12 minute read
Unit 1 – Your Healthy Body
Activity 1.1 What’s Inside Your Body?
Use the words in the box to label the body parts. heart lungs bone muscle brain cat d du at ation nrts. ion br Re Regal

Activity 1.2
What’s Your Pulse Rate? Materials • stopwatch Procedure 1. Gently place two fingers on the side of your neck. Move your fingers around until you can feel your pulse. 2. Use the stopwatch to count how many times your heart beats in one minute. Record your pulse rate in the table on the next page. 3. Carry out the activities list in the table on the next page and repeat Step 2.gaal activiti epeat Step educcation n cahe side o until you count ho minute. R xt page



Record your pulse rate in the table below.
Activity Pulse Rate (beats/min) Sitting at desk (resting) Walking for one minute Jogging for one minute Skipping for one minute Analyze and Interpret 1. After which activity was your pulse rate the highest? 2. After which activity was your pulse rate the lowest? 3. How does exercise affect your pulse rate?Regal activity w gadoes exercisRe R e edducucatio iotia atca uca uc n on e Rate ats/min du pretr was your p

Activity 1.3 Your Nose, Mouth and Lungs
1. Use the words in the box to label the body parts. nose mouth lungs windpipeon nparts. ts. ion windpipe


2. What is the main function of these body parts?Rega t is the main f he main unegRe l


Activity 1.4
Your Mouth, Stomach and Intestines 1. Use the words in the box to label the body parts. small intestine large intestine stomach esophagus mouth 2. What is the main function of these body parts?Regal at is the main f he main uRe R le cation nparts. ts. tion stomac dued 6

Activity 1.5 Your Skeleton

2. List two functions of your skeleton. 1. Use the words in the box to label the skeleton. skull rib cage hip bone spine f k ltRegal Lis L t two functi t two fuR education non. ion in duc 7
Activity 1.6
Organ Functions 1. Label the organs. Match each organ to its function. takes in oxygen from air protects your heart and lungs helps you to move breaks down food pumps blood around your bodyReg Regal al l egal eg education e uc nfunction. ction akes in oxyge from air rom air pro a

2. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. breathe muscles skeleton bones blood vessels esophagus intestines blood (a) Your work with your skeleton to help you move. (b) Your mouth, nose, windpipe and lungs help you to . (c) Your is made up of that hold you up and give your body its shape. (d) Your mouth, stomach and help your body to break down and get energy from food. (e) carry blood throughout your body. (f) Food travels from your mouth, through your to your stomach. (g) Veins are blood vessels that carry back to your heart. h, s y to brea to bre a c ood travels from travels fr Reg (g) ( Veins are eins back to education en on ones bloo h your skelet and lungs he lungs h d is made u s made that hold yo at hold y mach a

Activity 1.7 My Food Diary

1. Make a three-day food diary by keeping a tally of the different foods you eat for each meal. Day: Meal Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks ivegetables grains sugarfruits meat fat Day: Meal Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks tvegetables grains sugar sugarfruits meat fat fttbl f it t ftRega g galReggaega Re Re st nch Dinner S getab al tbl tb b f t educa ca cauc ud ed sme e on ntally of the y of the tio tio 10

Meal Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks

2. Do you think your food diary represents a healthy diet? Explain your answer. 3. What are some ways you could improve your diet? vegetables grains sugarfruits meat fattbl f t t t Regal l re some ways y some wa egRe R educatio iary represeniary represeed e oni iotioati atc ca a uga n fa ft f

Activity 1.8 A Day of Healthy Eating!
1. Cut out the foods on pages 121 to 125 and paste them on the plates to build healthy meals for breakfast, on the plates to build healthy meals for nste the eakfast,breakfa lunch and dinner. lunch and dinner.

breakfast breakfast


lunch lunch

r dinner
2. Describe what makes your meals healthy.2. Descri t kes your meals healthy.Reg R be what mat m

3. Circle the unhealthy foods. Suggest some healthy options. (a) (b) leducation ucdu Reg Re R

Activity 1.9 An Active Lifestyle
1. Check ( ) the children that are keeping active. Cross ( ) the children that are not keeping active.on nactive. 16


2. Why is it important to maintain an active lifestyle by exercising regularly? 2. Why is it active R

Activity 1.10 Healthy Habits Diary

1. Keep a healthy habits diary for five days. Color the stars each day you complete the activity. y y nhe activity. activity. y
Wash body with soap Wash body with soap Brush teeth twice a day y Wash hands before Wash han Wash ha Wash ha and after meals fter mandaft andaf and af d a and a

Monday Monday Tuesday Wash hair with shampoo Get enough sleephh i ith h t h l a al R Rega aleduGe G


Wednesday Wednesday

Friday Friday 2. Do you think your diary reflects five days of healthy habits? Explain your answer. eg egal Do you think y you think y habits? ExplaR ga eddu ti tioncatio 19

Activity 1.11
Sometimes You Get Sick 1. Wyatt thinks he may have a cold or the flu. Check ( ) the things he should do to get better and stop others from getting sick. Cross ( ) the things he should not do. Go for a run Go for a run Play with friends Stay home and rest Wear a face mask Wear a face maskga al with friends h friends education nbetter and tter and the things he the things h e u Stay tay See a doctorR Se S S Get plenty of sleep Get plenty of sleep

2. (a) Draw a picture to show a time when you were sick. (b) How did you feel when you were sick? (c) What did you do to get better? When I was sick: When I was sick: Regal l at did y did you do to ou doegRe R education er when you wer en you wered e ucation u uc n 21
Your Healthy Body 1. True ( ) or false ( ). (a) Your lungs pump blood around your body. (b) Blood moves away from the heart in arteries. (c) All of your bones make up your skeleton. (d) Your muscles and bones help you to move. (e) Bones help to give your body its shape. y2. Tick the meals that represent a healthy balanced diet. (a) (c) (b) (d) Tick the meals that rep (a) (c) d)Rega a education n r body. ion in arterie skeleton p you to body its sent a heepres es

3. List three things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 4. Why is it important to stay active? 5. What is a balanced diet? 6. List three things you can do to stop the spread of germs when you are sick. Regal gs you ca you are gaegRe education onioti cu? ed e 23