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How to Make Green Tea? A question asked by many health seekers. If you don't prepare it the right way, you will damage its health benefits. There are actually only three categories of teas: green, Oolong, and black. Each of these is the product of a leaf called Camellia Sinensis. The difference between them comes from the duration of the fermentation: 'black tea' is fully fermented, 'Oolong tea' is partially fermented, and 'Green tea' is not fermented at all, only steamed. Ceylon and Darjeeling tea refer to the region in which they are grown. Looking at the Japanese people, who tend to look much younger comparing to their western age group (usually ten years younger), certainly says something in favor of the Japanese diet. Drinking tea is a very basic part of it. Personally, I was convinced to drop coffee years ago. I drink Matcha tea instead. Matcha is finely-powdered green tea used mainly for Japanese tea ceremony. Matcha tea leaves are grown in the shade. Then they are stone ground until they become a bright green, talc-like powder. Many people think it's very complicated or time consuming. They are wrong - it takes two minutes, and the health benefits are Plenty!! For a short summary on how to make this kind of Tea, please read on. If You Are Preparing Tea From The Leaves, Here's How To Brew Green Tea Correctly -
Put tea leaves in an empty Japanese tea pot. The amount depends on how many cups of tea you want to prepare. One teaspoon (5 ml) of green tea leaves per one cup of water is a good measure. Pour hot (not boiling) water over the tea leaves. The best water temperature for this tea is around 80 degrees Celsius. Cover the lid and wait for a while before serving. The ideal brewing time is between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. The longer it brews the more bitter it will become. Serve tea in a Japanese tea cup.
More ideas and on How To Drink Green Tea - including Recipes at http://www.tokyo-top-guide.com/How_To_Make_Green_Tea.html
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Da_Jo
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