Reform Magazine - Issue 16 - December 2009

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Find out how our sports teams have been getting on.



TOP TIPS FOR THE WINTER SEASON Jennifer Macleod First of all, always carry an umbrella! Even when you think it may not rain, and all looks hopeful, it always rains. Incase of a lack of umbrella, a hefty hood would be adequate substitute. Invest in a decent pair of boots, wellies, or any kind of waterproof footwear. As well as the down-


pours, we’ve uneven paving and cobbles to contend with. There’s nothing worse than a footful of water during 2 hour long lectures! Hats! Whether you’re into head decoration or not, you will be glad of a hat when the winter really closes in and buses are delayed and your ears feel like they may fall off. Gloves! Gloves! Gloves! Magic gloves, hobo gloves, mittens, fin-

gerless, ski gloves. Anything possible to keep your hands warm and ward off frost bite. You may not be into the whole earmuff movement, but I will guarantee you they make all the difference. Scarves, it may seem like I’m pointing out the obvious, but you’d be surprised by the amount of people you see walking around Belmont Street in nothing but

t-shirts and jeans or a playsuit and bare legs! Ladies, ditch tights for leggings! Walk carefully, don’t slip. Especially down Belmont Street! Easily Done! Bottom line, look after yourself, nobody wants a slipped disc during party season!


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keeping you in the loop

CHARITIES SOCIETY GO BLUE FOR CHILDREN IN NEED Joe Folan & Nicky MacBeath RGU: RAG has been at it again! People in the different RGU campuses were a little surprised on Friday the 20th when some students turned up for lectures a little more blue than they usually are. Over 20 RAG members dressed from head to toe as smurfs to raise money for Children In Need. The smurfs spent all day in lectures, like a good smurf should, and after getting some rather different looks from the people of Aberdeen on buses and in shopping centres, they met at the union for a smurf conga around Aberdeen city centre. Sales of face paint and blue and white clothing in Ab004

erdeen had hit an all-time high as the students made their way up Union Street and down through the market on Union Terrace, giving high-fives to awestruck children along the way. RAG has raised a fantastic total of over ÂŁ600 from sponsorship and collections for Children In Need. This event is part of a series of fundraisers run by RAG throughout the year. The group have already participated in an underwear fashion show and a charity head shave. They have now raised nearly ÂŁ4000 from three events for charity. Next up on the money-gathering calendar is the Christmas carol singing, which will be taking place on the 10th of December.

onal media, in both the local and nati The event was covered tland and Sco io Rad BBC nal, Jour s& with articles in the Pres w. sho d Nee In n ldre also on the main BBC Chi


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green news

ABERDEEN LICENSING BOARD NIGHTCLUB ENTRY RESTRICTION In Aberdeen nightclubs open after 02:00 operate an entry restriction (commonly referred to as ‘the curfew’). This means that you cannot gain entry to late night opening premises after 02:00. If you want to go to a club on a Friday or Saturday night, you have to be inside it before 02:00 and if you leave you cannot get back in or into another club. The one exception is if you go outside to smoke when you can re-enter. On Thursday 24 December 2009 and Thursday 31 December 2009 the restriction will start at 03:00. The Licensing Board (which issues licences to sell alcohol) introduced the restriction to deal with the crime, disorder and public nuisance in Aberdeen city centre which occurs at the weekend in the early hours. The entry restriction is designed to reduce the number of drunk people moving between licensed premises. It also reduces the pressure on taxi, bus and late night catering services after 03:00.

CALLING ALL BUDDING MUSICIANS! The Union is looking for any singer/songwriters at RGU to take part in our new live music nights. Once a month The Sunday Sessions will showcase the best in local talent, and we want you to be part of it! If you’re looking for an audience to play to, contact Rachel Watson (VP Union & Societies) by e-mailing

FREE CONDOMS FOR ALL RGU STUDENTS! Don’t forget that you can get free condoms from the lovely people at the Union! Simply send the Condom Fairy an e-mail with your name and address and she’ll get some sent straight to your flat. E-mail for more details


UNION STRIKES GOLD AT BEST BAR NONE AWARDS RGU:Union has been awarded gold at this year’s Aberdeen ‘Best Bar None’ awards. The award, which aims to help make the city centre’s nightlife safer, and promote sensible drinking, was presented to Michele Collie, Union General Manager and Iain Donaldson, Commercial Services Manager on Tuesday 1st December. Being awarded a gold accreditation, along with becoming part of Unight, a

city-wide pubs & clubs security scheme, shows that the Union is committed to ensuring the safety and well being of its customers, you the students. Rachel Watson, Vice President (Union & Societies) was delighted with the award; “We are all very pleased with this achievement! It’s fantastic to see how far the Union has come in the last year, especially after the huge investment the University has made with regards to the refurbishment. Well done to everyone involved!”

RECYCLE, RECYCLE, RECYCLE! Everybody’s going green these days, and the Union is no different! Look out for our special recycling bins next time you’re in the building, and make sure you make use of them when disposing of unwanted paper, plastic bottles and cans. We will also happily accept any used ink cartridges or old mobile phones that you don’t need. Simply hand them into reception.


This sounds really daft but I took this picture of a dancing carrot made out of pizza crusts and sent it to an art student friend with a comment about how I could probably swap from the Business School to Grays with something that arty, he told me i couldnt be taken seriously as an artist until i had my work published and I should sent it to you guys! Is there any chance if you have a tiny corner


People & Planet groups in universities up and down the UK are making a real difference in tackling issues of poverty, human rights and the environment through changing attitudes and actions of individuals, their institutions and government. Join now to start making a difference in your university, community and world! To get involved simply email

free you could add in the attatched picture?! Thanks! Nicky MacBeath

Well Nicky, ask and you shall receive! We don’t think you should be giving the lecturers at Grays a call quite yet, at least not until RGU introduce their newest degree, ‘BA Making Food Look Like Other Kinds Of Food’. Remember you can e-mail us at 005

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RGU SPORTS CLUB FASHION SHOW 6th November 2009 Liquid Nightclub, Bridge Place

Images from the RGU Sports Club Fashion Show, which took place on 6th November at Liquid Nightclub.


Models showcased clothes from various local outlets, including New Look, Concept Clothing, Quicksilver, Retrospect, Aberdeen Football Club, Coco Violet and Alex Scott Kiltmakers. In total over £1000 was raised, and will be split between the RGU Sports Clubs and the Murrayfield Centenary Fund.

It was second time lucky for this year’s Union Annual General Meeting. After a false start on November 18th, where only 40 students bothered to turn up at the Union (meaning that the quorum of 60 was not reached, and the meeting could not go ahead), the rescheduled AGM took place the following Wednesday. Over 150 students, including representatives from the Union’s various societies and sports clubs packed into the second floor bar to find out more about the state of the Union, and to debate various topics. Along with a video documenting what this year’s Student Officer team have been doing, David Hegarty (VP Sport) gave a brief financial report, which showed that the Union is on budget for the year so far. Votes were also taken to clarify the Union’s stance on the BNP and sports team & society sponsorship matters amongst others. Full minutes will be available on the Union website later in the month.

2009 BY-ELECTION RESULTS The results for the 2009 Union By-Elections were announced on November 18th, and are: LGBT OFFICER Alex Love Re-Open Nominations

- 146 - 35

POSTGRADUATE GOVERNOR After four rounds of voting, the eventual winner was Victor Meme, who beat off competition from Ryan Maclean and Uchenna Iloka. Congratulations to the winners. If you have any questions regarding the By-Elections or results, contact Ross Murchison (President) by e-mailing



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Photos by Gonรงalo B Moreira de Silva 008


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THE HOUSE THAT HUDSON BUILT Mr Hudson, fresh from the release of album ‘Straight No Chaser’, the phenomenal success of ‘Supernova’, and subsequent single ‘White Lies’, has just finished touring the UK with Calvin Harris. I had the chance to catch up with him just before his gig in Inverness to talk Kanye, Jay-Z, MOBOs and the Library...



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Ryan Maclean HOW’S THE TOUR GOING SO FAR? It’s going really good, I love Calvin’s crowds man, they’re really up for it, I’ve been having a very good time, burning the candle at both ends. ANY CHANCE OF COLLABORATING WITH CALVIN IN THE FUTURE? He’s got a remix of Supernova, which is pretty banging. But yeah, hopefully we’ll keep on working together, he’s a cool guy. IT’S FAIR TO SAY YOU ONLY CAME ON TO A LOT OF PEOPLE’S RADAR WITH THE RELEASE OF ‘SUPERNOVA’, HOW DID THE COLLABORATION WITH KANYE WEST COME ABOUT? He heard the first album (A Tale of Two Cities) and liked it, and he was just a fan of the music, and I think that’s really lovely; it wasn’t an industry deal, it just felt really natural. I’d obviously heard his stuff, and was a massive fan, so when I got the phone call saying Kanye wants to executive produce your next album I didn’t have to think twice, it was a no-brainer! HOW MUCH OF AN INFLUENCE WOULD YOU SAY KANYE HAS BEEN? Massively, particularly in the last year, and not just musically, but like in how to deal with life on the road and how things change in your life, cause there’s almost different rules now, but he’s a very good man and he showed me how to hold on to that. HOW WAS WORKING WITH KANYE ON THE ALBUM? Well it’s not just Kanye, it’s working with his whole team out there, and being in America, listening to American radio and being in LA, it’s just kinda equipped me with the confidence to use new production tools and equipment. When it came to making ‘Straight No Chaser, I didn’t muck around, I just attacked it, I mauled it. I wanted something that would just kick people in the nuts, something a bit more grown up, a bit like, you know that line of Kanye’s, ‘what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger’, and I feel like I’ve lived a lot, I’ve toured a lot, I’ve seen a lot in the last couple of years since the first album, and I just feel like a little bit more match fit, do you know what I mean? I’m literally in better shape too, I played so much basketball out there, I went to the gym with those guys, you know what American’s are like, they watch what they eat, they work hard, they play hard, I’m pretty sure this chest infection I’ve got is from doing a six mile run in Aberdeen! I’ve got this rocky thing going on, the eighties were the decade that, aesthetically at least, influenced this album, you know I wanted this ‘kick them in the nuts thing’, you know like Die Hard, or the Arnie films, I think there’s a bit of that widescreen blockbuster eighties film kind of theme about the album, particularly the first half. THEN WORKING WITH JAY-Z ON THE BLUEPRINT III? That’s another ridiculous career highlight, I couldn’t


have imagined that like 5 or even 2 years ago. I remember, Kanye was in London, it was the third time we’d met and I’d just signed to his record label, and I got in the car and he was like ‘Yo Hudson, what’s goin’ on player´ and I was like ‘Yeah, I’m good, how are you?’ and he said ‘I’m gonna get you on the Blueprint III with Jay-Z’, so I said ‘Yeah, cool, ok’ but kinda thinking, I’ll see it when I believe it; and now here we are, a year later and it’s actually happened, and hopefully I’ll be hooking up with Jay at the end of the week back in London town, so yeah, it’s a funny little life I have. I kinda feel like people are proud to have a British person on the record.

I got a call saying “Kanye wants to exec produce your next album.” I didn’t have to think twice! HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU’VE DEVELOPED SINCE BEING AN INDIE KID SINGERSONGWRITER, TO NOW CROSSING OVER TO URBAN MUSIC? My first instrument was the drums, when I was 10 or 11. I had learnt a bit of piano as a kid obviously when I was at school, and I took the drums very seriously - it was like a girlfriend. You know, at that age before you start talking to girls or anything, I got obsessed. I fell in love with the drums, then the guitar, then the saxophone, then the bass, then I got into recording demo’s on my little 4-track, and then eventually production. So my background is definitely as a singersongwriter with an acoustic guitar sitting on the edge of my bed, sort of moaning about being rubbish at talking to girls. Then to end up on Kanyes record, writing, producing and singing on it, and then singing with Jay, yeah, it’s a long way to come. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY THE MAIN DIFFERENCES WOULD BE BETWEEN ‘A TALE OF TWO CITIES’ AND ‘STRAIGHT NO CHASER’? Tale of two cities was cross-genre, people ask me “why did you dump the Library”, and I call Joy over, and she’s like, “well I’m still here”. But I haven’t thrown the baby out with the bathwater, just ‘cause the library isn’t on the posters, it was just a bit of a mouthful wasn’t it? But that was the concept for the first album. Straight No Chaser was more about me, about what I wanted to say musically. I made most of it in my bedroom above a pub in Camden. I was just like, it was some sh*t from ‘Rocky’, but musically! You know those

montage scenes in those 80’ films when someone is getting themselves together with the little punching bag and the medicine ball? I was like that musically. I’d get up and drink some coffee, go out for a run, and come back and sit at the piano and write, then go down to the pub, have a couple of pints, then go up to bed and watch a movie. Films are great when you come out of the studio, ‘cause your ears are fucked, and your eyes are screwed from looking at the computer. You’re wired but tired, so a movie just allows you to zone out and hand over control and just forget about yourself. YOU GOT NOMINATED FOR TWO MOBO AWARDS, HOW DID THAT FEEL? I’ve been asked before if it was surreal, but nobody mentioned the fact I’m a white bloke at the awards, I think they’re almost like the Urban Pop awards now, but I think it’s a good thing - a good sign that it wasn’t an issue. It was a great feeling. AND THEN YOU WON THE Q AWARD FOR BEST BREAKTHROUGH, HOW WAS THAT? Now that was surreal! We put a couple of singles out in 2006, the first album came out in early 2007, and now here we are in late 2009, it’s funny how time flies! But yeah, it’s great to be recognised! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT PLANNED FOR 2010 AND BEYOND? I want to get my work rate up, just do more, move up the gears and put my fucking foot down! I want to be talking to you again at like maybe the beginning of 2011 when I’ve put out the third album. I’ve just shot the video with N-Dubz for that new single which we’re really excited about. It’s called ‘Playing With Fire’. It was almost like work experience, like Jim’ll Fix It, like can I be in N-Dubz for a day! I’m working with Estelle on a duet, which will hopefully end up on her album. You’ll see me step it up, I’m not just an Urban artist, I love working with RnB and Hip-Hop people, but you’ll see me doing a lot more. FINAL QUESTION, HAVE YOU MANAGED TO NAB YOURSELF A PAIR OF THE ‘HUDSONS’ YET? No, have you? They’re like £800, I haven’t seen a pair in the UK yet, but I tried some on in Chicago. That was nice, but having Louis Vuitton shoes named after me, that’s the kind of crazy shit that goes on in my life just now. I don’t take these things for granted, I still take pleasure in the small things, you know.The best things in life still come cheap, like taking a walk round Aberdeen, getting lost and getting freezing in this little jacket, then finding a nice little restaurant to have a little fish broth and a whisky toddie. They are the things I enjoy, you know. I don’t need a £500 bottle of Champagne yet!

Mr Hudson’s new album, ‘Straight No Chaser’ is available to buy now.


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Classic Grand, Glasgow 26th October 2009 Matilda-Clare Blaauw Walking into this gig was like walking into back stage, I kid you not. For the reason of a fully equipped hair and make-up stand servicing the ravers of La Roux. Queuing to get that all important pimpy quiff and glitter a go go. Not to mention the fact that these fans had the opportunity to be papped after the pamper sesh! It was like nothing I’d seen before. Eleanor Jackson alongside the band kept us waiting for about 40 minutes, but entered on stage like it was a perfectly reasonable time to kick off the evening. The hall was awash with a cascade of synth and bass as she whacked into ‘Quicksand’ and the crowd went berserk! As the bass and special effects at the back of the stage faded, she blurts out, “aren’t you guys in the middle there a little bit scared of that falling down on you”? She points the mic to the gargantuan disco ball that hangs aloft,“I mean, it’s the biggest in Europe, so I’ve been told”. She has a dirty laugh, “don’t want u guys to be alarmed or anything though”. In a whirl of sick synth that eddies round a pulse of bass, the band smacks into ‘I’m Not Your Toy’. She writhes and contorts as she gives it her all, and the fans lap it right up. Elly comes up to the edge of the stage and butts into the immense cheer that follows the end of the track with ‘you’re all cheering but you never bought it,’ referring to the sales that obviously seemed to not reach her expectations. But has a giggle to her self, “only joking” she says “please buy my records!” Midway through ‘In For The Kill’ a cheeky fan throws up on stage a bra. She smirks and places it in prime position on the mic stand for all to see, it gives her a blatant sense of raunchy satisfaction!! This was followed by a condom. At the end of the track she is disgusted,“ewhh, someone has chucked a condom”. Sourcing the fan she cuts deep with “ah, I see, you look like a wanker and all!” A night of ebbing bass lines that seem like they could well be plugged right into a beating heart, and psycho electro drums could put this gig in a nutshell.To reach the crescendo on the set list La Roux pleasures the fans with ‘Bulletproof ’.



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Jennifer Macleod

Kaela Mitchell

The second album from the Saturdays sees a distinctive change in style of music, with a slightly more mature note. The first album ‘chasing lights’ was a huge success. ‘Wordshaker’ features input from some big names in the industry such as pop producers ‘the jam’ who have worked with the likes of Mariah Carey and Lady GaGa. The first track on the album, ‘Forever Is Over’, was written by Busted’s James Bourne, and reached number 2 in the charts back in October. It is definitely the best track on the album.The other 11 songs provide a variety of tone. ‘Wordshaker’ being a particularly catchy and upbeat track. Overall ‘Wordshaker’ is a refreshing combination of ballads and pop/dance tunes. Easy Listening!

Although the Hannah Montana star is not really my first choice on iTunes, I was surprised to find I didn’t entirely hate the album! The singer’s second record presents a new, more grown-up sound, edging away from archetypal Disney hits and breaking into mainstream pop/rock whilst maintaining her country twist. Songs such as ‘Time of Our Lives’ and ‘The Climb’ in particular display the fact that Miss Cyrus has an impressive vocal ability, something rarely associated with teen stars of our age. However, the album just doesn’t really live up to the price tag, with only a handful of the songs standing out against frankly monotonous pop ballads. So, it may not be the best album on the earth, but at least it’s not Girls Aloud right?!

Wordshaker Album - Available NOW

The Time Of Our Lives Album - Available NOW

WIN! We’ve got 5 copies of NME’s brand compilation, The Album 2009 to give away to you lovely lovely readers. To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the following question:

NME THE ALBUM 2009 Various Artists Album - Available NOW Jennifer Macleod NME hits the spot once again! 40 tracks of pure musical genius! Disc one includes muse, kasabian, friendly fires and Jamie T. There’s not a bad track on the album. There is a fantastic combination from The Enemy to Gallows’ Disc two features Biffy Clyro, Paramore and Green Day, also shockingly Little Boots. The album hosts many a much-loved artist and covers a range of music types. It’s a good listen as any NME release, but the chances are, If you’re into the music, you will probably have already downloaded or bought the majority of the tracks. However, it does what it says on the tin in a manner of speaking and would make an excellent Christmas present for any music lover! DECEMBER 09

1st - MUSIC SHED SEVEN Music Hall, Union Street. £16.50 1st - MUSIC FRIGHTENED RABBIT Warehouse, Windmill Brae. £12 2nd - MUSIC FOY VANCE Warehouse, Windmill Brae. £6 4th - MUSIC THE BLOCKHEADS Lemon Tree, W/North St. £15.50 5th - MUSIC RUNRIG Music Hall, Union Street. £23.50 5th - MUSIC MR SCRUFF Warehouse, Windmill Brae. £12.50 12th - MUSIC GOLDIE LOOKIN CHAIN Warehouse, Windmill Brae. £10 15th - MUSIC STATUS QUO AECC, Bridge Of Don. £31.50 18th - COMEDY RUSSELL HOWARD AECC, Bridge Of Don. £20 29th - MUSIC BAD MANNERS Warehouse, Windmill Brae. £15 30th - MUSIC COMPLETE STONE ROSES Warehouse, Windmill Brae. £15

Who hit number 3 in the charts this year with the track ‘FIRE’? a) KASABIAN b) JACK PENATE c) PASSION PIT If you think you know the answer, simply e-mail your name, answer & address too with DECEMBER COMPETITION as the subject. The closing date for entries is Friday 18th December. Good luck!


E-Mail for more details. 013

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WINTER WARMERS Its getting Baltic, no joke! But Refom sweeps in to save the day yet again with a wonderland of pimpy winter warmers that give you a warm glow and A-list street cred!


Panda Beanie £12.99, River Island Worlaby Quilted jacket £129, Jack Wills

Multi Sequin Beret £19.99, River Island

Cable Bakerboy £14.99, River Island

O’Neill Artiste Convertible Mittens £30,

Khaki Hunter Cap £16, Topman


Alston Gilet £98, Jack Wills Daxx Dearskin Mittens £16.99,



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FINDING THE PERFECT GIFT It’s that time of the year again! The blue and gold lights adorning the city centre, students admitting that it’s finally too cold to brave the world in our t-shirts and breaking out the knitwear. And, if you’re anything like my flatmates, Poundland’s finest decorations are now plastered all over your flats. So once you’re finished bursting into the “Holidays are coming” song as the coco-cola advert graces

the TV, and generally squealing every time you pass a Christmas tree, you start to think: “What the hell am I going to get everyone?” Well never fear, we have compiled a list of 5 weird and wonderful Christmas gifts (on a studentfriendly budget you’ll be glad to hear!) that you’re lucky chosen ones will cherish forever – or at least for the day...

PERSONALISED LETTER FROM SANTA £4.99, Now, we all know Santa isn’t real (or if you didn’t know that then well your innocence is impressive) but what about those little ones in our lives that are still under the illusion? Just imagine how amazed you would have been if you’d finally received a letter back from Santa, straight to your front door, knowing your address, name and with the option of also including the name of one of your best friends! Surely it can’t just be me that’s excited by this prospect?

SOVEREIGN MUG £5.99, There’s no point trying to deny it, we all have at least one “Chavy” friend – the one who still insists on wearing the tracksuits despite never going to the gym, and whose car pulsates with music as you embarrassedly and speedily sneak into their Corsa, head down... Well here’s the perfect gift for that friend; the three gold sovereign rings that form the handle of the cup turning what was a normal white cup into the perfect accessory! If all else fails, it’ll at least give them something else to drink the Buckfast out of...

LAIRD/LADY TITLE GIFT PACK £19.85, Yes, that’s right! With this unusual gift you can buy your friends their own title, so instead of sitting quietly while other students boast about their latest Jack Wills purchase, you’re lucky friend can chip in with “Yeah? Well you don’t own your own land.” This gift makes your friends dream of being part of the elusive landed gentry a reality, even if it is only one square foot of land. Slightly pricey for the budget, but pretty damn cool!


ARSE & FACE SOAP £4.99, As the website declares “you will never wash your face with the wrong part of the soap again!” For the more carefree hygienists of your friends, this soap presents a clear message whilst masquerading as an affable joke. Two birds with one stone: Perfect!

AFTER SHOWER TOWELLING TURBAN £4.99, Picture the scene:You’re just out of the shower and the door goes, and what can you do? A hand towel just doesn’t suffice and a regular towel is just too big... It’s a hard time. Well now you can solve that problem with this gift! Never again will your blessed friend/family member be caught with dripping hair, and plus, it’s a novelty gift that your mum might actually use!


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the legendary myth that is

SANTA CLAUSE Anas Hassan I love Christmas. I love the parties, the lights (particularly the ones dominating Union Street), the festivities and spending time with the family. And of course that momentous occasion on Christmas Day when Her Majesty The Queen makes her address to the nation. However, there is one thing about Christmas that either makes me laugh, or even take a tongue-incheek approach towards, anyone who genuinely holds the realistically inexplicable belief that this controversial celebrity is a real being – Santa Claus. Of course, being young and naïve, you can’t blame the kids for jumping for joy at the prospect of Father Christmas allegedly shooting down their family’s chimney on Christmas Eve. Believe it or not, however, there are adults out there who passionately believe that this fictitious figure is a real person, who actually lives in his own apartment on the North Pole and who has the ability to fly around the world and deliver every last gift to every last young child in every last country across the world, all in the space of just one night. What utter drivel. I mean, why do we have a growing aviation industry if it is really true that Santa Claus can fly around

the world in one night? Not even a Boeing 747 can achieve that amazing feat.We’d all be flying in limited capacity, yet beautifully decorated and open aired reindeer driven vehicles, sitting in them feeling like little elves, beaming through the skies of the planet Earth. It’s the sort of journey that Michael O’Leary could dream of in his sleep on Christmas night. I receive nothing but civilised malevolence over Santa Claus when I deliver the sad, yet irrevocable truth. And believe it or not, I can’t understand why. I’m not stating that parents shouldn’t inflate excitement around their children over Christmas and Santa Claus. Christmas is about happiness. But, as far as Santa Claus is concerned, at the end of the day they are only young – let them find out the real truth when they grow older. We do blush at our childhood gaffes as adults after all. There’s nothing amiss with engaging with reality. And I do know a few people who say they believe in Santa for a laugh, but they’re really taking Mickey Mouse for a walk. But until the day I see a joyful young gentleman in a red suit and with a massive white beard flying above me with his reindeer, I will always remain rightly sceptical of, quite frankly, this well celebrated cartoon character.

BAH ! G U B HUM Chris Kennedy

The unmissable tide of red and white hats and over the top shopping centre decorations has been making my stomach churn since October. Family members have been fighting for my company for some apparently important roast dinner, and I’m feeling guilty because I haven’t bought my girlfriend’s dog a present yet. Yes, its Christmas time. I’m pretty sure my loathing of xmas has come from my own personal situation, which I won’t waste precious space discussing, but I don’t know what all the fuss is about. To sound clichéd, I understand why it was a big deal back in the God fearing days, but it’s transformed into a time of year that anyone who sells something makes a bit more profit and everyone who earns a living makes a crippling loss. I do


like the idea of making the people you care for feel special - especially since I moved away from home I understand the enthusiasm for people to want to see their family. However when these thoughts become reality there is a completely different story to be told. Arguments, stress, rushing about trying to find a gift that in most cases will be met by a smile so false it would break a lie detector, travelling hundreds of miles and watching embarrassing Christmas specials of programs which you would never watch normally - this is what actually occurs. To make things tolerable though, I will try and enjoy it, make the most of the holidays, not that it can be described as a holiday since every free second I have will be spent on revision since my wonderful University decided to make the exams after New Year!


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HURLING TEAM COMPETE IN BIRMINGHAM Joe Folan RGU hurling team competed in the British University Championships in Birmingham earlier this month, and despite the terrible weather gave a great display of hurling over the weekend. After a tedious 9-hour bus journey, and only 4 hours sleep, RGU lined out against John Moores of Liverpool on the Saturday. A double on the ball from outside the 21” from Bobby O’Brien helped RGU to a draw in the first match of the day, 1-6 to 2-3. Next up was the University of Liverpool, and strong performances from team captain Robbie Walsh and Lee D’arcy helped RGU put them aside with ease and lead them to their first win of the day.

RGU CHEERLEADERS Matilda-Clare Blaauw The Cheerleading Squad. Up and down the UK, every University has one. Each unique in their appearance, chant, energy and choreographing. RGU has its own, with the current squad starting out in September 2007 with 25 members. Past events that you may have seen them injecting fun and glamour at, are the Granite City Challenge, BUSA Rugby Final, Aberdeen Universities Boat Race, Dance Festivals and various ‘Cheer Camps’. ‘Cheer Camps’ are where it all happens, trading dance steps and spectacular formation ideas. You could well say, rather like a good cocktail: shaking it up and adding juicy, smooth and zingy parts! Fiona and Nicola who head the RGU Squad, along with the rest of the team, went down to Glasgow last year and explained, “we learnt a lot, because before that we hadn’t done many lifts, so it was good to bring that back to our squad”. Perfection comes at a price, the price of muscle pain! “We paid for it the next day” Nicola admitted, “but it was really good and it’s upped our game”. The balancing act of Uni work and heading up a squad must be more than testing. This is alongside the fact that they themselves are in 4th year, and that alone is demanding, “It’s quite a busy job, trying to keep on top of everything. It’s a lot of work also being in our final year but a lot of fun!” This is obviously something they feel passionate about, and high-five to them! OCTOBER 09

Hopes and dreams are the fuel of any Uni goer, and this is no different when it comes to Societies and their future. This year the Cheerleaders have plans to step up the amount of times they perform, bringing it to every 2 weeks. In March they hope to enter their first competition, with a hip hop section of their current routine. Fingers will be well and truly crossed all over RGU for the girls! Beyond this year, hopes are that the squad will enter more sections into the ‘Scot Cheer Competition’, including the all important iconic pom poms! With the current squad numbers standing at 45 this year, the chances that they will succeed in the plans for the future are high. You can catch our Cheerleaders cheering at many events throughout the year, such as rugby, football and basketball fixtures, Granite City Challenge, ‘Scot Cheer‘ and more. Fiona and Nicola are passionate about Cheerleading, “it’s about socialising, keeping fit, performing and having fun, we love everything about it”. RGU Cheerleaders work hard and tirelessly in rehearsals to put on a fabulous spectacle at events, its about time they were recognised for their heard work and that a cheer was given back to them in return! So lets raise the roof and show some proof that we appreciate them and the dedication they give us year upon year!

As the weather conditions deteriorated, the quality of hurling improved. St. Marys were waiting in the semi-final with a strong northern team, and due to Dec Caulfield’s broken thumb and Seamus Dunne’s red card earlier in the tournament, RGU were at a disadvantage.Things began to turn however with goalie Paddy Fitzgerald keeping shot after shot out of the net, as well as a penalty, and Rory Dunne leading the pressure on St. Marys up at the other end of the pitch.The persistence paid off in the end, with the news that RGU would be taking on rivals Napier in the final. After being stuck in morning traffic for nearly two hours beforehand, RGU took to the pitch on Sunday morning ready for Napier. Tensions were high as the Edinburgh side had beaten RGU considerably in Dundee a month beforehand. Shane O’Carroll and Enda Cooney gave everything in the first half, helping to keep Napier’s lead down to only two points at halftime. Napier were reduced to 14 men early in the second half after an attack on Joe Folan as he lay on the ground resulted in a straight red. Unfortunately the extra man could not stop the force of Napier, as they tapped over point after point after point, leaving the final score at 1-6 to 3-14. A special thanks to Shane for organising the whole trip (he did enough complaining about being stuck with all the work, we might as well).

GET FEATURED! Let us know what your sports team is up to! Send us an e-mail to


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Gregor Mailer Contributors

RESULTS ROUND-UP OCTOBER 10/10/09 Netball: RGU 42 – 17 Edinburgh (4s) 11/10/09 Golf: RGU 6 – 6 Glasgow Caley Volleyball (Men): RGU 0 – 3 Dundee Waterpolo (Men): RGU 6 – 28 Edinburgh Gaelic Football (Men): RGU (0-11) – (3-11) Abdn 14/10/09 Tennis (Women): RGU 7 – 3 Aberdeen Tennis (Men): RGU 0 – 10 Dundee Football (Men): RGU 1 – 2 Napier Football (Women): RGU 2 – 0 St Andrews Rugby (Men): RGU 15 – 15 St Andrews Hockey (Men): RGU 2 – 6 Abertay Hockey (Women): RGU 50 – 79 Aberdeen Basketball (Men): RGU 50 – 79 Aberdeen Basketball (Women): RGU 61 – 34 St Andrews 24/10/09 Netball: RGU 69 – 5 Aberdeen (4s) 25/10/09 Trampolining: RGU team take gold at the 1st of four indoor events Golf: RGU 3 – 5 Napier 28/10/09 Basketball (Men): RGU 50 – 52 Glasgow Caley Basketball (Women): RGU 40 – 48 Glasgow Football (Men): RGU 0 – 2 Edinburgh (2s) Football (Men): RGU (2s) 2 – 2 Glasgow (3s) Football (Women): RGU 5 – 5 Glasgow Hockey (Women): RGU 1 – 3 Heriot Watt Swimming: RGU 4 – 0 Heriot Watt Waterpolo (Women): RGU 1 – 33 Edinburgh (A) Waterpolo (Women): RGU 8 – 4 Edinburgh (B) NOVEMBER 1/11/09 Volleyball (Men): RGU 0 – 3 Dundee Volleyball (Women): RGU 3 – 0 Strathclyde

5/11/09 Football (Men): RGU (2s) 0 – 3 Edinburgh Football (Women): RGU 3 – 0 St Andrews Rugby (Men): RGU 62 – 0 Strathclyde (2s) Hockey (Women): RGU 5 – 2 Heriot Watt (2s) Hockey (Women): RGU (2s) 0 – 1 Dundee Basketball (Men): RGU 50- 52 Glasgow Caley Basketball (Women): RGU 52 – 50 Abertay 14/11/09 Netball: RGU 49 – 11 QMU 15/11/09 Hurling Championship: RGU made this year’s final, however unfortunately lost out to Napier Golf: RGU 3.5 – 4.5 Strathclyde (2s) 18/11/09 Basketball (Men): RGU 48 – 49 Aberdeen (2s) Football (Men): RGU 1 – 1 Glasgow Caley Hockey (Men): RGU 2 – 6 Napier Hockey (Women): RGU 55 – 8 Glasgow (2s) Rugby (Men): RGU 86 – 3 Edinburgh (3s) 21/11/09 Netball: RGU 46 - 18 Aberdeen (2s) 22/11/09 Golf: RGU 6.5 - 3.5 Stirling (3s) Volleyball (Men): RGU 0 - 3 Glasgow Volleyball (Women): RGU 3 - 0 Stirling Trampolining: Team Bronze and 2nd in the league 25/11/09 Football (Men) RGU 1 - 4 Dundee Hockey (Men): RGU 5 - 3 Glasgow (2s) Gaelic Football (Men): RGU (0-7) - (0-5) Abdn Waterpolo (Men): RGU 0 - 4 St Andrews For more details on any of the results, or for upcoming fixtures contact David Hegarty, Vice President (Sport). Give him a ring on 01224 263 665 or e-mail

Matilda-Claire Blaauw Joe Folan Anas Hassan David Hegarty Chris Kennedy Nicky Macbeath Ryan Maclean Jennifer Macleod Kaela Mitchell Gonçalo B Moreira de Silva Ross Murchison Rachel Watson

CONTACT US Reform Magazine RGU:Union 60 Schoolhill Aberdeen AB10 1JQ tel: 01224 262 263 fax: 01224 262 268

ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Gregor Mailer 01224 262 263

THE SMALL PRINT This magazine may contain personal views which are not the views or opinions of The Robert Gordon University or The Robert Gordon University Student Association. We’re always looking for new writers and photographers. Whether you fancy doing gig reviews, news articles, one-off features or covering RGU sports matches get in touch! RGU Student Association - Registered Scottish Charity No: SC0 16639

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Christmas Carol Service 2009 Wednesday 16 December at 3.30pm Faculty of Health & Social Care Garthdee Road

Family & friends welcome

Mulled wine & mince pies after the service, kindly sponsored by Aramark Bus provided from Schoolhill at 3pm

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