Watch this space industry could take you A STEM career in the space
places you have never drea
iting code for satellites, f you can see yourself wr rockets or interrogating helping to safely launch stralia and New images of the Earth – Au be. Zealand are the places to y supports 10,000 ead alr ry ust ind ce The spa aland jobs, with Ze w Australian and 12,000 Ne ssively growing ma to d bot h countries committe stralian and New these numbers. How? Au ent ly created dedicated Zealand governments rec e NA SA, they aren’t space agencies. But un lik ce and spaceships into spa trying to send satellites re. the get to ers oth g portin themselves, they’re sup the d fun g pin hel is y enc The Australian Space Ag ‘SpIRIT’ mission, to University of Melbourne’s 2 hosting an 202 in launch a small satellite ment. They are also tru ins ng advanced X-ray imagi e, a startup that is assisting Human Aerospac igned to ease the side building a spacesuit des ring long space missions. effects of low gravity du
world ’s first private orbita l launch range located on the Ma hia Peninsula. Now, over 1700 New Zealand companies assist Rocket Lab in ma king its frequent commercial satellite launches happen . “It’s an exciting time for the space sector,” says Australian Space Agency Deputy Head, Anthony Murfett, “The technology is smaller, cheaper and the cost to get to space ha s come down.” What thi s means for you is that the re is a huge range of different space industry opportunities to explore. For example, you cou ld become a software engineer and custom des ign the code needed to launch rockets into space or ma ke satellites function. Or, build softw are to analyse rea l-time data from launch vehicle s and gat her info to help develop the next genera tion of rockets.
Exploring opportunitiesnd Space Agency has ala Meanwhile, the New Ze t Lab to establish the cke worked closely with Ro
it’s an extremely exciting time for the space sector”
alyst role in Earth Alternatively, a data an ting information about observation means collec Earth ’s surface from places or objects on the you. space, which cou ld be for
tudy Tech+spactmeosphSeric Science),
ce (A Bachelor of Scien ngong University of Wollo Science, ing ut mp Co Bachelor of Sydney y log no ch University of Te Data Science, in ce ien Sc ed Bachelor of Appli ty of Otago Universi nologies, r of Creative Tech elo ch Ba Technology of ty rsi ive Un d lan Auck
rld Jobs that are out of this wo a analy tics explode,”
dat “We’re seeing the field of ite data insights cou ld be ell sat ur Yo says Anthony. ironment, agricu lture, used to improve the env , ing, water management archaeology, urban plann other areas. meteorology and so many k at the countless tech And this is before we loo spacecraft and roles required to build the get to space. “With n eve equipment needed to space technologies, new the increasing impact of d to space are going to business and jobs relate ny says. – Ben Sk use continue to grow,” Antho
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