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Association Advantage Membership to Association Advantage provides officials, associations and their leaders the tools to conduct well-run meetings, education resources for officiating training and access to years of association management articles. Member associations also receive 12 issues of Referee magazine, monthly Advisor newsletters, Click e-newsletters, massive discounts on training materials and optional insurance coverage exclusive to membership. For additional membership information, contact Ken Koester at 262-632-5448 or visit the Association Advantage website at nasoadvantage.com.
Purchase Officials Supplies — Everything for Life Inside the Lines. Call 800-767-2233 or visit our website purchaseofficials. com for the best products and prices in the market.
Ump-Attire.com — The #1 website for officials’ sporting goods. Now serving free returns to go along with more brands, product reviews, same-day shipping and world-class service.
Smitty Outlet Store Visit the NEW Smitty Outlet Store featuring discontinued, factory seconds and individual slightly defective items at great prices. Go to smittyoutletstore.com to shop now! TRAINING RESOURCES
Referee Training Center — The largest library of officiating training materials in the world. Rules study, mechanics updates and materials on important topics can all be found in one location 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with sample chapters and video samples. Discover it all at store.referee.com.
GameNite Seeking Beta Testers – GameNite is a mobile app that puts the football official’s gamecard and timer on a mobile device. We will launch GameNite in the 2022 season. For 2021, we are seeking Beta Testers to use GameNite in game situations. If you become a Beta Tester, you will get a free one-year subscription to GameNite. Email gamenightfootballapps@ gmail.com for a beta copy of GameNite.
BASKETBALL 1 — All – b (NFHS 2-12-5; NCAA M/W 2-10.9) 2 — NFHS – b (1-10-1, 4-61, 9-11); NCAAM – a (1-14.1, 9-15.2.a.1); NCAAW – b (1-14.1, 9-15.2.a.1) 3 — NFHS – a (1-4-1); NCAAM/W – c (1-7.1) 4 — NFHS – a (1-14); NCAAM/W – c (NCAAM 10-2.1; NCAAW 10-12.2.a.2) 5 — NFHS – b (3-4-3b, 10-64); NCAAM/W – d (NCAA M 1-22.7.b.3, 10-2.3.c; NCAA W 1-22.7.b.3, 10-12.2.c.3)
SOCCER 1 — All – d (NFHS 12-8-2f; NCAA A.R.3.1.c; IFAB 3.6) 2 — NFHS – a (7-1-3); NCAA – d (7.5.3); IFAB – b (7.5) 3 — All – c (NFHS 9-2-3; NCAA IFAB 8.2) 4 — All – a (NFHS 11-1-4; NCAA 11.2; IFAB 11.2) BASEBALL 1 — All – c (NFHS 8-3-2; NCAA 8-3e; pro 6.01h1) 2 — All – d (NFHS 8-2-5; NCAA 8-6a Note 2; pro 5.09c2 AR B) 3 — All – c (NFHS 8-1-1e; NCAA 6-3d; pro 6.01h) 4 — NFHS – c (8-4-2d Pen); NCAA, pro – b (NCAA 2-51; pro Interference Definition) 5 — All – b (NFHS 8-1-1, 8.1.1A; NCAA 8-5n; pro 5.09b10).
FOOTBALL 1— Both – a (NFHS 7-1-7a; NCAA 7-1-2b-4c, 7-1-3d) 2 — NFHS – a (2-24-6 through 8, 6-1-2); NCAA – d (2-16-5b, 6-12a and d, 6-1-4c-4 and 5, 8-5-2) 3 — NFHS – c (9-6-4c Pen.); NCAA – a (3-5-3b Pen.) 4 — NFHS – a (2-44 Pen., 7-513); NCAA – c (7-3-5, 7-3-11 Pen.) 5 — Both – d (NFHS 10-2-1b, 10-2-2b, 10.2.2A; NCAA 10-1-4 Exc. 1, AR 10-1-4 III) SOFTBALL
1 — NFHS, USA Softball, USSSA
– d (NFHS 8-2-5 Pen.; USA Softball 8-2h Eff.; USSSA 8-17g); NCAA – c (12.5.7, 12.10.4 Eff.)
2 — NFHS, USA Softball,
USSSA – b (NFHS 8-9-4 Exc.; USA Softball 8-10d Exc.; USSSA 8-3d Exc.); NCAA – a (no rules provisions)
3 — NFHS, USA Softball, USSSA
– c (NFHS 7-4-4 Pen.; USA Softball 7-6s Eff.; USSSA 7-12 Pen.); NCAA – e (11.20.2 Eff., 11.21.16)
VOLLEYBALL 1 — All – c (NFHS 11-4-3; NCAA; USAV 17.1.1, USAV Guidelines for Dealing with Blood) 2 — NFHS, NCAA – b (NFHS 10-3-6 Note, 10-4-3-a2; NCAA,; USAV – a (15.7, 3 — NFHS, USAV – b (NFHS 7-2; USAV 7.3.2); NCAA – a ( 4 — NFHS – b (4-2-1h-3); NCAA, USAV – a (NCAA; USAV 4.3)
Referee is a magazine written from an officiating perspective, blending editorial credibility and business viability. It educates, challenges and inspires officials at the youth, recreational, high school, collegiate and professional levels in all sports, with an emphasis on baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball and volleyball. Referee is the journal of record for officiating and takes informed positions on selected issues. The magazine provides a forum for its readers, facilitates the flow of information, raises public consciousness about officials’ roles and serves as a catalyst for improved officiating worldwide.
40 YEARS AGO … 1981
• An out-of-court settlement is reached in a lawsuit where two basketball referees sued a Florida junior college coach for defamation. For his comments to a newspaper critical of Les Lawn and Carlton Benton, coach John Pellegrino of Hillsborough Community College issued a written apology and paid an undisclosed sum.
30 YEARS AGO … 1991
• The National Association of Basketball Coaches seeks a national rating system and limitations on the numbers of games referees can work each week. The proposal sought to use the ratings to determine which officials were selected for postseason events.
20 YEARS AGO … 2001
• MLB asks umpires to call more strikes and notes a “suggested goal” for each game. In a memo to umpires, Sandy Alderson, thenMLB executive vice president for baseball operations, suggested games should have 270 pitches per game. The World Umpire Association filed a grievance and MLB agreed not to use pitch count and pitch-count averages.
10 YEARS AGO … 2011
• Nine different soccer goalline technology systems undergo testing by FIFA. Testing, under standards set by the International Football Association Board, included a goal indication to the referee’s watch through a vibration, 100 percent recognition of free shots on goal and utilization during both daytime and nighttime matches to ensure consistency.