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The Outlook A powerful bi-monthly magazine written and published to nurture followers of the Reformed faith and promote the spiritual welfare of the Reformed church. Contributors carefully adhere to the historic Calvinistic creeds, the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort and the Westminster Confession and Catechisms.
To subscribe: Contact Reformed Fellowship, Inc., 10857 W. Parmalee Rd. Middleville, MI 49333-8881 (616) 532-8510 • (877) 532-8510 Online subscriptions at: www.reformedfellowship.net
We at Reformed Fellowship are thankful to our Lord for the special ways in which we can serve him through our ministry. We publish this magazine bi-monthly for the instruction and inspiration of many readers in the Christian faith and its implications for our lives in this world, from a uniquely Reformed perspective. We trust these continue to be appreciated by you and others who come across our magazine. In fact, you could greatly help us by offering a gift subscription to The Outlook to your family members and friends. In addition, we publish and have available many good books, as listed in this catalog, that can also be of benefit to you and others who purchase them. That might be another gift opportunity. What you may not realize, however, is that Reformed Fellowship sends out its magazine and books freely to persons who cannot afford them but have a burning desire to learn more about the Reformed faith. For instance, we have given books to organizations in other countries, like seminaries, to provide to their students. We have sent books and our magazine to persons in prison. We give translation rights to missionaries free of charge so they can further their ministries. We also publish the URC directory at a low price for the benefit of the membership of the United Reformed Churches and others. We do all this to fulfill our purpose of disseminating the truth of the Bible, in accordance with the Reformed confessions, for the blessing of sinners (unconverted and converted) and saints. As a non-profit organization, we do not receive, or desire to receive, financial gain from our efforts. In fact, we often lose money in the process. Yet, God provides for our needs, and we pray that you, our dear friends, will be one of his means of providing for our needs to continue our ministry for years to come. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians (4:19–20): “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Please consider a subscription, or sending a gift subscription to The Outlook! • Subscribe online at www.reformedfellowship.net • Call: (877) 532.8510 (Toll-free in U.S. and Canada) • Email: sales@reformedfellowship.net The Outlook is published six times per year (bi-monthly) by Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Annual subscriptions are $27.00 per year in the United States; outside the US, $33 per year (foreign subscribers please remit payment in US Funds; Canada add GST). Digital download subscriptions are $12 annually, and are included FREE with a print subscription.
Bible Studies
Esther: The God Who Is Silent Is Still Sovereign
Bible Studies on Amos Rev. Henry Vander Kam Rev. Vander Kam was active in the founding of the United Reformed Churches, and one of the founders and first professors of Mid-America Reformed Seminary. This well-written study is concise and easy to use for adult church Bible studies. Lessons include helpful discussion questions. Paperback, 96 pages | $9.99
Ezra Nehemiah:
The Return From Exile Dr. Norman De Jong Dr. De Jong is eminently qualified to guide you deep and wide within the flow of divine revelation. Throughout, the author scatters seeds for growing in grace today. For each chapter, he also offers a well-prepared menu of discussion questions from which small groups may choose for making the most of their allotted time together. Paperback, 272 pages | $14.99
Bible Studies on Daniel Rev. John Piersma This study begins with a brief but thorough general introduction to the book of Daniel. This valuable guide clearly explains the first six historical chapters and the last six prophetic chapters. Twelve study lessons with discussion questions. Paperback, 80 pages | $9.99
Dr. Norman De Jong Dr. De Jong reveals not only the unexpected and surprising workings of Divine providence for God’s people in dark captivity back then, but also for the church living in a pitch-black culture on this side of the Cross. Discussion questions follow each chapter to facilitate a reader’s or group’s mindful processing and heartfelt appropriation of each movement in this enthralling episode of redemptive history. Paperback, 88 pages | $9.99
NEW Bible Studies on Genesis 1-11
Letter to the Ephesians Rev. Henry Vander Kam A renewed publication of Rev. Henry Vander Kam’s classic Bible study guide on the book of Ephesians. Vander Kam’s “Letter to the Ephesians” is thoroughly Reformed and clearly written, and takes readers through this key New Testament book in sixteen lessons. Each lesson ends with discussion questions, making this book suitable for individual or group Bible study. As Rev. Vander Kam mentions in lesson one, “Anyone who would know the meaning of the term church must study Ephesians.” Paperback, 132 pages | $9.99
Rev. Mark Vander Hart In eighteen lessons Rev. Vander Hart walks through these sometimes difficult and hotly debated chapters of Genesis. Very clearly he shows that the days of creation were six “ordinary days.” The most impressive aspect of this study is that it doesn’t get stuck in these difficult questions but moves beyond them to open up what God reveals about Himself in these chapters. Paperback, 186 pages | $9.99
The Gospel-Driven Tongue: Lessons from James on Godly Conversation
Rev. Brian G. Najapfour Scriptural, straightforward, simple, and soulsearching, this small book is a must read for all God’s people as they seek to glorify God in their lives, especially through their lips. Paperback, 72 pages | $7.99
Bible Studies on Jacob
Meeting with God
A Study Guide to Abraham Kuyper’s Our Worship
Rev. Mark Vander Hart Rev. Mark Vander Hart, associate professor of Old Testament Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, continues the Bible study series he began with Genesis 1 - 11. In eighteen lessons, he traces the life of the patriarch Jacob as he learns the lessons of God’s covenant promises. An excellent guide for adult Bible study. Paperback, 156 pages | $9.99
Bible Studies on Joseph & Judah
Rev. Mark Vander Hart In eighteen lessons, this Bible study guide helps the reader to see the further unfolding of God’s covenant promises and His plans for His people. It clearly demonstrates, even when people plan evil, God is able to bring about His good. Paperback, 80 pages | $9.99
Michael R. Kearney This study guide to Abraham Kuyper’s Our Worship provides a concise and clear exposition of the nature of public worship in the continental Reformed tradition. In a period of church history marked by “worship wars” and widely-divergent views of what constitutes a God-honoring form of worship. — Dr. Cornelis Venema, President, Mid-America Reformed Seminary Booklet, 72 pages | Price $7.99
Bible Studies on Ruth Dr. L. Charles Jackson Written by a gifted pastor for people who long to study the Scriptures. With clear and interesting insights, Dr. Jackson makes the ancient love story of Ruth come to life. Ruth is really God’s love story for His people, and Ruth’s experiences lead us to relish God’s sweeping plan of redemptive history. Paperback, 176 pages | $9.99
Bible Studies on Mark Rev. William Boekestein The Gospel of Mark is all about that—the Gospel. In this short guide through this shortest of Gospels, Bill Boekestein opens up for us the person and work of Jesus Christ, who is the Gospel incarnate. You will grow in your knowledge, love, and desire to serve Jesus through these pages. —Rev. Daniel R. Hyde Paperback, 212 pages | $12.99
Bible Studies on 1 Peter Rev. Henry Vander Kam This work includes sixteen studies that engage the student in each verse of every chapter. Study questions follow each lesson. In depth discussion encourages both meditation and reflection. Paperback, 165 pages | $9.99
Meeting Jesus at the Feast: Israel’s Festivals and the Gospel
Dr. John R. Sittema The Bible tells the unique story of the history of God’s redemption, focusing on the central character — Jesus. It was difficult for the ancient people of Israel to put their faith and hope in a Messiah who would not make his appearance for more than a thousand years, so God gave them a series of feasts that provided a hint of the One who was coming. Paperback, 160 pages | $12.99
Bible Studies on 1 & 2 Thessalonians Rev. Henry Vander Kam This book is very current for Christ’s Church and for our lives today. As Paul gives comfort, encouragement and instruction for the Christians in Thessalonica, you too will be enriched in your spiritual walk. The second half of the book offers valuable studies regarding the end times. Paperback, 136 pages | $9.99
Bible Studies on 1 Timothy
The Unknown Hour:
Biblical Signs, Warnings, Hope, and Peace
Rev. Henry Vander Kam This ever popular study focuses on the instruction that an experienced Paul gives to a young, sometimes insecure preacher. The bulk of the lessons deal with the advice that Paul gave concerning the way those within the church should conduct themselves. It also addresses the falling away of the church and how Christians are to remain faithful. Paperback, 112 pages | $9.99
Bible Studies on 2 Timothy & Titus
Revised by Gaylord Haan and Jerome Julien Pointing readers to the course of redemptive history and the Lord’s unfailing promises to his Church. Firmly rooted in the eternal relevance of the Scriptures, this study is both timely and timeless. Its end times message issues a call to comfort, not to consternation. Paperback, 248 pages | $18.99
Rev. Henry Vander Kam Reformed Fellowship now offers a refreshed publication of Rev. Henry Vander Kam’s classic Bible study guide on the Books of II Timothy & Titus. A powerful study guide for all Christians. Sixteen Lessons. Paperback, 100 pages | $9.99
The Parables of Our Lord Rev. Henry Vander Kam This sixteen lesson study guide includes discussions on all of the more well-known and well-loved parables told by our Lord, such as “The Parable of the Sower,” “The Wise and Foolish Virgins,” and “The Prodigal Son;” and it also includes discussions on some of our Lord’s parables which are perhaps not so well-known and not so well understood, such as “The Parable of the Seed Growing in Secret,” “The Unrighteous Steward,” and “The Unclean Spirit.” The introductory lesson of this study is, in essence, a primer on Reformed hermeneutics, how the parables can be properly interpreted and applied to our day and age. This lesson itself is worth the cost of the book. The Parables of Our Lord would make an excellent study guide for any age group in the church, from high school on up, who seeks to better understand the main point of these masterful stories told by our Lord Paperback, 66 pages | $5.99
Denominational How to Plant a Reformed Church How to Plant a Reformed Church outlines a four-part plan beginning with initial conversation through establishing a Christcentered congregation and leaders. This URCNA church planting manual will be of great help to Christians and pastors looking to bring a Reformed Church ministry to their area. Paperback, 104 pages | $5.00
2021 URCNA Directory Twenty-Fifth Annual Edition Archive Edition of the directory of the United Reformed Churches in North America. Printed by permission of URCNA Synod. Paperback, 212 pages | $11.99
Devotional Bible Characters by David Meengs 366 Daily Devotionals As we read the Bible, we are drawn into the lives of men and women from all walks of life.Character after character speaks to us in our current situations today; their experiences are basically ours. Our times are different than Bible times, yet the way God spoke to those men and women is for all the ages. Paperback, 390 pages | $9.99
Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms Study Resource (4 Vols.)
Edited by Peter H. Holtvlüwer The four-volume, hardcover Study Resource is a Reformed commentary on the Psalms that does two things differently than other commentaries: 1) While explaining each psalm in its context, the Study Resource shows how all the psalms reveal the Savior Jesus Christ; 2) Each chapter provides rich commentary in an accessible and efficient format. In very little time, the reader can find what he/she needs. The busy adult, parent, teacher, deacon, elder, or pastor can utilize it quickly for devotional insights, teaching points, or exegetical issues by navigating through any of sixteen headings. Hardcover, 1785 pages | $70.00
Bind Them Upon Your Heart Forever
Guard Your Heart
David Meengs David Meengs, missionary to India, has written this daily devotional to help you study the most important truths about who God is and about living a Christian life that is pleasing to Him. Each of these 366 daily devotionals focuses on a short Scripture passage and applies it to your daily walk. May God bless your study of His Word! Paperback, 384 pages | $9.99
David Meengs 366 daily devotions written especially to help you stand strong in the face of adversity of all kinds. May we keep our eyes on God in true faith, hope and prayer. May God help us to have a practical, faithful response to the evil that is so prevalent today! Paperback, 380 pages | $9.99
Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms Edited by Peter H. Holtvlüwer Each devotion helps us to know our Savior more deeply. Three appendices add psalm devotions for those special dates on the Christian calendar: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost. Thanksgiving and the New Year are also reflected upon. Hardcover, 395 pages | $21.00
for It is the Wellspring of Life
Hymns of Devotion 25 Hymns for the Church Rev. Jonathan Landry Cruse A collection of twenty-five new hymns. Rooted solely in Scripture and span the whole experience of the Christian life. Many have been set to beautiful new melodies, while others have been fitted to existing, well-known tunes. This will be a useful resource for meditation, group Bible study, and corporate worship Booklet, 36 pages | $5.99
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Baptism, Election & the Covenant of Grace Dr. R. Scott Clark On the face of it, the Reformed understanding of our Lord’s command to make disciples and to baptize them and their children seem clear. Here, Dr. Clark presents his view of federal vision and the dangers it presents to the Reformed faith. Booklet, 28 pages | $4.99
Second Edition
Rev. Daniel R. Hyde Of all the doctrines and practices of historic Christian churches, whether Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Reformed, the baptism of children can be one of the most difficult, especially for those who grew up in nondenominational Protestant churches where infant baptism was not practiced. Dr. Michael Horton of Westminster Seminary California comments: “Well-informed and immensely practical, this is the book that I will recommend first when parents ask, why should I baptize my child?” Paperback, 104 pages | $10.99
Sacred Bond But for the Grace of God Dr. Cornelis Venema Dr. Cornelis Venema, President and Professor of Doctrinal Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, clearly leads the reader to understand the background and the doctrine of the Canons of Dort and to see its faithful exposition of biblical truth. • Nine chapters, with study questions • Excellent study group resource • Includes the full text of the Canons of Dort Paperback, 164 pages | $11.99
Second Edition
Revs. Michael Brown and Zach Keele Sacred Bond is an introduction to covenant theology geared to lay readers. “Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest this wonderful guide. In doing so, you will be much better equipped to know what you believe and why you believe it.” —From the foreword by Dr. Michael S. Horton, Professor of Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California. Paperback, 168 pages | $14.99
With Heart & Mouth
Dr. Cornelis Venema An excellent book on the Reformed approach to true church growth. Dr. Venema’s analysis of the Reformed confessional teaching on the means of grace encourages readers to examine the confessions for themselves. His careful study, especially his synthetic analysis of the confessions’ teaching on these topics, offers a helpful corrective to the current anemia afflicting many churches today. Paperback, 208 pages | $12.99
Rev. Daniel R. Hyde “With this commentary, Danny Hyde has done the Reformed churches a great service by placing our confession in its historical, theological, and ecclesiastical contexts again. By reading it in the light of those contexts, he brings it to life for us in our time. Anyone wishing to understand better the Belgic Confession on its own terms and as it has been received by the Reformed churches must consult this intelligent work.” —R. Scott Clark, Westminster Seminary California Hardcover, 550 pages | $19.99
Federal Vision
What We Believe
By His Spirit & Word
Dr. Wes Bredenhof In this booklet, former Canadian Reformed pastor Wes Bredenhof presents the view that Federal Vision falls outside the bounds of the Three Forms of Unity. He explains that federal vision advocates have no credible claim to the theological heritage of the Canadian Reformed Churches. Finally, he calls for his own former church federation to clearly recognize federal vision theology as a deviation from the orthodox faith. Booklet, 48 pages | $4.99
Dr. Cornelis Venema This bird’s eye view of the faith presents the reader with a brief panorama of our beliefs and how they have been presented, preserved, and promoted through history. Venema shows the Reformed faith fits well with all streams of Christian history faithful to God’s Word. An excellent resource for high school study, new members in the church, and a first doctrinal guide for teachers. Paperback, 136 pages | $7.99
God’s Counsel on Marriage & Parenting
General Interest A Hearer of God’s Word
David Meengs Parents need to search and study God’s Word and pray for His Spirit to lead them. Therefore we present to you this book on marriage and parenting. Paperback, 174 pages | $7.99
Rev. Brian Napajfour Brian Najapfour’s advice for how to listen to sermons is wise, practical, biblical, and succinct. Every church member would benefit from reading this well-written little book.
Paperback, 100 pages
Crisis in the Reformed Churches:
In Living Color Rev. Daniel R. Hyde Danny Hyde argues with great clarity against all images of Jesus as man-made media. Hyde goes on to argue that God does provide us with His ‘media’—the preaching of His Word and the administration of His sacraments. Paperback, 192 pages | $9.99
Essays in Commemoration of the Great Synod of Dort edited by P.Y. De Jong Under the leadership of editor P.Y. De Jong, several prominent Reformed writers contributed to this classic volume on the Canons of Dort, highlighting the history and necessity of the Synod of Dort, the key figures involved in the Synod, and decisions made at the Synod during the tumultuous times in the church during the sixties. Hardcover, 336 pages | $9.99
Excelling in Relationships David Meengs We are born with a relationship problem with God. It soon becomes evident that we have a relationship problem with others also. Our God tells us to fix these broken relationships. We are commanded to seek and love God and know Him and the others in our life. This book contains His pattern on repairing our broken relationships. Hardcover, 336 pages | $7.99
Little One Lost Glenda Mathes In Little One Lost: Living with Early Infant Loss, Glenda Mathes writes of her own experience and points to Scripture that these littlest ones are not really lost. Several couples share their personal stories. Steeped in biblical wisdom, this book will resonate with anyone who longs to comfort those who grieve a little one lost. Paperback, 144 pages | $9.99
Open Home Rev. Tony and Arley-Ann Zekveld Sadly, hospitality is one of the more neglected commands of God. It’s evangelism at its best and God’s plan to grow His church. There’s much to be learned in these pages. Booklet, 44 pages | $4.99
Guard Your Heart Rev. Hank Van der Woerd, Rev. Wybren Oord & Rev Dirk Poppe Three pastors address the evil of pornography and offer solutions for those who struggle with it. Rev. Hank Van der Woerd gives a practical perspective, Rev. Wybren Oord gives a Biblical perspective, and Rev. Dirk Poppe gives a psychological perspective. Booklet, 32 pages | $4.99
I Didn’t Know How Difficult It Would Be! Personal Thoughts of a Grieving Husband and Father
Rev. Arnoud T Vergunst In the pages of this book, you will encounter sound, practical wisdom on how to deal with grief in your own life and in the lives of others from one of Christ’s faithful servants. I trust you will be richly blessed as you read this work. Paperback, 96 pages | $11.99
Stone-Cold Crazy The Dangers of Legal Marijuana
Rev. Paul T. Murphy In this booklet the aim is to make a case against use of marijuana in our society and particularly among Christians. I will outline my reasons. The reasons for anyone, especially Christians, to oppose marijuana use are historical, pharmacological, medical, psychological and psychiatric, legal and criminal, commercial, social, and certainly spiritual. Booklet, 36 pages | Price $4.99
The Christian’s True Identity What It Means to Be In Christ
Rev. Jonathan Landry Cruse Are you seeking your identity in relationships, a career, family, race, gender expression, or other circumstances and feeling dissatisfied? Then this book is for you. This book offers a fresh, answer to the important question of who you are and helps you understand what the Bible has to say about everything you need for a lasting, fulfilling identity that is found outside of you and in Christ. Paperback, 155 pages | $10.99
Timeless Truths for a Changing Culture Treasures from The Torch and Trumpet Compiled and Edited by Jerome Julien Seventy years ago the Reformed Fellowship, a very young organization, published its first magazine called Torch and Trumpet. It is our desire to place before you only a small portion of the many articles which have been published during the first ten years. Paperback, 392 pages | $15.99
Upside Down: Understanding and Supporting Attachment in Adoptive Families
Shannon Guerra Upside Down ought to be on the ‘must read’ list for any school teacher, Sunday school teacher, or church worker. At the very least, this book ought to be placed prominently in library of every church that truly cares for any adoptive children within it. Paperback, 78 pages | $9.99
Pastoral Called to Serve Edited by Michael Brown An excellent resource for training new and experienced elders and deacons, t his book covers topics such as the qualifications of elders and deacons, their duties and tasks, the history of the Reformed churches, infant baptism, the Lord’s Supper, worship, rules for meetings, church discipline, family visitation, and the ministry of mercy. Sixteen chapters, includes a plan and study guide. Paperback, 280 pages • $15.99
Faithful and Fruitful Edited by Rev. William Boekestein and Rev. Steve Swets. Foreword by Michael Brown Healthy churches have healthy elders and deacons. When a local congregation is blessed with faithful officers the results are bountiful (Acts 6:7). Faithful and Fruitful: Essays for Elders and Deacons provides current and future church leaders with an exciting opportunity of personal development. Like its companion (Called to Serve), this collection of essays offers biblical and practical essays written by seasoned churchmen drawing upon a wealth of leadership knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Engaging study questions for each essay can help readers make the most of the Bible’s practical instruction and encouragement for those tasked with the responsibility and privilege of leading Christ’s church. Paperback, 328 pages | $16.99
With a Shepherd’s Heart Dr. John R. Sittema Of one of our best selling books. Rev. Daniel Hyde writes: “Dr. Sittema’s book stands out among books on the office of elder. What makes the book so valuable is that it is organized in such a way that it can be used as a study guide. In my congregation we used it as a training manual for potential elders.…In a day in which authority is slighted so often, this book will help the rulers of the church stand as an authoritative voice while at the same time doing so with a shepherd’s heart.” Paperback, 271 pages | $15.99
Catechism Not My Own by Glenda Mathes An introductory course on the Heidelberg Catechism Twenty-five lessons Intermediate (Grades 5 and 6) Spiral bound, 168 pages | $14.99
God’s Unfolding Promise by Laurie Vanden Heuvel A course that traces God’s covenant history of redemption from Genesis through Revelation Twenty-five lessons Intermediate (Grades 5 and 6) Spiral bound, 216 pages | $14.99
Christ’s Living Church by Rev. Ronald Scheuers A course on the church and the Reformed faith in history Twenty-five lessons Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) Spiral bound, 232 pages | $14.99
Faith of Our Fathers by Revs. Bradd L. Nymeyer and Al Bezuyen A course on the Belgic Confession of Faith Twenty-five lessons Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) Spiral bound, 200 pages | $14.99
The Price of Possession 1 by Dr. Warren H. Lammers A course on the first half of the Heidelberg Catechism Twenty-five lessons High School (Grades 9 through 12) Spiral bound, 232 pages | $14.99
The Price of Possession 2 by Dr. Warren H. Lammers A course on the second half of the Heidelberg Catechism Twenty-five lessons High School (Grades 9 through 12) Spiral bound, 232 pages | $14.99
The Doctrines of Grace by Revs. John A. Bouwers and Ronald L. Scheuers A course on the Five Solas, the Canons of Dort, and other key Reformed doctrines. Twenty-five lessons High School (Grades 9 through 12) Spiral bound, 208 pages | $14.99
Facing Faith’s Challenges by Rev. Andrew A. Cammenga A course on defending the Reformed faith Twenty-five lessons High School (Grades 9 through 12) Spiral bound, 208 pages | $14.99
A First Book of Christian Doctrine, Revised Edition by Hylkema & Tuuk First published in 1925, this valued book continues to meet the needs of parents, pastors, teachers and most of all, students being anchored in their faith. Discussion questions follow each of the 28 lessons, clearly pointing to familiar biblical truths. Paperback, 96 pages | $4.99
QTY BOOK Bible Studies Amos Daniel Ephesians Esther Ezra Nehemiah Genesis 1-11 The Gospel Driven Tongue Jacob Joseph & Judah Mark Meeting Jesus at the Feast Meeting with God Parables of Our Lord Ruth The Unknown Hour 1 Peter 1 Timothy 2 Timothy & Titus 1 & 2 Thessalonians Denominational How to Plant a Reformed Church 2021 URCNA Directory Devotionals Bible Characters Bind Them Upon Your Heart Guard Your Heart Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms Study Resource (4 Vols.)
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QTY BOOK GENERAL INTEREST A Hearer of God’s Word Crisis in the Reformed Churches Excelling in Relationships God's Counsel on Marriage and Parenting
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Hymns of Devotion Doctrinal Baptism, Election and Covenant of Grace But for the Grace of God By His Spirit and Word Federal Vision Jesus Loves the Little Children Second Edition Sacred Bond Second Edition With Heart and Mouth What We Believe
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