Rega kids Competition The five helicopters are all slightly different. Only
Sort out
one is exactly the same as the helicopter in the cloud. Which one is
belong in the first aid kit.
Cross out the objects that don’t
it? Note down the letter in the field marked “Solution”.
Solution: E
Leaf puzzle
Solve the puzzle by finding out which number
belongs to which leaf.
+ +
= =
Competition Write the solution on a postcard and send by 31 July 2022 at the very latest to: Swiss Air-Rescue Rega “Competition” Rega Magazine 1414 PO Box 1414 CH-8058 Zurich Airport Ten winners drawn from the correct answers will each receive a “Da Vinci“ beach towel worth CHF 29.–. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for you! Solution from No. 97: C 1 Each of the following has won a Rega shoulder bag: J. Gisler, Satigny | M. Bollmann, Epagny | G. Cerf, Delémont | S. Meister, Egg bei Zürich | J. Steurer, Meggen | L. Neuenschwander, Spiegel bei Bern | R. Kläy, Diemerswil | L. Rusch, St. Gallen | M. Koska, Gordola | E. Romano, Bellinzona Congratulations!