RGU Freshers 2010 Advertising Pack

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RGU Freshers 2010

more than 2000 new students join rgu every year Robert Gordon University has firmly established itself as the best modern university in the UK (The Times Good University Guide 2010) and is attracting the attention of more students than ever before. This September we will again be welcoming over 2000 freshers to the city, coming here to study from all walks of life and from every corner of the globe. RGU Freshers 2010 kicks off on Saturday 18th September, and sparks ten days jam packed with information, fayres, events and parties. This provides organisations such as yours with a number of fantastic sponsorship opportunities, enabling you to promote your products and services to one of the most lucrative markets available, students, targeting them when they are at their most impressionable. We are constantly expanding our advertising opportunities, and this year can offer you more ways to reach out to our student population than ever before, from adverts in our student magazine, and stands at our Freshers Fayre, to website sponsorship and direct mailing.

price freeze Times are tight, for businesses especially. Budgets are being cut and spending has reduced dramatically. That’s why, for the second year running, we’ve decided to freeze the prices of over three quarters of our Freshers opportunities. Advertise during Freshers 2010 at 2008 prices!

contents contact 004. Reform Magazine 005. Wired E-Newsletter 006. Student Guide 007. Mailing Inserts 008. Freshers Fayre 010. In The Union 011. Wall Planners 011. Website 012. Freshers Team 013. Package Deals 015. Booking Form

Gregor Mailer Graphics & Marketing RGU:Union 60 Schoolhill Aberdeen AB10 1JQ e: ext.mailer@rgu.ac.uk t: 01224 262 263 f: 01224 262 268

RGU Freshers 2010


reform magazine Reform is the Union’s flagship publication. Although a relatively new title on the student media scene, since being established in 2007 the magazine has seen significant growth and has created a name for its self both in the University, and Aberdeen itself. Throughout each issue Reform successfully meshes a number of features, including music, movies, fashion, art, sport, and more, while also providing our students with the news that affects them, from both on and off campus. The original team of just two writers has quickly expanded, with around 15 students now actively involved in the production of each edition. The Freshers Special is without a doubt the most widely-read

004 RGU Freshers 2010

and popular issue of the year. Around 2,000 are produced initially, with copies being mailed directly to each and every new student before they arrive at University. This issue aims to provide our Freshers with a basic ‘beginners guide’ to life at RGU, and in Aberdeen – told truthfully by their fellow students. A further 1,000 copies are produced and distributed throughout Freshers Week itself, around campus, to student halls, bars, cafés and student hot-spots throughout the city, as well as at our Freshers Fayre. Electronic versions of each edition are readily available through our website, and are e-mailed directly to all 14,000 of our students’ inboxes upon release.

wired e-newsletter Wired is our weekly round-up of news, produced as an e-mail and sent directly to the inboxes of all 14,000 RGU students every Monday afternoon. Having undergone a hugely successful re-brand in 2008, readership is at an all-time high and we are seeing a record number of responses to stories and features included in each issue. Gimmicks such as ‘Video of the Week’, ‘Deal of the Week’, ‘Song of the Week’ and ‘Website of the Week’ help to ensure that students continue to read week upon week. The first edition of the year will be sent out on Monday 27th September, and will continue to run every week until the end of the academic year.


rates Inside Full Page Inside Half Page Inside Quarter Page Back Cover Inside Back Cover Inside Front Cover 4 Page Pull-Out (Centre Pages) Competition Sponsorship

£900 £650 £350 £950 £950 £950 £2500 Contact Us


Banner Ad Box Ad

£150 £150

artwork Banner Ad Box Ad

780 x 75px 390 x 335px

No bleed is required. All artwork must be 72dpi. Please supply in JPEG format only.

Please contact ext.mailer@rgu.ac.uk for artwork specification.

RGU Freshers 2010 005

student guide Our Student Guide is the complete beginner’s guide to being a student at Robert Gordon University. It provides vital information about life in Aberdeen and what happens at the Union, plus introductions to our Presidential team, elected Student Officers and information about how to get involved in any of our societies or sports clubs. This year’s guide will also double-up as an ‘Academic Diary’, therefore ensuring that it will not just serve as an introduction to University, but will remain a vital piece of kit to our students throughout the year. 3,000 copies are printed initially, with each Fresher receiving one before they arrive in Aberdeen. They are also distributed around campus and to each student advice point through the University. The Guide is a must-read for all RGU students, and is available all year round, with stocks being replenished at regular intervals throughout the academic year. It is also made available through our website from the beginning of the year.

rates Inside Full Page Inside Half Page Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Main Sponsorship

£1200 £750 £1500 £1500 £1500 £3000

artwork Full Page Half Page

210 x 297mm 210 x 148mm

A 3mm bleed is required. All artwork must be 300dpi. Please supply in either JPEG or PDF format only.

006 RGU Freshers 2010

more than 3,000 guides are produced throughout the academic year

freshers mailing inserts These packs are mailed out to every single one of our 2000 new students before they arrive here at Robert Gordon University. Containing all the vital details in order to gear them up for University life, the packs will provide Freshers with information and advice as well as listing events and activities on offer throughout their first few weeks in Aberdeen. By placing your insert within the pack (whether that be a flyer or leaflet) you have the perfect opportunity to reach new students and get your message across while they are still in the comfort of their own home.

rates 2000 Inserts


Price includes postage and packaging of 2000 inserts. Your inserts must be no larger than A5 size. Inserts must be supplied by you as we do not operate a printing service.

RGU Freshers 2010 007

be part of our largest freshers fayre yet Our Freshers Fayre is growing year on year at an incredible rate and is, without a doubt, one of the most lucrative marketing events of the year for any organisation, large or small. Hundreds of students will descend to our Garthdee campus on Thursday 23rd September to speak to you and to let you sell your product to them. You will not find a captive audience of this many students, arguably at their most impressionable, anywhere else throughout the year. The lively and exciting atmosphere helps to create an informal setting, providing the perfect environment to speak to our students one-on-one. This year our Fayre will be split into 4 areas, each packed with sports clubs, societies, voluntary organisations, charities and, of course, commercial exhibitors. Our Freshers Team volunteers will be on hand to direct students to and from each area, ensuring that each receives the maximum footfall possible. As a commercial exhibitor, you will be allocated a space in our main hall (if you wish to be situated in another area, please get in touch before submitting your order). Our Fayre sold out in record time last year, so make sure you return your booking form as soon as possible to ensure your attendance.

rates Basic Stand Premium Stand Basic Stand & Power Additional Tables

008 RGU Freshers 2010

£600 £850 £630 £195

freshers fayre 2010 site layout

RGU Freshers 2010 009

feature your brand inside the union plasma screens

poster sites

Our seven 42” plasma screens are situated in prime locations throughout the Union building, with three in each bar, and one in our reception area, ensuring your advert will receive maximum exposure to all of our customers.

Poster advertising still remains one of the most influential mediums when it comes to reaching students. We have various poster sites located in high-traffic locations throughout the Union, including in our bars, café, stairwells, and toilets.

Advertise your brand around the clock, seven days a week to an audience comprising of students from RGU, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen College and visiting universities. By advertising over the Freshers period, your image will be displayed on rotation to approximately 1,000 individuals per-day.

With our building guaranteed to reach capacity every night throughout Freshers Week, there’s no better time to reach out and have your brand featured within the Union.

You choose the duration and start date of the campaign, the prices remain the same all year round.

rates Per Week Per Month

£100 £325

artwork Full Screen

856 x 480px

No bleed is required. All artwork must be 72dpi. Please supply in JPEG format only.

010 RGU Freshers 2010

rates Per Week Per Month

£150 £575

poster spec. Poster sites located in our cafe, bars and stairwells are A3 sized (297 x 420mm). Sites within our toilets are A4 (210 x 297mm). Your poster(s) must be approved before your campaign can begin.

websi t e academic advertising wall planners new for 2010

New for 2010 are our Academic Wall Planners. 2,000 of these will be produced and sent out directly to every new student’s home address as part of their welcome pack. An essential aid to study, and a fantastic way to keep track of coursework deadlines, exams, and holidays, these planners will be tacked to the walls of our student’s bedrooms all year round. Having your advert featured will give them a constant reminder of your business whenever they look up to find out that vital date!

The focus has shifted and it will now centre around creating interesting and valuable content such as daily news updates, articles and videos in order to encourage RGU students to visit more often. New features will include Officer blogs and video diaries as well as regularly updated photo galleries, polls, an online shop and closer links with our social networking sites.

rates Box Advert


artwork Box Advert

The Union website will be re-launched at the start of the academic yaer, featuring a simple, fresh new design and a new web team working behind the scenes.

Last year, the website received over 50,000 views during September and October alone. 60 x 60mm

No bleed is required. All artwork must be 300dpi. Please supply in either JPEG or PDF format only.

Having your banner on each page would give maximum exposure to your business/service during the busiest time in the student calendar.


Banner Advert (Per Week) Banner Advert (Per Month)

£250 £800

artwork Banner Advert

Ideal fo small r busines ses

468 x 60px

No bleed is required. All artwork must be 72dpi. Please supply in either JPEG or GIF format only.

RGU Freshers 2010 011

freshers team sponsorship Be part of our 100 Freshers Week army by branding our Freshers Team T-shirts with your logo! Our team of enthusiastic volunteers will be proudly wearing the T-Shirts throughout the Freshers period to make sure they are constantly visible and easily recognisable. Your brand will be constantly on show around town and always at the centre of every event, from move-in day through until the end of the week.

rates Full Sponsorship

012 RGU Freshers 2010


multi-buy packages platinum package

gold package

- Freshers Fayre Premium Stand (8‘ x 2’) - Wired Advert (Box or Banner) for 2 Weeks - Reform Magazine Inside Full Page Advert - Student Guide Inside Full Page Advert

- Freshers Fayre Basic Stand plus Additional Table (6‘ x 2’) - Wired Advert (Box or Banner) for 2 Weeks - Reform Magazine Half Page Advert - Student Guide Half Page Advert

£2, 7 50 saving: £500

£2, 2 50 saving: £275

silver package

bronze package

- Freshers Fayre Basic Stand & Power (4‘ x 2’) - Reform Magazine Quarter Page Advert - Academic Wall Planner Box Advert

- Wired Advert (Box or Banner) for 1 Week - Academic Wall Planner Box Advert - Website Banner Advert for 1 Week

£1, 0 00 saving: £130

£500 saving: £50

Ideal fo small r busines ses

RGU Freshers 2010 013

terms & conditions 1. BOOKING PROCEDURES 1.1 - All booking forms must be signed and dated before RGUSA will accept the booking. 1.2 - All bookings must be accompanied by a purchase order number. 1.3 - RGUSA reserves the right to decline any advert at its sole discretion. All promotions and adverts must comply with RGUSA management at the time of booking. 1.5 - All deadlines for submission will be communicated by RGUSSA on receipt of bookings. 1.4 - All artwork must be supplied by the advertiser, to the correct address, prior to the specified deadline. 1.6 - All changes to advertising, copy or design must be requested in writing by the advertiser and confirmed with RGUSA prior to any deadlines specified. 2. PAYMENT 2.1 - All cheques must be made payable to The Robert Gordon University Student Association. 2.2 - RGUSA will issue an invoice on receipt of a fully completed booking form. 2.3 - All payments must be made prior to publication deadlines unless otherwise agreed in writing. 2.4 - In the instance of an outstanding debt there will be a collection charge of the debt plus 50% payable. 2.5 - All Freshers Fayre payments must be received by September 13th 2010. 3. CANCELLATIONS 3.1 - All cancellations must be communicated via e-mail, fax or writing to: Greg Mailer, RGU Student Association, 60 Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1JQ, fax: 01224 262 295, e-mail: ext.mailer@rgu.ac.uk 3.2 - Where notice of cancellation is received 30 days or less before a publication deadline, any Freshers Fayre or event a 100% of the fee is payable. 3.3 - If cancelled 31 or more days prior to the publication deadline, a refund of 75% shall be given. 4. LIABILITY 4.1 - In the event that for any reason RGUSA shall cancel any publication or event, the sole liability of RGUSA will be re-payment of any fees already paid by the advertiser. RGUSA accept no other liability in respect of loss or damage sustained by any advertiser as a result of a cancellation. 4.2 - RGUSA takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of any inserts, leaflets or posters. 4.3 - RGUSA takes no responsibility for the content of any advertisements booked in any publications. 4.4 - These terms and conditions may not be amended unless agreed in writing by RGUSA. FRESHERS FAYRE EXHIBITOR ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 5. RESPONSIBILITY 5.1 - Please note that visitors will have to supply their own extension cables and that these must have a valid ‘PAT Test Certificate’ before they can be used on RGU premises. The RGU:SPORT Duty Manager may request to see evidence during the period of hire. 5.2 - Exhibitors are expected to tidy up all property belonging to them by 6pm on the last day of hire and are responsible for disposing of their own rubbish. 5.3 - The exhibitor must co-operate with RGU:SPORT and RGU:Union Management and their authorised deputies during the period of hire in such a way as to allow all necessary cleaning, patrolling and supervision to be carried out diring the said period. 5.4 - Exhibitors can place promotional material on the walls of the sports hall with blu tack (this must be provided by the exhibitor). Nails and pins cannot be used. All blu tack must be removed at the end of the session. 5.5 - No subletting of stalls is permitted; this includes distribution of leaflets or publications from other commercial companies that are not the advertiser or exhibitor. 6. SPECIAL REQUESTS 6.1 - Written permission must be received from the organisers if any photographic or audio equipment is to be used at any time in the building. This includes cameras, video cameras, mobile phones and DJ equipment. 6.2 - The exhibitor must make arrangements in writing with the organisers at least 28 days before the event for any special arrangements. 7. INSURANCE & RISK 7.1 - The floor plan provided shows an accurate description of stand locations; however organisers reserve the right to move exhibitors at their discretion after verbal consultation. 7.2 - Exhibitors and their staff use the premises where the Fayre takes place at their own risk. Neither RGU Sport nor RGU Union accepts liability for any loss or damage sustained by exhibitors or their staff howsoever arising. Any loss or damage caused by exhibitors or their staff to University or Union property shall be paid for by the exhibitor. 8. DATA COLLECTION 8.1 - No exhibitor or advertiser will be permitted to gather contact details of Robert Gordon University students for the purpose of constructing mailing lists or approaching students as sales prospects at a later date. Only exhibitors who have obtained prior permission from RGUSA to gather information about students may do so. 8. BREACH OF REGULATIONS 8.1 - RGU:SPORT & RGU:Union reserves the right to expel from the premises any person(s) acting in a disorderly manner or in a manner contrary to the stated T&Cs. 8.2 - No articles of inflammable or explosive nature to be brought into or used on the premises that might involve any additional risk to the building, property, customers or employees of RGU:SPORT or RGU:Union. 8.3 - All doorways, passages, gangways and staircases must be kept free from obstruction. 8.4 - No food or drink of any kind shall be consumed in the sports hall except as supplied by Aramark or RGU:SPORT and those licensed to do so. 8.5 - No article shall be sold on the premises except by RGU:SPORT or those licensed by to do so, unless otherwise agreed by the Sports Facilities Manager. 8.6 - No alochol will be allowed to be sold or given away by exhibitors. 8.7 - No refunds will be issued. EXHIBITORS WILL ONLY BE ADMITTED ONTO THE FRESHERS FAYRE SITE IF PAYMENT HAS BEEN RECEIVED. ANY UNAUTHORISED EXHIBITORS WILL BE REMOVED BY OUR ON-SITE SECURITY

014 RGU Freshers 2010

booking form NET VAT GROSS AMOUNT (17.5%) AMOUNT


(Mark as appropriate)

REFORM MAGAZINE (Freshers Edition) Inside Full Page Inside Half Page Inside Quarter Page Back Cover Inside Back Cover Inside Front Cover 4 Page Pull-Out (Centre Pages)

900 650 350 950 950 950 2500

157.50 113.75 61.25 166.25 166.25 166.25 437.50

1057.50 763.75 411.25 1116.25 1116.25 1116.25 2937.50


STUDENT GUIDE 2010/11 Inside Full Page Inside Half Page Back Cover Inside Back Cover Inside Front Cover Main Sponsorship

1200 750 1500 1500 1500 3000

210 131.25 262.50 262.50 262.50 525

1410 881.25 1762.50 1762.50 1762.50 3525


FRESHERS FAYRE 2010 Basic Stand (4’ x 2’) Premium Stand (8’ x 2’) Basic Stand (4’ x 2’) with Power Additional Tables (price per table)

600 850 630 195

n/a n/a n/a n/a

600 850 630 195


WIRED (Per Edition) Banner Advert Box Advert

150 150

26.25 26.25

176.25 176.25







PLASMA SCREENS (1 advert displayed on rotation) Per Week Per Month

100 325

17.50 56.88

117.50 381.88


POSTER SITES (10 posters displayed throughout the building) Per Week 150 Per Month 575

26.25 100.63

176.25 676.63







WEBSITE ADVERTISING Banner Advert (per week) Banner Advert (per month)

250 800

43.75 140.00

293.75 940







PACKAGES Platinum Package Gold Package Silver Package Bronze Package

2750 2250 1000 500

481.25 393.75 175 87.50

3231.25 2643.75 1175 587.50


Please ensure that you have completed BOTH SIDES of this form before returning to the address overleaf.

total amount: £

Please total the sum of your selections

inc VAT

booking form name company bil ing address contact address

(If different to billing address)

telephone e-mail I agree to pay the amount stated overleaf and will agree to the terms and conditions stated within the RGU:Union Freshers 2010 Advertising Pack.

signed date Please ensure that you have completed BOTH SIDES of this form before returning to: MAIL: Greg Mailer, Graphics & Marketing Co-ordinator, RGU:Union, 60 Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1JQ FAX: 01224 262 268 E-MAIL: ext.mailer@rgu.ac.uk If you have any financial queries, please contact Diane Milne (d.milne4@rgu.ac.uk or 01224 262 267). Please direct all other queries to Greg Mailer (ext.mailer@rgu.ac.uk or 01224 262 296)

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