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Our Advisory Council
The Advisory Council is a forum of food system experts who shar e their insights to help accelerate action on ReFED’s priority programs and long-term strategic goals. We were thankful to have five Advisory Council members continue their term from 2021 and to welcome six new Advisory Council members in 2022.
Continuing Advisory Council members: New Advisory Council members in 2022:
Dr. Liz Goodwin, OBE Senior Fellow and Director, Food Loss and Waste, World Resources Institute
Ami McReynolds
Chief Equity and Programs Officer, Feeding America
Susan Robinson
Senior Director of Sustainability, Waste Management
Benjamin Crook
VP Dressings & Condiments NA, Unilever
Amy Duffuor
General Partner, Azolla Ventures
Claudia Fabiano
Sustainable Management of Food Team, EPA
Leah Lizarondo
CEO and Co-Founder, Food Rescue Hero
Julia Ruedig
Principal, Amazon Fresh
Sauleh Siddiqui
Associate Professor of Environmental Science, American University
“My top priorities during my Board service have been ensuring and supporting strong organizational leadership and governance — not just strong leadership as defined by level of expertise and credentials, but leadership that is highly centered on actively building and intentionally maintaining a healthy culture where people are valued, included, respected, and supported. I've enjoyed working with Pamela, and I know the Board is in capable hands.”
Nicola Dixon, Former Chair , ReFED Board of Directors Director of Global Impact , General Mills