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Excerpts from a Prison Inmate’s Letter
Mr. Myron Rau
Reformed Fellowship continues to correspond with a number of prison inmates who have contacted the office and who receive The Outlook. Some have requested books which were sent to them. This is made possible through generous contributions from Reformed Fellowship supporters. Here are some excerpts from a Texas prison inmate. My true love is to study doctrine in the scriptures and to teach others at Bible study as God opens the door.

This morning I am reading John Calvin’s Institutes (cover to cover), I am at 3.2.30 and enjoying my third time through his masterpiece, although I reference it regularly. I took a moment to listen to an atheist TV program, The Freedom From Religion Foundation, and I was sad that I believed like them once. They relish in calling themselves “free thinkers” and love sharing “conversion” stories of men and women who finally gave up their religion and converted to “reason” and “science”. I once trusted in myself and denied God and agreed with the evolutionists and cult of scientists that many blindly follow.

I have about five sovereign grace friends here. I am the only “Reformer” while they are more in line with John MacArthur or CH Spurgeon, but I can at least agree with them on the doctrine of grace. I live in a microcosm of the world’s religions. Just walking past the closest 50 cells I can find Roman Catholics, Jews, Baptists, Non-Denoms, Jehovah’s Witness, Satanists, Agnostics, Atheists, LBGTQ, Buddhists, Druids, several confused men who combine various religions or worldviews into a confused mess comprehensible only to themselves. I would be remiss not to mention a few who believe they are actually prophets, apostles, and one says he is the “seventh angel” Yet even in this Babel there is a remnant of God’s people who are called chosen, and faithful, those who have not bent their knee to Baal. Yes, I am saved by grace lest I would be lost in that world from which He has called me.

Mr. Myron Rau
is past president of the Reformed Fellowship board.