Health & Safety Policy

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Health & Safety Policy and Statement of Intent in Accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Of The Robert Gordon University Student Association General Statement of Policy This policy reflects The Student Association’s vision as stated within the constitutional regulations. “That the Student Associations will be integral to the provision of a good life and learning environment in which our members shall flourish”

Overall responsibility for making sure that adequate resources are available for implementing The Student Associations’ Policy on Health & Safety and the Environment lies with the Executive Board. The Executive Board delegates it’s authority to the General Manager (Health & Safety Co-ordinator) who is responsible for the day to day implementation of the policy at the premises at 60 Schoolhill, Aberdeen. The Executive Board liaises with the General Manager and the three Sabbatical Officers on the day to day Management of the Associations’ facilities. In particular the explicit statements that we value most: Safety and Environmental Protection is of crucial importance. Ensuring that practical and effective measures are in place to protect the Health & Safety of their employees, Officers, students, contractors, the general public and others associated with the operation of the business. The Student Association through its Commitment to this policy: 1. Identify, review and reduce Hazards where reasonably practicable which may affect employees, and third parties while at work. 2. Maintain healthy and safe working conditions including safe access and egress. 3. Work, through continuous improvement, to prevent accidents and ill health by providing a safe environment and welfare arrangements. 4. Ensure employees are competent to do work and provide them with appropriate and adequate training, information, instruction and supervision. 5. Ensure safe transport, storage, handling, use of hazardous substances and will provide and maintain all machinery, equipment and other plant. 6. Consult employees on Health & Safety issues 7. Review and revise safety policy at regular intervals. 8. Monitor and Review Health & Safety Environmental Performance


9. Observe legal requirements and approved Codes of Practice by monitoring, reviewing and updating when applicable. To achieve the above, we will monitor, review, reduce and identify foreseeable risks through risk assessments and where reasonably practicable be committed to continuous improvements. The Student Association recognises the importance of Management, Supervisors and employees to be committed and to have a duty of care and responsibility for the application of Safety standards. The allocation of duties for all Safety matters are the responsibility of the Managers and Supervisors under “Responsibility and Accountabilities” in the following handbook. This policy will be continually up dated, particularly as the business changes. To ensure this, an annual review of the policy, which will include consultation on safety issues with staff, will be held on an annual basis. In order to maintain a safe working environment it is imperative that staff read the appropriate handbook carefully and adhere to the guidelines.



General Manager.........................



Responsibility & Accountability The Executive Board is responsible for ensuring that there is effective governance of Health and Safety through providing appropriate organisational arrangements and policies that are effectively implemented in practice. Executive Board

It is the responsibility of the Executive Board to: Collectively: Provide health and safety leadership throughout the Student Association Approve significant health and safety policies and procedures Review, regularly and after major changes, the effectiveness and relevance of the Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements, and the application of the Health and Safety Management System. Ensure that all Executive board decisions reflect the intentions as stated in the Health and Safety Policy, and ensure the Health and Safety Policy reflects current strategic thinking. Engage the active participation of staff in improving health and safety. Regularly (at least annually) review health and safety performance throughout the Student Association.

Individually: To take reasonable care and be aware of their legal responsibility for Fire precautions and Health & Safety at work. To co-operate with employer/manager to satisfy all requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. Provide Health and Safety leadership for the organisation by ensuring that all actions and decisions of the Executive Board are implemented in their areas of responsibility.


SA General Manager (Health & Safety Co-ordinator) The General Manager as part of their contract of employment is responsible for ensuring that all activities under their control are carried out in accordance with the Student Association Health & Safety Policy, standards and procedures and in compliance with Statutory provisions by:

Developing health and safety objectives and targets. Preparing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing their annual safety plan. Developing the organisation and controls such that all activities are performed in accordance with the health and safety management system. Preparing, maintaining and reviewing relevant risk assessments and the identification and implementation of control measures as a result of the assessment. Maintaining procedures for effective emergency response and ensuring that staff are aware of the actions required of them in the event of an emergency. Ensuring that staff understand their individual responsibilities for health and safety. Ensuring staff are trained and capable of performing their duties safely. Selecting contractors who can meet the Student Association health and safety standards, and monitoring their work to ensure these standards are met. All contractors and non-employees entering or working in the Student Association are aware of and comply with health and safety requirements and arrangements. Making suitable arrangements for consulting with staff and students on health and safety matters. Ensuring that all incidents involving, or having potential to cause, injury or impaired health to persons, or damage to property are investigated and reported, and that appropriate corrective actions are taken. Setting a clear leadership example and promoting a high degree of health and safety awareness. The General Manager will have responsibility for and will delegate responsibility to relevant staff within their location.

The General Manager will have responsibility responsibility to relevant staff within their location.






Ensuring effective communication with the central Health and Safety Department is maintained. Appointed Health & Safety persons: Commercial – General Manager Commercial and Operation Manager Bar Management Shop Supervisor Cook Non- Commercial – General Manager Administrator Volunteering Co-ordinator Financial Officer Commercial Areas : - Bar, Shop, Cafe, Porter, Receptionist Commercial & Operations Manager The Commercial & Operations Manager will have responsibility for and will delegate responsibility to relevant staff within their location for: The effective implementation of the Health & Safety policies and procedures. All work necessary to maintain Health & Safety, and to ensure good working practices, is carried out promptly, and in particular to prioritise resources to bring into effect measures identified as high priority. All personnel are competent to carry out their work safely and are fully aware of the potential hazards. Inspections are conducted to satisfy themselves as to safe working practices and workplace standards All accidents and near misses are correctly reported and ensure satisfactory follow up/remedial action is taken as required. All risks are assessed and appropriate control measures are in place. Safety data provided by manufacturers or suppliers is circulated to, and brought to the notice of, all personnel concerned. Maintaining up to date risk assessments for all areas and tasks Adequate supervision is available at all times, particularly where young, inexperienced, or temporary workers are concerned. All contractors and non-employees entering or working on the Union premises are aware of and comply with health & safety requirements and arrangements. The following employees are responsible for managing the Health & Safety procedures and ensuring that all staff are adhering to the guidelines within their specific areas, this is detailed below: Bar Management -

Employees, bars, cellars and stores


Shop SupervisorCook -

Shop and store. Kitchen and store

Employees who have staff line Management responsibility It is the responsibility of all employees in a supervisory role to ensure: Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions at work. Comply with any requirements or duty imposed under any relevant legislation. Report any concern regarding Health & Safety to the General Manager/Commercial & Operational Manager Wear the correct protective clothing and equipment wherever necessary Report all accidents, potential accidents or dangerous occurrences immediately to the General Manager/Commercial & Operations Manager Not operate any equipment they have not been specifically trained to use, or would otherwise not be competent to use. Keep workplaces clean, tidy and emergency routes and equipment unobstructed. Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare. Not indulge in behaviour which may endanger the health and safety of themselves or others. Support General Manager/Commercial & Operations Manager in carrying out their roles.

Employees Whilst at work, it is the duty of every employee, irrespective of his/her job title or position, to: Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions at work. Co-operate with the Student Association in complying with any requirements or duty imposed under any relevant legislation, and in implementing the safety plan. In addition, it is the policy of the Student Association that employees shall: Be able to freely report any concern regarding health and safety to their Manager, Supervisor or Health & Safety Coordinator.


Wear the correct protective clothing and equipment wherever the wearing of such protection is specified. Be aware of relevant emergency action plans and/or evacuation requirements, and act accordingly. Report all accidents, potential accidents or dangerous occurrences immediately to their immediate supervisor and submit a written report on the relevant report form. Not operate any equipment they have not been specifically trained to use, or would otherwise not be competent to use. Keep workplaces clean, tidy and emergency routes and equipment unobstructed. Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare. Not indulge in behaviour which may endanger the health and safety of themselves or others. Support elected Safety Representatives and appointed Health and Safety Co-ordinators in carrying out their roles. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH AND EVERY EMPLOYEE TO WORK SAFELY.

SAMAG (Student Association Management Advisory Group) To support good governance and management of the SA through the maintenance of effective working relationships between the office holders, managers and professional staff employed to work with the SA on behalf of the University. To Monitor the conduct and report on health and safety matters to the Board of Governors of the University. RGU OHS Department A service level agreement with the University OHS Department has been agreed to advice and support the Student Association on matters concerning health & safety. Contractors Door Stewards

Employed by “Upfront Security� and Work in accordance with the General Manager. To support the

Management with action plans and/or requirements, and

emergency evacuation to act 7

accordingly. Cleaners

To assist the management to ensure a safe, secure environment . Employed by The Robert Gordon University to maintain the standards and cleanliness of the building in accordance with the General Manager.

All employees have the responsibility to co-operate with the Supervisors and Managers to achieve a safe work environment and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. It is important that any Health & Safety issues are notified immediately through the appropriate person identified above.


Arrangements Liaison with other Appropriate Bodies Safety training is specified and organised by the General Manager in conjunction with the University Head of Occupational Health and Environmental Safety (HOHES). The General Manager and the Commercial and Operation Manager complete a Health & Safety Inspection/Review on a monthly basis. The General Manager, and where necessary, the University HOHES investigates all accidents and incidents and requires all documentations and reporting to be to the required standard. All monitoring of maintenance of plant and equipment to ensure it remains safe is the responsibility of the General Manager in conjunction with the University Estates’ Department. There is an annual allocation of funds within the Student Association budget for all Health & Safety requirements. Analyses of all hazards likely to be encountered within the Student Association are reviewed/monitored on an annual basis. All risk assessments are reviewed on an annual basis or as required. A training analysis is conducted annually for all staff requirements. An allocation of funds is incorporated into the annual budget. Training evaluation of all courses is monitored. All staff training records are kept within their personal files. Accidents; Any accident, incident, near misses or violence towards staff with the potential to cause injury or damage no matter how minor must be reported in the accident form. The record must be completed by the Duty Manager who has attended the accident/incident. All completed forms must be passed to the General Manager. Blank Accident forms are held at the front desk on the Ground floor and Student Association Garthdee. Should an accident be classed in any of the categories included in the RIDDOR, it must be reported to The Robert Gordon University Health & Safety Officer immediately. Appropriate signs will indicate the location of the First Aid boxes: RGU Shop The Ground floor (Reception) The CafÊ 1st Floor The Second Floor -

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The Third Floor 60 Schoolhill, Aberdeen The SA Office (Garthdee Campus) Garthdee Road Aberdeen There will be an appropriate number of qualified First Aiders on completion of training. At all times there will be at least one person available who is capable of administering First Aid. The person responsible for reporting incidents to the enforcing authority is the University HOSEH. Induction: The appropriate Line Manager will formally induct all new staff into the Student Association. Main points covered at induction: Information on the establishment Terms and conditions of employment Health & Safety, Hygiene and Security Introduction to work area Fire Safety: Action to be taken on discovering a fire Activate the alarm by using the nearest fire alarm point Call (9)999 to notify the Fire Brigade If possible tackle the fire using the extinguishers provided (Do not endanger yourself or others in doing so) Use only one fire extinguisher. Leave the building by the nearest available exit route (Closing doors behind you) Report to the assembly point in front of the statue at Schoolhill DO NOT collect personal belonging, DO NOT use lift, DO NOT re-enter the building for any reason unless authorised by the Duty Manager. Assembly Point Front of Statue at Schoolhill

Fire actions notices are displayed in all regularly occupied rooms within the Student Association building. Fire evacuations/drills are organised and overseen by the General Manager once each semester


Fire Escape routes are checked daily by the Porter, Commercial Manager, the telephone extension is 262263. Porter documents on a weekly basis at reception and General Manager Files monthly. Fire extinguishers are provided and maintained by Realm, Aberdeen, the telephone number is 01651 872772 Fire Alarms/fire doors are tested on a weekly basis by the porter and documented. Porter documents on a weekly basis at reception and General Manager Files monthly.

Access to Health and Safety information; In the event that the General Manager is not in a position to give appropriate advice, the University HOHES (Head of Occupational Health Environmental Safety)will give advice and guidance on Health & Safety issues. The telephone extension is 262086 Contractors and Visitors: A notice in the foyer reminds all visitors to report to reception, where they are allocated a visitors pass and are issued with H & S requirements. Visitors/contractors must all sign the visitor sheet. All contractors are required to report to the person on duty at the Reception Desk before starting work. All contractors are required to submit suitable Risk Assessments Method Statements. On completion of their work all contractors are required to complete the Student Association service/repair card. All non-member guests of the Student Association are required to sign the visitor book at the Reception desk and be accompanied by the member who will be responsible for their conduct and wellbeing whilst in the building. Housekeeping and Premises; The Cleaning of the Union premises is contracted to the Robert Gordon University. It is the responsibility of RGU Site Supervisor for Schoolhill to manage the cleaning staff. The Cleaners are responsible for the cleanliness of all open areas, offices and meeting rooms within the building and for all toilet facilities. The Assistant Bar Managers are responsible for the cleanliness of the bar service areas, cellars and stores. The Shop Supervisor is responsible for the cleanliness of the shop and stores.


The Assistant Cook is responsible for the cleanliness on food service areas, equipment, refrigerators, freezer, and stores The Porter is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the outside areas directly attached to the Union, maintaining the ground floor and the basement. The Office staff are responsible for maintaining the third floor. The University Estates Department are responsible for the annual inspection and cleaning of all ventilation equipment within the building. Waste Disposal: The porter is responsible for the collection, preparation and uplift of all domestic, paper and recycle waste. The Assistant Bar Manager are responsible for organising the recyclable glass waste from the bar operations. Glass waste is collected and sorted into suitable bins. Broken glass is collected in waste bins, bagged and disposed of as domestic waste in the appropriate skips. Safe Stacking and Storage; Large or heavy items must be stored at waist height. Smaller and lighter objects may be stored at lower or higher heights. The Bar Mangers are responsible for liquor stock in bars, cellars and stores. The shop Supervisor is responsible for stock in shop and stores. The Cook Assistant is responsible for food stock in service areas, dry stores, refrigerators and freezers in accordance with HACCP regulations. The porter is responsible for the stock that is arriving and distributing it to the appropriate areas in accordance with the HACCP regulations. Gangways and Exits: The Commercial Manager, the Porter, departmental supervisors are responsible for ensuring safe access and egress, including emergency egress, is available at all times. It is also important that all staff take reasonable steps to ensure that the gangways, stairways and all exits are kept clear. Equipment Checks/Maintenance; Annually the Estates Department conduct a PAT test on all equipment. It is the responsibility of all staff to report any faults concerning electrical or mechanical to their Line Manager, Commercial Manager or the General


Manager. A weekly checklist of all areas will be completed and signed by supervisors and managers. Training, on all new equipment to be carried out before equipment is put into service.

Under no circumstances should any member of staff consider repairing electrical or mechanical problems. All problems with mechanical or electrical faults should be dealt with by appropriate specialist. The appropriate measures when dealing with an electrical or mechanical fault are as follows: Do not attempt to repair, no matter how minor. If possible and safe to do so, switch off the power from the mains supply. Inform your supervisor/Line Manager Fill in a maintenance request form All maintenance requests will be dealt with by the General manager As highlighted above do not attempt to repair the fault, no matter how minor. Safety Equipment: For some hazards that cannot be adequately controlled by other means, staff will be issued with protective equipment. Staff are legally required to cooperate with their employer by using safety equipment as required. Staff should alert their line manager to any defects of safety equipment. They are also legally required to co-operate with their employer by using safety equipment as required. Supervisors and line managers are responsible for the conduct of their staff, including enforcing health & safety rules such as wearing personal protective equipment. Porters are issued with safety shoes. Catering staff are issued with appropriate uniforms an gloves The Bars Assistant Managers are issued with relevant safety equipment The employee cleaning the beer lines is provided with apron, gloves and goggles, (see appropriate risk assessment) Cleaners are the responsibility of the University. The General Manager is responsible for the maintenance of safety equipment issued to member of staff. Any member of staff whose equipment develops a fault should report it immediately to their Line Manager. Maintenance sheet must be completed by the Supervisor/Line Manager. Blood and Bodily Fluids: In cases of spillage of blood or bodily fluids, the Duty Manager holds a spill kit. Disposable gloves, appropriate cleaning fluid and sawdust are available


to disinfect the affected area. All materials used are bagged and treated as domestic waste. Risk Assessment contained within the Health & Safety manual.

Needles and Syringes: In the event of a needle or syringe being found, the Duty Manager holds a Sharps box. Disposable gloves and the Sharps box are available for the collection of the needle or syringe. Chemicals - COSHH Only substances approved by the General Manager are permitted for use within the Association building. The General Manager in conjunction with University OHSM will complete an assessment of the hazards. Protective equipment appropriate to the hazard presented by the chemical will be provided to the affected staff. Special Access to Particular Places: The porter is responsible for the keys to allow access to the boiler plant, emergency lighting equipment, all clubs stores and meeting rooms. In his absence the general Manager has access.

Organised Events: The Vice president of the Union and Societies is responsible for the planning and organisation of activities and organised events using the Association building. It is the responsibility of the Duty Manager/Porter/Door Stewards to ensure the maintenance of the fabric of the building during the event. Access of the building outwith business hours: Access out with normal hours is prohibited. In the event of the intruder alarm system being activated Securicor will respond. Securicor are keyholders and first call out. Hot Surfaces: Assistant Cook and the Catering staff only are permitted to use cooking equipment in the cafĂŠ bar. Signs indicating the location of hot surfaces are displayed beside such equipment. Knives All knives, when not in use, must be secured in the appropriate place.


Lifting and Handling A sack barrow is provided for items that require lifting or carrying. The porter and other members of staff will have had training in manual handling techniques. A special barrow for moving full and empty kegs is kept in the cellar for that purpose. (See Manual handling procedures – wall posters and staff handbook). Deliveries The loading and unloading of deliveries to the Association is the responsibility of the supplier. No member of the Association staff shall be required to assist with the delivery of beer kegs and gas cylinders. Cash Handling All cash handling/banking is in line with the Student Association Financial Regulation and Insurance requirements. (See cash handling procedures and risk assessment.) Aggression and the Threat of Violence: Staff are instructed that in the face of aggression or the threat of violence, assistance should be summoned from the Duty Manager or the Door Stewards either by telephone or by asking a third party to get help. The Duty Manager/Door Steward will escort the individual causing problems from the building. Any individual refusing to leave the building, after the second time of asking, will be advised that the police will be called to remove them. It is an offence to refuse to leave licensed premises. Lone Working It is practice that no employee be left in a lone working situation and where this does occur, authorisation must be granted by a senior manager of the Association, where a ‘lone working risk assessment’ will be carried out. Link to staff handbook Display Screen Equipment: Office staff using display screen equipment will complete an appropriate risk assessment on a yearly basis or following significant changes in their DSE set up. Access to Roof: Only members of Estates Department and appointed contractors are permitted access to the roof.


Window Cleaning: The Association is responsible for the appointment of the window cleaning contractor. Before window cleaning begins the contractor must report to the Porter and notify him of the intention to start cleaning. Required to obtain adequate Risk Assessments, Method Statement and copy of insurance policy annually. Capacity of Building The Association Building at 60 Schoolhill has a capacity of TBC persons. The Vice President of the Union and Societies is responsible for ensuring that the capacity of the building is not exceeded as a result of planned events and activities. Management and Staffing Structure: See attached Sheet.

22nd January 2009


Procedures Implemented by The Robert Gordon University Student Association to ensure Compliance with the Act

Responsibility according to the Act

Procedure implemented by The Robert Gordon University Student Association

Provide and maintain equipment and work systems which are safe and healthy

Monthly Health & Safety Checklist HACCP Check Lists Weekly safety maintenance

Make sure the protective measures taken are effective.

Risks assessments done for each department Provide Protective clothing where necessary “Health & Safety” is on the Agenda at the fortnightly Executive Board meetings.

Deal with chemicals safely

C.O.S.H.H. training ongoing. All information required available in each department.

Provide you with information, instruction and training about the measures

Fire and H& S training ongoing. All information required available in each department.

Provide a health & safety statement

Student Association’s Health & Safety Policy Statement


Risk Assessment Department:………………………………………….. Hazard

Can the Hazard be removed

Who is at Risk?

Risk Factor High/ Medium/ Low

Control measures

Assessment Recorded

Review Date



Can the Hazard be removed

Who is at Risk?

Risk Factor High/ Medium/ Low

Control measures

Assessment Recorded

Review Date



Can the Hazard be removed

Who is at Risk?

Risk Factor High/ Medium/ Low

Control measures

Assessment Recorded

Review Date


Signed………………………………………………… General Manager



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