RGU Elections Info Pack 2011

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iELECTION INFO PACK 2011 Everything that you need to know about this year's elections. Role descriptions, campaign tips & your nomination form all included!

Full-Time Paid Roles

President (Communication & Democracy) President (Education & Welfare) President (Sports & Physical Activity)

Part-Time Voluntary Roles Vice President (Academic) Vice President (Entertainment & Events) Vice President (Environment & Ethics) Vice President (Equality & Diversity) Vice President (International) Vice President (Societies) Vice President (Sports)

University Roles

Undergraduate Governor Postraduate Governor





studentns electio 2011

Nominations Open: 1st April Nominations Close: 15th April (2pm) Question Time: 25th April (8pm) Voting Opens: 26th April (12am) Voting Closes: 28th April (2pm)

This is YOUR chance to make a difference! Are you a student leader? Can you represent RGU students at some of the University's highest committees? Could you motivate our sports teams to a Granite City Challenge victory over Aberdeen? Maybe you could organise regular quality student events? Or do you want to stand up for minority student groups? The Union's yearly student elections give you the opportunity to really make a difference to how things are run at the Union and the University, and to be a voice for every student at RGU! We have a number of Full-Time and Part-Time roles available; all with a different focus, but all working towards the same aim - to represent the students of Robert Gordon University. Read through this guide to find out more about each of the positions up for grabs, and if you have any further questions, come and talk to us! We'll be more than happy to help.


3. Welcome From The President 4. Full-Time Paid Roles 7. Part-Time Voluntary Roles 18. University Roles 19. Duties 20. Rules & Regulations 22. FAQs 002


Welcome from the President It's that time of year again, in the coming weeks expect to see t-shirts, flyers, sweets and people begging for votes as Election fever kicks in. This time last year I was just another student, trying to convince anyone and everyone that they should vote for me so that I could become President of the Union. Looking back over the time I've had working here, I can say that I'm glad I took the plunge and ran for election. I have met a huge amount of people over the course of my year, whether through going out and speaking to students, going on training and conference events all through the UK or even rubbing shoulders with Donald Trump. This year has given me some of the most fantastic experiences I could have asked for; I have had amazing experiences that I could never have dreamed of and would happily recommend it to anyone as a hugely worthwhile job. This year things are slightly different, at the AGM there were some significant changes, the Sabbatical structure is different. We have three new President roles, one focused on Education & Welfare issues, one focused on Representation, Communications and Democracy issues and a third President focusing on Sports & Physical Activity. These changes were made as the Union has developed dramatically in the last several years and they should ensure we are in a strong position moving forward. The Union is a fantastic organisation to be involved in, whether working full-time as one of the Presidents or part-time as one of the Vice Presidents. Being elected by your peers looks amazing on your CV and I guarantee you will not regret the decision to run!

Ryan Maclean President 2010/11 NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


President (Communication & Democracy) The President (Communications & Democracy) is the figurehead and primary spokesperson for the Union. They are responsible for ensuring the Union is acting in the best interests of its membership. The President (Communications & Democracy) is the primary link between the Executive Committee and the membership.

Remit The President (Communications & Democracy) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi.

Co-ordinate the work of the officers ensuring that they fulfil the duties expected of an elected representative. Ensure that the officers prepare team and individual objectives for approval and periodic review by the Executive Committee. Oversee the representation of student views and interests to the University on relevant University Committees. Oversee communications between the Union and its membership, taking editorial responsibility for publications under the Union title. Liaise with the Union senior management to ensure effective planning of Union services and activities. Oversee the Unions relations with the local community, attending appropriate meetings and reporting outcomes to the Executive Committee. Oversee the Union’s relations with the media, locally and nationally. Promote the democratic structure of the Union and oversee the organisation of the elections as set out within the Election Regulations Oversee the Union’s activities within the National Union of Students Be the primary co-ordinator of campaigns which aim to make change for students at the university, both locally and nationally Be responsible for overseeing the implementation of decisions of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting.

Must be a Matriculated Student who will be able to take a year out of their studies or start immediately after they finish studies in the current academic year. Full time work begins from 1st August for a period of 12 Months.



President (Education & Welfare) The President (Education & Welfare) is primarily responsible for safeguarding the academic interests and personal welfare of students. They are responsible for ensuring that the Union is acting in a way which promotes the academic interests and welfare of students to the University.

Remit The President (Education & Welfare) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

Represent student views and interests on Education and Welfare matters in the University, locally and nationally. Be responsible for overseeing activities in relation to student funding, hardship and employment issues. Be responsible for overseeing activities and representation on matters in relation to student accommodation within the University and student housing within the community. Be responsible for leading and promoting student-run welfare support services. Organise awareness campaigns and activities including mental health, sexual health, and personal safety, whilst supporting relevant student-led campaigns and activities. Oversee the Unions welfare and advice services, reporting on these activities to the Executive Committee. Oversee the representation of student views and interests on Education and Welfare, including but not limited to, academic development and reform, student advice, counselling and personal finance matters, disability, sexuality and related matters, to the University on relevant University Committees. Liaise with Union senior management on the provision of advice and support services to students Be responsible for developing student support services in line with changing student needs. Be responsible for engaging with Student Representatives and Faculty Officers and reporting matters of concern to the executive board.

Must be a Matriculated Student who will be able to take a year out of their studies or start immediately after they finish studies in the current academic year. Full time work begins from 1st August for a period of 12 Months.

NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


President (Sports & Physical Activity) The President (Sports & Physical Activity) is responsible for encouraging student participation in sporting and physical activity. They are responsible for overseeing and developing the sports teams and encouraging the growth and development of new teams. They should encourage all students to participate in all forms of physical activity, sporting or otherwise.

Remit The President (Sports & Physical Activity) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii.

Promote and encourage physical activity to the student body and develop policies accordingly. Act as a representative for students with any sport related concerns by liaising with the appropriate University bodies. Chair the Sports Forum. Prepare and oversee the budgets for sports clubs in consultation with the Sports Forum and the Director of Sport. Actively promote equal opportunities for participation in both competitive and non-competitive sports and sporting activities. Support clubs to maximise fundraising opportunities in order to develop sporting teams and access to facilities for the benefit of the membership. Represent Robert Gordon University at national and regional meetings of BUCS and SUS. Promote general physical activity in the University and report all student views to the Director and staff of RGU: SPORT. Liaise with the Director of Sport to contribute to the strategic development of RGU: SPORT. Work in partnership with RGU: SPORT to select and support the Scholars athletes. Ensure that Sports Club Committees receive the correct support and training to run their club, including an annual induction programme. Coordinate the work of the VP Team. Organise the Sports Awards Ball in partnership with the Director of Sport. Committee and the Annual General Meeting.

Must be a Matriculated Student who will be able to take a year out of their studies or start immediately after they finish studies in the current academic year. Full time work begins from 1st August for a period of 12 Months.



Vice President (Academic) The Vice President (Academic) is required to represent the student body on University level committees specifically regarding the academic part of student life. This is done in consultation with the Faculty Officers, class representatives and the President (Education & Welfare).

Remit The Vice President (Academic) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Attend and represent students on University level committees as required, specifically including Academic Council. Be responsible for recruiting student membership for those University Committees that require student involvement. Be responsible for engaging with class representatives and Faculty Officers through the rep forums on Moodle and to feed these matters into the Executive Board. Ensure that awareness of campaigns and relevant topics relating to Academic issues are of a high priority and promoted throughout the Students Association. Be responsible for arranging and organising the Student Affairs Committee and, in the absence of the President (Education & Welfare), is responsible for chairing the committee. Liaise with Student Services in the promotion of the National Student Survey. Undertake any other duties as mandated or required by the Executive Committee.

Must be a Matriculated Student up until May of next year.

NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


Vice President (Entertainment & Events) The Vice President (Entertainments & Events)

Remit The Vice President (Entertainment & Events) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Work alongside the Commercial Services Manager to ensure appropriate use of the Entertainments budget and report back to the Executive Board on these matters. To work alongside the President (Communications & Democracy, Commercial Services Manager and Graphics and Marketing Co-ordinator to organise Freshers and Re-Freshers weeks. Responsible for arranging and chairing the Entertainments Committee. To liaise with Officers, Student Clubs and Societies as well as non-involved students to ensure there is a wide variety of appropriate entertainments and events for students. Undertake any other duties as mandated or required by the Executive Committee.

Must be a Matriculated Student up until May of next year.



iNomination ELECTION INFO Form PACK 2011 Once completed, return to the SA Office at RGU:Union (take the lift to the 3rd floor and follow the 'Advice' arrow). Nomination forms must Everything that you need to know be completed and submitted by 2pm on about this year's elections. Role Friday 15th Aprilcampaign tips & descriptions,

your nomination form all included!

Full-Time Paid Roles

President (Communication & Democracy) President (Education & Welfare) President (Sports & Physical Activity)

Part-Time Voluntary Roles Vice President (Academic) Vice President (Entertainment & Events) Vice President (Environment & Ethics) Vice President (Equality & Diversity) Vice President (International) Vice President (Societies) Vice President (Sports)

University Roles

Undergraduate Governor Postraduate Governor





studentns electio 2011

Nominations Open: 1st April Nominations Close: 15th April (2pm) Question Time: 25th April (8pm) Voting Opens: 26th April (12am) Voting Closes: 28th April (2pm)



studentns electio 2011 NAME




We, the undersigned, nominate the person named above to the position of: Please note

- 3O signatures are required for all posts - No member may sign the nomination form of more than one candidate for any particular post.

Your completed nomination form should be returned to the SA Office (RGU:Union 3rd Floor) along with a passport sized photograph. It is strongly advised that you also include a campaign manifesto (max 2OO words). If you are running for a full-time Sabbatical (President) role, you must also include a letter from your head of school confirming that you are a student in your specified course. Failure to include this item will invalidate your nomination.

Your campaign slogan (in 1O words or less) NAME (Print)




NAME (Print)




OFFICE USE ONLY Nomination Received: Names Checked




Manifesto Rec'd


Time Photograph Date






studentns electio 2011

OFFICER DECLARATION Robert Gordon University Students' Association is a Charity (SCO 16639) with exempt status. There is a substantial body of government legislation and case law concerned with our activities and with the conduct of the Executive Board, who are our trustees. It is a criminal offence for anyone to be involved in the management or control of a Scottish charity who: 1. 2. 3. 4.

has been convicted of an offence including dishonesty; is an undischarged bankrupt; has been removed by a court under the provisions of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990 from being concerned in the management or control of any body; or is subject to a disqualification order or disqualification undertaking under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986. A conviction for dishonesty may be spent in terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.

Any such person acting in contravention of the law is liable to prosecution and upon conviction to a maximum of imprisonment for two years. Scottish Ministers may grant a waiver of disqualification, but waivers will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. If you are in doubt about your eligibility to act as an officer you should seek your own legal advice or contact the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. By signing this form, you not only accept that you are eligible to become an officer in the event of being elected, but you also confirm that as an officer you will always act in the best interests of the Robert Gordon University Students' Association while acting in accordance with the Constitution and Regulations (these can be found at www.rguunion.co.uk/constitution). All assets of the Association must also be used in accordance with the above stipulations. I have read and understood the criteria (above) for being an officer and confirm that I am eligible to become an officer in the event that I am elected. If in any event I become ineligible during my term in office, I will inform the Executive Board and vacate my post NAME:





Vice President (Environment & Ethics) The Vice President (Environment & Ethics) is required to ensure that the Student Association is at all times acting in an environmentally friendly and ethical manner.

Remit The Vice President (Environment & Ethics) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Be responsible for presenting the views of students with regards to environmental and ethical issues to the University, the Executive Board and appropriate external bodies Liaise with the NUS Scotland and NUS UK with regards to updating and implementation of RGU SA Policy. Liaise with CUSP (Centre for Understanding Sustainable Practice) and ESWG (Environmental Sustainability Working Group) to ensure the University and Student Union Environmental &Ethical aims are corresponding. Ensure that awareness of campaigns and relevant topics relating to Environmental and Ethical issues are of a high priority and promoted throughout the Students Association. Organise and support students with an interest in Environmental and Ethical issues to discuss Environmental &Ethical issues and feeds back discussions to the Executive Board. Encourage students interested in Environmental and Ethical issues to establish common interest societies to allow these students to engage with one another and build a community within RGU.

Must be a Matriculated Student up until May of next year.

NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


Vice President (Equality & Diversity) The Vice-President (Equality & Diversity) is required to ensure that minority group students are represented within the Association and externally.

Remit The Vice President (Equality & Diversity) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix.

Responsible for presenting the views of minority student groups to the University, the Executive Board and appropriate external bodies To be a visible representative of the RGU Students' Association and to always act in accordance with the organisation's Constitution and Regulations as well as the best interests of the organisation. Liaises with the NUS Scotland Equalities and Diversity Officers with regards to updating and implementation of RGU SA Policy. Ensures that awareness of campaigns and relevant topics affecting minority student groups is of a high priority and promoted throughout the Students Association. Organises and supports minority group students to discuss issues affecting these student groups and feeds back discussions to the Executive Board. Encourages minority group students to establish common interest societies to allow minority group students to engage with one another and build a community within RGU. Encourages participation in the Students' Association by minority group students and promotes a positive image of the Students' Association to minority group students. To ensure appropriate hand over and training information is passed on to the incoming Vice-President (Equality and Diversity). Undertake any other duties as mandated or required by the Executive Committee.

Must be a Matriculated Student up until May of next year, self-defined as being from a minority group.



Vice President (International) The Vice President (International) is

Remit The Vice President (International) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Be responsible for presenting the views of international students to the Executive Board, the University and appropriate external bodies. Liaise with the NUS International Students’ Officer with regards to updating and implementing the Robert Gordon University Students’ Union policies. Liaise with the International Office and other appropriate members of University staff regarding issues affecting International students Ensure that any campaigns or topics affecting International Students at the University are well promoted and supported Liaise with the International Student Societies affiliated to the Union to help promote their events and activities Encourage international students to participate in the Union and Union activities and help promote a positive image of the Union to International Students Convene and chair the international student sub-committee

Must be a student who has arrived at the Robert Gordon University from outwith the United Kingdom

NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


Vice President (Societies) The Vice President (Societies) is

Remit The Vice President (Societies) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Work alongside the Student Association Administrator and the Student Development and Volunteering Co-ordinator to ensure appropriate use of the Societies budget and report back to the Executive Board on these matters. Help promote and develop societies aiming to encourage a high level of quality participation. Act as a primary point of communication for societies and reports to the Executive Board on societies related matters. Be responsible for arranging and organising the Student Achievement Awards Committee, and co-chairing with the Student Development & Volunteering Coordinator. Be responsible for arranging and organising the Union & Societies Committee and, in the absence of the President (Communications & Democracy), is responsible fro chairing the committee. Ensure that societies are abiding by their constitutional requirements. Undertake any other duties as mandated or required by the Executive Committee.

Must be a Matriculated Student up until May of next year.



Vice President (Sports) The Vice President (Sports) is

Remit The Vice President (Sports) shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

Work alongside the President (Sports & Physical Activity) and the Director of Sport to ensure appropriate use of the Sports budget and report back to the Executive Board on these matters. Assist the President (Sports & Physical Activity) to appoint the Sports Executive Team (VP-Team). Co-ordinate the work of the Sports VP-Team to ensure their roles are fulfilled throughout the year. Appoint the Sports Awards Ball Committee. Organise fundraising events in liaison with the Sports Teams throughout the year. Assist the President (Sports & Physical Activity) in organising Varsity Competition Events (e.g. Boat Race and Granite City Challenge). Be responsible for arranging and organising the Sports Forum and, in the absence of the President (Sports & Physical Activity), is responsible for chairing the committee. Undertake any other duties as mandated or required by the Executive Committee.

Must be a Matriculated Student up until May of next year.

NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


University Roles Postgraduate Governor, Undergraduate Governor Become a member of the University Board of Governors! First of all, it should be made clear that although this is an elected position, it is an unpaid University position and not a role within the Union, although you are expected to work alongside the Union in your capacity as a Student Governor. This is an exceptional position which is NOT available in the majority of Universities throughout the UK! The position a student can run for as a member of the Board of Governors depends on whether they study an Undergraduate or Postgraduate course. The Board of Governors is the governing body of the University and is comprised of a maximum of 22 Governors, which includes the Principal, members of staff and 2 student members. It is in overall control of both the strategic direction and management of the University and is supported in this role by a number of committees. The role of student members of the Board of Governors is to bring the full range of their knowledge and expertise. However, it is important to note that Student Governors are not in any formal sense student representatives. The qualities required by Student Governors are those which are required of any Governor, namely: - - - - - - - -

commitment to the University and to its objectives a general understanding of universities and an appreciation of broad social and economic trends as they affect universities the ability to discuss without being adversarial or losing respect and goodwill acceptance of collective responsibility for Board decisions common sense and an acknowledgement of the art of the possible the capacity to question information and explanations supplied by officers of the University honesty and integrity respect for confidentiality.

In terms of the level of commitment required, the Board meets at least 3 times per year and Student Governors will be expected to attend these meetings. In addition, there are likely to be other meetings which you may be invited to attend.



Duties Elected Sabbaticals President (Communications & Democracy), President (Education & Welfare) and President (Sports & Physical Activity)) will become office bearers of RGU:Union from 1st August of the year of election for a period of 12 months and will be expected to carry out no less than 39 hours of work per week All elected individuals will: - - - - - - - - - -

Automatically become a Trustee of RGU:Union from 1st August for a period of 12 Months. Become top level representatives of RGU:Union and are to act at all times in accordance with the Union Constitution and Regulations, ensuring at all times they are acting in the best interests of the membership and the Union. Attend the monthly Executive Committee meetings. Represent the interests, opinions and views of the student body to the University, the NUS and the local community. Attend organised induction and training events to ensure familiarity with the rules and regulations of the Union and the Executive Committee. Report any student issues or relevant information to the Executive Committee. Carry out their duties in accordance with Union policy, procedures and the remit of their respective positions. Ensure adherence to the Education Act 2004 and current charity law. Ensure the Union is open to all, adhering to Equal Opportunities legislation. Ensure that the Union Financial Regulations are at all times being complied with and that Union funds are used for the purpose for which they were intended.

? rd a o B e v ti u c e x E e th is t Wha

airs and management and control of all the aff day to day the for le sib pon res it is rd The Executive Boa Union and may exercise powers as the of tee mit com ing ern gov t hes property of the Union. It is the hig Regulations. ance with the Union's Constitution and ord acc in are y the ed vid pro fit, ks thin rer and the Vice Presidents, the Honorary Treasu 7 the s, ent sid Pre 3 the of: s sist con The Exec Board hip) General Manager (ex-officio members

NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


Election Rules & Regulations Candidates must not campaign in any way before they receive confirmation from the Returning Officer or the Returning Officers Nominee that his/her nomination form has been accepted. This is usually shortly after the close of nominations (2pm 10th March). The Returning Officer or their nominee will take appropriate action against any candidate found to be doing this. Candidates are allocated a set amount of campaign funds by the Executive Board which is allowed for campaigning materials to help your campaign. However, Candidates are also allowed to use up to an additional ÂŁ20 of their own money on additional campaign resources. Expenses should be approved by the Returning Officer or Returning Officer's Nominee before being spent. Candidates are free to distribute publicity on notice boards and other reasonable locations within the Students' Association Building and University Buildings. Any publicity deemed to be in an inappropriate place shall be removed. You may set up a social networking site e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc, but candidates must adhere to the University IT regulations i.e. you cannot send student all emails. You must send the Returning Officer or Returning Officer Nominee a link to any social networking site created or used for the purpose of your campaign. No current elected member can use their office or Association resources (except those allocated for candidate campaigning purposes) for any campaigning purposes. Candidates will be held responsible for the actions of their campaign/team and as such should do everything to ensure that none of their supporters break any of the election rules.

Candidates Meeting A Meeting off all candidates will be called by the Returning Officer or their nominee to disseminate information and answer any questions. This meeting will be held in the Training Room, top floor of the Student Union at 2pm, Monday 18th April. ALL CANDIDATES MUST ATTEND



Question Time Question Time will be at 8.00 PM in the second floor bar, Student Union on 25th April. Each candidate will be given a chance to make a short campaign speech. The student audience will then be given the chance to ask questions of the candidates. This event will be chaired by the Returning Officer or nominee. If you fail to turn up to Question Time without submitting apologies you shall be deemed to have withdrawn your nomination. Apologies must be submitted to the Returning Officer or their Nominee by 2pm on the day of Question Time (25th April).

Voting System On-line voting will open at 12am on 26th April until 2pm on 28th April. Laptops will also be placed throughout both campuses acting as 'polling booths'. All voting is through a secure online system where you will need to type in your 8 digit matriculation number and university password. You will have the option to vote for opposing candidates in order of whom you prefer. There will be the option of 'RON' (Re-Open Nominations) in all the elections. If 'RON' receives the most votes in any given election then none of the candidates for that position are elected and nominations are re-opened.

Election Count The election count will take place in private in the RGU:Union. Candidates may nominate a person to witness the count on their behalf. The results of the elections will be announced as soon as possible by the Returning Officer. Full Election Regulations can be found at www.rguunion.co.uk/constitution

NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


FAQ WHY SHOULD I RUN FOR A POST? It's a rewarding opportunity to develop new skills and abilities that will look great to any potential employer. It's also a fun and sociable role, allowing you to be an integral part of the Union and University.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? You will meet a wide selection of students & staff members, take part in meetings and have a real say and effect on the way the Union is managed and run.

WHAT QUALITIES DO I NEED? There isn't a set list of qualities needed to be a President or Vice President, you have to be committed to the position, work well in a team and be outgoing. A wide variety of people have enjoyed holding these roles, and have brought a wealth of skills and abilities to the Union.

HOW MUCH TIME WILL IT TAKE UP? Vice Presidents are expected to touch base with the Union at least once a week. The Presidents work 39 hours a week and are based in the Sabbatical Offices on the third floor of the Union.

WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES? If elected, you will be responsible for meeting the needs of the section of the student population that you represent. You will be expected to attend relevant meetings and attend to the welfare, issues and needs of students.



DO I GET PAID? Vice President positions are on a voluntary basis, so representatives are unpaid for their contribution. The three Presidents all have a yearly salary and will have either taken a year out from their studies to accept the position or have recently graduated.

WHERE IS IT BASED? This all depends on the nature of your role. Workspaces are provided in the Union third floor offices, however Presidents and Vice Presidents tend to split their time between Schoolhill and Garthdee campuses, depending on where their interests lie.

HOW DO I APPLY? Nominations for the various positions can be made from the 1st April until the 15th April at 2pm. Your nomination form can be found in the centre pages of this guide. Additional forms can also be collected from the Union or various sites around the campus.. Once a nominee has collected the required number of signatures, the form can be returned to the SA Office on the third floor of RGU:Union.

HOW SHOULD I RUN MY CAMPAIGN? The best way to run a successful campaign is to get a group of friends to support you. Learn about the opposing candidates and the platform they are running from. Be different and offer your potential voters a new option. Poster campaigns are great but word of mouth is better, tell all your friends to vote for you!

If you still have unanswered questions, e-mail elections@ rguunion.co.uk

Nominations Open: 1st April Nominations Close: 15th April (2pm) Question Time: 25th April (8pm) Voting Opens: 26th April (12am) Voting Closes: 28th April (2pm) NOMINATIONS: 1st - 15th APRIL // VOTING: 26th - 28th APRIL


student elections 2011 Full-Time Paid Roles

President (Communication & Democracy) President (Education & Welfare) President (Sports & Physical Activity)

Part-Time Voluntary Roles Vice President (Academic) Vice President (Entertainment & Events) Vice President (Environment & Ethics) Vice President (Equality & Diversity) Vice President (International) Vice President (Societies) Vice President (Sports)

University Roles

Undergraduate Governor Postraduate Governor

Nominations Open: 1st April Nominations Close: 15th April (2pm) Question Time: 25th April (8pm) Voting Opens: 26th April (12am) Voting Closes: 28th April (2pm) Pick up an Election Pack or visit rguunion.co.uk to find out more.





studentns electio 2011

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