Reem Alshareef / Undergraduate Architecture Portfolio / '16-'17

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embr ace

i i

project ii: primary school project i: modular housing Miscellaneous

01 04 20 30 38 39 41 45

Models Drawings Photography

c o n te n t

about project iii:Nexus



Reem M.Al s har eef J eddah,SaudiAr abi a 17/ 1/ 1998 +966536644554 Reemmal s har eef @gmai l . c om @r odk hana / i n/ r eemal s har eef 58072b134/

Ar c hi t ec ut r al Des i gnFundament al sI St udentT eac herAs s i s t ant ,Spr i ngSemes t r‘ 17-‘ 18 Cr eat i v i t yf oraCaus eCompei t i on Cont es t ant ,2017-2018 Memoi r sofaGhos t| Gener al Ent er t ai nmentAut hor i t ySA Pr of es s i onal Per f or mer ,2017-2018 DAHAr c hi t ec t ur eEx hi bi t i on,f eat ur edt wi c e Ex hi bi t i oner ,Fal l 2016-2017,f al l 2017-2018 Fr eel anc eDi gi t al Ar t i s t Apr i l ’ 16-Pr es ent i Ar tGal l er yEx hi bi t i on,#J eddahar t week Ex hi bi t i oner ,2016 MUN,J eddahKnowl edgeSc hool Del egat e,2015 Sc hool Magaz i ne,J eddahPr i v at eSc hool Cr eat i v eDi r ec t orandL ay outPl anner ,2012-2013 Kadi andRamadi SummerPr ogr amme Ki nder gar t enSummerT eac her As s i s t antTheat r eDi r ec t or



B.Ar c h. ,DarAl Hek maUni v er s t y| J eddah,SA Sept ember2015-May2020( ex pec t ed)


Pos t Pr oduc t i oni nPhot os hop, 14hr s ,byMas hael Al Shehr i ,2017 Rhi no3DModel i ng, 15hr s ,byShat haAbul f ar aj ,2017

Amer i c anDi pl oma,DarAl Fi k rI nt er nat i onal Sc hool | J eddah,SA Sept ember2013-J une2015

Bus i nes sPr ot oc ol andEt i quet t e, byMr .Chr i s t opheL aur ent ,2017

J eddahPr i v at eI nt er nat i onal Sc hool | J eddah,SA 2001-J une2013

Readi nes st oWor k , byNes t l eandT amerGr oup,2017


Fr eehandSk et c hi ng, 4hr s ,byAdel Al Zahr ani ,2016


Ar abi c :Nat i v e Engl i s h:Pr of es s i onal J apanes e:Begi nner



Nexus Cul t uralCent re St udi oI I I _Fal l201 7


_Nexus_ Cul t uralcent er

Jeddahhasal waysbeena mel t i ng potofcul t ur es and et hni ci t i es.Thi scompl exser vesasa cul t ur al cent er t hatact s as a nexus or a f ocalpoi ntof i nt er sect i onbet weent hesecul t ur es.I tser vesasa l ear ni ng,r ecr eat i onal ,and soci alspace. Not onl y i s cul t ur al i nt er gr at i on an i mpor t ant obj ect i ve of t hi s pr oj ect , but al so ur ban i nt egr at i on.I ti st he cor e oft hi s pr oj ect ,as t he compl ex ai ms t o ser ve as a cont i nuat i on oft he pr eexi st i ng ur ban l andscape.Ther e ar e sever al ent r ances f or t he pr oj ect and no si ngl e mai n ent r ance. The pr oj ectai mst o be sel f f undi ng,even t hough t her ei s no ent r ance f ee,by o er i ng con er nce r ooms, st udi os, and wor kshops f or r ent and pr i vat e use. Ther e ar e ot her st udi os and wor kshops t hat ar e f r ee but f or shar edpubl i c use.



Locat i on

691 1 ,AlBal ad Di st ri ct ,Jeddah ( Group w ork)


Hi st ori calTi mel i ne

h 22233 2387



Seat i ngAreas

10 1







West ern Terrace-Cl oseUp


Gal l ery Ent rance -I nt eri orShot



PrayerArea -I nt eri orShot



Sust ai nabl e Pri mary School St udi oI I _Spri ng 201 7



_Sust ai nabl e Pri mary School _ Topr ovi def orst udent sacommongr oundt hataccommodat esand r espect st hei ri ndi vi dual i t yanddi f f er entneeds, i nst eadofshapi ng t hem al lwi t ht hesamemoul d. I ti schal l engi ngt ocr eat easi ngl el ear ni ngenvi r onmentt hatsui t sal l chi l dr en,t her ef or e,t heconceptoft hi sschoolpr ovi dessever all ear ni ngenvi r onment s.t heyar e: -Opencl assr ooms:opencl assr oomsar esui t abl ef orpr ogr essi ve t eacher s,i mpl ementcr eat i vel ear ni ngst r at egi es,andencour age gr oupwor k. -Out doorl ear ni ngar eas:ar east hatar eexposedt oai randsunl i ght ,andar ei nt er act i veandengagi ngf oract i veandvi sualst udent s. -Act i vi t yar eas:Ar east hatser veasr ecr eat i onalener gyout l et s f orst udent s.


Fort hi spr oj ect ,wedesi gnedapr i mar yschoolf orgi r l s,t hat ’ sl ocat ed i nAl NoorNei ghbour hood,Sout h Obhur ,Jeddah,SaudiAr abi a.The schooli smeantt obeasust ai nabl e schoolt hatusespassi veandact i ve t echni ques.Fort hi spar toft hepr ocess,wef ocusedmost l yonpassi ve t echni ques.

View from West-North

Science Lab


Learning Area

Learning Area

Learning Area Shared Area

Learning Area

Learning Area

Depressed Reading Area

Learning Area

Learning Area

Shared Area

Learning Area


Learning Area

Learning Area

Interactive Beehive furniture: Display Area Reading Area Bookshelf Collaboration Area

Open Stage

Stage is open and easily accessible to disassociate public speaking and performing from intimidation.





Assembly Area Lounge ±0.00m

First Aid Accounting Room


Principal’s Office

Exp/wet Area

Plan Scale 1:200

North Elevation Sc 1:150

Section B-B Sc 1:150 24


EastEl evat i on

Sect i on A-A

Out doorLearni ng Area Anot hert ypeofl ear ni ngar easwher est udent scani nt er actwi t h t hei r sur r oundi ngnat ur eanddomor eact i vi t i es.


Concept s

Expandability & Flexibility The learning areas are separated by movable partitions that can be changed according to the user’s desire.

Alternative A Separate Learning Areas Separate atrium

Alternative B 2 joined Learning Areas & 1 Separate Learning

Alternative A No natural ventilation

Alternative B Slow wind movement

Alternative C Joined learning areas and One big exhibition/activit

User-controlled Natural Ventilation The user can contorl the flow of air into the space by moving the partitions to reach thermal comfort.

Porosity in Circulation Classrooms can be accessed from within one another and from the outside.


Alternative C Faster wind movement

Ergonomi cs

atrium ty area

Sust ai nabi l i t y


Indirect Daylight in the North

Indirect Daylight and Shading in the South

Night Purging

Double-glazed deep skylight to introduce diffused light

Double-glazed deep skylight to introduce diffused light.

Night purging, or night thermal ventilation, is applied

Deep horizontal louvres are placed to reflect light.

here by keeping windows or wind-vents open at night to cool down the thermal mass in a building by convection. During the day, the cool mass absorbs heat from its users.

Double-Glazed Skylights &Clerestory Windows Skylights and Clerestory windows were designed to maximize the use of natural daylight with minimum heat gain by featuring double-glazed glass panes and reflective roofing material.

High Ceiling Openings

Solar Chimney

Since hot air rises, having high openings in the ceiling

The sun hits the souther wall and heats it up createing

propels the hot air out, which cools down the area. This

a suction effect that expels the hot air and cools down

technique is used in the linear atrium of the school.

the room or area. This mechanism is applied in the south classes and functions.



Modul arHousi ng St udi oI _Fal l201 6


_Modul arHousi ng Compl ex_ Fort hi spr oj ect ,wewer eassi gnedt odesi gnahousi ngcompl exusi ngt he modul arsyst em.Themodul arsyst em,i fappl i edcor r ect l y,woul dal l ow t he desi gnt obef l exi bl eandexpandandmul t i pl yi t er at i vel y. Thesi t echoseni sal andatAl Bat t er j eeSt r eet ,j eddah,SaudiAr abi a,west ofSaudiGer manHospi t al .



Desi gn Cri t eri a Thi spr oj ectwi l lai mt of ul f i lt hef ol l owi ngsoci alcr i t er abycr eat i ngwal kabl e spacest hatencour agesoci ali nt er act i on. Asf ort heent r epr eneur i alaspect s, eachuni twi l lbepr ovi dedwi t hanof f i ce/st udi oar eat hatuser scanwor k andr ecei vecl i net si n. Thedesi gni sf l exi bl e,adapt abl e,and moveabl easi tusest hemodul ar syst em.

I deat i on Prot ot ype Devel opment

I nt er l ocki ngi n 3x3uni t s

Pl aced7modul arr owst o cr eat ef i r standl ar gestuni t ,ubt r act ed1modul arr ow t ocr eat e seconduni t , subt r act ed2modul arr ow t ocr eat et hi r dand smal l eduni t .


Pl aceduni t2overuni t1 ,i nt er l ocki ngt hem i napl anvi ew of 3x3modul aruni t s.

Pusheduni t2backt or educe t hecant i l everf r om 50% onone si det o33. 3% and1 6. 7% ont wo si des.

Pl aceduni t3overuni t2and cant i l ever ed40% ofi t .

The Modul e “ Themodul arwasmeantasauni ver st alsyst em ofpr opor t i ons.Theambi t i onwasvast ;i twasevi sedt or econci l e mat hs,t hehumanf or m,ar chi t ect ur e,andbeaut yi nt oa si ngl esyst em.Themodul ari sbasedonasi xf oot( 1 83cm) manandsegment edaccor di ngt ot hegol denr at i o. Thepr oj ectf ol l owsandi mpor vi sedmodul eof1 80cm.i ti s usedi n: -or gani zat i onofspacewi t hi nuni t s. det er mi ni ngr el at i onshi pbet weenuni t s. -or gani si ngsi t epl an.

UsedModul e

Pr ef abr i cat edUni t s

Out doorFaci l i t i es


TopVi ew

Gr oundFl oorPl an


Gr oundPl an

Composi t i onofUni t s

Fi r stPl an

Fi r stFl oorPl an

SecondFl oorPl an

SecondPl an( A)

El evt i ons-Sol i dandVoi d

SecondPl an( B) 36


Mi scel l aneous

Model s,Draw i ngs,&Phot ography


Model s


Paramet ri cDesi gn

Nexus_Cul t ur

ARCH 3307 -Comput erModel i ng and Renderi ng

ARCH 3601 -S

ralCent reModel

-St udi oI I I-Cont ext ualCul t uraland Envi ronment alDesi gn


Draw i ngs



Draw i ngs



Phot ography


Pal aceofVersai l l es,Pari s

Not reDamedePari s

Vi ew f rom Ei f f elTower

Apri l1,2017

Apri l6,2017

Apri l3 2,2017


Pal aceofVersai l l es,Pari s

I l edeFrance,Pari s

Apri l1,2017

Apri l2,2017



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