ceiling Mloor door


벽 천장 바닥 문

chang mun byeog cheon jang ba dag mun

What we talk about with people we meet for the first time


ry à What do you like to do in your free time?

여가 시간에 뭐 하는 것을 좋아해요? Yo ga si gan ae mwo ha nun go joh a hae yo?

I like to listen to music1, watch movies1 and read books1. What about you?

저는 음악을 들고, 영화를 보거나, 책읽는 것 을 좋아해요. 짐 씨는요? Jeo neun eum ak ul deur eo seo, yeong hwa rul beo geo na, chaek ilg nun geo joh a hae yo. Jim ssi neun yo?

I like to go to the zoo2.

동물원 가고싶어요. Dong mur won ga go sip ep yo. What’s your favorite animal?

제일좋아하는 동물이 뭐에요? The hedgehog3!

Je il joh a ha neun dong mu ri mwo e yo?

고슴도치요! Go seum do chi yo!

I’ve never seen one, only on television4.

한번도안 봤어요, 텔레비전에서만봤어요. Han bon do anh bwass eo yo, tel le bi jeon ae seo man bwass eo yo.

What kind of music and what kind of movies do you like?

무슨 음악과 영화가 좋아요? Mu seun eum ag gua yeong hwa ga joh a yo?

I like K-­‐Pop5 and Korean drama6!

K-팝 하고 한국 드라마가 좋아요! K-pab ha go han gug deu ra ma ga joh a yo!

Interesting. What's your favorite?

흥미있어요. 제일 좋아하는게 뭐에요? Heung mi iss eo yo. Je il joh a ha neun gae mwo e yo?

You should listen to PSY5 and Girls Generation5, and watch “School 2013”6 or “Vampire Prosecutor”6

PSY, SNSD,“학교 2013” 그리고 “뱀파이어 검사”를 들어 봐 야해요. PSY, SNSD,“hak gyo 2013” geu ri go“baem pa i eo geom sa” dur eo bo ya hae yo.

Good Phrasesà

! What’s your hobby? 취미가 뭐에요?

jwi mi ga mwo e yo?

! I like to _ _ _ 저는 _ _ _ 좋아요

jeo neun _ _ _ joh a yo

! What’s your favourite _ _ _? 제일 좋아하는게 _ _ _ 뭐에요?

je ir joh a ha neun gae _ _ _

mwo e yo?

New Vocabularyà 2. zoo ... museum ... park

4. television ... internet ... radio

동물원 박물관 공원

dong mur won bak mul gwan gong won

텔레비전 tel le bi jeon 인터넷 in teo net 라디오 ra di o

Korea has its own culture of music, dance and Milmmaking. Songs like “Gangnam style” are known throughout the world, the “horse dance” is learnt by kids as young as 2 years old. The TV shows and movies are watched and enjoyed by people of all nationalities. If you start to like K-­‐pop or Korean drama, it becomes like your “second life”, you will want more and more. But of course, like everything else in this world, it’s a matter of opinion – you can either like it or not.

Terms To Knowà

Cultural Extraà

1. Hobbies listen to music 음악을 들어 watch movies 영화를 봐 read books 책을 읽어 learn a language 언어를 배워 play a sport 운동을 해 knit 니트해

3. Animals (wild) hedgehog lion tiger penguin bear elephant camel rhinoceros


고슴도치 사자 호랑이 펭귄 곰 코끼리 낙타 코뿔소 고릴라

5. K-pop Artists

eum ag eur deur eo yeong hwa reur bwa chaeg eul ilg eo eon eo reur bae wo un dong eur he ni teu hae

go seum do chi sa ja ho rang i peng gwin gom ko kki ri nak ta ko ppul so go ril la

Girls Generation Super Junior Big Bang SHINee 2ne1 PSY

6. Korean Drama School 2013 Vampire Prosecutor CIty Hunter Secret Garden Gentleman’s Dignity Love Rain

학교 2013 뱀파이어 검사 시티헌터 시크릿 가든 신사의 품격 사랑비

hak gyo 2013 baem pa i eo goem sa si ti heon teo si keu rit ga deun sin sa ui pum gyeog sa rang bi


ry à

Thinking of the future How do you do this question?

이 문제 어떻게 풀어? I mun je eo tteoh purh eo?

Think about it yourself. Math1 isn’t hard.

스스로 생각 해봐. 수학은 안어려워. Seu seu ro saeng gag hae ba. Su hag eun anh eo ryeo wo.

Hmm. What do you want to be when you grow up?

흠. 네가 자라면 어떤 시람이 되고 싶니? Heum. Nae ga ja ra myeon eo ddeon sa ram i dwi go shim ni? An astronaut2. You?

우주 비행사. 너는? U ju bi haeng sa. Neo neun?

A limousine driver2.

리무진 운전사. Ri mu jin un jeon sa.

Yuh Joon wants to be a teacher2. Here, copy my answer.

여준은 선생님이 되고 싶어해. 자, 내 대답을 복사해. Yeo jun eun seon saeng nim i dwi geo sip eo hae. Ja, nae dae dab eur bok sa hae.

Good Phrasesà

Cultural Extraà If you are a Korean and you want to get into a Korean university, study hard, really hard. Competition is very tough there so you have to excel at all subjects. That doesn’t mean that all you do everyday is study, you should do sports and other activities. A weekday activity that is “popular” amongst students is going to academies. They spend long and tiresome hours studying various subjects, so that they would be more knowledgeable.

! _ _ _ isn’t hard _ _ _ 안어려워

_ _ _ anh eo ryeo wo

! What do you want to be when you grow up? 네가 자라면 뭐가 되고 싶어?

Nae ga ja ra myeon mwo ga dwi go sip eo?

! I want to be a/an _ _ _ 나는 _ _ _ 되고 싶어요

na neun _ _ _ dwi geo sip eo yo

à l o o h c S r o s F e s a r h P

Kn To ms Ter

à ow

1. School subjects math 수학 biology 생물학 english 영어 physics 물리학 chemistry 화학 chinese 중국어 physical education 채육 geography 지리학 history 역사

2. Occupations astronaut driver teacher lawyer banker

police officer gwan soldier athlete janitor manager

이 문제 어떻게 풀어? i geos mun je eo tteoh purh eo?

! Think yourself

자신을 생각 헤 Ja sin eur saeng gag he

su hag saeng mul hag yeong eo mul li hag hwa hag jung gug eo chae yug ji ri hag yeok sa

! How do you do this question?

! Use your brain

머리를 사용해 meo ri rul sa yeong hae

! Stop copying me!

내거 그만 복사해! nae ggeo geu man bok sa hae!

! Copy my answer...

내 대답을 복사해... nae dae dab eur bok sa hae...

! Ask the teacher

선생님께 여쭤 봐 seon saeng nim kkae yeo jwo bwa

! I don’t understand

우주 비행사 운전사 선생님 변호사 은행가 경찰관

u ju bi haeng sa 이해가 안 가요 un jeon sa i hae ga an ga yo seon saeng nim ! Could you please help me with this? byeon ho sa 이 일에 관하여 좀 도와주시겠어 eun haeng ga 요 gyeong chal i ir e gwan ha yeo jom do wa ju

군인 운동 선수 관리인 매니저

gun in un dong seon su gwan ri in mae ni jeo

si gess eo yo

! Be quiet

조용히 해! jo yong hi hae

! When a person is talking, you listen

eo ba

사람이 말할 때는 들어봐 sa ram i mal hal ttae neun deur

축 k u ch


The two major sports in Korea are soccer and baseball. But only soccer will be covered, because many students enjoy that sport in SSIS. It is more international in our environment than baseball. If people like “you and me” are fans of playing soccer but are also interested in Minding out how to say things like “pass!” or “that was not a foul!”, read on. By the end, you will be able to pronounce some soccer-­‐related phrases and hopefully use the terms in game situations (especially if the opposing team doesn’t know Korean).

Attacker 공격수 gong gyeok su

Coach 코치 ko chi

Middle-fielder 미드필더 mi deu pil deo

Medic 의사 eui sa

Defender 수비수 su bi su

Goalkeeper 골키퍼 gol ki peo

Supporter 응원자 eun won ja

Bench warmer 대기자 dae gi ja

Positions on and off the pitch

Crucial Vocabulary ! ! ! !

Free Kick!! Penalty! ! Goal Kick!! Corner kick!

프리킥 패널티 골킥 코너킥

peu ri kig pae neol ti gol kig ko no kig

Red card 레드 카드 redeu cadu Yellow card 옐로 카드 yello cadu

! ! ! !

Player! ! Substitute! Team! ! World Cup!

! ! ! !

Kick Off! ! Half Time!! Full Time!! Extra time!

선수 대기자 팀 월드컵

! ! ! !

Goal!! 골 Foul!! 파울 Offside! 오프사이드

seon su dae gi ja teem wol deu keob

경기 시작 하프 타임 경기 종료 연장전

gyeong gi si jag ha peu ta im gyeong gi jong ryo yeon jang jeon

gol pa ur o peu sa i due

Ball 공 gong

Good phrases to use with teammates Pass over here 여기로 차 yeo gi reo cha

I’m in front of you 나 앞에있어 na ap eh iss o

I’m behind you He shoots, he scores 나 뒤에있어 그가 차서 골을 넣었어 na dwi ae iss o gu ga cha seo gol eul nu woss eo Cross to the left/right 왼쪽/오른쪽으로 건너가 win jjog/o reun jjog eu reo geun neo ga

There was no way that was a yellow/red card 옐로/레드 카드라니 말도 안대 yel lo/red eu ka deu ra ni mal do an dwe That was not a foul 파울이 아니야 pa u ri a ni ya

That was a handball 핸들링 반칙이었어 haen deul ling banh chig i eoss o

The game was played terribly 형편 없는 플레이야 hyeong pyon om nun pu ray i ya

The referee is biased 심판이 공정하지 않아 sim pan i gong jeong ha ji anh a

That was a foul 파울이야 pa ur i ya Great defense 멋진 수비야 meot jin su bi ya

Great save by the goalkeeper 골키퍼가 멋지게 막아냈어 gol ki peo ga meot ji ge mag a naess eo

That was played well 정말 멋진 플레이야 jeong mar meot jin peul ley i ya

We won 우리 이겼어 oo ri i gyeoss eo

We lost 우리 졌어 oo ri jyeoss eo We drew 우리 동점이야 oo ri dong jeom i ya

I Would Really Like To Thank -My parents for always being there for me, giving me new ideas and support in everything I have done throughout the project. -Ms. Soo Jung Lee who has supervised the creation process and helped me to achieve perfection in the grammar, spelling and vocabulary in Korean. -Elizabeth Kim, Denise Park and Byeong Joo Park for helping me in everything I had questions with regarding to the language and teaching me.

Well, I guess that’s it... I hope that by reading my project, you have learnt more Korean phrases and words. If you find any mistakes in my grammar or spelling, please do tell me. I apologize, but I am not a native speaker and I do not know the language to its fullest.

Have fun with everything you learn from this project! and Good luck

All Rights Reserved, Vladimir MelnikovŠ 2013, Shanghai, China. Not used for commercial purposes.

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