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Break the bottle without breaking the bank Life | 6


Reflector The


SEPTEMBER 21, 2012





BY PAIGE MCKAY Contributing Writer

Amongst all the car ads, restaurant ads and other numerous clips shown on the jumbotron during the football games, the “Physics of Football” segment is one that has remained constant the last four years. Starring Mississippi State University’s own physics professor, Josh Winter, and members of the Bulldog football team, Winter and his chosen “assistant” for each video bring to life a physics experiment by using football plays. The video segment was started four years ago when the former athletic director Greg Byrne approached Winter and asked if he would like to do one segment for one of the upcoming home games. Little did Win-

ter know the segment would be a hit and would still be airing every home game four years later. “At first it was just going to be one segment, but after that one, the reaction we got from people was very positive, so Greg Byrne asked if I wanted to make one for every game, and I agreed,” he said. For every home game, Winter writes the script and comes up with the experiment to be conducted. He even writes what he calls the “corny jokes.” “Coming up with new experiments for the first couple years was easy because there was so much I wanted to show everyone, but recently it’s been a little more difficult to come up with new ideas,” Winter said. “As long as I can keep coming up with new experiments, I’ll be set.” The idea of this segment is to show the crowd that

physics is everywhere and in every aspect of life, not just the things seen on television and in textbooks. “I love physics and incorporating it with what other people love, which is MSU football. I like that it reaches a wide audience, and not just people in physics class,” Winter said. Freshman cheerleader Sydney Simpson said she is a fan of Winter’s segments. “I didn’t ever think about physics being in football like that but I enjoy watching the videos. I want to take physics now to learn more about it,” Simpson said. Because nearly all of Starkville sees these segments on game days, Winter said he is easily recognized around town at restaurants and on campus, almost as if he is a small town celebrity. SEE PHYSICS, 2

MSU fourth place for national free speech BY JAMIE ALLEN Staff Writer

Students, faculty, staff and alumni from Mississippi State University have a new award to contribute to the university’s esteem— Kibler the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education awarded MSU fourth in the nation for freedom of speech. FIRE is a “watch dog” organization that reviews policies and procedures in colleges and universities regarding constitutional freedoms for students and others on college and university campuses throughout the country. Bill Kibler, vice president for Student Affairs at MSU, said some of the policies that FIRE takes into consideration include policies pertaining to expression, assembly, organizational affiliation, harassment and discrimination. “FIRE reviews a whole range of policies on each campus,” Kibler said. “I believe MSU has had a long history of assuring that our policies and practices assured the highest level of freedoms permitted by law.” Philip Poe, assistant professor of communication, said the ratings bring good recognition to MSU, as

well as give the students an equal opportunity to speak out on their beliefs. “The university has worked to foster an environment of anti-discrimination and equal opportunity and the chance to freely express yourself, whether students take that opportunity or not is their decision,” Poe said. According to, FIRE reviewed 392 schools, giving only 14 a green light. Also, 65 percent of universities in the United States received a red light, meaning that at least one policy clearly restricts freedom of speech or denies access to the public regarding its policies about free speech. In the past, MSU has been given a yellow light concerning this topic. The yellow light means that the institution has policies that could stifle freedom of speech. “Although we had a yellow rating before, it really only took some fairly minor changes in the language of one or two of our policies to change our ratings to green,” Kibler said. Mark Goodman, professor of communication, said some of the university policies were unconstitutional and after MSU revised its policy to be more constitutional, MSU received the green light. Kibler said even though freedoms have remained the same since the Constitution was ratified, there have been many changed in interpretation and application since then.


From left: Braden Whitehead, Bryce Bean and Jeff Agre started Tent Dawgs to assist tailgaters on gamedays.

Tent Dawgs take advantage of home games, create business BY HILLARY LAPLATNEY Contributing Writer

The Tent Dawgs is making it possible for Mississippi State University football fans to enjoy tailgating without worrying about setup. The Tent Dawgs is a student-run organization responsible for storing, setting up and taking down customers’ tailgating items during the MSU football season. Braden Whitehead, Jeffrey Agre and Bryce Bean are the three MSU students who comprise the Tent Dawgs. Whitehead and Agre, founders of the organization, were setting up tents before a game last season

when the Tent Dawgs was born. Whitehead, sophomore business marketing major, called himself the entrepreneur of the Tent Dawgs business. “Last year we were setting up tents for a relative of mine at a tailgate. They paid us a little money, and after we walked off, I was like, ‘We really need to start setting up tents for people,’” he said. Agre, sophomore kinesiology major, said he enjoys working as a Tent Dawg and giving back to the community. “We don’t have to have a full-time job, and we only work seven weeks, so it’s pretty nice,” he said. “We wanted to give back to Mississippi State. We love the tailgating expe-

rience, and we wanted to provide service that’s affordable for people.” According to, “The Tent Dawgs are dedicated to providing all Bulldog fans with the best tailgating experience.” Its website was created by Bean, sophomore business information systems major. The Tent Dawgs has since relocated to tailgate. Whitehead and Agre said their business has been able to expand even more this season because they now live in a house instead of a dorm. The two own a trailer in which their customers’ tents and accessories are stored during the football season.



BAD DAWGS..............................3 OPINION ............................... 4 CONTACT INFO........................5 BULLETIN BOARD....................5

CROSSWORD .................. ......5 CLASSIFIEDS...........................5 LIFE......................................6 SPORTS...................................8





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friday , september 21 , 2012



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The Tent Dawgs arrive at the Junction early and create the perfect tailgate experience. on the Friday morning before a home game in “40 dollars a tent, $30 for TV and satellite order to make sure their clients get ideal tail- and $15 for tables and chairs,” Bean said. gating locations. Bean also said they receive about 10 hits per “On Friday mornings we get there at 4:30 week on their website and are still in the proa.m.,” Whitehead said. “We lay out the tents cess of getting it fully launched. and claim the spots. We don’t “I work (the site) though a guy On Friday mornings that runs Bulldog Junction, Miactually put up the tents until 4 o’clock in the afternoon.” we get there at 4:30 chael Wardlaw,” Bean said. “I’ve Agre said the work does not been working with him through a.m. We lay out the our website. We still have some stop on Friday, as the group works thoughout game day to tents and claim the more stuff to put on there, but ensure customer satisfaction. we have the basics down.” spots. We don’t “We get there early on SaturThe Tent Dawgs’ website has actually put up the day morning, too,” Agre said. pricing and contact information “That’s when we bring the tatents until 4 o’clock in and will soon feature recipes and bles, chairs, satellites and TVs tailgate tips. For more informathe afternoon.” so they won’t be out there overtion on the Tent Dawgs, visit Braden Whitehead night. We don’t want anything to get damaged or stolen.” or follow them on Twitter @ Bean, does advertising for the group and is TentDawgs. their website manager. John Galatas contributed information to Bean said their prices are affordable for fans this article.


1. James Madison University 2. The College of William & Mary Clothesline Project | This week, MSU’s Department of Relationship Violence and Outreach hosted its annual 3. University of Mississippi Clothesline Project. The project is a vehicle for victims affected by violence (sexual assault, rape, incest or domestic violence) to 4. Mississippi State University 5. University of Tennessee-Knoxville express their emotions by decorating a shirt. They then hang the shirt on a clothesline to be viewed by others as a testimony. 6. University of Virginia PHYSICS continued from 1 7. University of Pennsylvania stephanie godfrey | the reflector

zack orsborn | the reflector


continued from 1

“Although freedoms of speech and expression and assembly have been assured since our Constitution was ratified, there have been changes throughout our history in case law coming from the courts that pertain to how these freedoms are interpreted and applied in varying situations,” Kibler said.

Kibler also said that all universities should stay current on these changes so they can be changed and adjusted accordingly. Poe said stressing freedom of speech is important for any university. People should be able to express their opinions in a peaceful manner. “It’s an important func-

tion of universities – to foster that beliefs or ideals that this country was built on that people can have civil discussions about issues in which they have different opinions and we can still get along at the end of the day, we can all wear maroon and go to the football game at the end of the day,” Poe said.

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“It’s almost surreal seeing myself on the big “I don’t know how (the show) got arrainged, screen like that, and it’s also weird that when I but it’s kind of a joint project among athletics, the see people around town, they know me as ‘the television center and the College of Arts and Sciphysics guy on the jumbotron’,” Winter said. “It’s ences,” Bailey said. “I’ve been editing since episode so strange because teacher and ceone.” I knew he was a lebrity are two totally opposite Bailey also said Winter is the things, and it’s like I’m both.” mind behind the ideas and keeps teacher here, but Freshman biological science the program fresh. actually seeing him major Brooke Brumfield said that “This last year has been a little in person and not on bit more difficult, but he keeps she saw Winter in Hilbun Hall one day and once it hit her as to a screen was almost coming up with new things,” Bailey who he was, she was almost a little said. “Combining different topics, surreal.” star struck. talking about how physics effects “I knew he was a teacher here, football, there’s always more to covBrook Brumfield but actually seeing him in person er as far as the physics, but without and not on a screen was almost surreal. It was getting too complex.” pretty neat, and after watching his clips, I’ve Seeing that the community’s feedback to the thought about taking physics,” Brumfield said. “Physics of Football” has been positive thus far, the Ben Bailey, senior international business ma- videos will continue their air time at Davis Wade jor, edits footage and audio, creates graphics and Stadium. animations and is the mind behind post-producJohn Galatas contributed information to this article. tion.



friday , september 21 , 2012




jay johnson | the reflector

Starkville natives launch new sports app, website By SaSha SteinBerg Staff Writer

Two Starkville natives will be launching a mobile sports application and website later this fall. Hossein Kash Razzaghi, chief executive officer of Fancred, said he has often resorted to text messaging and email when talking Mississippi State University sports with childhood best friend and co-founder, Michael Pan. However, about a year ago, they decided being a sports fan was not as simple as they would like and used their experiences as inspiration for starting the company. “During Mississippi State games that we would watch, he was in Chicago and I was in Boston, and we would always find ourselves texting each other and emailing, but it would be a long thread of emails back and forth. There isn’t enough time during the day to spend visiting 15 different sports blogs or websites to keep up with the latest in Mississippi State athletics,” he said. “So, the premise of Fancred is to enhance your life as a sports fan by giving you a single point of access to the information and content from people you trust: the beat reporters, the blog writers, the journalists. In that same place, we want to give you a forum to have conversations with people you trust and enjoy,” Razzaghi said. Pan, vice president of product for Fancred, said while social networks and easy access to the web have allowed a better way to stay connected, he and Razzaghi said they found despite the technology and apps available today, what existed was not good enough for sports. “Hossein and I have been lucky enough to be born and raised in a town centered around a great university and sports culture, (but) all the daily things we were doing as sports fans were getting lost in the noise and fragmentation of social media and news providers,” he said. “Sharing and celebrating going to a game at Scott Field seemed less meaningful when it was mixed in with baby pictures

and Farmville requests. With Fancred, hopefully people won’t have to download another sports app again and they’ll finally have one place to go to for their sports life.” The mobile app is expected to be launched in early October or late November, just in time for football bowl season and college basketball, and a full web experience will be launched several weeks after that, Razzaghi said. “We’re going after college sports first because college sports fans are usually the ones that are more likely to use social media, have sports conversations and be in-theknow about their teams,” he said, “But it’s (Fancred) really a tool for any kind of sports fan, regardless of which sports they like or where they live.” Razzaghi said there will be no cost for consumers to access or use the mobile app and website, and anyone interested in getting involved with Fancred is encouraged to do so. “There are different types of fans out there, and some are really active and always want to promote themselves or talk sports,” he said. “Others just want to spend a few minutes and find conversations and content that they can be sure is credible, so I think Fancred will help both kinds of fans.” Landon Howell, who is based in Birmingham and serves as the voice behind Fancred’s Twitter, said his role with the company primarily involves communication and outreach, and he said he agrees sports fans have no app to call their own. “We’re looking for avid football and basketball fans who would like to be first users. We will be inviting a select group of Beta users midfall before opening Fancred to all,” he said. “Anyone who is interested in being a Beta user can reach out to me at or @ fancred on Twitter.” Along with Razzaghi, Pan and Howell, the Fancred team is composed of Craig Johnson, vice president of engineering and Jeremy Merle, chief experience officer. Unlike on sports blogs and forums where people can

post under a username, Razzaghi said Fancred users will have to first log into either Facebook or Twitter for verification purposes. “When you log in, we’re authenticating you to make sure you really are who you say you are,” he said. “The coolest thing about it is if you are a passionate sports fan, you probably already told Facebook or Twitter that you like Mississippi State, and so, we’ll be able to know which teams you like and we can immediately give you content for those teams and hook you up with people that are like-minded.” When measuring the everyday life of a sports fan, Razzaghi said each user will be given points, or Fancred, which can be tracked. “We’ve created an algorithm that essentially takes into consideration anything that we believe you can do as a fan, and that algorithm will always be changing because there are always new things that people do to show their . For every action you take, there’s a weight we will assign to it, he said.” “We’re not asking you to do anything you don’t do already. Some of the things that you do as a fan, in my opinion, are more impressive than others. For instance, if you go and read a blog about Mississippi State sports, you get points for that, but if you actually go to a game or travel to an away game, that’s even more impressive. You can use that score as a tool to find other people or you can use it as a tool to sort of brag about your fanhood Razzaghi said.” Users will be informed about what they can do to increase their Fancred, Razzaghi said.

Monday, September 17

• 10:22 a.m. A student reported being struck in the chest by an unknown person near Subway on MSU’s campus. • 7:09 p.m. A student reported feeling threatened by her roommate’s family in Sessums Hall. While Fancred has already • 7:15 p.m. Students reported their backpacks stolen from the begun to gain a lot of trac- Sanderson Center. tion and his team has done quite a number of press tours, Razzaghi said they will be doing a lot more, including a full SEC press tour, to make sure people know about the launch. “The encouraging thing is that most sports fans get that their life is fragmented when it comes to being a fan and they get that their life is probably not as easy as it should be so it hasn’t been too hard convincing them that this (Fancred) is something they need, he said.” Overall, Razzaghi said he is greatly anticipating the initial launch as well as what the future may hold for Fancred and its users. “I think through time, we’ll be able to do a lot of different things and provide a lot of features and functionality. We’ll launch and see how people like it,” he said. “I think, at the end of the day, most fans will agree that their life is just too busy when it comes to sports and the way they get their information, and that’s the problem we’re trying to solve.”

Tuesday, September 18 • 12:21 p.m. A student reported slipping and falling at Hilbun Hall. • 1:09 p.m. A student reported her vehicle missing from Cresswell Hall. • 5:09 p.m. A student reported her backpack stolen from the Sanderson Center. •10:28 p.m. A student reported being assaulted by her roommate’s male friend in Sessums Hall.

Wednesday, September 19 • 12:29 p.m. A student threatened to harm herself after a meeting with Financial Aid at Garner Hall. • 1:44 p.m. A student reported his hand gun missing from the trunk of his car while parked in the Swamp Lot behind McKee Hall. A student referral was issued for having a gun on campus. • 10:47 p.m. Students were questioned regarding their involvement surrounding an MSU vehicle at Cresswell Hall.

Thursday, September 20 • 4:53 a.m. A non-resident/visitor was acting belligerently and disrespectfully in the lobby of Rice Hall.


Correction: In Tuesday’s The Reflector, the iPhone 5 feature article stated the new product lighter because it is completely out of alu• 17 citations werewhen issueditfor speeding. minum and glass, should have read the new phone is lighter because new were technology in the screen givessign. the phone less mass and • 2 citations issued for running a stop a new anodized backside is no longer made of glass. The Reflector regrets this error.

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the voice of MSU students



Causation does not imply correlation SA constitution campaigning M rules outdated, need revision any people, scientists included, make incorrect judgments about how things work because they mis-attribute causes and effects. Many fundamental advancements in science are due to a new understanding of the causative relationships being studied. Unfortunately, it is easy to mistake causation with correlation. Correlation is when two phenomena are observed simultaneously or in sequence, sometimes repeatedly, but without any proposed mechanism to assert causation, or responsibility of one event for the other. Without a good deal of scientific testing, theres is difficulty sometimes to establish the real, causal nature of the way certain things work, leading many people to come to erroneous conclusions. It is important in everyday life and in scientific research to understand correlation does not imply causation. One way to emphasize this is by looking at examples of correlated events with a third event which is the actual cause of the two results in question. A good example put forth by Carl Sagan in his TV show “Cosmos” is pulsars, regularly pulsing stars that emit unwavering radio signals multiple

times a second. In pharmaceutical trials, An argument could go like the drug in question is given this: “Intelligent humans can to half the participants while create regularly pulsing radio a plain sugar pill (called a plasignals, I see a regularly puls- cebo) is given to the other half ing radio signal in space and, and the results are gathered. therefore, there is an intelliIf the drug has any effects gent being right there.” beyond the psychological benB u t efit of that line thinking Without a knowledge of the of reayou are real workings and a healthy soning is being flawed, g i v e n sense of doubt and curiosity, as scia funcit is easy to get it wrong and t i o n entists never know a decision is based al pill h a v e deteroff an erroneous assumption.” ( c a l l e d the plamined it is actually a type of neutron cebo effect), then the researchstar that rotates rapidly on its ers can conclude something in axis, causing the pulsating ra- their drug worked. If a scientist were to only dio signal that we see. A famous example to help look at his or her experiment prove correlation does not without taking into considernecessitate causation is the ation outside variables, then Church of Pastafarianism’s what he or she thought they facetious claim that “Piracy were discovering could be has decreased, and the aver- completely wrong. As pointed out by Carl Saage global temperature has increased; therefore, the decrease gan in “Cosmos,” Aristotle is a of piracy is responsible for wonderful example. He noticed a rock falls to global warming.” Scientists know increasing temperatures the ground faster than a feathare due to physical effects like er, and so he determined it must the sun’s cycles and the green- be because the rock is heavier house effect, entirely unrelat- than the feather, concluding ed to piracy. heavy things must fall more Scientists often employ quickly than light things. But clever tricks to separate cor- this is wrong, feathers and rocks relation from causation, such fall at the same speed in the abas using control experiments sence of air resistance. and placebo testing. Galileo approached this cor-


CAMERON CLARKE Cameron Clarke is a sophomore majoring in physics. He can be contacted at opinion@reflector. rectly; taking two differently weighted objects, a large and a small cannon ball, and dropping them from the leaning tower of Pisa. Galileo correctly determined all things accelerate at the same speed under the influence of gravity, and he actually got pretty close to developing Newtonian mechanics, supplying Newton with the groundwork to do it instead. Understanding appearances can be deceiving is important because many decisions we make day to day are governed by our immediate reactions to what appears to be causing what goes on. Without knowledge of the real workings and a healthy sense of doubt and curiosity it is easy to be get it wrong and never know a decision is based off an erroneous assumption.

ast year, I found myself used for the purposes of voting, skimming the Student As- does this mean that your comsociation Constitution and puter creates an invisible 25-foot its various amendments for some radius around you, which pressorganization business. ganged pledges on the Drill Field I forgot almost all of it ex- must flee from or become the cept the parts I was interested subject of a campaigning violain, but seeing the article in The tion? An extreme example, but Reflector on Tuesday about the amusing nonetheless, and I cerproposed campaigning changes tainly would not mind getting reminded me of something I no- across the Drill Field without ticed about the current election being harassed by competing rules. Title 400, Chapter 402.4 swarms of Comfort-color-coded D states, “On Election Day, freshmen during Homecoming campaigning shall not be allowed voting. within twenty-five (25) feet of Regardless of whether or not the building we’ll be able of any pollto use our lapAs any student’s laptop tops as shields ing place.” A quick jot is now capable of being come October, down to think this exused for the purposes of Iample 402.9 A rehelps voting, does this mean veals that a outline some of polling stayour computer creates the issues with tion is dethe current elecan invisible 25-foot radius tion code. fined as “any computer lab H o p e f u l l y, around you?” on campus” Wynn will sucor “one or more computers orga- ceed in his goal of making the nized for the purpose of voting elections process much more sane and respectable, making on or off campus”. Now that the SA has con- this a moot point. But should we all have to enverted the entire process to an online system available through dure one more Homecoming myState, I think that these rules election cycle under the old status quo, we might as well make become difficult to interpret. As any student’s laptop is now it interesting and see if the above capable of being a computer statutes are worth anything.


Bicycle helmet laws necessary, affect others I

n a recent article “Wear- padded, DOT-approved heling helmets should be a met. choice,” Matt Taylor preThis means I sacrifice comsented some legitimate points fort and a lot of air flow for on why the government safety, and I do it for my own shouldn’t be the one to tell us benefit, not because somehow we should protect our- one told me to. The reasons I selves. In my opinion, how- choose this helmet are abunever, there are more aspects dant, and also affect the averof this helmet ordinance that age Mississippi State student affect us on more levels than on a bicycle. just limiting our personal I am going to assume most choices. of us stuI ride a Instead of being upset with dents on motorcyampus the local government, we cstill cle about claim should appreciate them for our parsix miles to school caring about our safety on ents health twice a insurance. the roadway, especially day. By Because of law, I am with the way some people that, your required to parents are dive around this town.” wear a Deresponsipartment ble for any of Transportation-approved medical bills you may assume motorcycle helmet. While I due to bodily injury. have several options, I choose This also means if you obto wear a full face, completely tain any kind of brain or head


Reflector Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers

Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Life Editor Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans Sports Editor Kristen Spink

Campus News Editor John Galatas

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Candace Barnette

News Editor Emma Crawford

Opinion Editor Mary Chase Breedlove Copy Editor Rachel Burke



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kaitlyn Byrne 325-8991 News Editor/Emma Crawford 325-8819 News tips/John Galatas 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Mary Chase Breedlove Sports Editor/Kristen Spink 325-5118 Life Editor/Zack Orsborn 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

injury on your bike, parents are responsible for the thousands of dollars of medical bills that you caused. In addition, when cyclists are hit, most don’t die. They are instead heavily injured, resulting in massive medical bills. Every time you ride a bike without a helmet, you are inherently saying “I am affecting other people with this decision.” In the case you aren’t on your parents’ medical plan, think about trying to pay for those medical bills by yourself while you can’t even work because of injury. According to the SNELL Memorial Foundation, every year the estimated number of bicycling head injuries requiring hospitalization exceeds the total of all the head injury cases related to baseball, football, skateboards, kick scooters,

horseback riding, snowboarding, ice hockey, in-line skating and lacrosse. Although a helmet may not protect from every injury, you are much better off by wearing one. With the way bicycle helmets are created in this day and age, cyclists have the best helmets we have ever seen. Most helmets are relatively cheap, lightweight and small, thus staying out of the way of the cyclists and not interfering on hot summer days. There is absolutely no reason to forgo a helmet in favor of a $15 ticket that would cost more than a helmet would in the first place. With cars speeding by within a few feet, your hair or the temperature should be the last thing on your mind. I’m no law student, but could you imagine trying to sue a negligent driver for hitting you when you were also

BICYCLE SAFETY STATS From the US Department of Transportation: Traffic Safety Facts - 2010 (most recent)

618 bicyclists died on US roads in 2010. Bicyclist deaths represented 2 percent of all 2010 traffic fatalities. From the Snell Memorial Foundation In bicycle crashes, 2/3 of the dead and 1/8 of the injured suffered brain injuries. 95% of bicyclists killed in 2006 reportedly were not wearing helmets. ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR

breaking the law? An easy argument by the driver would be to say you assumed the risk of not wearing a helmet before even hopping on that bike and heading out on a public road. Helmet use has been estimated to reduce head injury risk by 85 percent according

ERIC EVANS Eric Evans is the multimedia editor for The Reflector. He can be contacted at opinion@ to the insurance institute for highway safety. Instead of being upset with the local government, we should appreciate them for caring about our safety on the roadway, especially with the way some people drive around this town. If the government is more concerned about our lives than we are, people are moving in the completely wrong direction.


Comfort colors bestow ultimate approval


ey, ladies. I’ve just heard leave a little extra room in case groundbreaking news you want to get crazy and eat a from an upperclassman cupcake. friend of mine: A new classmate I know some of you may read of hers informed the class at the fashion magazines and articles start of the school year all college about the cut of clothes and how girls should invest in some Com- they flatter the human figure. fort Colors shirts in order to fit in. Most of these observe wearing I’m so glad she shared this news large, oversized garments actually with the impressionable freshmen make you appear bigger rather because if not for this gem of in- than smaller. In order to bypass formation, the campus commu- this unfortunate side effect, you nity might have been able to tell may want to cinch your top with them apart and distinguish them a belt around the natural waist. as individuals. I don’t know if she However, if others are not doing mentioned the same, this part, but do not put Learn how to express you are going on the belt. yourself as an individual I repeat: if to need to get those shirts in you do not and set yourself apart. a bigger size, see the othYou owe it to yourself girls. In order er Comfort to know what Color critand your future.” size, use this ters wearing simple two-step system worldly belts, do not do so. Reserve your scholars have developed for your actual, presentable clothing for convenience: nighttime events only. And even 1. Take your weight (your ac- then, consider carefully the situtual weight, not what you tell ation for which you are putting the lady at the DMV so you can on real pants. Symphony concert? forever have 110 lbs. stamped on I don’t think people even dress your driver’s license) and multiply beyond pajama-like clothes for it by 2.5. those. Late night at the bar? Now 2. Now you have your virtual we’re talking. Get those stilettos sorority girl weight. When shop- out and hit the town because ping for your new garb, pretend there will be people there who are like you weigh that much. And worth impressing. I mean, dress-

ing for class isn’t really beneficial to you. Sure, you’re here to get an education and all, but you could learn naked, hypothetically. I guess your teachers are getting to know you and may judge you on how you present yourself to the world, but they know you care on the inside. Of course, I can’t carry this article satirically the whole way through. It hurts my fashion-focused mind too much, almost as much as it hurt my eyes for three years to watch hundreds of females not care about their attire every day. Appearances matter, people. If my teachers came to class dressed in Nike running shorts and oversized T-shirts, I would feel like I wasn’t worth the effort. I would especially be confused seeing a man in Nike running shorts. Regardless, they don’t dress this way. They dress professionally; if we as college students want to be treated as young professionals, we first have to dress like adults. Long quotes are sometimes boring and superfluous, but Clinton Kelly from TLC’s “What Not to Wear” eloquently stated in an NPR interview why style is important: “This is about coming to terms

WENDY MORELL Wendy Morell is a senior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at with the body that you have right now, and dressing it the best that you possibly can, so that you are treated with the utmost respect. And I think that’s really what it boils down to. How you dress tells the rest of the world how you expect to be treated. And I hope that you expect to be treated with some level of respect. When you cover yourself in a hoodie and an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants and a cross-training sneaker, that’s not telling the rest of the world that you feel good about yourself. That’s saying that you want to hide from the rest of the world and you’re saying, please ignore me.” Learn how to express yourself as an individual and set yourself apart. You owe it to yourself and your future.







BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. HELP WANTED Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800.965.6520 ext. 213. Part-time position for professional audio engineer(s) for nights and weekend work. Typical shift 8 to 12+ hours. Average hours per week between 0 and 16. Late hours. Inquire at or email FOR SALE Classic comics and albums. The largest collection of comic books and albums in the area. Also movie posters, sports memorabilia, DVDs, CDs and beer signs. Located in Ziggy’s Buy & Sell, 434 Highway 12. Details on Facebook. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU

student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. WESLEY FOUNDATION Insight Bible study and worship on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation Worship Center on East Lee. Boulevard next to Campus Book Mart. MSU CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION The MSU Catholic Student Association invites you to join us for Sunday mass at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 607 University Dr. All are welcome to $2 Tuesday night dinner at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Like us on Facebook: HOLMES CULTURAL DIVERSITY CENTER “Salsa in the Streets.” Come dance the

night away in front of the Colvard Student Union on Sept. 21. Lesson starts at 7 p.m. and open dance is at 8 p.m. Lessons and music will be provided by the MSU Ballroom Dance Club. Rain date is Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. RHOad Side Service! Come out Sept. 22 to the Dawghouse at 9:45 a.m. to do community service with Sigma Gamma Rho. Lunch afterward. MSU STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY Contact or like us on Facebook, “MSU ASM,” for membership information. SOCIOLOGICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION SSA will be holding its first official meeting on Sept. 27 in Bowen Hall room 250. All students, including those in BSIS with a sociology specialization, sociology majors/ minors and all interested students are welcome to join. We will be ratifying our constitution, electing officers and much more. For more information, email Dr. Shannon M. Lane at lane@soc.msstate. edu.

Solutions for 9-18-12


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LIFE & ENTERTAINMENT New liquor store offers luxurious atmosphere



Scotty’s Wine and Spirits located on Highway 12 is now open for business. Owner Scott Gault is taking his 45 years of previous retail experience and putting it to the test with the opening of his first business. Gault said he traveled to liquor stores around the state to devise the perfect formula for his store. “I looked at a lot of different stores and wrote down what I did not like about each store,” Gault said. “The main thing I did was talked to a lot of people and asked them to tell me what they did and didn’t like about their experiences shopping for wine and spirits.” He said the biggest issue customers found with other wine

and spirit stores was the lackluster customer service and the small amount of walking space between aisles. “The number one thing people wanted was space,” he said. “Customers are sick and tired of going into crowded, small stores.” When customers walk into Scotty’s, he said they want to be known not only for their impeccable presentation, but as a store that takes care of clients as soon as they walk in the door. Upon walking into the store it is easy to see the staff have accomplished their goal. The friendly staff greets people with a smile. The selection of 600 different wines are displayed on beautiful wooden racks, which are lighted for better reading. To the side of the store, a comfortable couch awaits tired shoppers. He said he wants customers to be able to take their time and enjoy the experience of shopping for wine. “You can shop for groceries, you can shop for clothes, why not be able to go somewhere and spend 20 minutes in a relaxing atmosphere?” he said. Jennifer Gregory, chief operating officer of the Greater Starkville Development Partnership, said she is happy about the arrival of a

new business in Starkville. “Any time a new business opens in Starkville, there is always a lot of excitement because of the potential sales tax revenue which can be generated, “ she said. “Lately, with the climate of record sales tax collections in the community we are seeing more and more businesses opening up, and we really think it speaks to the positive economy we are experiencing in Starkville and Oktibbeha County.” Gregory said she is also excited because Scotty’s will be providing all the wine for the Unwine Downtown event today. She said it will be a good opportunity to get the business’s name out to new clientele and a great way for the GSDP to partner with a new business in the community. She also said she was not worried about the potential competition it will provide for other wine and spirit stores. “From what I understand, they are marketing towardspeople who are looking for specific types of wine and then just your everyday liquor purchases, “ she said. “We think it will compliment the other mix of wine and spirit stores we have in Starkville.” Although the presentation is upscale, Gault said they do not

Have ideas about an entertainment feature like “What’s in Your Netflix Queue”? Let us know at life@

want to be known as a high-end store because their products and prices are comparable to other stores. “We are not an expensive, upscale store,” he said. “We just have a nice look and I was concerned about the perception of people sticking their head in the door and saying they can’t afford it.” Amber Smith, a graduate student studying accounting, said she is pleased Starkville now has a wine and spirits store with the ability to cater to the individual needs of the consumer. “Starkville has needed something like Scotty’s for a while,” she said. “Somewhere you can go and meet with a knowledgeable staff and have a diverse selection.” Gault said all students (ages 21 and up) are welcome at the store and when customers come on their 21st birthday, they take a picture of the birthday boy or girl and put it on their Facebook page. Scotty’s is located on the west side of town only six minutes from campus. The store is closed on Sundays and Christmas day. Scotty’s will soon have a website and Twitter, but in the meantime check out their Facebook page at


What’’ In Youu

Queue? the good, the bad, the shameful

1. “How It’s Made”

You can see how they make frozen french fries, underwater robots, hypodermic needles and manhole covers. How could a TV show be any cooler?


2. “Being John Malkovich”

senior industrial engineering major

These guys are more woman than I will ever be. Shantay, you stay, Ru, shantay, you stay.

It is a movie about being inside of John Malkovich’s mind and entering through a trap door. Why would this not be in my queue?

“What’s in Your Netflix Queue?” is an entertainment feature open to all students, faculty and staff. Submit your queue at life@reflector.msstate. edu.

3. “Parks and Recreation” R.I.P. Li’l Sebastian.

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‘Doctor Who’ visits America, increasing historical events protrayed BY ALEX MONIÉ Contributing Writer

Signs of blue police boxes and sonic-screwdrivers have become increasingly familiar across our campus the last few years. While many have no clue what these objects mean, those who do know they originated from the wildly popular British television show “Doctor Who.” Many Netflix subscribers have probably seen it pop up on their instant queue and had no idea what the show is, which is fair. Believe it or not, “Doctor

Who” is the longest running television series currently on air, celebrating its 50th anniversary next year. The protagonist of the series, the Doctor (currently portrayed by Matt Smith, the 11th actor to have the role) and his companions, are not bound by any setting. One episode can begin in ancient Rome, and the next can see the group on a distant planet thousands of years in the future. They could be saving William Shakespeare one week or rescuing dinosaurs on a spaceship the following.

With “Doctor Who,” the viewer is never quite sure what he or she are going to see from week to week, and that has increased the longevity of the show by decades. The question is why this show is crossing the Atlantic Ocean and resonating with American audiences. American entertainment has taken shows like “The Office” and “Skins,” which originated in Britain, and transformed them into our own versions. “Doctor Who,” on the other hand, has been embraced wholly and unchanged.

The show is not overly British, but it is extremely cheesy at times. The only resource the Doctor has at his disposal is his cleverness. This characteristic is what crosses the cultural divide, however. Americans especially love rooting for the underdog in a situation. Whether the Doctor and his companions are facing down an alien fleet or an angry village mob, they always manage to come out on top. Every viewer, no matter heritage, age or gender, understands fear, and this is

what we learn to overcome 1969 moon landing and the through these characters. American Old West. ComThe voice of the Ameri- ing up, the Doctor will viscan peoit present-day ple is not New York in an Every viewer, no lost on matter heritage, age or episode promisthe show ing to be heartgender, understands felt for current either. The last fear, and this is what viewers (farethree sePonds). we learn to overcome well, ries have So, give the through these seen an show a shot on increasing Netflix. Fair characters.” warning, the number of stories featuring America’s first few episodes show their age, but give the Doctor time history. Episodes have showcased and the series could become time periods such as the an instant favorite.



Contributing Writer


Y’all. Brandon Flowers. The man is amazing. On Tuesday, he and the rest of The Killers released Battle Born, their fourth album since 2004. Reminiscent of 80s style rock and roll, The Killers have put forth a refreshing sound with every new CD without straying too far from the sound fans adore. But really, when you have a voice as memorable as Brandon Flowers, how could you possibly desert that classic synthetic pop sound? Flowers recently told NME music blog, “People are going to be able to relate to and understand these songs. Pound for pound, this is our strongest record, and I’m really excited about it.” Long-time fan Helen Geary, sophomore undeclared major, said she agrees. “Brandon’s done it again. This album slays so hard,” she said. The album’s cohesiveness is its most remarkable quality. It covers every emotion felt by American youth: Young love found and lost, the disillusionment that accompanies the search for the ever-elusive American dream, and the decision to continue searching for a meaningful life all blend together to create an album with a soul, one that dreams and feels and gets knocked down and picks itself back up again. This is the kind of music that incites excitement and passion in its fans. Tracks like stadium-filler “Runaways” beg fans to put their lighters up and sing along, and heartfelt power ballads like “The Way It Was” and “Heart of a Girl” show Brandon’s more sensitive side. Crank up the volume. This is one fine work of art.


THE WHIGS a review

The Whigs’ new album Enjoy the Company was officially released Tuesday; yet the band has been offering it up for sale on this year’s Fall tour stops (including a night in Oxford on Sept. 7). The album has had time to float around speakers for a while. The fourth album from these Athens, Ga., natives has revealed itself to be the band’s finest work thus far, a mature venture filled with risks and pure enjoyment, as the title suggests, for the rest of us. The album opens with an eight minute call to arms as “Staying Alive” storms out of the gate. In straying further than ever from the band’s early-career stylings of guitar, bass and drums in short bursts, the cries of a horn section jubilantly reveal itself. A little past the three-minute mark the song suddenly slows, as only a quiet guitar riff and Parker Gispert’s vocals remain and the song slowly reconstructs itself. Clattering symbols return and the guitars begin screaming urgently, only to be reconciled by a slow descent and Gispert’s final whisper: “Staying alive, staying alive.” The album continues to surprise; after rollicking verses, the chorus of “Tiny Treasures” contains the first strains of acoustic guitar on the album and begins to sound like an orphaned Wilco track. Pianos periodically tinkle on “Couple of Kids,” and electric guitars are found wholly absent on “Thank You” but replaced with gentle acoustic strums. The album’s lyrics exist at a relational level, as on previous Whigs’ efforts, but these words are of a different tone: this album is a celebration both musically and lyrically. Of the small moments of domesticity (“Scream if you get bit by the snake in the yard” sings Gilbert, ready to aid, on “Thank You”) as well as that holy grail of rock and roll, as found on the transparently titled “Rock and Roll Forever” and the infectious tension of “Waiting”. “Enjoy the Company” exudes an infectious joy. A true statement of intent, the joys of the smallest things in life set to exuberant rock music with innovative, surprising touches. “Enjoy the company, take a look around you, smell the roses,” the Whigs seem to say, and as play is pressed, this is exactly what happens.


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friday , september 21 , 2012


NfL oN the tube: Stat of the day: New eNgLaNd at 8- the SeaSon-opening unbeaten baLtimore Streak of the mSu Soccer team, tying a School record suNday, 7:20 p.m. NbC

Undefeated Bulldogs prepare for Jaguars of South Alabama by ray butler Staff Writer

jay johNsoN | the refLeCtor

Freshman Derrick Milton has been an asset in the backfield this season, assisting LaDarius Perkins in the run game. The two backs have combined for 418 rush yards on the year.



CALL 325-7907

Before turning their attention back to SEC opponents, the Mississippi State Bulldogs will face the South Alabama Jaguars Saturday at Davis Wade Stadium. MSU (3-0) is fresh off a non-conference road scare a week ago at Troy. The Bulldogs were plagued by missed tackles and dropped passes throughout the game and yielded a gruesome 572 yards of offense to Troy; yet, the Bulldogs found a way to escape the game 30-24 victors. Head coach Dan Mullen said the team had to clean things up at practice this week. “There were opportunities to do things better and a lot of moments where we really could have seized the momentum on both sides but we didn’t,” Mullen said. Still undefeated and ranked No. 23 in the latest Associated Press poll, State will look to fix its miscues against South Alabama, a non-conference opponent currently in the process of transitioning to a FBS league. Previously an independent team, the Jaguars, whose football program began in 2009, will play a full-FBS schedule before officially becoming a member of the Sun Belt in 2013. Through three games this season, the Jaguars have a 1-2 record that includes a win against Nicholls State and losses to Texas San Antonio and

Win a $10,000 scholarship The Gator Bowl bus is coming to Starkville!

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North Carolina State. In practice this week, MSU coaches and players have put great emphasis on fundamentals in hopes of sharpening preparation in future games. Freshman wide receiver Joe Morrow said some of the offensive woes against Troy were due to a lack of focus, which is something else the Bulldogs have worked on during practice this week. “We weren’t locked in,” Morrow said. “This week, we’ve been framing up catches and catching more balls. We’re going to fix it.” Defensively, Mullen said MSU had 22 missed tackles and 18 missed assignments against Troy. Senior defensive tackle Josh Boyd said this can be cured by correcting different techniques throughout the game. “Sometimes we were just focused more on making plays instead of reading our keys,” Boyd said. “We just made some careless mistakes. It was a disappointment, but it’s something we have to correct.” Although MSU’s defense gave up big plays to Troy, the unit also produced big plays, creating four turnovers. Senior cornerback Darius Slay, who accounted for three of the turnovers, said State’s big plays on defense against Troy were able to balance out several of the miscues throughout the course of the game. “We’re not used to (miscues),” Slay said. “We’re used to making big plays, stopping the run and getting three-and-outs. The defense wasn’t very consistent, but we made a lot of big plays to turn the game around.”


zaCk orsborN | the refLeCtor

Slay also said MSU’s ability to win games while struggling with execution is a sign of the magnitude of team the Bulldogs are this season. “Playing a sloppy game like that lets us know that we have a good team when we still pull out a win,” Slay said. “This week we’ve come back in, got better and fixed our corrections.” For South Alabama’s offense, success is dictated largely by the play at the quarterback position. Sophomore C.J. Bennett and junior Ross Metheny have combined for over 600 yards passing in the Jaguar’s three games and

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No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Open to legal residents of the U.S. who are currently enrolled in one of the Universities participating in the Southeastern Conference (“SEC”). The “Snap, Vote & Win” Photo Contest is sponsored by Gator Bowl. For Official Rules, which govern, visit Contest begins 12:00 a.m. ET on 9/7/12 and ends at 11:59 p.m. ET on 11/17/12. *Scholarship awarded in the form of a check

added three touchdowns. On the other side of the ball, USA is anchored by senior Jake Johnson. The middle linebacker has racked up 30 tackles, four tackles for loss and a sack so far this season. As a whole, the Jaguars’ defense averages one takeaway a game and will certainly be looking for more against MSU on Saturday. Mullen said South Alabama will try to spread its opponent’s defense out in a very similar way to Troy. “Defensively, (South Alabama) is pretty stout,” Mullen said. “They’ve given up 300 yards a game. They’re a very sound defensive team and they play hard.” Saturday’s game is set to kick off at 6 p.m. at Davis Wade Stadium. All students and fans attending the game are encouraged to wear white.

Room 350 If your life or a loved one’s has ever been touched by cancer, we invite you to the Cancer Care Group Lunch and Learn series.

A light lunch will be provided. For more information: Heather Richardson



friday , september 21, 2012



Soccer team hosts Vanderbilt, Rivalry renewed in search of first SEC win Tennessee in first SEC home games By Austin ChAnCe

By Forrest BuCk

Staff Writer

Contributing Writer

After an 0-2 start in conference play, the Mississippi State volleyball team is looking for its first win in conference play. This weekend, the team travels to Oxford, seeking that crucial first SEC win against rival Ole Miss. The Bulldogs’ last win was two weeks ago in the Allstate Sugar Bowl Classic against Tulane. Since that victory, State has lost three matches, winning just two of its last 11 games in those matches. After losing to Georgia and Auburn last weekend, the Bulldogs find themselves in a tie for last place in the SEC West with LSU and Ole Miss. This weekend’s game has more on the line than just a conference win. In-state bragging rights will also result from the match. Ole Miss is looking for its first conference win after losing to both new teams in the SEC, Missouri and Texas A&M, who are currently both undefeated in SEC ian prester | the reflector play. Motivation will not Freshman middle blocker Alex Warren will play in Oxford tonight be an issue for either side in for the first time in her career as the Dogs take on the Rebels. this match. The atmosphere at prac- ing Ole Miss in Oxford, The match tonight is no tice this week has been the Bulldogs went on to ordinary match. This is different from most oth- win two out of their next a battle for supremacy in er weeks. Freshman libero three matches, including Mississippi, a chance to win Roxanne McVey said this a win against Kentucky in the first game of conference week’s practice has been in- Starkville, which became play against a rival and the tense in preparation for the the first win over a ranked gaining of momentum for Rebels. opponent in the program’s the rest of the upcoming “We are coming in with history. season. a new positive attitude so This year, with a victory For freshmen such as we can go up to Oxford over Ole Miss, State would Scott and Alex Warren, the and beat Ole Miss,” McVey separate itself from last place rivalry is a thrill they have said. in the divi- yet to experience. HowevAlthough sion, while er, even though this will be We are coming in Ole Miss has also placing the first match Warren will with a new positive the same conthe Rebels in play against the Rebels, she attitude so we can go the last place said she still understands ference record as State the importance of this up to Oxford and beat spot. (0-2), having S o p h o - match. Ole Miss.” the game in more de“This is personal. We Oxford may fensive back have to win this, no quesRoxanne McVey, turn out to be Alex Scott tions asked,” Warren said. freshman libero an advantage said everyone The experience of upfor the Rebels. Not to men- on the team understands the perclassmen Chanelle Baktion Ole Miss is currently importance of this game. er and Paris Perret will be undefeated at home, win“We have to win. This is a crucial for MSU. But aside ning all three of its matches big deal for all of us,” Scott from these two girls, only in the school’s annual Mag- said. underclassmen have seen nolia Invitational. With the A win against Ole Miss much playing time this seaRebels’ current winning would also be the first step son. ways at home, this could be in achieving something Compare this to a Rebextra motivation for State to State has not done since el squad that has either a win its match on Friday, as 2009—sweeping the se- junior or senior currently if they needed more reason ries against Ole Miss in leading the team in kills, to fight for the victory. a season. Last season, the digs, assists and blocks. Last season, MSU won Bulldogs came away with a Adversity is present, but three matches on the road victory in Oxford but were the Bulldogs are not shying against SEC opponents. defeated three games to away from the opportunity Ole Miss was one of those zero when the Rebels came at hand. Game time is set three teams. After beat- to Starkville. for tonight at 7 in Oxford.




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The Mississippi State soccer team is seeking better results this weekend as Vanderbilt and Tennessee come to town. MSU entered last weekend with high hopes as the team took an undefeated record on the road to begin SEC play with games at South Carolina on Friday and Kentucky on Sunday. Overall, the weekend did not go as planned, and the girls returned home with no victories, going 0-1-1 in the two games. However, this past weekend was not a complete failure. Even though MSU did not win the game against South Carolina, head coach Neil MacDonald said the girls played well as they tied in double overtime against a stingy South Carolina defense. “We were excellent Friday. We played some really good soccer,” Macdonald said. “We created a lot of good opportunities in the game, and I felt we were a bit unlucky that we didn’t win the game.” The players agreed with their coach. Senior captain Madison McKee said the girls were happy with the way they played last Friday. “We always want to win, but a 0-0 tie against them at their home in double overtime was a positive feeling,” McKee said. Things did not go as well for the following game on Sunday as the Bulldogs traveled from South Carolina to Lexington, Ky., to play the Wildcats. The Dogs lost the game 3-0. The Wildcats got out to a 2-0 lead early, and State could never recover. Macdonald said fatigue played a role in the way the team played against Kentucky. “I thought we came out very flat,” he said. “We looked very tired from the travel and the fact that we

ian prester | the reflector

Senior Zehra Syed and her Bulldog teammates have a chance to make some noise in the SEC this weekend as they host Vanderbilt tonight and No. 23 Tennesee on Sunday. played 110 minutes on Friday night in the game that went into double overtime.” MSU struggled offensively in this game, as well. State did not possess the ball very much, and because of this, the Bulldogs’ opportunities for offense were few and far between. Kentucky controlled possession the majority of the game, and it showed in the final box score as Kentucky had 21 shot attempts to MSU’s six. Macdonald said the team’s lack of possessions was a reason for its offensive struggles. “We didn’t create much offense because we didn’t have the ball,” Macdonald said. “We have to earn the right to play with the ball.” The most surprising factor in the Kentucky game was the amount of points State allowed. MSU came into the game with six straight shutouts, which is a school record, but then gave up

MSU vs. Vanderbilt Friday, September 21 at 7 p.m. -Residence Life Night -Bully and All-Girls Cheer Squad -Facebook Friday -Greeks, come receive points for your fraternity or sorority

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three goals to the Wildcats. Despite the disappointing performance, goal keeper Skylar Rosson said she is still optimistic about the team’s potential moving forward. “We’re past that game, and we’re getting ready for this weekend,” Rosson said. “I still have just as much confidence in us as I did before.” State has no time to dwell on this past weekend with a Vanderbilt team coming to town Friday to which MSU has dropped four out the last five games. After that game, MSU hosts an even tougher opponent in No. 23 Tennessee. Vanderbilt and Tennessee played each other last weekend and tied. The Bulldogs have the opportunity to find out where they stand in the conference and make a case for SEC and NCAA Tournament appearances with two big wins over the Commodores and Volunteers.

MSU vs. Tennessee Sunday, September 23 at 1 p.m. -Free Clinic after the Game (All Youth 12 & Under) -Register to win 1 of 5 $20 giftcards to local restaurants -Greeks, come receive points for your fraternity or sorority

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friday , september 21, 2012



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