Rega 2017 - with Annual Report 2016

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Rega 2017 with Annual Report 2016

Contents Rega 2017 Editorial 5 News

6 – 15

In brief

16 – 19


20 – 21


22 – 23


24 – 25

Conditions of Patronage


Annual Report 2016 Activities in 2016

28 – 31

Mission Statement


Foundation Board


Governance and Compliance

34 – 35

Rega in 2016


Management Board



“Rega must never stand still” It is impossible to imagine the Swiss health system without Rega as a provider of primary medical care. Since it was founded 65 years ago, Rega has continually adapted to the needs of the population, technical advances and structural change. And now more than ever, Rega must never stand still if it wants to continue fulfilling its task of helping people in distress in its characteristically reliable and professional manner 20 years from now.

Ulrich Graf

Ernst Kohler

The issues have essentially remained the same since our organisation was founded: we invest in the development of rescue aircraft and medical procedures in order to continually improve the situation of the people in our care. For example, in 2016 we pushed ahead with our plans to renew the Rega fleet with the next generation of aircraft and purchased six H145 helicopters to replace the current lowland fleet, which will soon have been in service for 15 years. Our long-term fleet renewal strategy ensures that Rega can continue to provide reliable and professional assistance to people in an emergency. We have also invested in extending the medical apparatus on board our rescue aircraft. For instance, the Rega crews now have at their disposal a video laryngoscope to secure a patient’s airway. This device for image-guided intubation is already part of the standard equipment in hospitals and has now been developed for use on missions exposed to the elements. In its role as an important research partner working throughout Switzerland, Rega also supports scientific projects in the field of preclinical research. In 2016, we successfully completed a joint study with the University Hospital Zurich on influencing coagulation management. And we are actively shaping the future in areas other than medicine, too: developments and innovations that could one day expand Rega’s scope of operations and benefit our patients are followed very closely, and relevant projects are strongly supported by providing substantial expertise and resources. Rega’s efforts on behalf of the Swiss population are ultimately only possible with the support of our around 3.3 million patrons. Direct and open communication is of key importance if we are to continue to build on this solid foundation in future. For it is people who are familiar with Rega and know that Rega patronage is a good thing who support Rega as a patron or with a donation. That is one reason why we attach so much importance to connecting with existing and potential patrons. In the following pages, you can read how Rega communicates with the public, what milestones it has reached in the past operational year, and what issues we are working on with the greatest intensity. One thing is certain: whatever changes may come and however much progress is made, Rega will always have the same goal: to put people at the centre of all its activities and deliver medical assistance by air to wherever it is needed.

Ulrich Graf Chairman of the Foundation Board

Ernst Kohler CEO / Chairman of the Management Board



Ready for the next generation: the new Rega fleet Rega provides medical assistance by air to the Swiss population 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A decisive factor for fulfilling this task is having reliable aircraft at its disposal. With the decision at the end of 2016 to purchase six new rescue helicopters of the type Airbus Helicopters H145, Rega is continuing its fleet renewal programme. Replacing the lowland fleet is just one of four procurement projects currently underway at Rega. The Rega fleet operates around the clock to help people in need of assistance: more than 15,000 helicopter and ambulance jet missions were organised from Rega’s Operations Centre in 2016. Such intensive use of the fleet presents Rega with major challenges. For the longer and more often an aircraft spends in the air and the older it becomes, the more maintenance it requires – and thus the longer the rescue helicopter or ambulance jet must spend idle on the ground, unavailable to perform missions. Nevertheless, the reliability of its fleet is vital to Rega: being ready at a moment’s notice to help people in an emergency means that its aircraft regularly need to be renewed. On average, a Rega rescue helicopter or ambulance jet is in service for a good 15 years.

H145: securing high availability Helicopter maintenance is especially intensive, given the mechanical complexity and number of moving parts involved. For every flight hour, between three and five hours of maintenance work are required. This work is scheduled well in advance, and the intervals between maintenance are prescribed by the manufacturer. Since 2003, the crews of the lowland bases have been flying their missions with the tried-and-tested rescue helicopters of the type Airbus Helicopters EC 145. Last December, Rega decided to replace the six EC 145 aircraft in 2018 with the successor model, the H145. Replacing the helicopters is a necessary step: if they were to remain in service for more than 15 years, the six EC 145 would be due for major maintenance work, entailing lengthy periods out of operation. What is more, the avionics would have to be modernised, which would involve substantial investment. Rega explored both options – modernisation and replacement – in depth and finally opted for the latter. The H145, equipped with cutting-edge avionics and considerably more power than its predecessor, will be phased in gradually from early summer 2018 and operate from the lowland bases in Basel, Zurich, Berne and Lausanne. With its decision to purchase this aircraft, Rega is upholding its two-type

helicopter fleet strategy. The crews at the mountain bases will continue to fly the AgustaWestland Da Vinci rescue helicopters from the Italian firm, Leonardo, while helicopters from European manufacturer Airbus Helicopters will be stationed at the lowland bases. AW169-FIPS: improving air rescue with innovation Another procurement project currently being implemented focuses on extending Rega’s scope of operations: thanks to its anti-icing system, the all-weather AW169-FIPS helicopters manufactured by Leonardo will also be able to fly rescue missions in icing conditions. The decision in 2015 to purchase three helicopters of this type marked a milestone on the road towards achieving Rega’s vision of carrying out air rescue in all weathers. This new helicopter is not scheduled to take to the air until 2021: the AW169-FIPS first has to be developed, as worldwide there are no helicopters with a take-off weight of under five tonnes that are equipped with an anti-icing system. Heavier helicopters were out of the question, as their size and stronger downwash make them unsuitable for Rega missions in built-up areas and for landing on hospital helipads. Rega therefore talked to Continue reading on page 8

Overview of new acquisitions Aircraft





Airbus Helicopters



Replacement for

Put into operation


EC 145


Leonardo (formerly AgustaWestland)




Airbus Helicopters



Challenger 650



Challenger CL-604


Less maintenance, more power: next year, the EC 145 fleet stationed at Rega’s lowland bases will be replaced by the modern, more powerful successor model, the H145.


Pioneering solution for air rescue: an anti-icing system is being specially developed for the AW169-FIPS all-weather rescue helicopter, which will also be able to fly in adverse weather conditions as from 2021.

For training future pilots: Rega’s new H125 training helicopter is being fitted with a cockpit closely resembling that of the Da Vinci rescue helicopter.

various helicopter manufacturers and in Leonardo found an innovative partner who was willing to join it in tackling this development project. Before the first AW169-FIPS goes into service, there are still some major technical challenges to overcome. One, for instance, is how the weight and energy consumption of the anti-icing system can be reduced so as not to affect the helicopter’s flight performance too significantly. The engineers are now looking for new solutions to this and other issues. In introducing an all-weather rescue helicopter, Rega is once again undertaking ground-breaking work – even if that means not being able to take the most straightforward route. After all, part of Rega’s role is to constantly improve air rescue and employ cutting-edge technology so that it benefits people in distress. Challenger 650: an ongoing success story New developments are not the only option: Rega’s three new Challenger 650 ambulance jets are currently under construction and will continue a success story that began more than 15 years ago. Since 2003 – longer than any other Rega jet fleet before them – the three Challenger CL-604 aircraft now in operation have been flying patients home from all over the world. In service they have proved to be extremely reliable and have been deployed in more than 10,000 repatriations. No other operator in the world uses this type of aircraft more than Rega. Despite its excellent experience with the Challenger fleet, Rega still approached the evaluation of a successor with an open mind: in all, 64 different types of aircraft were appraised over the two-year evaluation period. Finally, in 2015, Rega decided in favour of the Challenger 650 from the Canadian manufacturer, Bombardier. This means that the successor to the current jet will continue in future to be the fixed-wing aircraft of choice for Rega. From spring 2018, repatriations from all

Making the tried-and-tested even better: Rega’s first Challenger 650 as a “green aircraft” at the production facility of Canadian manufacturer Bombardier.

over the world will be performed with these new ambulance jets. The choice of the new Rega jet may be based on its tried-and-tested predecessor, but Rega is still taking the opportunity to develop and optimise the way it is equipped. With 15 years of operational experience with the CL-604 behind them, the Rega pilots, flight physicians and intensive care flight nurses have worked with internal and external engineers to make some significant improvements to the interior fit-out of the aircraft. Less noise in the cabin, wider beds and a new lighting concept are just some of the modifications that will benefit future Rega patients. The ramp that was specially developed for Rega has also been redesigned for even gentler patient transfer onto and off the ambulance jet. The new jets will enable Rega to land at more airports than in the past and consequently help more people in distress: the modified engines will have more thrust, and take-off will be possible from shorter runways. The modern avionics and new weather

radar on board the Challenger 650 will additionally allow the Rega jet pilots to approach airports in poorer weather conditions than is possible today, and also increase the stability and safety of operations. H125: a training helicopter for the next generation of pilots Cutting-edge technology and aircraft are of little use if they are not flown by highly trained pilots. Here too, Rega takes the longer view in its planning and approach: it has purchased a H125 helicopter from Airbus Helicopters, which will be used from spring 2017 to train the next generation of Rega pilots. The training helicopter has a cockpit closely resembling that of Rega’s Da Vinci mountain helicopter. It will be used to train up-and-coming pilots selected by Rega in performing mountain and external load flights and prepare them for flying this aircraft type in the future. At the same time, Rega is ensuring that it can always rely on having experienced helicopter pilots at its disposal.

Fleet renewal: long-term strategy and investment policy If Rega is to provide medical assistance by air and round-the-clock standby, it must be able to fully rely on its helicopters and ambulance jets. Because they are used so intensively, these aircraft need to be renewed regularly. Rega pursues a long-term strategy and investment policy in the evaluation process and works with tried-and-tested concepts as well as new developments. Technical advances not only increase safety for crew, patients and others, but also present new opportunities for improving medical assistance by air. With its ongoing programme of renewal, Rega is ready for the next generation – so that in future, too, the Swiss population can always count on Rega.



“Rega is actively helping to shape the future of emergency medicine” Rega strives to constantly improve the provision of medical care to its patients. As a research partner to the University Hospitals in Zurich and Lausanne and the Inselspital University Hospital in Berne, it has for several years been working under its Medical Director, Dr. med. Roland Albrecht, on medical studies to test new methods and devices and to advance tried-and-tested concepts – as well as to make its contribution to preclinical emergency medicine in Switzerland. Roland Albrecht, Rega has recently been investing specifically in research. Why is that? Rega can never settle for doing something in a particular way simply because that is how it has always been done. We need to act on scientific analysis and knowledge. That is why medical research is indispensable for Rega’s quality assurance and its progressiveness: we want to constantly monitor whether we are doing our work to the best of our ability, and whether we can improve the care our patients receive even further. Does that mean that Rega is becoming a research institute? Constantly improving air rescue services in Switzerland and actively shaping the future of preclinical emergency medicine are among Rega’s core tasks. We regularly work with Swiss hospitals on our own research projects and studies in order to achieve that. For example, in collaboration with the University Hospital Zurich, we launched a complex study on ­administering tranexamic acid to polytrauma patients; Protection & Rescue Zurich and the Cantonal Hospitals in Lucerne and St. Gallen were also involved in this project. It was submitted at the end of 2016 and is due to be published soon. What did the study look into? Tranexamic acid is injected in order to halt a reduction in the blood’s clotting ability and thereby to stabilise the coagulation system. It has already been 10

in use for some time, predominantly in surgery during operations, but also in intensive care units and emergency rooms. The earlier tranexamic acid is administered, the higher its effectiveness – that was the assumption. However, no study had ever measured whether there is a significant difference in effectiveness if the drug is administered immediately at the accident scene rather than later on in the hospital. Do the crews really have time for scientific research when they are out on a mission? All the crews had to do was take a small sample of the casualty’s blood during the initial medical treatment before administering the tranexamic acid. It is a quick and easy procedure. Afterwards, they immediately flew the casualty to hospital, where more blood was taken to measure the coagulation factors – and thus the effect of the tranexamic acid. The results were then compared with existing studies that have investigated the effect of ­administering tranexamic acid in hospital. That provided us with the evidence: early administration of tranexamic acid does indeed have a stabilising effect on blood coagulation in severely injured people. Why is that important? If a casualty has moderate to severe injuries and we can stabilise the blood clotting system early on before any major loss of blood, we may be able to prevent the situation from escalating later on in hospital. Until now, we have simply assumed that it makes sense to inject tranexamic acid at the scene of an accident. Now we know this to be the case. And what if the study had proved the contrary? Then we would refrain from doing it in future. It would be an unnecessary treatment measure. Preclinical emergency medicine today is no longer a matter of providing every possible treatment at the scene of an accident. It is much rather about not wasting time and only administering

what is absolutely necessary to save the casualty’s life. That leaves more time for swift air transport to hospital and further treatment there. For every second counts: the more severe the injuries, the faster a casualty must be taken to a suitable hospital if they are to survive. In what other areas is science making an impact at Rega? Last year, we conducted a study in collaboration with the Inselspital University Hospital in Berne at our Berne helicopter base to investigate the use of a video laryngoscope. Imageguided intubation is a technique that has been in use in Swiss hospitals for a long time. In C-Mac, we now have a technically more advanced, robust device that can also be used outside the hospital, in situations where the patient is exposed to the elements. Has the video laryngoscope been a success? Yes, most definitely. Our crew in Berne successfully tested the device over the course of a year on rescue missions. They even took it out in bright sunlight and snow to check whether the image on the display is still easy to see. The latest version of the C-Mac will soon be standard equipment on all our rescue helicopters and ambulance jets. What does the introduction of this new device mean for Rega? The C-Mac makes intubation much easier for the medical crews. Now, not only the physician performing the intubation but also the paramedic – or the intensive care flight nurse on board a Rega jet – can follow the procedure in the video images. Are all projects aimed at introducing new medical procedures or devices? Not at all. If we are to identify where we can further improve our performance, we must regularly question and evaluate our existing preclinical procedures and treatment methods. For example, in 2015 we concluded a large-scale study with the University Hospital Zurich

that was devoted to the subject of pain management during rescue operations. We wanted to know how long it took for treatment to take effect, and what it felt like. And is there still room for improvement? Of course, because we can and want to keep on improving. Also, new ­possibilities are presenting themselves all the time. For example, at the Alpine World Ski Championships 2017 in St. Moritz, where Rega was closely involved in the rescue and treatment concept for the competitors, we tested primary administration of pain medication via the nasal mucous membrane. So far, this type of treatment has been used chiefly on children to ease severe pain without first having to set up an intravenous line. I was

pleasantly surprised to see that it takes effect extremely quickly. What is the source of these innovations at Rega? We communicate very actively with all the other preclinical experts in Europe. Last year, for instance, Rega hosted the 2nd Central European Air Rescue Symposium. Leading experts in preclinical emergency medicine throughout Europe attended the event to hold talks and discussions on the latest developments in this specialist field. Ultimately, we all share the same vision: we want to use the most efficient treatment methods and the very latest technologies to save as many lives as possible. I am delighted that, particularly in recent years, Rega has made such a significant contribution to these efforts.

First aid at the accident scene: research findings help the rescue services to deliver even more effective treatment.

Rega close up More than 3.3 million patrons support Rega year after year. This support is vital – for without patrons, there would be no Rega. That is why it attaches so much importance to connecting with the Swiss public, existing and potential patrons alike. It has many ways of doing this – for instance, at open days at individual helicopter bases, on tours of the Rega Centre, over the phone at the Patronage Centre, or through the Rega magazine, “1414”. Open Day at the Rega base in Berne in September 2016: a father and his two sons are looking intently into the cockpit of the EC 145 rescue helicopter. A helicopter pilot in a red flight suit is standing next to them, explaining how the different instruments and technical equipment assist him during a rescue mission. The midday sun is beating down relentlessly, the temperature already topping 30 degrees. Rega employees are handing out cups of 12

water to the visitors resolutely standing in line in front of the ambulance jet. They are patiently waiting their turn to inspect the jet from the inside. In the cabin, a Rega crew of two jet pilots, a flight physician and an intensive care flight nurse describe how they fly patients back home from all over the world and what equipment they have on board the Rega jet for providing medical care. More than 9,500 people have accepted Rega’s invitation on this afternoon in late summer and are taking this rare opportunity to experience Rega’s helicopter base and fleet close up. For once, the Rega crews are not out on a mission to help people in distress, but here to take questions and talk to the visitors – most of whom are Rega patrons. They provide all kind of information and are happy to explain to fans of all ages what a day in their life at Rega looks like. “What was the toughest mission?”, “How long is the cable on the rescue hoist?”, “How fast does the ambulance jet fly?”:

the questions are as diverse as the visitors themselves. Families, aviation enthusiasts with professional cameras slung around their necks, retired people and former employees make for a colourful crowd, all with one thing in common: an avid interest in Rega. Professional operations – behind the scenes, too The people who take care of bringing Rega closer to the public on a day like this and helping visitors to discover for themselves just what the men and women in the red flight suits and white jet uniforms achieve every day are the staff of the Communication and Patronage division. Its six teams are responsible at Rega for public relations work, including the open days at the helicopter bases. The event team came up with the concept for the open day and organised everything right down to the tiniest detail: from the infrastructure and the catering for almost ten thousand

Lively interest at Open Day: at the Rega base in Berne, visitors admire the ambulance jet from close quarters.

visitors, to the free shuttle bus that takes them to and from the base and the railway station, to the drinks of water for the people waiting in front of the Rega jet. The media team is involved in events like these, too: interested members of the media are looked after by a media spokeswoman, who organises interviews and photo opportunities with the base manager and other crew members. Thus those who were unable to be there in person also get to hear about the influx of visitors to the Rega base from the subsequent newspaper, radio or TV reports. A piece of Rega to take home An open day is not just about experi­ encing Rega close up. Visitors should also be able to take a little piece of Rega home with them – in the form of a souvenir. Next to the helicopter hangar at the Berne base, a trailer has been transformed into a mobile Rega shop. Especially popular are the Rega model helicopters and a classic that has been part of the product range since the 1980s – the children’s story book, “Globi bei der Rettungsflug­ wacht”. All the products in the Rega shop are also available online and are created and administered by a member of staff. She and her two colleagues from the marketing team take care of everything relating to the Rega brand: Who is authorised to carry the Rega logo? What should the aircraft and clothing look like? The Rega brand is one of the best known and most valuable in Switzerland – so it needs to be used with care. Next to the mobile Rega shop is an information stand, where Patronage Centre employees answer questions

about Rega patronage: “Yes, all Family members now receive their own patronage card”, “Actually, Rega is not an insurance provider but a non-profit foundation”, “No, Rega is not subsidised by the government”. And anyone who is not yet a Rega patron but would like to become one naturally has the chance to do so there and then. Employees as ambassadors Interest in Rega is not concentrated solely on the open days; it is very much in evidence throughout the year. Rega is very aware of this and makes intensive efforts to connect with the public in a wide variety of ways. For instance, it offers visitors an opportunity to go on a tour of the Rega Centre at Zurich Airport or of one of the twelve helicopter bases throughout Switzerland. These tours, too, are very popular:

more than 20,000 people take part in around 1,200 guided tours every year. Visitors are provided with a look behind the scenes of Switzerland’s air-rescue service – and Rega an opportunity to present itself to its patrons and also give something back to them by offering a free tour. The guides are all Rega employees – from jet pilots to logistics experts to retired employees. What they all have in common is strong identification with and knowledge of Rega, and the motivation to share their enthusiasm with others. The same people are responsible for presenting “their” Rega to the whole of Switzerland, too. During the year, they take part in around 30 fairs for the public, where they meet visitors at the exhibition booth and tell them more about Rega in person. They also answer any questions patrons may have – as

Employees as Rega ambassadors: at open days, the emergency flight physician is for once not concerned with medical emergencies, but with answering questions by Rega fans. 13


do the employees at the Patronage Centre, who take phone calls or e-mails from the 3.3 million patrons. The lines are usually buzzing – especially after the new patronage cards have been sent out at the beginning of the year. On peak days, the Patronage Centre receives as many as 8,000 calls and 3,000 e-mails. If only one person in ten reports a change – for example, because they have moved, got married or want to register the birth of a new Family member –, the staff need to make around 330,000 amendments in the patronage administration system. They do this at the Rega Centre at Zurich Airport, located one floor below the Operations Centre. A sign of solidarity Just next door is where the Rega magazine, “1414”, is written. Through

the magazine, Rega can give its patrons an insight into the world of air rescue and report on its missions and the fate of the people it has been able to help thanks to patrons’ financial support. After all, the Rega patronage contribution is also a strong expression of solidarity: even if a patron never needs assistance themself, it is good to know that somebody else has benefited from it. Sometimes, the degree of solidarity goes beyond the norm: Rega repeatedly receives donations from people who want to support Swiss Air-Rescue with a sum over and above the patronage contribution or to make a bequest. The donors and testators are looked after by a dedicated member of staff, who also deals with any questions patrons may have relating to donations and bequests.

Public support keeps Rega in the air As a look at the history of Swiss AirRescue shows, solidarity among the Swiss population goes back a long way and is, so to speak, the foundation on which Rega is built. In 1955 – three years after Swiss Air-Rescue was founded – Rega’s pioneers organised a public demonstration in the basin of Lake Zurich. More than a quarter of a million people watched the spectacle from the lakeside. Parachutists jumped from a Swissair DC-3, landing exactly on target in the water; avalanche search dogs were set down onto wooden rafts from the helicopter and there were simulated rescues from the water using a rescue net suspended from the helicopter. The air rescue demonstration was a resounding success: Rega not only

8,000 telephone calls on peak days: Patronage Centre staff answer questions about Rega patronage in a number of languages.

Point of contact at public trade fairs: in the course of a personal conversation, staff at the exhibition booth provide visitors with information about “their” Rega.


Tour guides from Rega’s own ranks: every year, Rega employees take a good 20,000 visitors on a tour of the Rega Centre or a Rega helicopter base.

raised public awareness of the organisation, but also succeeded in generating much-needed funds in a short space of time. In the years that followed, however, the running costs of helicopter rescue exceeded resources and the organisation’s long-term existence was at risk. Therefore, in 1966 Rega made an appeal to the public, asking for a donation of 20 Swiss francs per person. This marked the birth of a patronage system that is still adopted to this day. Knowing Rega wins patrons Today, Rega’s public relations work encompasses far more than in the early years – from the design of the patronage card to looking after patients following a Rega mission through its Assistance and Care Service. Since patronage was introduced in 1966, the family of patrons has grown from year to year. And the same is true now as it was then: Rega cannot exist without its patrons. Their contributions cover more than half of the total costs and make it possible for Rega to be on standby around the clock. It is

thanks to their support that Rega can remain independent and always put the welfare of its patients at the centre of all its activities. Yet this support can never be taken for granted and must be “earned” on an ongoing basis: every year, around 15,000 patronages are not renewed through deaths alone. For Rega to continue providing medical assistance by air to the Swiss population in future, its patron numbers must continue to grow. Open and direct communication, coupled with contact with the public and the Rega family of patrons, are vital if this is to happen. For it is people who are familiar with Rega and know that patronage is a good and valuable thing who give their support. In doing so, they make sure that future generations can also count on round-the-clock assistance from one of the most advanced air rescue organisations in the world.


In brief

Medical assistance by air Swiss Air-Rescue Rega was founded in 1952 for the purpose of providing emergency medical assistance by air. Thanks to wide-scale support from the Swiss people, it is able to meet the challenges posed by a country with extremely demanding topography. With its highly trained employees and state-of-the-art aircraft, Rega is on call around the clock, finances the building and renovation of its dense network of helicopter bases, and is constantly improving its air rescue services and procedures. Rega provides assistance wherever a person’s life or health can be preserved or protected through its intervention. It comes to the aid of people in distress and in need of help in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross, without discrimination as to person, financial circumstances, social status, nationality, race, religious beliefs or political opinions. It is the patient’s medical condition that counts. Ambulance jets and rescue helicopters are swift, comfortable and efficient means of transport. Their targeted use helps reduce the subsequent costs arising from acute illnesses and accidents. Rega is an autonomous, privately run, non-profit foundation. With its 3.376 million patrons, it is firmly rooted within the Swiss population. It has been a corporate member of the Swiss Red Cross since 1981. Rega operates independently of political interests and is not subsidised by the State. Its activities also contribute towards improving the quality of life, the economy and tourism in Switzerland.

Key figures for 2016 Total number of missions organised




Fixed-wing aircraft


Other missions1


Patronage contributions (CHF million) No. of patrons (in millions)

96.6 3.376

No. of employees 2


Operating revenue (CHF million)


Operating expenditure (CHF million)


Operating result (CHF million)


Balance sheet total (CHF million)


1 O ther

missions: transports by ambulance, missions on behalf of the Swiss Alpine Club, Spéléo-Secours, Redog, etc. 2 N o. of full-time equivalent employees at the end of December


Solidarity, empathy, professionalism, competence, Swissness

You can rely on Rega.

In brief

Locations Rega’s helicopter bases Rega aims to reach any location in its operational area within 15 minutes’ flying time. Twelve Rega helicopter bases distributed throughout the country make this possible. They are located in Dübendorf, Basel, Berne, Lausanne, Untervaz, Locarno, St. Gallen, Erstfeld, Samedan, Wilderswil, Mollis and Zweisimmen. In addition, there is a partner base in Geneva. At each of the helicopter bases, a Rega crew comprising a pilot, paramedic and emergency flight physician are standing by at all times, ready to bring emergency assistance by air to people in distress as swiftly as possible.

The Rega Centre Rega’s headquarters is located at Zurich Airport, with direct access to the take-off and landing runways. While the three ambulance jets take off from here to destinations all over the globe, the rescue helicopters only come to the Rega Centre for major maintenance work or servicing. In addition to the hangar and the maintenance works for the Rega fleet, the Rega Centre is home to the Operations Centre, the administrative offices and the large, central materials store.

LSGL, 630 m a.s.l., N 46° 32’ 50”, E 06° 37’ 05” Rega 4 – Lausanne base

Rega 14 – Zweisimmen base LSTZ, 934 m a.s.l., N 46° 33’ 19”, E 07° 22’ 47”

Operations Centre The Operations Centre at the Rega Centre organises over 15,000 missions every year. It can be contacted around the clock – in Switzerland via emergency number 1414, and from abroad by calling +41 333 333 333.

Rega 15 – Partner base Geneva LSGG, 430 m a.s.l., N 46° 14’ 01”, E 06° 05’ 49”

The Rega fleet Helicopters, lowland bases

Helicopters, mountain bases

Airbus Helicopters EC 145 (formerly Eurocopter) Number of helicopters: 6 Patient capacity: 1 lying, 1 sitting Rotor diameter: 11 m Length: 13.03 m Height: 3.95 m 2 engines, take-off power: Arriel 1E2, 2 × 720 HP Maximum flying speed: 220 km/h Rescue hoist: 90 m cable length, 270 kg

AgustaWestland Da Vinci Number of helicopters: Patient capacity: Rotor diameter: Length: Height: 2 engines, take-off power: Maximum flying speed: Rescue hoist:


11 1 lying, 1 sitting 10.83 m 12.96 m 3.40 m Pratt & Whitney, 2 × 778 HP 235 km/h 90 m cable length, 270 kg

LFSB, 253 m a.s.l., N 47° 36’ 20”, E 08° 31’ 19” Rega 2 – Basel base LSMD, 439 m a.s.l., N 47° 23’ 46”, E 08° 38’ 15”

LSXO, 655 m a.s.l., N 47° 24’ 35”, E 09° 17’ 44”

Rega 1 – Dübendorf base

Rega 7 – St. Gallen base

Rega Centre – Zurich Airport LSZH, 432 m a.s.l., N 47° 27’ 31”, E 08° 34’ 21”

LSMF, 448 m a.s.l., N 47° 04’ 41”, E 09° 03’ 58” Rega 12 – Mollis base

LSZB, 509 m a.s.l., N 46° 54’ 38”, E 07° 30’ 22” Rega 3 – Berne base LSXE, 459 m a.s.l., N 46° 50’ 03”, E 08° 38’ 20” Rega 8 – Erstfeld base Rega 5 – Untervaz base LSXU, 539 m a.s.l., N 46° 54’ 46”, E 09° 33’ 04”

Rega 10 – Wilderswil base LSXI, 579 m a.s.l., N 46° 40’ 12”, E 07° 52’ 34”

Rega 9 – Samedan base LSZS, 1706 m a.s.l., N 46° 31’ 50”, E 09° 52’ 42”

Rega 6 – Locarno base LSZL, 198 m a.s.l., N 46° 09’ 47”, E 08° 52’ 55” Rega Centre Lowland bases Mountain bases Partner base

Helicopter, flight school Airbus Helicopters H125 Number of helicopters: Rotor diameter: Length: Height: 1 engine, take-off power: Maximum flying speed:

Ambulance jets 1 10.69 m 12.94 m 3.34 m Turbomeca Arriel 2D, 860 HP 220 km/h

Challenger CL-604 Number of aircraft: Patient capacity: Wing span: Length: Height: Maximum take-off weight: Maximum flying speed: Maximum range:

3 4 lying 19.61 m 20.86 m 6.40 m 21,863 kg 850 km/h 6,500 km 19


Rega in Switzerland Rega’s rescue helicopters are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in the service of the Swiss people. The 17 Agusta­ Westland Da Vinci and Airbus Helicopters EC 145 helicopters transport state-of-the-art medical services directly to the casualty – not just in response to serious accidents or injuries, but also in cases of acute illness, such as cardiac problems. The rescue helicopters are called out to deal with incidents in inaccessible mountainous terrain, as well as on motorways and in built-up areas. They are used to transport critical patients gently and reliably to the nearest suitable medical centre or to fly newborn babies to a paediatric hospital. A highly versatile and efficient means of rescue, the helicopter plays an indispensable role in the modern-day healthcare system. Helicopter operations are divided into primary and secondary missions. Primary missions comprise rescue flights that transport emergency medical assistance directly to the scene of the incident. Secondary missions mostly involve inter-hospital transfers – for example, if a patient’s condition has worsened and requires specialist attention. Almost a quarter of all Rega helicopter missions take place at night – a demanding task for the pilot, paramedic and emergency physician making up the crew.

Primary/secondary missions by helicopter in 2016 (9,045 patients in total)


Winter sports accidents 648 Alpine accidents 931 Occupational accidents 762 Road accidents


Other accidents

4,049 Illnesses


Rega international For people who become seriously injured or ill abroad, Rega represents a bridge to their homeland. Its three own Challenger CL-604 ambulance jets are used exclusively for transporting patients. The crew invariably comprises at least two pilots, a flight physician and a flight nurse. Rega is equipped to transport patients who are in a very critical physical condition. However, as each transport involves a certain degree of risk, operations of this kind need to be closely supervised by experienced medical coordinators. The use of an ambulance jet is not always necessary. Often patients are repatriated on board a scheduled aircraft – competently and professionally attended to by Rega’s medical staff. If travellers suffer serious medical problems abroad, Rega can also assist by providing them with expert medical advice as part of its emergency medical management. Medical consultants are on duty around the clock and, together with the doctors on location and the patients themselves, seek the best possible solution – such as informing them of the nearest suitable hospital. Providing that it has capacity available, Rega also puts its knowledge and fleet at the disposal of clients abroad for patient transports. These missions help Rega crews to maintain and improve their operational and medical expertise, and also contribute towards covering costs.

Medical emergencies abroad in 2016 (2,510 patients in total)

1,223 patients repatriated by ambulance jet or scheduled aircraft

1,287 Medical emergency management


No patrons, no Rega Thanks to their annual contributions, Rega’s patrons enable the continued existence of the air rescue organisation. They keep Rega in the air, as a public service for the Swiss people. Professional rescue by air around the clock, 365 days a year, with highly qualified staff, state-of-the-art rescue equipment and a dense network of helicopter bases – it would be impossible to provide all this in a cost-effective manner. When, back in the 1960s, the fledgling air rescue organisation ran into serious financial difficulties, instead of asking for State subsidies, it set up a privately operated patronage system. Since then, the patrons have paid Rega’s “deficit” with their annual contributions, which at around 60 percent cover more than half of the total budget. The remaining costs are principally covered by cost bearers, such as health, accident and travel insurers, in the form of payments for missions carried out on their behalf. In the meantime, this system has more than proved its worth. It gives Rega the freedom and independence to perform its duties as it deems best and allows it to fully focus on its patients’ welfare. The annual patronage contributions have only ever been increased once since Rega was founded and have remained unchanged for a good 25 years. As a token of thanks for patrons’ support, Rega can waive the cost of any of the services it performs on their behalf, provided that the person’s insurance company is not liable to pay them. You can find the Conditions of Patronage on page 38.

Cost coverage in 2016

CHF 97 million (62%) Patrons’ contributions and donations

CHF 58 million (38%) Cost bearers and other revenue


A huge thank-you to all of our 3,376,000 patrons, whose financial contributions keep Rega in the air. Become a Rega patron:


Milestones Swiss Air-Rescue Rega was founded in 1952 to provide emergency medical assistance by air. Since then, it has organised over 350,000 missions and rescued countless people in distress. Even back in the pioneering days, Rega’s air rescuers succeeded in achieving the impossible. Rega has remained true to this credo to this day.


Self-help by means of patronage No funds from the Swiss government. However, a nationwide appeal for help proves successful. 25,000 patrons save Swiss Air-Rescue from financial ruin.


Bell 206A, the first turbine-powered helicopter The Jet Ranger HB-XCU has a turbine, but no rescue hoist. In mountainous areas where the helicopter is unable to land, rescue is only possible using the fixed rope.

The organisation is founded Swiss Air-Rescue is founded as a sub-section of the Swiss rescue association, Schweizerische Lebensrettungsgesellschaft (SLRG), in the Hotel Bären in Twann.


First direct rescue from the Eiger north face What until now had been deemed impossible, suddenly becomes reality: using a rescue hoist, the crew from the Gsteigwiler base lift two climbers directly off the rock face.


Swiss Air-Rescue is ready to start operations On 25 December, Dr. Rudolf Bucher, the head of Swiss Air-Rescue, announces over Radio Beromünster that the parachutists and helicopters are ready for action.


First Alouette III The Alouette III SE 316 HB-XDF is Rega’s first helicopter to be financed by patrons’ contributions. The picture shows it in operation at the Engadin Ski Marathon in 1972.


The first rescue parachutists In winter 1953, Swiss Air-Rescue parachutists are used on a rescue mission for the first time.


Twin-engine helicopter The introduction of the Bölkow BO-105C – depicted here on the roof of the University Children’s Hospital in Zurich – marks the beginning of the era of twin-engine helicopters at Rega.


Large-scale live demonstration During three days in March, over 300,000 spectators watch a live demonstration in the area around Zurich’s lower lake basin, held to procure funds for air-rescue services.


Operations abroad with its own aircraft Rega’s Learjet 24D HB-VCY is the first civilian ambulance jet in the world. It is fully equipped with medical apparatus and is on stand-by around the clock.


Emergency assistance in the USA After a plane accident, Swiss AirRescue pioneers recover the bodies of 128 persons from an inaccessible area in the Grand Canyon region.


Rega becomes a non-profit foundation The Association sets up a Foundation. Fritz Bühler is appointed the first Chairman of the Foundation Board. In 1981, Rega also becomes a Corporate member of the Swiss Red Cross.


The first helicopter of its own A countrywide collection by the Association of Swiss Consumers’ Cooperative Societies (now Coop) produces sufficient funds to purchase a Bell-47 J helicopter.


Fritz Bühler dies on 23 August: the great organiser and promoter of air rescue passes away totally unexpectedly at the age of 72 during a business event.


An autonomous organisation under Fritz Bühler Swiss Air-Rescue breaks away from its parent organisation, the SLRG. Fritz Bühler is appointed Technical Director.


The “Hitchcock” rescue A parachutist’s canopy becomes entangled in the aircraft’s tail wheel. The helicopter flies above the plane so that the rescuer suspended at the end of a rescue hoist can cut the parachutist free.


First repatriation For its first repatriation mission, the private Piaggio P-166 aircraft owned by Dr. Armin Meyer flies a patient from France back home to Switzerland.


Long-haul ambulance jet The Challenger CL- 600 HB-VFW is equipped to perform long-haul operations with several patients on board. In Geneva, it is christened “Fritz Bühler”.




The magic number of one million patrons Rega’s patronage system proves to be an on-going success. On 23 August, Rega issues its one millionth patronage card.


Mobile heart-lung machine on board For the first time, critically-ill patients can be hooked up to a heartlung machine in the Rega helicopter.


Helicopters with night vision goggles Rega is the first non-military organisation in the world to equip all of its helicopters with night vision goggles, thus increasing the safety of night missions.


300,000th mission Newborn twins are flown by Rega helicopter from the Children’s Hospital in Lucerne back to their home in Canton Vaud.


The Hawker 800 jets commence services Two new ambulance jets replace the pair of Lear-35 aircraft. The larger cabin and longer range improve the services for patients.


Flying “blind” to the Inselspital 27 July: thanks to satellite-based navigation, Rega flies to the Inselspital University Hospital in Berne despite poor visibility, using the GPS-assisted approach procedure.


The new fleet is made up of Agustas On 14 August, the Untervaz base in Canton Graubünden puts the first of the 15 new twin-engine Agusta A 109 K2 helicopters into operation.


State-of-the-art dispatch system The new interlinked systems allow alarm procedures to be largely digitalised and rescues to be coordinated more efficiently than ever.


The first round the world flight In a mission lasting 43 hours, the Challenger CL- 600 transports three patients in consecutive legs, a journey that takes it all the way round the world for the first time.


The flight simulator for the AW Da Vinci sets new standards in pilot training. Instrument flight and emergency scenarios can now be practised realistically and efficiently – in safety and without harming the environment.


New Rega Centre at Zurich-Kloten For the first time, Rega’s hangar, Operations Centre, maintenance works, logistics operations, Patronage Centre and Administration Department are all united under one roof.


Premiere for Rega’s new transport incubator, which can be used in both the jets and the helicopters and provides premature or newborn babies with the best possible medical care.


Three new Challenger CL-604 jets Three identical aircraft from the Canadian manufacturer, Bombardier, replace the 15-year-old air ambulance fleet.


Three Challenger 650s for Rega In 2018, the highly reliable CL-604 fleet will be replaced with the successor model from Bombardier, featuring modified engines and state-of-the-art avionics systems.


Five Eurocopter EC 145 helicopters Rega purchases five spacious rescue helicopters from helicopter manufacturer Eurocopter for use at its lowland bases. This is followed by a sixth.


Rega orders three all-weather AW169-FIPS helicopters from Leonardo (formerly AgustaWestland), which are equipped with an anti-icing system and will go into operation in 2021.


Tsunami in Southeast Asia Rega is pushed to the limit. Over a period of ten days, 16 medical teams are in operation. Within the space of a week, more than 60 casualties are repatriated to Switzerland.


Rescue despite poor visibility thanks to IFR flight route network In December, two routes of the Low Flight Network for helicopters, which is based on satellite navigation, are certified for daytime use.


The AgustaWestland Da Vinci is Rega’s new mountain helicopter Rega purchases from helicopter ­manufacturer AgustaWestland 11 rescue helicopters for use at its mountain bases.


Six H145 for the lowland bases Rega purchases six H145 helicopters from Airbus Helicopters to replace its current lowland fleet. The more powerful successor model of the EC 145 will commence operations in 2018. 25

Annual Report 2016 Activities in 2016

28 – 31

Mission Statement


Foundation Board


Governance and Compliance

34 – 35

Rega in 2016


Management Board


Annual Report 2016

Activities in 2016 operations with the mobile incubator for premature and newborn babies, and transports with the intra-aortal balloon pump (IABP). Almost every fourth mission was flown at night. A small increase (+ 5.3 %) was registered in the number of operations performed on behalf of mountain farmers (so-called “contadino missions”), whereby Rega commissions commercial helicopter transport firms to recover injured or dead cattle from mountainous regions.

Helicopters Figures for the helicopter missions were marginally down on the previous year (11,055, – 1.2 %). While the number of secondary missions 3 (+ 0.4 %) remained virtually unchanged, the total primary missions 2 fell slightly (– 2.8 %). Rega recorded a 10 percent increase in its intensive-care special transports (286 missions). These include so-called ECMO transports for patients attached to a mobile heart-lung machine,

Fixed-wing aircraft In 2016, Rega’s three ambulance jets flew more missions (858, + 4.6 %) and transported more patients (869, + 5.3 %) than in 2015. In the course of the year, the Challenger CL-604 aircraft were in the air for a total of 4,290 hours (+ 4.2 %) – the longest since they first went into operation in 2003. Contributing to this high number of flight hours are several long-haul missions: during the

past year, the jet crews transported patients back home to Switzerland from Australia and New Zealand on three separate occasions. Other operations to repatriate people in need took the jets to all corners of the globe, including Bhutan, Nepal, Mauritius, Chile, the Philippines, Southern Africa and the Caribbean. The number of patients repatriated on board scheduled aircraft also rose significantly compared to the previous year (354, +12.0 %). This economically and environmentally sound alternative to the ambulance jet is employed provided that the patient’s medical condition is sufficiently stable, that this form of transport is not expected to have a negative effect on the patient or other passengers, and that enough seats are available on board. On average, Rega organised three repatriations per day using fixed-wing aircraft during 2016.

No. of missions

Missions by helicopter

Missions by fixed-wing aircraft

2016 2015 +/–

Total missions

1,249 1,167

7.0 % 4.6 %

Rega can look back on a busy year: in 2016, the Operations Centre organised a total of 15,093 missions (+0.3 %) – slightly more than in the previous year and the highest number in Rega’s history. Overall, the rescue helicopters and ambulance jets transported 10,075 patients (– 1.0 %). In 2016, Rega brought urgently needed medical assistance by air to an average of 28 patients per day.

2016 2015 +/–

Total missions  Helicopters

15,093 15,053 0.3 %

Total missions

11,055 11,186 – 1.2 %

of which are performed at night

Jets / Scheduled aircraft

1,249 1,167 7.0 %

Other missions 1


1 Other

2016 2015 +/–


3.3 %

11,055 11,186 – 1.2 % 2,194 2,215 – 0.9 %

Primary missions 2 6,178

6,353 – 2.8 %

Secondary missions 3



0.4 %

Assistance to mountain farmers



5.3 %

Special missions 4


Ambulance jets



Scheduled aircraft


321 10.9 %

Chartered aircraft


26 34.6 %

939 – 2.9 %

missions: transports by ambulance, missions on behalf of the Swiss Alpine Club, Spéléo-Secours, Redog, etc. missions: emergency missions directly at the scene of the incident 3 Secondary missions: inter-hospital transfers, neonatology, organ transports 4 S pecial missions: non-medical Rega missions (search, route securing and reconnaissance flights on behalf of operation partners) and missions performed by other helicopters 2 Primary


Transported patients – primary/ secondary missions by helicopter

Medical emergencies abroad

2016 2015

Total patients

9,045 9,208 – 1.8 %

Winter sports accidents

2016 2015 +/–

Total patients

2,510 2,431  – 3.1 %

Medical advice



0.0 %




7.0 %


2016 2015 +/–

Total patients


Limb injuries 1,373

1,494 – 8.1 %


944 – 1.4 %

Road accidents


805 – 5.3 %

Alpine accidents


651 – 0.5 %

Sports accidents



Aviation accidents


139 – 10.8 %


39  – 12.8 %

Avalanche accidents  Illnesses


Occupational accidents

Other causes

Transported/accompanied patients – missions by fixed-wing aircraft

12.5 %


759 – 10.0 %


3,985  1.6 %

Medical assistance and advice by Rega doctors Prior to each repatriation mission from abroad, thorough medical clarifications are carried out by one of Rega’s 13 medical consultants. In liaison with the Operations Centre, the physician on duty decides whether repatriation is necessary and sensible, and if so, how and when it should take place. As with the flight coordinators, the medical consultants are available around the clock. In 2016, the medical consultants provided a total of 2,510 patients (+ 3.1 %) suffering medical emergencies abroad with competent advice. In 1,223 cases (+ 7.0 %), the medical clarifications led to the patient being repatriated on board a Rega ambulance jet or a commercial airline. Thus Rega’s in-house medical consultants helped an average of seven new people suffering medical problems abroad every day. Individual insurance companies ask Rega’s physicians to clarify the medical

963   7.0 % 183

Craniocerebral trauma

2016 2015 +/–

Total patients

1,223 1,143 7.0 %

Rega ambulance jets 869


5.3 %

Scheduled airlines accompanied


138 16.9 %

Scheduled airlines unaccompanied

193 180 7.2 %

condition of their Swiss policy holders who have become seriously injured or ill abroad, even if they are not Rega patrons. In such cases, Rega makes a recommendation on whether from a medical point of view the patient needs or is fit enough to be transported and the insurance company decides if and how repatriation should take place. Fluctuation in mission and patient numbers The number of patients and missions do not always concur, as either several patients are transported on board the same flight or flights are performed without any patients at all, for example, if a search flight proves unsuccessful. Generally speaking, the helicopter mission statistics reflect the meteo­ rological conditions, as well as the leisure activities and travel patterns of both the Swiss population and foreign tourists in Switzerland. The winter of 2015 / 2016 was the second warmest


Other injuries


Cardiovascular diseases




Gastrointestinal diseases


Malignant tumours


Other illnesses


since records began back in 1864. Due to the mild and consequently relatively snow-free winter, the Rega helicopters flew considerably fewer missions in January (– 4.7 %) and February (– 17.6 %) than in 2015. In contrast, the ­exceptionally sunny September (+18.2 %) led to extremely busy operation days. Financial development and future investments As in the previous year, the majority of investments were made in modernising the Rega fleet by procuring the next generation of aircraft. The positive operating result was in part due to the sound financial situation resulting from Rega’s asset management. In line with its strategic goals, Rega is almost 100 percent self-financed and does not need outside capital to fund the new aircraft. Moreover, in the 2016 business year, Rega received a VAT refund for the years 2011 to 2015 totalling CHF 26.7 million. 29

Annual Report 2016

Gratifying development in the number of patrons Patrons form the very backbone of Rega. They make it possible for Switzerland to benefit from an air rescue system that is highly regarded and sets standards all over the world. With annual contributions totalling CHF 96.6 million (+ 2.2 %), Rega’s patrons cover more than 60 percent of the entire costs. This solidarity enables Rega’s helicopters and ambulance jets to be on standby around the clock, ready to swiftly provide emergency medical assistance wherever it is needed. According to its Conditions of Patronage, Rega can waive the cost of part or all of its rescue costs if these are not covered by the patrons’ own insurance policies, as a token of thanks for their invaluable support. In 2015, Rega completely modernised its patronage administration system. Now it is possible to record the details of each person included in a Rega patronage. On 31 December 2016, a total of 3.376 million patrons were entered on the computer system. This represents an increase of around 93,000 persons or 2.8 percent compared to the previous year. This considerable rise in numbers is mainly due to an administrative growth resulting from the modification of the system. For example, children listed in an existing Family patronage were registered individually and issued with their own patronage card. Rega helps shape the future of preclinical emergency medicine Rega is considered one of the most modern and innovative air rescue organisations in the world. With its own developments, as a reliable research partner or by organising expert panels, it helps to actively shape the future of preclinical emergency medicine. Last year, one of Rega’s own developments was presented to a broad public at Euroanaesthesia 2016, the European Anaesthesiology Congress, in London: the Patient Isolation Unit (PIU), which under the leadership of Medical Director Roland Albrecht was used 30

Development in the number of patrons up to 2016 3.5 mio. 3.0 mio. 2.5 mio. 2,380,000












2.0 mio. 1.5 mio. 1.0 mio. 0.5 mio. 0

No. of patronages (before the changes in the patronage administration system in 2015)   No. of patrons (including all persons listed under a single patronage)

for the first time in 2015 and further developed in 2016. The PIU makes it possible to safely transport potentially highly contagious patients and was used twice in 2016: on both occasions, the Rega crews transported patients suffering from tuberculosis. However, the attention of the Rega medics does not just focus on new innovations, but also on further developing proven therapy concepts. A study conducted together with the University Hospital Zurich, Protection & Rescue Zurich and the Cantonal Hospitals in Lucerne and St. Gallen and concluded in 2016 examined the advantages of using the medication, tranexamic acid, at the accident site. Tranexamic acid stabilises blood clotting and until now has principally been used at hospital emergency units (see article on page 10). Rega attaches great importance to a lively exchange with other rescue organisations, hospitals and physicians. In autumn 2016, it hosted the 2nd Central European Air Rescue Symposium in St. Gallen. Over 250 emergency physicians, paramedics and healthcare specialists accepted the invitation and attended various presentations

by recognised experts on the most recent developments in the field of emergency medicine – such as the use of video laryngoscopy during intubation or laboratory analyses in the rescue helicopter. From a “green aircraft” to a fully equipped ambulance jet In 2018, Rega will take delivery of three new Challenger 650 ambulance jets from Canadian aircraft manufacturer Bombardier. In December 2016, the first jet was transferred completely empty (or “green”) from Montreal to Peterborough in Canada – equipped with a fully functional cockpit and flyable, but without the cabin interior or livery, and thus sporting the characteristic green colour. Here, the interior will be fitted and the medical equipment installed and certified in the course of 2017. The first of the new ambulance jets is scheduled to arrive in Zurich in spring 2018. Renewal of the lowland fleet In December 2016, Rega signed a contract to purchase six new rescue helicopters of the type, Airbus Helicopters H145. They are to replace the

current, almost 15-year-old EC 145 fleet stationed at the lowland bases in Zurich, Basel, Berne and Lausanne and will go into operation in 2018. The new helicopters will reduce the volume of maintenance work and maintain the existing high level of availability of the fleet. With the H145, Rega is placing its trust in the considerably more powerful successor model of the EC 145. It is investing around CHF 52 million for the six helicopters, including all the medical equipment. This sum has already been earmarked in Rega’s long-term financial planning, and the organisation’s healthy financial position means that this project can be funded without outside capital. Training up-and-coming helicopter pilots Rega now has a special helicopter for training purposes. The new Airbus Helicopters H125 helicopter is to be used in particular to train future pilots in performing mountain and external load flights. Consequently, the H125 features, among other things, a digital cockpit closely resembling that of the Da Vinci mountain helicopter, which prepares the trainee pilots for flying this helicopter type in the future. Investing in the helicopter bases A modern, countrywide network of bases requires continuous investment in order to keep them fully operational. In 2016, the renovation of the helicopter base in Untervaz was completed. The almost 20-year-old base was freshly painted and equipped with a modern kitchen, as well as new sanitary installations and flooring. A temporary building comprising winter-proof containers was erected at the Mollis base. It extends the space available to the crew by several own offices, a kitchen, a cloakroom and sanitary installations. Rega continues to share the hangar with its owner, Heli Linth AG. In the Engadin, Rega continues to pursue its plans to build a new helicopter base on the site of the existing one at Samedan Airport in collaboration with its partners. However, unfortunately once again no significant progress

could be made during the year under review. Instrument flights for helicopters Rega continues to forge ahead with realising its vision of all-weather rescue. Since 1 December 2016, the two principal routes, north-south (over the Gotthard Pass) and east-west (from St. Gallen to Lausanne), of the so-called Low Flight Network (LFN) have been certified for daytime operations. Already shortly after certification was granted, the first patient was flown by Rega’s Ticino crew over the Gotthard Pass on an instrument flight route – a historical milestone for air rescue in Switzerland. For some time now, Rega has been working together with the Swiss Air Force, Skyguide air navigation service and the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) to establish and operate the LFN. This network of instrument flight routes based on satellite navigation links both airports and hospitals with each other by means of specially designed approach flights. The gradual introduction of the LFN represents a key step towards providing allweather air rescue services and increases the provision of medical care to the Swiss population. In 2017, it is planned that more hospitals and regions are integrated into the network of instrument flight routes, and that round-the-clock usage is authorised by FOCA. Up-to-date flight weather data Among the basic requirements for all-weather rescue flights is continually updated meteorological data that is available around the clock. Without this information, it is not permitted to fly according to instrument flight rules (IFR). Rega’s major project entitled “Thor” aims to provide Rega helicopter pilots with precise meteorological data relating to their rescue flights. It was launched in 2014 and is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2017. Taken over the entire period, Rega is investing some CHF 6 million in improving the flight weather data and thus also directly in improving the

provision of medical care by air to the Swiss population. By the end of 2016, Rega was able to put six new automatic weather stations into operation; they are located on the roof of the Inselspital University Hospital in Berne, on the Cantonal Hospitals in Freiburg and St. Gallen, on the Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwil, and at the airports in LausanneBlécherette and Bressaucourt. In addition, 11 webcams have been installed, which day and night deliver high resolution, up-to-date weather images of geographical locations that are relevant for Rega. In addition, MeteoSchweiz has further expanded this network with 20 automatic weather stations, which are also now in operation. Expansion of the operation spectrum with the multisensor search system IR/EOS In 2016, Rega procured a system to search for missing or injured persons. The so-called multisensor search system IR/EOS comprises a camera with infrared and optical sensors, a connected searchlight and a workstation in the helicopter cabin. Rega has commissioned a specialised firm to perform the necessary adjustments on two AgustaWestland Da Vinci helicopters and to manage the certification process. This is the first time worldwide that the system is being integrated into this helicopter type. During installation, unexpected delays in the approval of the aircraft arose, which led to a postponement in putting the aircraft into operation.


Annual Report 2016

Mission Statement 1


Our purpose We provide an around-the-clock service offering swift, expert assistance by air. In particular, we transport medical care to the casualty and help in emergency situations.

Our patrons Thanks to their annual contributions, our patrons enable us to build up and operate a suitable infrastructure to perform air-rescue operations on behalf of the Swiss population.

This assistance also takes the form of medical advice and the use of our infrastructure.

The services rendered by Rega to its patrons are not of a contractual nature and are therefore not deemed to be insurance benefits.

Our operations are characterised by our highly qualified, professional members of staff and the very best equipment available in the fields of rescue, medical and flight technology.


Our fundamental concept We are a non-profit organisation that is funded by its patrons. Our services are primarily geared towards the needs of the Swiss population. We are financed by means of private funding. This enables us to operate independently in the service of our patients. In the interest of the patient, we take an active stand against the commercialisation of air rescue. Emergency missions and other operations carried out on behalf of the general public are not conditional upon whether or not the ensuing costs are covered. Our rescue activities are based on the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross.


Our partners We are fully aware of the importance of working in close collaboration with our partner organisations, and actively foster a successful working relationship with them.


Our staff Our members of staff play a decisive role in fulfilling our purpose. The following factors are of particular importance in this respect: • personal identification with the organisation and its purpose; • independence and responsibility; • willingness to perform, flexibility and motivation. We aim to achieve this by means of: • on-going training appropriate to the various hierarchical levels; • progressive working conditions; • appropriate salaries and attractive social benefits. We foster a style of behaviour among our staff that is open, cooperative and characterised by mutual respect.

We act as a fair and reliable partner. We focus our activities on the fields of air rescue, air-ambulance repatriation services and medical advice. In order to maintain and further improve the top level of expertise of our medical staff, we also perform medically indicated flights on behalf of international clients.


Our values We strive to provide around-the-clock services of first-class quality and safety, as well as to cultivate a conscious, structured manner of dealing with risks. Our organisational structures are characterised by a clear-cut delineation of tasks, competences and responsibilities. These are implemented and respected at all hierarchical levels, from ordinary employees right up to the members of the Foundation Board. We act and communicate in an open and transparent way, both within our organisation and towards the outside. We are conscious of a potential conflict between performing our work and protecting the environment, and take this into account in everything we do.


Foundation Board Foundation Board of Swiss Air-Rescue Rega

Josef Meier, Wettingen, since 2013

Advisory Committee Partner Organisations

Ulrich Graf, Bäch, since 2001, Chairman and Member of the Executive Committee

Gerold Biner, Zermatt, since 2015

Franz Stämpfli, Member of the Rega Foundation Board, Chairman

Christian Kern, Prof. Dr. med., Geneva, since 2009, Vice-Chairman and Member of the Executive Committee Michael Hobmeier, Bäch, since 2007, Member of the Executive Committee Patrizia Pesenti, Zollikon, since 2009, Member of the Executive Committee Gabi Huber, Dr. iur., Altdorf, since 2015, Member of the Executive Committee Adrian Frutiger, PD Dr. med., Trimmis, since 1998 Andreas Berger, Dr. med., Immensee, since 2007

Thomas Holderegger, Waldstatt, since 2015 Franz Stämpfli, Innertkirchen, since 2015

Thomas P. Emmerich, Member of the Rega Foundation Board

Markus Mader, Berne (Swiss Red Cross representative), since 2008

Françoise Jaquet, Dr. sc. nat., Swiss Alpine Rescue representative Philipp Perren, Dr. iur., Canton Valais representative

Medical Commission Christian Kern, Prof. Dr. med., Chairman Adrian Frutiger, PD Dr. med. Andreas Berger, Dr. med. Marco Maggiorini, Prof. Dr. med.

Marco Maggiorini, Prof. Dr. med., Schindellegi, since 2011 Adrian Amstutz, Sigriswil, since 2013

Markus Denzler, police commanders representative Marc Ziegler, Swiss Cable Cars Association representative, from 2016 Stefan Eng, Swiss Air Force representative

Heidi Hanselmann, Walenstadt, since 2010 Thomas P. Emmerich, Riehen, since 2011

Andy Scheurer, Spéléo-Secours representative, from 2016

Finance Commission

Günter Bildstein, Medical Emergency Call Centres 144 representative

Michael Hobmeier, Chairman Ulrich Graf Josef Meier

Auditors KPMG AG, Zurich

From left: Thomas P. Emmerich, Gerold Biner, Thomas Holderegger, Andreas Berger, Michael Hobmeier, Franz Stämpfli, Ulrich Graf, Adrian Frutiger, Christian Kern, Markus Mader, Patrizia Pesenti, Adrian Amstutz, Josef Meier Missing from the picture: Heidi Hanselmann, Gabi Huber, Marco Maggiorini

as of 1 January 2017

Annual Report 2016

Governance and Compliance The purpose of the Swiss Air-Rescue Rega Foundation is above all to help people in distress and in need of assistance, in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross. As a member of the Swiss Red Cross, it provides its services without discrimination as to person, financial circumstances, social status, nationality, race, religious beliefs or political opinions. Rega is fully committed to conducting its business according to the principles of good corporate governance. It upholds the five guiding principles of non-profit governance: checks and balances, responsibility and efficiency, transparency, safeguarding the interests of patrons, and safeguarding the interests of donors. Rega’s guiding principles relating to corporate governance are embedded in its Foundation Deed and Regulations, its organisation and management regulations, its Mission Statement and its Code of Conduct. The Foundation Board monitors these principles on a regular basis. Foundation Board The Foundation Board is Rega’s supreme body. It lays down the guiding principles of the organisation in accordance with the Foundation Deed. It draws up the Mission Statement and pertinent regulations, and adopts the strategy and the budget. It approves the Annual Report and the annual financial statements. It defines the supervision and monitoring of the business activities. It also authorises the principles relating to the remuneration of the members of the Foundation Board and the Management Board. The Foundation Board comprises a maximum of 15 members. The term of office is four years. Members are eligible for re-election up to their 70th birthday. There is no limitation on the length of service of the members of the Foundation Board. The Foundation Board elects from among its members a Chairman, as well as the five members of the Executive Committee, and also defines the Committee’s tasks and competences. 34

Executive Committee of the Foundation Board The Executive Committee comprises five members of the Foundation Board: the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Chairman of the Medical Commission, the Chairman of the Finance Commission, and one other member of the Foundation Board. The Executive Committee of the Foundation Board is responsible for carrying out the tasks delegated to it. It coordinates the permanent commissions of the Foundation Board. Furthermore, on behalf of the Foundation Board, it supervises and monitors the Management Board and issues it with the necessary instructions. The members of the Executive Committee also serve on the Board of Directors of the subsidiaries, Swiss Air Ambulance Ltd. and Airmed AG. Management Board The Chairman of the Management Board is charged with managing the operative business, implementing the resolutions adopted by the Foundation Board and the Executive Committee, and delegating the various tasks and competences within the organisation. Tasks and procedures of the permanent commissions and the Advisory Committee Each specialist body is governed by a set of regulations specifying its various tasks and competences, and is headed by a chairperson elected by the Foundation Board. The commissions meet on a regular basis to discuss specialist matters, which are specified by the relevant chairperson. Prior to the meeting, the commission members receive the relevant documents so that they can prepare for the various items on the agenda. Medical Commission The Medical Commission comprises the Chairman, Prof. Dr. med. Christian Kern, and three physicians, all of whom are members of the Foundation Board.

The meetings are also attended by the Chairman of the Management Board, the Medical Director and, where necessary, other specialists, who are present in an advisory capacity and have the right to propose motions. The Medical Commission is an advisory body to the Foundation Board and the Medical Director. It deals with and considers specialist matters relating to emergency and rescue medicine that fall within the competence of the Foundation Board, prior to the latter taking any decisions. When drawing up medical guidelines and quality controls, the Commission is assisted by Rega’s Medical Service. Finance Commission The Finance Commission comprises its Chairman, Michael Hobmeier, and other members of the Foundation Board. The meetings are also attended by the Chairman of the Management Board, the Chief Financial Officer and, where necessary, other specialists, who are present in an advisory capacity and have the right to propose motions. The Finance Commission is an advisory body to the Foundation Board. It deals with matters relating to financial planning, budgeting, investment policy and the internal control system, and periodically examines the form and scope of financial reporting. Advisory Committee Partner Organisations Under the chairmanship of Franz Stämpfli, the Advisory Committee comprises members of Rega’s Foundation Board, together with representatives from the partner ­organisations, namely Swiss Alpine Rescue, the Swiss Helicopter Association, the Canton of Valais Air-Rescue Service, the Swiss Air Force, the Swiss Cable Cars Association, police commanders, Spéléo-Secours Switzerland and the Medical Emergency Call Centres 144. The Advisory Committee is concerned with tasks relating to the collaboration between the partner organisations and promotes the

exchange of information between the various network members. Accounting and auditing The financial statements of the Swiss Air-Rescue Rega Foundation and its subsidiaries are prepared in accordance with the principles of Swiss GAAP FER accounting and reporting ­recommendations (in particular, GAAP FER 21), and give a true and fair view of its net assets, financial position and earnings performance. At Rega, the “four eyes” principle is applied. This means that fundamentally two joint signatures are required at all levels. The Foundation Board has drawn up a set of regulations governing competences and signatory rights. Both internal and external control bodies periodically check that these regulations are being complied with. Risk Management – Internal Control System, IKS The highly complex nature of emergency medical rescue, coupled with the strict requirements of aviation law and the demands of the Code of Obligations, make it necessary to take a structured approach to risks. Rega has combined demands from the Internal Control System and Safety and Quality Management to create integrated risk management in order to identify and view risks holistically and make use of available synergies. As Rega’s supreme body, the Foundation Board is responsible for risk management at Rega and all its s­ ubsidiaries. The key risks are systematically identified and evaluated every year, and appropriate risk control measures are taken. The identified risks are additionally monitored on an ongoing basis. Rega’s interests Rega has interests in various companies domiciled in Switzerland. Strategic interests in companies and foundations in which Swiss Air-Rescue Rega directly or indirectly holds over 50 percent of the voting rights or which are controlled by the Foundation Board are consolidated in the annual

financial statements. An overview of these interests is provided in Rega’s ­consolidated annual financial statements. Rega further holds operative and functional minority interests of up to 20 percent in helicopter companies, airfield companies and associations and assistance companies in Switzerland. This portfolio is maintained in order to fulfil the purpose of the Foundation. Rega also has interests/investments which are managed by external asset managers according to a portfolio management agreement. Foundation Board compensation Compensation of the Foundation Board is based on the set of regulations approved by the Swiss Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations. Compensation (fixed sums, attendance fees and expenses) covers part of the expenses of Foundation Board members for preparing meetings, reviewing documents and attending meetings of the Foundation Board, Foundation Board Committee, specialist and ad hoc committees, Advisory Committee, partner ­organisations, pension foundations and other companies in which Rega has an interest. All compensation made to the Foundation Board and its Chairman is reported in detail in Rega’s consolidated annual financial statements. Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations As a non-profit foundation, Rega and its Foundation bodies are subject to the supervision of the Swiss Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations in Berne, to which it is required to submit a management report each year. The last assessment and review by the Federal Supervisory Board was conducted on 1 February 2017, and no objections of any kind were raised.


Annual Report 2016

Rega in 2016 2 March

2 March: CEO Ernst Kohler inaugurates a new exhibition booth, which Rega will use to present itself at major Swiss public trade fairs such as Muba, Comptoir Suisse and Olma. Interested people can chat to Rega staff at the syrup bar, watch short videos in the Rega Cinema, or buy a souvenir in the shop. 16 April: Since the beginning of 2016, Alpine Rescue Switzerland (ARS), in close collaboration with Rega, has been training so-called “medical specialists”. These paramedics and physicians are experienced in working in mountainous regions and accompany ARS rescuers during terrestrial missions. Rega is responsible for their medical training and organises relevant courses every year. 26 April: The last of six Rega weather stations is installed and put into operation at the airport in Bressaucourt, Canton Jura. It features, among other things, a ceilometer to measure the altitude of clouds and sensors that can detect the type of precipitation and visibility. The weather station is part of the new countrywide network of measuring stations and webcams that continually deliver current flight weather data to Rega pilots – a pre­requisite for flying according to Instrument Flight Rules. 31 August: The Rega fleet welcomes a new member: an Airbus Helicopters H125 helicopter is flown from the works in the south of France to Switzerland. As from spring 2017, “HB-ZRJ” will be principally used to train up-and-coming Rega pilots in performing mountain and external load flights. 2 September: The Swiss TV station SRF broadcasts the first programme of “Rega 1414 – Hilfe naht”. This fiveepisode documentary series provides unadulterated insights into everyday life and behind the scenes at Rega. The viewers honoured this true-to-life representation accordingly: on average, each programme was watched by over half a million viewers. 36

30 September: Over the summer months, not only are Rega’s helicopter crews constantly in the air, but more telephone calls than usual are received requesting assistance from abroad. Every day, up to two dozen people are provided with advice by Rega’s medical consultants. Between June and September, more than 500 seriously ill or injured travellers need to be flown home on board a Rega jet or scheduled aircraft. 29 October: Rega hosts the 2nd Central European Air Rescue Symposium in St. Gallen. The event focuses on specialist medical presentations relating to air rescue, such as “Surgical measures at the accident site” or “Blood products and laboratory analyses in the helicopter”, as well as the exchange between experts about medical equipment and case studies. 9 December: In Meiringen, Rega signs a contract to purchase six new rescue helicopters of the type, Airbus Helicopters H145, the successor model of the EC 145. As from 2018, these spacious new helicopters will replace the EC 145 fleet currently stationed at Rega’s lowland bases. 14 December: The first of the three new Challenger 650 ambulance jets has fledged. It is flown as a “green aircraft” – with a fully functional cockpit and flyable, but without the cabin interior or livery – from the aircraft works of manufacturer Bombardier in Montreal to Peterborough, near Toronto, where it will be fitted with its new interior. 19 December: Rega transports its first patient on an instrument flight route of the Low Flight Network (LFN) over the Gotthard. This network of instrument flight routes is based on satellite navigation and enables helicopters to fly according to Instrument Flight Rules even when visibility is poor. Since December 2016, the main LFN routes, north-south and east-west, have been certified for rescue missions during the day. Thus Rega is one step closer to realising its vision of all-weather rescue.

26 April

31 August

2 September

9 December

14 December

19 December

Management Board Organigram as of 1 January 2017

Foundation Board Executive Committee of the Foundation Board

Medical Commission Finance Commission

CEO/Chairman of the Management Board Ernst Kohler Communication and Patronage Karin Hörhager

Medical Director Roland Albrecht

Safety and Quality Armin Knobel

Management Board  Department

Jet Operations

Helicopter Operations

Urs Nagel

Sascha Hardegger

Helicopter Procedures and Training Heinz Leibundgut

Chief Financial Officer Andreas Lüthi

From left to right: Sascha Hardegger, Urs Nagel, Karin Hörhager, Ernst Kohler, Roland Albrecht, Heinz Leibundgut, Andreas Lüthi.


Conditions of Rega Patronage In order to be able to provide a professional, round-the-clock and suitably equipped air rescue service in accordance with its purpose as a non-profit foundation, Rega is dependent on the financial support of its patrons. You can become a Rega patron by paying the following minimum contributions: • CHF 30.– for individuals • CHF 60.– for couples (married/cohabiting couples or registered partners) • CHF 70.– for families (parents with children who are under 18 years of age on the date of payment) • CHF 40.– for one-parent families (single parents with children who are under 18 years of age on the date of payment) Patronage is valid for the current calendar year and takes effect on the date of payment. If patronage is not renewed, it expires on 15 May of the following year. In grateful acknowledgement of patrons’ support, Rega can, at its own discretion and within the bounds of its resources, waive or reduce the costs of any emergency services listed below that it has provided or organised on their behalf, in the event that insurance companies or any other third party are not liable to pay and thus not required to reimburse the costs of the rescue operation, whether wholly or in part. In all cases, Rega provides its rescue services and also, where appropriate, waives or reduces the costs thereof without any legal obligation. Rega may be hindered or prevented from carrying out rescue missions in particular due to operational, medical or meteorological reasons.

1. Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein • Rescue flights and medically indicated transports by helicopter to the nearest suitable hospital • Rescue operations conducted by rescue teams from the Swiss Alpine Club SAC • Search operations in collaboration with the police and other competent organisations, provided that there is reasonable hope of being able to help missing persons • Evacuations and preventive missions where a threat to life and limb exists • Flights to recover dead persons, after consultation with the authorities responsible • Flights to recover injured, sick or dead livestock and transport them to the nearest location accessible by another means of transport, provided that the owner of the livestock is a natural person and a Family patron 2. Worldwide • Medical advice by Rega’s Operations Centre in the event of medical problems arising abroad • Medically indicated repatriation flights to Switzerland for patrons domiciled in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein, as well as for Swiss nationals living abroad Rega decides whether emergency assistance should be provided based on medical, social and operational ­considerations, and is responsible for determining how and when the mission should be carried out. Rega may commission other organisations to perform missions on its behalf. In order to have the required leeway in providing this assistance, the patron concerned authorises Rega wherever necessary to pass on personal and medical data to other parties directly involved (operation partners, physicians, insurance companies, etc.), both in Switzerland and abroad. Rega’s Operation Centre (emergency number from within Switzerland 1414, from abroad +41 333 333 333) is available around the clock to anyone in distress and in need of assistance due to a serious accident or acute illness.


Rega Centre Postfach 1414 8058 Zürich-Flughafen Tel. 044 654 33 11 Rega 1, Dübendorf Überlandstrasse 299 8600 Dübendorf Tel. 044 802 20 20 Rega 2, Basel Postfach 4030 Basel-Flughafen Tel. 061 325 29 66 Rega 3, Bern Flugplatzstrasse 1 3123 Belp Tel. 031 819 65 11 Rega 4, Lausanne Route de Romanel 33 1018 Lausanne Tel. 021 644 22 66 Rega 5, Untervaz Postfach 7204 Untervaz Tel. 081 300 09 99 Rega 6, Locarno Aeroporto cantonale 6596 Gordola Tel. 091 820 50 00 Rega 7, St. Gallen Postfach 320 9015 St. Gallen Tel. 071 313 99 33 Rega 8, Erstfeld Reussstrasse 40 6472 Erstfeld Tel. 041 882 03 33

Publication Publisher Swiss Air-Rescue Rega PO Box 1414 CH- 8058 Zurich Airport Editorial team Karin Hörhager Philipp Keller Ariane Lendenmann Wanda Pfeifer Adrian Schindler Harald Schreiber English version Wordmaster English Translations, Ottenbach Photos/Illustrations Karin Hörhager Stefan Hunziker Philipp Keller Simeon Klein Ariane Lendenmann Tom Lüthi Andri Margadant Sandro Mederle Christian Perret Iris Ritter Lukas Rösler Philipp Simmen Rega Photo Archive /Other Production tutto fatto, Zurich Design Schenker visuelle Kommunikation, Zurich Prepress Sota media GmbH, Wallisellen Print Hürzeler AG, Regensdorf

Rega 9, Samedan Plazza Aviatica 6 7503 Samedan Tel. 081 851 04 04

This publication is printed on 100 % recyclable and FSC-certified paper.

Rega 10, Wilderswil Bönigstrasse 17 3812 Wilderswil Tel. 033 828 90 30

© April 2017. All rights reserved. Reprints permitted with sources indicated.

Rega 12, Mollis Flugplatz 8753 Mollis Tel. 055 614 55 55 Rega 14, Zweisimmen Postfach 210 3770 Zweisimmen Tel. 033 729 10 30 Partner helicopter base Rega 15, Genève Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Base hélicoptère 1217 Meyrin Tel. 022 798 00 00

A PDF version is available at

Contact address Swiss Air-Rescue Rega PO Box 1414 CH-8058 Zurich Airport Tel. +41 44 654 33 11 Fax +41 44 654 33 22 Postal account 80-637-5 Emergency numbers Switzerland 1414 International +41 333 333 333 Patron Service Rega Centre PO Box 1414 CH-8058 Zurich Airport Tel. 0844 834 844 (in Switzerland) Tel. +41 44 654 32 22 (abroad) Fax +41 44 654 32 48 Media Service Tel. +41 44 654 37 37 mediendienst @

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