RGU Welcome Letter 2010

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Dear All New Students of RGU, First, let me wish each of you huge congratulations on choosing to study at Robert Gordon University, clearly the intelligent choice! Although studying to further your knowledge of a subject is an important part of University life, it is most definitely not the only aspect; rather the next few years of your life encompass the whole student experience. The fact of the matter is that going to University signifies entering a ‘new phase’ of your life; many of you will be leaving home for the first time, coming to a new city with unfamiliar surroundings where you will be meeting hundreds of new people in a similar situation. You will be making many, many new friends and encountering new challenges that you have never experienced before. While it may seem daunting at first, it is the ability to overcome these challenges that enrich your student experience and make it truly enjoyable! From the offset it is important to know that the Union is not just a place to go and get cheap food and drink (although this is an added bonus!); the Union has a full team of workers, from part time officers and full time sabbatical officers to full time staff, that are there specifically to help you out with any challenges and assist you in overcoming any obstacles you may face. The Union is here to ensure that your experience as a student at RGU not only meets but exceeds your expectations; we are here to make sure that your Union and your University works for you! If there is anything during your time here at the University that you feel is not working right, or there is something that is absent that you think would improve your experience, then the Union is here to help. Whether it is for extracurricular activities such as sports clubs (of which we have over 30, covering everything from Football to Mixed Martial Arts), or getting involved in societies (either academic such as the Life Sciences Society or the Law Society, or non-academic such as the Pirates Society or the Toast Appreciation Society), the Union is here to help you. You may also require some advice or support with your studies, or issues with your life in general, for which we can provide confidential help. The Union is the coming together of students to ensure that they can get everything they need and want from their student experience, and it is my job to ensure that we at the Union serve you the students in the best possible way. If there are any problems or issues you may be having please feel free to contact any member of the Union team, or log on to www.rguunion.co.uk for further information. I hope you enjoy your time here at the Robert Gordon University and wish you the best of luck with your studies!

Ryan Maclean Student President 2010/11

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