My name is Reem Bou Hamdan, a self-motivated architect, passionate about exploring new cultures.
I am a registered architect in the Netherlands, holding an MSc. degree in Sustainable architecture and Landscape Design from Politecnico di Milano, and winner of ISOCARP student award 2020.
I believe in a holistic and a multidisciplinary approach, where sustainability is achieved not only by environmental consciousness but also by a human-centered outlook that enhances the wellbeing and experiences of the users.
. Selected Work Projects
1. Scouting Basecamp - Tomdavid architecten
2. Romeins Museum de Thermen - Tomdavid architecten
3. Minister Marga Klompéschool - Tomdavid architecten
Scouting basecamp is the first acquaintance with the Zeewolde Scouting Estate for most visitors. In addition to being an attractive and comfortable place to work and meet, it serves as a calling card for the entire organisation, and a link between the entrance and the estate beyond.
Own role:
• Filtering all the input from the workshops with users into a design strategy.
• Translating the PVE into the site plan.
• Sketching possible functional layouts and design solutions to pitch to founders.
• Contact suppliers regarding possible technical solutions according to building law.
• Preparing drawings from SO t/m UO phase.
• Managing the BIM file using Archicad.
Photography by Ossip van Duivenbode
Photography by Ossip van Duivenbode
Romeins Museum de Thermen
Heerlen, the Netherlands | 2022-2024 | Tender-VO-DO+/TO| Under construction
The intervention focuses on 4 key goals: stacking the extended program, creating a logistically clear layout; bringing unity to the fragmented outdoor space; technically improving to current international museum standards and at the same time making the bathhouse more perceptible. The museum will provide the Roman Quarter of Heerlen with a new landmark.
Own role:
• Context study to understand what are the possible design solutions.
• Prepare sketches and drawings while incorporating structural, mechanical and landscape input from 3rd parties.
• Join at Kraaijvanger office for DO+ and TO phase for 4 days/week.
• Preparing TO drawings, fragments, finishing drawings and details using Revit.
North elevation
West elevation
Minister Marga Klompéschool
Rotterdam, the Netherlands | 2023 | Tender-SO-VO-DO-TO-UO | Ongoing
A renovation and extension project for a typical ‘MuWi’|Frisse school in Rotterdam. The goal is to improve the building on three levels: 1 Functionality 2 Health 3 Sustainability.
Own role:
• Searching open calls on tenderned and architectenweb and sharing interesting projects with the founders.
• Preparing vision sketches of the proposal.
• Research materials, implement advise from 3rd parties (technical/structural), and prepare all drawings from SO t/m UO.
• Attend bouwteam meetings along with the founder(project architect), to discuss material choices, alternative solutions and feasibility.
Verduurzamen en uitbreiden
Minister Marga Klompéschool
De Minister Marga Klompéschool in de wijk Ommoord is een typische ‘MUWI’ school uit de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw. Ons ontwerp doet recht aan de cultuurhistorische waarde van het gebouw maar verbetert de school op drie belangrijke punten: 1 functionaliteit, 2 gezondheid en 3 duurzaamheid
De functionaliteit neemt enorm toe dankzij een uitbreiding aan de voorzijde. Hier komt een nieuwe gang (en lift) zodat de vier centraal gelegen lokalen niet langer een verkeersruimte zijn maar zelfstandig kunnen worden ingezet. Dit nieuwe, transparante deel van het gebouw wordt ingezet als blikvanger: achter het glas worden de naam van de school, de ‘daltonwand’ de jonge gebruikers en resultaten van onderwijsprojecten allemaal zichtbaar.
De gezondheid van de gebruikers is geborgd door een frisse scholen klasse B kwalificatie. Met de nieuwste technieken worden alle ruimten naar een hoger plan getild, verbeterde lokalen op alle vlakken: daglicht, kunstlicht en lichtwering, verwarming en koeling, ventilatie en buitenlucht en indeling, organisatie en uitrusting (smartboards).
De duurzaamheid betreft twee onderdelen: De gehele school wordt voorzien van nieuwe installaties met een laag energieverbruik (binnen afzienbare tijd ‘0 op- de meter’) en een gebouwschil welke voldoet aan de hoogste bouwfysische eisen (een 25% betere Rc waarde dan bouwbesluit). Vrijwel alle energie wordt opgewekt op het eigen dak, om die reden hebben we de installaties niet op maar naast het gebouw gezet! Bij alle nieuwe onderdelen is gekozen voor materialen welke onderhoudsvrij (onderhoudsarm) zijn, een zeer lange levensduur hebben en in de toekomst kunnen worden gerecycled. Ook is er goed gekeken naar herbruikbaarheid en ‘cradle tot cradle’ principes: het bestaande glas wordt bijvoorbeeld hergebruikt voor het maken van de nieuwe hoog isolerende beglazing en de nieuwe zonnepanelen en gevelkozijnen zijn zo gekozen dat ze in de toekomst kunnen worden gerecycled. Zo heeft de school straks een fantastische MPG score en is klaar voor de huidige en de toekomstige generatie van agenten, advocaten, dokters, architecten en ministers!
‘Last but not least’: Economie! Bij al onze ontwerpkeuzes stond een goede verhouding tussen hergebruik, investering, kwaliteit, levensduur en terugverdientijd centraal. Dit ‘economische bewustzijn’ maakte de haalbaarheid en maakbaarheid van het project een vast onderdeel van alle communicatie.
Coolhaven Campus
Rotterdam, the Netherlands | 2021-2022 | Acquisitie
A new residential tower as a booster/catalyst for more liveliness, staying and meeting. The Coolhaven area, strategically located next to it Erasmus MC and in the vicinity of metro stop Dijkzicht and Coolhaven, gives it a city campus typology where education, research, working, living and staying come together.
Own role:
• Context study to understand what are the possible design solutions.
• Brainstorming sessions with office partners to puzzle possible design solutions.
• Freehand sketching the proposal and intergrating the landscape design from collaborating office into one overall vision.
toren wordt onderdeel van hoge bebouwing in en om de hoogste bebouwing in de 60 meter (57-61 meter) met de 58m in de directe nabijheid. om ensemblewerking hierarchie te geven stellen toren net iets lager te realiseren tussen de 48-50 meter.
vormgeving van de toren is in zijn afgeleid van de GEB toren met een brede kant, waarbij de smalle zijde Rochussestraat en de brede zijde
Ground floor plan Mezzanine plan
Selected Academic Projects
Placemaking process
Placemaking & rebuilding collective identity
Calabro, Italy | 2020
The decreasing act ‘Experience of the city’ was the main motive to develop this thesis project. The project study highlights on the importance of re-activating public spaces to create a platform for people to meet and exchange knowledge.
Understanding the concept and philosophy of Placemaking led to define a process and a series of activities that engage the community in an active manner and can provide an environment of inclusion and acceptance where the public space becomes home to everyone from different gender, age group, race and cultural background.
This study is divided into three main themes; research about placemaking and the importance of public participation in the integration and creation of a collective identity, case study in Belmonte Calabro - south Italy as part in a workshop working with the community and people from different professional backgrounds held by the organization of La Rivoluzione delle Seppie, and a design proposal of a system of public spaces that complete a network of activities within the village to help regenerate it and activate the people’s eager to claim back their forgotten commons.
Scenarios of use
Place 2 porta terra
Place 3
Un[Box]ing Architecture
climbing the existing Lampugnano, Milan | 2019
Inspired by the concept of Piero Bottoni and his experimentation with Recycle| Rethink | Reuse, the project strategy integrates the green belt into the site to blur the limit between nature and architecture.
As for the design concept, it translates the artificial landscape topography present in Monte Stella into an Artificial Architectural Topography creating not a physical relation with it, but a visual and conceptual one. This new topography allows to work on both the horizontal and vertical planes, to create a complexity where there isn’t one way to experience the project, but several possibilities to experience it.
This complexity is achieved by a 7x7 module that has submodules with different typologies and uses. The site has 3 main zones; the transportation node, the cultural hub, and the housing area each having their function-related public spaces and open-air activities.
Architecture Landscape Integration
Artificial Landscape Topography
Artificial Architectural Topography
7x7 modules with 3.5x3.5 sub-modules
Greenhouse introducing urban agriculture into the site
Circulation easily recognized circulation cores
Pergola creating shaded and climate comfortable exterior spaces
Solids hosting the different assigned functions
Excavated enclosed public green space creating also seatings under the shade
Longitudinal Section crossing the cultural hub
Cross Section
through the cultural hub, public space, parking existing building and the re-designed metro station
Lateral Section crossing the emergency housing | Airbnb