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Nachtrag / Addendum
VIA FLERO 46, CENTRO DIREZIONALE „TRE TORRI“ 25125 BRESCIA, Italy Tel.: +39 3453575430 E-Mail: office@aluglobalbro.com Web: www.aluglobalbro.com Brands we represent: JINDAL ALUMINIUM LTD | ELITE EXTRUSION LLC | RIGA BASE METAL Why visit our stand: After 15 years of experience in the extrusion sector and 6 years in the Flat Rolled sector, we offer our customers the possibility of sourcing semi-finished products from new sources. We are a company operating in the field of semi-finished aluminium products for many years. With the recent strategic moves by the European Community against Chinese extruders and rolling mills, together with our customers we are evaluating and creating new horizons to meet their own demands.
Köseler Mahallesi, 37. Cadde No:12 Dilovası 41455, Turkey Tel.: +90 (262) 751 2070 E-Mail: info@duralinealu.com Web: www.duralinealu.com
Brands we represent: ALPS CO. B.V | DURADIŞ TİCARET | DURAPLASTİK Why visit our stand: High quality extrusion company. If you’re looking for sustainable, guaranteed and risk-free profiles. You are at the right place. Our journey started in 1993 with PVC accessories. As time went by, we expanded our product range and started with the aluminum profile production. In 2021, we built our 21.000 m² factory located in Gebze/Turkey. It has been 12 years since we are in the sector of aluminum and have exported to many countries in the world like Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Serbia, Hungary, Algeria, Israel and The US. We create custom profiles that are only designed for you with European quality.
3A25 ergolines Lab s.r.l. 6C49
Padriciano 99, c/o Area Science Park, Building R3 34149 Trieste, Italy Tel.: +39 0403755419 E-Mail: infosteel@ergolines.it Web: www.ergolines.it Ergolines is a market leader in stirring technology, providing customized EMSs for steel and non-ferrous alloys industries. Our customer-oriented approach enables extreme design flexibility and personalized engineering in order to guarantee maximum efficiency and satisfy specific requirements, thus making ergolines a real strategic partner. Our worldwide references in the supply, installation and commissioning of EMS systems for continuous casters, arc furnaces and melting/alloying furnaces witness the quality of our efforts to optimize production process and increase products quality.
Exal s.r.o.
Hadovská cesta 5 Komárno 945 01, Slovakia
No 11,Changchun Road Zhengzhou 450001, China
Lensegata 12 Mosjøen 8656, Norway Tel.: +47 75113090 E-Mail: post@mkk.ac Web: www.mkk.ac
Brands we represent: MKK A/C systems | MKK Cooling systems | MKK Air Cleaning systems | MKK HVAC Why visit our stand: Efficient and trouble-free AC solution regardless of the challanges MKK designs, develops and supplies customized HVAC units for the global market. With over 20 years experience, we specialize in temperature control in demanding working conditions. Our product range is comprehensive and our flexibility and approach allow us to meet most customer needs.
Stolfig Group Leichtmetall GmbH 7AF28-07
Neunkirchener Straße 12 07952 Pausa, Germany Why visit our stand: WIR LEBEN LEICHTBAU !!! In Stahl, Aluminium und unserer Spezialität, Magnesium realisieren wir Ihre Ideen. Wir bieten Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen von der ersten Idee bis zur Serienproduktion. LEICHTBAU LEICHT GEMACHT !!! Wir realisieren in einer Woche schon Ihr Guss- sowie BlechPrototypenteil aus Aluminium oder Magnesium. Bezahlbarer Leichtbau ist unsere Berufung, den Kosten und der Umwelt zu Liebe. Mit der Erfahrung und der Flexibilität unserer Mitarbeiter optimieren wir Ihre Bauteile bis zur Serienreife. Aluminium dominiert den Leichtbau und kann auf unterschiedlichste Anwendungsbereiche angepasst werden. MAGNESIUM IST UNSERE SPEZIALITÄT Magnesiumbauteile sind 30 % leichter bzw. steifer als vergleichbare Bauteile aus Aluminium.
Yıldız Metal San. Tic. Ltd.Sti 5K45
Akse mahallesi 534 sokak Numara:5 ÇAYIROVA, Turkey Tel.: +90 5416265282 E-Mail: bekir@yildizmetal.com Web: www.yildizmetal.com Why visit our stand: We are working to make all processes of aluminum billet production traceable. We produce aluminum billet materials in 5’, 6’, 7’, 8’, 9’ and 10’ sizes and AA6060, AA6063, AA6082, AA5083 many quality alloys.