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BASEBALL 1 — All – c (NFHS 2008 Interp. Sit. 3; NCAA 8-3o2; pro 5.06b4F) 2 — NFHS – c (3-2-1); NCAA, pro – d (NCAA 3-3a; pro 5.03b) 3 — NFHS, NCAA – a (NFHS 3-11; NCAA 5-5b); pro — c (5.10g) 4 — All – d (NFHS 3-1-1, 3.1.1C; NCAA 5-5j1; pro 5.10d)
BASKETBALL 1 — All – c (NFHS 3-4; NCAAM/W 1-22.1) 2 — NFHS – d (3-5-4d); NCAAM/W – e (1-24.1.e) 3 — All – e (NFHS 3-3-4; NCAAM/W 3-6.1.j) 4 — NFHS – e (7-4-5, 7-5-4a, Shot Clock Operator Guidelines #6.b.i); NCAAM – a (2-11.6.d.6, 7-3.1.e, 7-3.2.b, 7-3.2.d); NCAAW – d (2-11.6.b.1, 7-3.2.b) SOCCER 1 — NFHS, NCAA – b (NFHS 12-8-2c; NCAA; IFAB – a (10.3) 2 — All – c (NFHS 1-2-6; NCAA 1.6.1; IFAB 5.3) 3 — All – a (NFHS 10-1-1; NCAA 10.1.1; IFAB 10.1) 4 — All – c (NFHS 16-1-1; NCAA 16.2.5; IFAB 16)
FOOTBALL 1 — NFHS – d (4-2-2a Exc. 1); NCAA – a (4-1-3b Exc.) 2 — NFHS – a (9-5-1); NCAA – b (9-2-1a-1f) 3 — Both – c (NFHS 6-1-8 Pen., 10-2-5, 3.3.3 G; NCAA 6-2-1 Pen., 10-1-5) 4 — Both – c (NFHS 8-5-3c; NCAA 8-6-1a) SOFTBALL 1 — All – b (NFHS 3-3-6f-1; NCAA; USA Softball 4-3e; USSSA 5-4) 2 — All – c (NFHS 8-4-3e Pen.; NCAA Eff.; 8-5g Eff.; USSSA 8-14c-3) 3 — All – c (NFHS 2-25-1a, 7.4.13; NCAA 11.12.1 Eff.; USA Softball 7-6m Exc. 2, 1 – Foul Ball; USSSA 7-14f Note, 3 – Foul Ball)
VOLLEYBALL 1 — All – c (NFHS 5-4-1h; NCAA officiating manual pg. 12; USAV officiating techniques) 2 — All – c (NFHS 9-4-5; NCAA 14.2.2; USAV 9.2.2) 3 — All – a (NFHS 10-2-3, 10-2 Pen.; NCAA; USAV 15.10.4)
Referee is a magazine written from an officiating perspective, blending editorial credibility and business viability. It educates, challenges and inspires officials at the youth, recreational, high school, collegiate and professional levels in all sports, with an emphasis on baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball and volleyball. Referee is the journal of record for officiating and takes informed positions on selected issues. The magazine provides a forum for its readers, facilitates the flow of information, raises public consciousness about officials’ roles and serves as a catalyst for improved officiating worldwide.
40 YEARS AGO … 1983
•The FBI publishes its “10 Most Wanted Fugitives List” that includes a former amateur baseball umpire. Leo Joseph Koury, 48, was also a well-known businessman in Richmond, Va., who was indicted by a federal grand jury in 1978 on charges including murder, racketeering and extortion. At the time when the FBI published the list, Koury had been at large for more than four years.
30 YEARS AGO … 1993
•Five men are added to the National Professional Soccer League (NPSL) officials’ roster for the 199293 season. Vinnie Mauro, Esse Baharmast, Bobby Bribiesca, Alan Shepherd and David Missel rounded out the 59-man staff, the growth attributed to the league’s decision to expand from nine to 13 teams. Twelve additional officials were added to a developmental staff.
20 YEARS AGO … 2003
•Basketball referees Mona Miller, Leigh Anne Webb and Erica Bradley become the first all-female crew to officiate a men’s regularseason college basketball game. The crew worked an 82-44 victory by Martin Methodist over Atlanta Christian in the NAIA’s TranSouth Conference.
10 YEARS AGO … 2013
• Hank O’Day, who worked 10 World Series during his MLB umpiring career, becomes the 10th umpire voted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. O’Day, who umpired from 1888-1927, was one of three men voted into the 2013 class on the Pre-Integration Era Committee ballot, alongside former New York Yankees owner Jacob Ruppert and 19th-century catcher Deacon White.