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(Sports Officials Security Program)
$6 million General Liability Coverage
Excess coverage for claims for bodily injury, property damage and personal and advertising injury (defined as slander or libel) up to $6 million per occurrence general liability limit with a personal aggregate of $14 million.
Assault-Related $15,500 Coverage
Provides coverage for certain legal fees and medical expenses and game fee losses resulting from injuries suffered when an official is the victim of an assault and/or battery by a spectator, fan or participant while officiating.
$100,000 Game Call and Assigners’ Coverage
Up to $100,000 coverage for claims involving a challenged game call which resulted in a claimed financial loss or a suit against an assigner by a disgruntled official.
Referee Digital Magazine
Allows you access to a digital customized MHSAA-version of Referee magazine to read wherever you’re on the go. MHSAA NASO members will receive exclusive MHSAA content through the digital magazine. Referee is the number one source of information for sports officials, written by officials. Each issue includes news columns and journalof-record reports and deep-coverage sport-specific sections complete with rule interpretations and caseplays.
Referee Magazine (NASO Print Edition)
MHSAA members have the option to upgrade to the print version of the magazine, delivered to your mailbox every month. 84 pages of in-depth feature stories as only Referee can report them.
It’s Official Newsletter

Monthly 16-page newsletter providing association news, information, caseplays and educational product discounts.
Marriott VIP Card
Provides discounted rates at Marriott & Starwoodbranded hotels within the US and Canada, subject to availability.

With the VIP card, NASO members may receive a room rate of up to 25 percent off the regular price at participating hotels where space is available. The Athletic VIP card must be shown at check-in.
Registration Discount to The Sports Officiating Summit Members only registration discounts.
10% discounts
Member Information & Consultation Program (MICP)
NASO LockerRoom
Online newsletter includes latest news on NASO, officiating techniques and philosophy.
Interactive Sport Quizzes
Online access to sport quizzes that will help you improve your knowledge of the rules.
Officiating Resources
Special Members-only buying discounts on Referee and NASO publications. Savings up to 20%.
Provides help when you need to sort out an officiating related issue, includes both free information and free consultation with a knowledgeable person.


2017 Lathrop Ave Racine, WI 53405
262-632-5448 naso.org naso@naso.org don’t process the information, you’ve done your duty.
You may issue an official or unofficial warning. In football, for instance, a warning is the first step if the area between the sideline and the team area is not vacant when the ball is live. Officials may let the coach know he or she may want to handle a problem player before a penalty is levied.
Don’t be eager to stand over them and force information on them whenever you think you might have some. Instead, wait to be spoken to and, if the coach really wants to know, be ready to supply a concise explanation of what went on. If you utter 50 words when 25 will do, you’ve said too much. Often, they already know and sometimes they don’t care what happened. But when it’s your turn, offer an explanation not an opinion and you should be off to a good start.
If dealing with coaches was easy, anyone could do the job. We start earning our pay when our authority begins to be challenged. That isn’t the end of the world, merely the way of the world and we need not take it personally.
Always take the high road when dealing with coaches and develop a good formula for saying and doing the right things to keep differences from escalating into something worse.
Quick Tip
Compliment your partners in front of others. Think about it when you’re on the field or court. If your partner has just made a big block/ charge call, offer a comment like, “Great call, Mary.” Or you might try, “Absolutely a hold. Nice job, Steve.” The players and coaches will hear you and that reaffirmation will not only make your partner feel like a million bucks, it will help to quiet any possible opposition. There’s strength in numbers and making the compliment public will increase its value and derail any discourse.