Careers with STEM: Technology 2020

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e r a c r o f g n i Cod

gy transformed by digital technolo ing be are are hc alt he d an ine es? Medic Love tech and want to save liv


s, istance – think hospital ealthcare and social ass is – e e and childcar medical centres, aged car test growing industry*. fas d an t Australia’s bigges ly on the rise due to our And hea lthcare is not on ng lation, but it is also evolvi growing and ageing popu gy. olo in techn fast thanks to advances of blood ma kes you ht sig the if s This mean ies ll loads of job opportunit squeamish, there are sti lls ski for anyone with tech in hea lthcare, especially and qualifications. e hea lth information we For example, as we digitis s to and cyber security expert will need data analysts ping kee ile wh a dat that vital help us ma ke the most of ign des to s per elo s and dev it safe. We need engineer d lth software and apps; an hea g vin -sa life and build ) tificia l Intelligence (AI machine learning and Ar reasing use of these experts will drive our inc hing from accurately ryt technologies to do eve c ducting precision roboti diagnosing disease to con g vin dri o als hnology are surger y. Advances in tec g DNA and genomes, cin uen seq of down the cost of medicine. opening up new rea lms

‘Tectonic shift’ to digitals only driven home the

ic ha The COVID-19 pandem gy in medicine. In just the olo important role of techn rise of telehealt h – using past year we’ve seen the lth ser vices remotely, technology to deliver hea public hea lth role in while tech has played a of people with positive tracking down contacts has also been used COVID-19 test results. AI and accurately to automatically interpret ion in scans. ect diagnose COVID-19 inf

Stefan Hajkowicz Future Expert

“With COVID-19 we’ve seen about 10 years’ worth of digita l transform ation in the space of a few months,” says Stefan Ha jkowicz, a scientist at CS IRO’s Data61 specia lising in fut ure trends. “Digital skills just got a lot more important,” he says. “There will be career pat hways for data scientists , cyber security experts and peo ple with skills in all asp ects of digita l technology. Mathe matics, computational log ic and coding are foundati on skills for all things dig ita l.” Building up soft skills wi ll be equally important, adds Stefan. “Human-ce ntred digita l design puts the person at the centre. Th is requires skills in psycho log y, economics, management science and social scien ce. It also requires emotional and social intelligence. There will be a big ‘how to’ quest ion around adaptation to digita l and that calls up on a broader skill set,” he says. “Now might be the time to take advantage of a tectonic shift and build up your digita l skills.” – Gemma Chilton



Tech+Healt h Study

Bachelor of He alth Informatio n Managemen Bachelor of En t, QUT gineering (Mec hanical) major Medical Techno ing in logies, The Unive rsity of Adelaid Bachelor of Ad e vanced Co (Medical Scienc mputing/Bachelor of Scienc e e), The Univers ity of Sydney

Tech+Healt h Jobs

Data analyst: AU $51K–$99K / NZ $48K–$86K Machine learni ng en gi ne er: AU$60K–$136K / NZ$54 (avera ge) Software engi neer: AU$56K–$ 111K / NZ$51K –$97K* *Source: salaries according to pa


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