Book Bloggers Directory

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Monday, June 4 Javits Center, NYC

2012 Book Bloggers Directory

2012 Book Blogger Directory Network, Make New Connections, and Get Social! Jen Baggiero Blog: Almost Grown-up Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: Young Adult book reviews, writing, and discussion.

Francine Coleman Blog: Books and Beyond Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA Description: Reviews of YA books and other pieces of interest in the book world.

Karen Ballum Blog: Sassymonkey Reads Blog URL: Blog Genre: General Description: Reading is better in bed.

Jen Congiliando Blog: Chicks Dig Books Blog URL: Blog Genre: Adult Trade Fiction Description: The nerdy girl’s guide to the printed word!

Les Blatt Blog: Classic Mysteries Blog URL: Blog Genre: Mysteries Description: Reviews of classic mysteries worth reading and rereading.

Andrea Connell Blog: Queen’s Quill Review Blog URL: Blog Genre: Historical Fiction Reviews Description: Self-published and mainstream historical fiction reviews and editorial information.

Mandy Boles Blog: The Well-Read Wife Blog URL: Blog Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Memoir, Literary Fiction, YA Description: A day in the literary life of a well-read wife: Books, Humor, Life.

Jennifer Conner Blog: Literate Housewife Blog URL: Blog Genre: Fiction/Literature Description: Where I share my love of books and audiobooks.

Ryan Britt Blog: Blog URL: Blog Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy Description: We cover Science Fiction, Fantasy, the Universe, and related subjects. Steve Capell Blog: True Media Solutions LLC Blog URL: Blog Genre: Fiction, Drama, Memoirs, Mystery, Religious, and Young Adult Description: Book Reviews

Shanyn Day Blog: Chick Loves Lit Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: YA Reviews, Interviews, Giveaways, Guest Posts, Book Features. Nancy DiGirolamo Blog: Nancy’s Book Blog Blog URL: Blog Genre: Book Description: Book blog of a wife, mama, & pop culture addict.

2012 Book Blogger Directory Network, Make New Connections, and Get Social! Margo Donohue Blog: Brooklyn Fit Chick Blog URL: Blog Genre: Fitness & Health Description: A pop culture guide to diet, fitness, and getting in shape. Michelle Dunphy Blog: Authors are ROCKSTARS! Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: A podcast dedicated to YA lit & rockin’ music. Blog: Never Gonna Grow Up! Reviews Blog URL: Blog Genre: Children’s & YA Description: Blog reviews of Children’s & YA literature Kristin Durham Blog: Kritters Ramblings Blog URL: Blog Genre: Fiction Description: A collection of reviews and ramblings. Caitie Flum Blog: Pub Writes Blog URL: Blog Genre: Eclectic Description: Reviews and views from a woman in publishing. Grace Fonseca Blog: Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog URL: Blog Genre: Romance, Young Adult, SciFi, Urban Fantasy Description: Book Reviews, Memos, Commentary, Book News.

Elizabeth Bales Frank Blog: somuchsomanysofew Blog URL: Blog Genre: Fiction Description: The literature of World War II. Kate Garrabrant Blog: Babbling About Books, and More! Blog URL: Blog Genre: Romance and Young Adult Description: Musings of an eccentric redhead about books and more. Darla Greer Blog: DforDarla’s Definite Reads Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult books and Adult Romances Description: A place where I share my love of books and all things bookish. Holly Grierson Blog: Book Harbinger Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA, fantasy Description: News, reviews, and anything bookish that captures my fancy. Ana Grilo Blog: The Book Smugglers Blog URL: Blog Genre: Speculative Fiction and YA Description: Reviews, recommendations, and other ponderings are our specialty. Kelly Hager Blog: KellyVision Blog URL: Blog Genre: Mainly YA but other genres too Description: I mainly review YA but fiction of all kinds is fair game.

2012 Book Blogger Directory Network, Make New Connections, and Get Social! Erica Haglund Blog: The Book Cellar Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: A primarily Young Adult blog, with a bit of everything else.

Sasha Kaohi Blog: Sash and Em - A Tale of Two Bookies Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: Two best friends who love to read/talk about YA lit.

Anna Heinemann Blog: Anna Reads Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult literature Description: A creative, not-so-serious Web site supporting all things YA.

Inga Kupp-Silberg Blog: Me and Reading Blog URL: Blog Genre: Eclectic: Adult, YA, Fantasy, Urban, Contemporary, Historical, Suspense, Romance, Thrillers, Paranormal Description: An international book blog from Estonia with reviews, interviews, guest posts, excperts, tours—everything book related!

Rebecca Herman Blog: Rebecca’s Book Blog Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult book review blog Description: I review Young Adult (and some Middle Grade) books. Rebekka Holman Blog: Pretty Deadly Reviews Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: Young Adult books, reviews, and giveaways! Cait Hupman Blog: Escape Through the Pages Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: Young Adult/Middle Grade reviews with a mix of genres. Lindsay Jones Blog: Just Another Book Addict Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA Description: Vote for best covers and read reviews on my blog!

Thien-Kim Lam Blog: From Left to Write Blog URL: Blog Genre: Book Review/Virtual Book Club Description: We take the book club online where our bloggers/members create a virtual discussion of a book and how it relates to their lives and in turn, everyone’s lives. Cecelia Larsen Blog: Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA, MG, Sci-Fi/Fantasy Description: Reviews of Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy since 2009. Diane LaRue Blog: bookchickdi Blog URL: Blog Genre: Literary Fiction Description: I blog about books and book events in NYC.

2012 Book Blogger Directory Network, Make New Connections, and Get Social! Gwenyth Love Blog: Rants~N~Scribbles Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA Book Reviews Description: Book reviews, mostly in the YA genre.

Julie Merilatt Blog: JulzReads Blog URL: Blog Genre: General Literature Description: A fun resource for readers.

Pam Margolis Blog: An Unconventional Librarian Blog URL: Blog Genre: Book Review Description: A multicultural look at books.

Jeanna Michel Blog: The Bucket List Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA Description: Where you can find everything YA: bookish news and reviews!

Joan Marsh Blog: Making the Case for Character Education Blog URL: Blog Genre: Children’s ebooks Description: Thoughtful ideas on character education for our children ages 5-8. Jenna Christy Matalam Blog: Coffee, Books and me Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA, PNUFR, Dystopian, Contemporary Romance, mostly YA Description: Fun, cute, informative, and senseful. :) Amy McKie Blog: Amy Reads Blog URL: Blog Genre: Non-Fiction, World Literature Description: Reviews and ramblings discussing race, gender, and sexuality in literature. Sarah Merchant Blog: Workaday Reads Blog URL: Blog Genre: Eclectic Description: Reviews, author features, ebook, and self-published challenges.

Jennifer Mleczynski Blog: Crazy-for-Books Blog URL: Blog Genre: Contemporary Fiction; Historical Fiction; Christian Fiction/Non-Fiction Description: Book reviews of Contemporary/Historical/ Christian books that I’ve read. Chris Modzelewski Blog: The King of Elfland’s 2nd Cousin Blog URL: Blog Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Description: Weekly analysis of Science Fiction and Fantasy and book reviews. Stacey O’Neale Blog: Fantasy Book Addict Blog URL: Blog Genre: Adult and YA Fantasy Description: Fantasy book blog that features author interviews, reviews, and contests. Blog: Stacey O’Neale - Writer, Publicist, Superhero Blog URL: Blog Genre: Fiction Description: Tips: Writing, Publicity, & Social Media. Also, literary agent interviews.

2012 Book Blogger Directory Network, Make New Connections, and Get Social! Mandi Kaye Ottaway Blog: Never Too Fond of Books Blog URL: Blog Genre: Book Reviews Description: Reviews and features of books of all genres.

Christa Seeley Blog: Hooked on Books Blog URL: Blog Genre: Speculative Fiction Description: For all those books that are a little bit out there.

Tara Quigley Blog: Fiction Folio Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young adult Description: A young adult book blog for adults.

Alison Skapinetz Blog: Alison’s Book Marks Blog URL: Blog Genre: eclectic Description: If it’s being read in my house, I’m talking about it on my blog! (Adult/YA/MG)

Natalie Ramm Blog: Paperspines Blog URL: Blog Genre: General Books interest/Publishing news Description: What I like and don’t like when I read with anecdotes about being a Southern girl in Boston. Jennifer Rummel Blog: YA Book Nerd Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA Books Description: Reviews of YA Books, Mysteries, and Pop Culture. Rhiannon Ryder Blog: The Diary of a Bookworm Blog URL: Blog Genre: Mostly YA and MG, with some Adult Description: The place to find your next great read. Jen Ryland Blog: Jen Ryland/YA Romantics Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: I tell you about great YA, then give it away!

Stephanie Takes-Desbiens Blog: Fangs, Wands & Fairydust Blog URL: HTTP://FANGSWANDSANDFAIRYDUST.COM Blog Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Other Description: Mostly Paranormal in Books, Film & Culture for Adults Alix Taylor Blog: Romance Books Forum Blog URL: Blog Genre: romance books, anything with a romance line, including paranormal, erotic romance, mystery, suspense, thriller, YA, paranormal, contemporary Description: Reviews anything with a romance line, focuses on romance novels Angie Thompson Blog: Angieville Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA, Fantasy, Contemporary Romance Description: Bookish sort reading and reviewing YA, fantasy, scifi, romance, etc.

2012 Book Blogger Directory Network, Make New Connections, and Get Social! Kate Towery Blog: Midnight Book Girl Blog URL: Blog Genre: Eclectic Description: Discovering books that keep you reading until the midnight hour!

Obscured Vixen Blog: The Obscured Vixen Blog URL: Blog Genre: Paranormal, Erotica Description: Reviews of paranormal and urban fantasy books and TV shows.

Marsha Toy Engstrom Blog: Book Club Cheerleader Blog URL: Blog Genre: Book Club S Description: Book Club Books: Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, and Fun Stuff.

Jennifer Wagner Blog: Connect with your Teens through Pop Culture and Technology Blog URL: Blog Genre: parenting/pop culture/tech Description: Helps parents stay up-to-date with pop culture and technology.

Elizabeth Vail Blog: Gossamer Obsessions Blog URL: Blog Genre: Romance, YA, Fantasy, Literary Fiction Description: An in-depth, humorous analysis of romantic, YA, Fantasy, Literary Fiction. Liz Vallish Blog: Elizziebooks Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: Mostly young adult book blog but it goes deeper! Pam van Hylckama Vlieg Blog: Bookalicious Blog URL:; Blog Genre: Kid Lit Description: Comprehensive reviews, industry news with a side of fun. Florinda Vasquez Blog: The 3 R’s Blog: Reading, ‘Riting, and Randomness Blog URL: Blog Genre: eclectic Description: book discussions, popular culture, & general commentary

Jeremy West Blog: Novel Thoughts Blog URL: Blog Genre: Young Adult Description: fresh, creative, insightful, current, modern, original, clean, friendly, consistent, informed. Melody Wilson Blog: Melody & Words Blog URL: Blog Genre: Literary Fiction and Nonfiction Description: Examines intersections of geography, identity, & memory in Fiction & Nonfiction. Janice Y. Blog: janicu’s book blog, reviews by a specfic romantic Blog URL: Blog Genre: Speculative Fiction, Romance, YA Description: Reviews of genre fiction with a romantic bent.

2012 Book Blogger Directory Network, Make New Connections, and Get Social! Gail Yates Blog: Ticket to Anywhere Blog URL: Blog Genre: Mixture of YA and Adult titles (primarily YA) Description: An eclectic mix of genres spanning across YA and Adult Fiction. Lindsey Young Blog: A Storm of Words Blog URL: Blog Genre: YA BOOK BLOG Description: Thoughts on books in my life—past, present, and future! Jenny Zemanek Blog: Supernatural Snark Blog URL: Blog Genre: Paranormal Young Adult/Paranormal Romance Description: Book reviews with a little snarky fun mixed in.

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