WHAT IS THE UNION? RGU:Union has two main functions. Firstly, the building houses the Sabbatical and part-time officers, as well as the Union Staff, who are here to help students with any issues they have during their time at the University. Secondly, we provide social spaces for students to gather and feel comfortable. We are the only venue in Aberdeen solely dedicated to Students.
WHAT IS THE PROJECT? The Union Decoration project is aimed at creating a more student-centric atmosphere in the Union social spaces. The aim of the project is to allow students to take control of the Union and make it feel more welcoming. By taking part in the project, students will be taking ownership of the Union, allowing them to have some pride in the building, as well as making it a more attractive location in which to socialise.
WHAT ARE THE COSTS? The Union will cover all reasonable basic material costs. The only other cost for participants is their time in carrying out the project.
WHAT ARE THE MAIN BENEFITS? The main benefit is that Students get to have a bit of ownership of the Union building. By decorating the walls, Students have an opportunity to display their work to the many people that use the Union social spaces, be they Students, Staff, Visitors or otherwise. The decorated sections will essentially become free exhibition spaces for those who contribute to the project.
WHICH AREAS WILL BE DECORATED? The Union has a large amount of blank wall space to offer spanning throughout all areas of the building. From tall pillars and large walls in our bars and cafe, to under utilised areas in our two stairwells.
HOW DO I GET INVOLVED? We are looking for as many students as possible from all disciplines to submit ideas. For fullsize images of the areas concerned, contact Ryan Maclean (Student President) by e-mailing president@rguunion.co.uk
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Blackfriars St
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Marks &r Spence
Union Terrace Gardens
No9 Bus Stops Here
No1 & No2 Buses Stop Here
Union St
Clydesdale Bank