15 minute read

Unit 4 – Earth and Space Patterns

Activity 4.1

Observing the Sky


Warning: Do not look directly at the Sun during this activity. The light from the Sun can damage your eyes. tion uring damage n 1. During the day, go outside and observe the sky. Draw and list the things you see.

Re Regal R edu outside and tside an t the things y he things e 120

2. At night, go outside and observe the sky. Draw and list the things you see. 3. Complete the diagram to show things in the sky during the day, night and both day and night. Day Night NightRegal e d day, nig ay, ni aled gram to ram to education ucation uc n du 121

Activity 4.2

The Sun, Earth and Moon 1. Draw and write some things you know about the Sun, the Earth and the moon. Sun Sun Sun facts: Sun facts: Earth facts: Moon facts: Moon facts: Earth Earth Moon Moon Regal ga R education n w about the out the io d duedEarth facts Earth fact


2. Use the words in the box to label the objects in space. Earth Sun moon (c) (b) (a) Regal aleducation cts


Activity 4.3

The Earth and the Sun Tell how the light and heat from the Sun affects the Earth and living things. 1. 2. education naffects the cts the ducatio caatucdued e 124

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Activity 4.4

Materials • flashlight Modeling Day and Nightation n

1. Turn off the classroom lights. 2. Stand about 10 steps from your classmate. Have them shine the flashlight onto your shirt. What do you observe? 3. Turn around so your back is facing your classmate. Have them shine the flashlight onto your shirt. What do you observe? Procedure Regal e classr about 10 e them shin What do yR 3. Turn ar mat urerd e 126


1. What did you observe at Step 2? 2. What did you observe at Step 3? n Analyze and Interpret Draw and label a diagram to show why you are not able to see the Sun in the sky at night. Sun Regal l al a du ducation ontio3? c et terpre gram 127

Activity 4.5

Movement of the Earth


• newspaper p p • masking tape • paints n on• paints paints

• string • flashlight ht



1. Bunch the newspaper into two balls – one ball to represent the Sun and one ball to represent the Earth. 2 Wrap masking tape around each ball. Paint the balls. 3. Tape the string to the Earth. Tape the flashlight to the Sun. 4. Use your model to show how the rotation of the Earth causes day and night. Draw a Model Draw your model. Regal l del.edducation ball esen h ball. Tape the how how th and nigh eel 129

Analyze and Interpret 1. Why do we experience day and night on Earth? 2. Use the words in the box to label the picture. day night Sun Eartheducation Earth? otiaabel th duc un 3. Use a gray pencil to show which part of the

Earth is in night-time.

Note: Keep your models of the Sun and the Earth for R Reg Use a gra Earth is e: Keep Ke further activities in this book. 130

4. Shade the part of the Earth that is in darkness. R Regal education ed n e 131

Activity 4.6

Warning: Do not look directly at the Sun during this activity. The light from the Sun can damage your eyes. 1. In the morning, observe the position of the Sun in the sky. Write the time and draw your observations. 2. Repeat Step 1 at midday, in the afternoon and close to sunset. Procedure Observations Time: Time: Sunrise to Sunset Regal onsns Regal R l al a ga education tion uring damage educat position me and day, in t e n 132

Time: Time:

Time: Time:

Time: Time: Regal al al Rega R a ga cation ca n educ c


Analyze and Interpret 1. Tell how the Sun appears to move in the sky throughout the day. 2. Chelsea observed the Sun rise at 6:30 in the morning. Draw pictures to predict where the Sun will be at different times of the day. 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. midday middayRega Reg R g ga30 a.m.m education d ed e ky ioatcan rise at 6 res to pred nt times o 8:3 8:


Activity 4.7

Note: If the moon is not visible in the night sky, watch the video about the movement of the moon in the night sky. 1. Observe the moon in the sky in the early evening. Draw a picture to show the position of the moon. 2. Repeat Step 1 every 30 minutes for two hours. Procedure Observations Time: Time: Observing the Moon Regal Regal R la education educattion t sky, f the y in the e o show th 30 minu n 135

Time: Time:

Time: Time:

Time: Time: Regal al al Rega R a ga cation ca n educ c


Analyze and Interpret 1. Tell how the moon appeared to move in the sky throughout the evening and night. 2. Blake observed the moon in the sky at 5:30 in the evening. Draw pictures to predict where the moon will be at different times of the night. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. midnight midnightRega ga R ag m. education ed ed he sky ioatca in the sk ctures to pr ent times 8:


Activity 4.8

Earth’s Revolution


• models of the Sun and the Earth from Activity 4.5. ti w Place the models of the Sun and the Earth on your desk. Show how the Earth moves around the Sun. Procedure sk. Show how the Earth moves around the Su ed the Su Earth arth

R ducatio


Draw a Model

Draw a model to show the movement of the Earth around the Sun. R Regal ed on ducation on e Earth edu d 139

Analyze and Interpret 1. How long does it take for the Earth to complete one revolution of the Sun? 2. Use the words in the box to label the positions of the Earth. October July April January R Regal l gal al ga ag ucation mplete io the posit educ c uc u edu eddu d ca Apri Januar anuar


Activity 4.9

Movement of the Moon 1. Stick the pencil into the center of the foam ball. 2. Hold the foam ball in front of you as shown. 3. Turn off the lights and switch on the lamp. 4. Turn around slowly. Observe the foam ball as you turn. Procedure Materials • desk lamp • pencil• foam ball mp ga gal d slowly. cation n educ he center o n front o and sw pencil


Observations Shade and color to show how the shape of the lit part of the moon changed as you turned. Analyze and Interpret 1. What causes the moon to appear to change shape?Re l Rega and Interp auses the e shape? R education e on o he lit uca ducat uc cat du 142

2. Riley observed the sky on a clear night but could not see the moon. Explain to Riley why she cannot see the moon. Draw a model to help your explanation. Re Regal R ucation why to tiac educ uc u 143

Activity 4.10

The Solar System

1. Use words in the box to label the planets. Jupiter Mars Uranus Neptune Saturn Earth Mercury Venus label cati ars Ur aturn Venus n ed eg



2. Which planet is closest to the Sun?et is clo

3. Which is the largest planet? 4. Which planet is between Venus and Mars? s the larg Which plan Re



Earth and Space Patterns 1. Use the words in the box to label the picture. 2. Which star can you see in the sky during the day? 3. Circle the things you can see in the sky at night. Earth Sun moon (a) (b) (c) stars Earth Earth Sun Sunmoon moonRegal an you e things ga stars star education n re. (b) atca 146

6. What causes day and night on Earth? (a) The revolution of the Earth around the Sun. (b) The rotation of the Earth. (c) The rotation of the Sun. 7. Why does the Sun appear to move across the sky during the day? 8. How long does it take for the moon to move around the Earth? 4. Why do stars appear small in the night sky? (a) They are small balls of gas. (b) They are close to the Earth. (c) They are very far away. 5. Tell two ways the Sun affects people. g does it nd the Eart gal ay ga aleduca t on Eart Earth ar e Earth. Sun. appea cat caation ple. at (a) one day (a) one day (b) 28 days ( 28 da (c) 365 days (c)


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