Refuge of Grace

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS Leigh Littrell Executive Director Skip Thompson Chairman Adele Slaton Secretary Rachel Faulkner

Refuge of Grace Newsletter

Spring 2013

Happy Easter from

Jack Fite John Underwood Dr. Richard Bedsole VOLUNTEER STAFF Margie Thompson Adele Slaton WEEKEND RESIDENT MANAGER Lisa Johnson

Printing Courtesy of Cook's Pest Control

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Decatur, AL Permit No. 885

A Division of Never Alone Ministries, Inc.

Po Box 1583 Decatur, AL 35602

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!!! 1 Peter 1:3 1

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Ephesians 3:20-21 To God be the glory,


A Letter of Gratitude from Amanda...

Since coming to Refuge of Grace, I have experienced miracle after miracle. When I first came here, I never thought I would see my kids again. My mother- in-law had rightly given up on me but God had not. After many months of prayer God changed my mother- in- law’s heart and she allowed me to see my children again. On Good Friday 2012, she brought my children and dropped them off so I could celebrate Easter with them. Since then I have seen them every weekend and have been given the opportunity to become more involved in their lives. My children have forgiven me and respect me as their mother. They have learned more about God and what He has done for our family. They now seek the Lord and have developed their own personal prayer life that would make any mother proud. My oldest son prays for people to be freed from drug addiction, for the girls in jail to be released, that his father comes to know God and for the people that don’t have food to eat. It is the most amazing thing in the world to hear my eight-year-old child pray. I have experienced another miracle. If I had any hope of getting my children back, I needed a job. In June 2012 God blessed me with the most amazing job I could ever ask for. Both the management and my close friends at work are godly people and encourage me daily. God has truly turned the mess I made of my life into His message. I even lead a Bible Study at work, which allows me to share what darkness God has brought me through, and to encourage them in their walk with Christ. Having this job has also enabled me to provide my kids with a Christmas that will never be forgotten. I now am able to purchase the things that they need and will soon be able to provide a home and a car for us. I am truly thankful for Refuge of Grace and what God has done through it. I have a peace that I've never had before. I have a sense of security and safety that I never had growing up. God has placed people in my life including a dentist that took care of every filling I needed. He volunteered his time and talent to help someone he did not know. The reason he did this is because of his love for Christ. The Bible Studies, Parenting Class, Addiction Class, Biblical Counseling, Budgeting Classes and one-on-one time with Ms. Leigh have helped me more than I could ever hope for. I am blown away by the undeserved blessings that God has bestowed upon me!!! God truly is a restorer of all things. His word says, "And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten. Joel 2:25

Thinking of Easter or Mother's Day Gifts?

Is there a daughter, mother, grandmother or best friend from your past or present that has been so very special in your life? If so, won't you please consider giving a gift to Refuge of Grace in her honor or remembrance to help Refuge of Grace women become special in someone else's life? If so, you can send a check or go to and click on the Online Giving tab! 2


Amanda joining the church with her children by her side!!!

R of G Jail Ministry Classes…. * "Shepherding A Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp 14 Graduates * "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore 22 Graduates * "Anointed,Transformed,Redeemed" by Shirer, Moore, & Aurthor A study of David 16 Graduates * "Christianity Explored" One life, what's it all about? A study of Mark's Gospel 31 Students Currently CONGRATULATIONS to

Update from Jennifer… Since coming to Refuge of Grace, the Lord has blessed me with new relationships with my children. I have weekly phone calls to them and on January 27th 2013, I was able to see them all for the first time since 2011! God is so amazing!!! He is hard at work in me and my children's lives. Thank you Jesus!


for passing her GED on 2/13/13 -ANDShe is starting a full time job March 11th Jennifer has been working extremely hard and R of G is so very proud of her!

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Update from Jessica… The Lord has blessed me with weekly calls to my children. When I came to Refuge of Grace, I had not spoken to my children in over 3 years. Now I call them on a consistent weekly basis, and I have begun re-establishing my mothering relationship with them. Thank you Lord for a second chance with my children! For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Children Connection Updates … 3

Thank YOU Volunteers!!! * Shirley Crowder - Biblical Counseling * * * * * * * * * *

Cathy Schmid - GED Tutoring Janice McGahey - GED Tutoring Marsha Keeny - Beth Moore Breaking Free Class Mandy Sample - Tedd Tripp Parenting Class Lisa Johnson - Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Class Catherine Grunschel - Real Women Real Faith Class Holly Griess - Knitting Class Susan Thompson Terinda Zajic Joy Cowley


Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 118:1

Refuge of Grace is now the proud owner of two vans!!! Thank You to David and Kendra Mulligan! ….. AND …. Thank You to Rip and Lee Nabors!! WE ARE SO VERY GRATEFUL FOR THEIR GENEROSITY!!


Thanks to all of you for making these Heart Transformations possible by your Financial Contributions, Donations and Volunteering your time! Richard and Susan Bedsole Steve and Louise Brown Jerry and Peggy Busby Calhoun Community College Marsh Larch Central Baptist Church Fellowship Bible Class David and Leslie Christopher The Committee on Church Cooperation Community Free Clinic Brian and Leslie Cook Dale and Natalie Cook John and Lyn Cook Jo Cook Joy Cowley Decatur Presbyterian Church Tim and Shannon Douthit Stan and Kathy Evans John and Lisa Eyster Rachel Faulkner First Bible Church Fite Building Company Cathy Schmid Janice McGahey Catherine Grunschel

Jack and Laura Fite Marlin and Elaine Gill Ronnie and Cindy Gray Scott and Phylis Gray Battle Hamilton Monarch Women’s Health Madeline Hardacre Mike and Marsha Keeney Rich and Connie Littrell Amanda Littrell Littrell Lumber Mill, Inc. Wade and Leigh Littrell Nelson Littrell Jordan Littrell Ben Littrell Mary Malone Charlotte Moores Jack and Kendal Moores Rip and Lee Nabors Neighborhood Christian Center Dan and Laureen Nelson Lynn and Carol Ozier St. John’s Episcopal Church Mandy Sample

Rick and Caroline Sanders Sexton Family Foundation Bill and Betty Sims Slats and Adele Slaton Pat and Sally Smartt Jimmy and Barbara Smith Jay and Elena Suggs Grace Temple The Bridge Club Scott Thompson Skip and Margie Thompson Susan Thompson Carolyn Tweedy John and Stephanie Underwood Valley Rubber Foundation Wear, Howell, Strickland, Quinn & Law LLC Mike and Weety Vickery William and Nelda Walker Steve and Jean Watkins Margaret Wenzler Charlotte White Richard Williams David and Terinda Zajic Holly Griess

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. -1 Peter 4:10

Thank each of you for using your gifts to be the hands and feet of Christ to the Refuge of Grace Women and Children!

Memorials and Honorariums In Memory of Bob Tweedy given by Billy and Wanda Howell In Memory of Bob Tweedy given by John and Pam Howell In Memory of Bob Tweedy given by Mary Malone In Memory of Fred Stephens given by Larry and Jean Colquitt In Memory of John Key given by Dan and Laureen Nelson In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. John McCord given by Charlotte White In Honor of Welman and Ann Gebhart given by Margaret Wenzler In Honor of Trudy Grisham given by Louise Brown In Honor of Erika and Heidi Blair given by Leslie Christopher In Honor of Faye Temple given by Leslie Christopher In Honor of Vicki Stephenson given by Leslie Christopher In Honor of Skip and Margie Thompson given by Susan Thompson In Honor of Trudy Grisham given by Louise Brown In Honor of Nancy Fabisinski given by Blanche Jones Sunday School Class

In Honor of Sam and Tara Thompson given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Ralph and Linda Hamn given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Jimmy and Barbara Yates given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Daniel and Stacy Clayton given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of John Lovin given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Skip and Margie Thompson given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Mike and Weety Vickery given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Charlie and Fanny Adams given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of John and Beth Adams given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Rip and Lee Nabors given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Ronnie and Cindy Gray given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Gil and Carey Key given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of David and JoAnn Mathews given by Suzy and Randy Baggett In Honor of Leigh Littrell given by Dan and Laureen Nelson In Honor of Leigh Littrell given by Jordan, Nelson, and Ben In Honor of Foster Thompson given by Leigh Littrell

In Honor of Mabel White given by Jean and Steve Watkins In Honor of Penne Beasley, Sherry Bennett, Ginger Bramlett, Becky Colburn, Ginger Foster, Cindy Gibbs, Elaine Gill, Terry Glass, Amy Holdbrooks, Amy Lilly, Sue Roberts, Terri Rossi, and the women of Decatur Presbyterian Church given by Meg Adams

AN EXTRA SPECIAL THANK YOU TO St. John's Episcopal Church for donating to Refuge of Grace ALL the proceeds from St. John's 2012 Fesitval & Bake Sale


Refuge of Grace Spring Yard Sale March 29 & 30 and April 12 & 13 Friday & Saturday! 7a.m.- 1p.m.

Donate, Shop or Both!! (call 256.227.3439 for more info )

THANK YOU TO… Ben Lovelace Caleb, Brooke, & Drew Smith Jack & Emily Grace Lyons

Would you please pray with us?


* For Wisdom * For God to continue His transforming work in the lives of Amanda, Jennifer and Jessica and their children *For a larger home to house the women and their children *For the Yard Sale in May and April *For the May Fundraiser in Mooresville with Sue Bell Cobb *** Volunteers Needed for Fundraiser (contact Margie Thompson 256.227.3439)

MARK YOUR CALENDARS …… UPCOMING EVENTS March 29 & 30 April 12 & 13

Spring Yard Sale 7a.m. - 1 p.m.

Spring Yard Sale

7a.m. - 1 p.m.

April 26 – 28

“Making the Invisible Kingdom Visible”

May 9

Refuge of Grace Spring Fundraiser

September 7 & 8

Race for Grace

Refuge of Grace Staff will be speaking at the 2013 Wilburforce Weekend in Arlington, Virginia The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview

Dinner in Mooresville AL with Sue Bell Cobb as speaker

"USA Cycling sponsored Race for Grace bike race will be held September 7th and 8th with proceeds to benefit Refuge of Grace. On September 7th the races will be held in downtown Decatur The Alabama Championship Race will be held on September 8th with a longer course through Morgan County." (Registration TBA)

For more information or details on any of the upcoming events go to, and click on the NEWS tab


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