12 minute read

Unit 3 - All About Animals

Activity 3.1

How Do Animals Meet Their Needs? Describe how each animal meets its needs in its environment. 1. 2. Animal name: Animal name: Animal name: How it meets its needs: How it meets its needs: 2. leducation nnt. e u atio duca c ed ti eeds:



3. 3.

4. Animal name: Animal name: Animal name: Animal name: How it meets its needs: How it meets its needs: How it meets its needs:gal education e u atio duca c ed ti eeds:


Activity 3.2

Vertebrates and Invertebrates Use the animals in the photographs below to help you complete the table on the next page. mosquito goldfish earthworms sea anemone tiger scorpion salamander dung beetle hummingbirds tiger snake pelican rock lobsterRegal mander der rsna education n plete the table the table e tiger tige


Description: Description: Examples: Examples: Description: Examples: Examples: Animals Invertebrates Vertebrates Regal educa ca education ript rip tion ed e educVerteb at


Activity 3.3

Characteristics and Life Cycles of Mammals 1. Complete the chart. 2. Chelsea thinks that an ostrich is a mammal because it walks on land and has a body covered in fur. Do you think Chelsea is correct? Explain your answer. Mammals Characteristics Examples Regal hat an ostrich is a an ostrich is ause it walks on land it walks on covered in fur. ered in fur. nk Chelsea is correc Chelsea is co your answer. ns egRe R on natioeducato tioatuc e Exampl


3. The diagram shows the stages in the life cycle of a cat. Use the words in the box to label the stages. Add arrows to show the order of the life cycle. 4. Describe how a mammal changes from a newborn to an adult. adult cat 2 months 1 month newborn 1 week 2 weeks Regal Describe how a ma escribe how Reg education he life at 59

Activity 3.4

Characteristics and Life Cycles of Birds 1. Complete the chart. 2. Ethan thinks that a penguin is a fish because it can swim and gets its food from the ocean. Do you think Ethan is correct? Explain your answer. Birds Characteristics Examples Regal at a penguin is a penguin is a t can swim and get swim and m the ocean. Do youe ocean. Do n is correct? correct? your answer. nsw egRe R educaton natio o tioatuc e Exampl


4. Describe how a bird changes from a hatchling to an adult. 3. The diagram shows the stages in the life cycle of a finch. Use the words in the box to label the stages. Add arrows to show the order of the life cycle. fledging (young adult) eggs hatchling adult bird Rega Describe how a bird escribe how R l ega education he life on t b duc 61

Activity 3.5

Characteristics and Life Cycles of Reptiles 1. Complete the chart. 2. Even though it can fly from tree to tree, Halle still thinks a flying lizard is a reptile and not a bird. Do you agree with Halle? Explain your answer. Reptiles Characteristics Examples Regal an fly from tree to fly from tree thinks a flying lizard s a flying li nd not a bird. not a bird. ree with Halle? with Halle? your answer. ns egRe R educaton natio o tioa atuca e Examp


4. How is the life cycle of a reptile similar to that of a bird? adult crocodile hatchling young adult eggs 3. The diagram shows the stages in the life cycle of a crocodile. Use the words in the box to label the stages. Add arrows to show the order of the life cycle. Regal . How is the life cycl is the life R education on gg order c 63

Activity 3.6

Characteristics and Life Cycles of Amphibians 1. Complete the chart. 2. Michelle spotted some tadpoles and some fish in a pond. In what ways are the tadpoles similar to the fish? In what ways are they different? Amphibians Characteristics Examples Regal d some tadpoles an me tadpole a pond. In what ways d. In what w s similar to the fish? milar to the f ays are they differen are they diff egRe R educaton natio o tioatuc e Exampl


4. How does a tadpole change as it gets older? tadpole tadpole with 2 legs eggs froglet adult frog 3. The diagram shows the stages in the life cycle of a frog. Use the words in the box to label the stages. Add arrows to show the order of the life cycle. Regal ow does a tadpole c w does a tadpoR g education o he life


Activity 3.7

Characteristics and Life Cycles of Fish 1. Complete the chart. 2. Snorkeling at the beach, Blake spots a bottlenose dolphin. He is unsure if it’s a fish or a mammal. What behavior could Blake look for to help him decide? Fish Characteristics Examples Regal e beach, Blake spo each, Blake dolphin. He is unsure in. He is un r a mammal. What mammal. W could Blake look for d Blake look de? egRe R educaton natio o tioatuc e Examp


4. List some similarities in the life cycles of fish, reptiles and birds. eggs fry alevin adult salmon parr 3. The diagram shows the stages in the life cycle of a salmon. Use the words in the box to label the stages. Add arrows to show the order of the life cycle. Regal st some similarities i t some similaritR education o order at 67

Activity 3.8

Characteristics and Life Cycles of Insects 1. Complete the chart. 2. Keira is in her garden classifying the animals she spots as insects or not insects. She spots a spider. How should she classify the spider? What characteristics of the spider can help her decide? Insects Characteristics Examples Regal arden classifying th en classifyin pots as insects or no as insects spider. How should der. How sho e spider? What cha pider? What pider can help her d can help he egRe R educaton natio o tioatuc e Exampl


3. Use the words in the box to label the parts of an insect. 4. Use the Venn diagram to compare and contrast the insects. head thorax antenna leg abdomen wing Regal ram to com m to co Regal education n wi io e on 69

nymph eggs adult dragonfly moulting nymph 5. The diagram shows the stages in the life cycle of a dragonfly. Use the words in the box to label the stages. Add arrows to show the order of the life cycle. dult dragonfly Regal education on mph order c 70

7. Look at the life cycle of a grasshopper in your textbook. List some similarities and differences between the life cycle of dragonflies and grasshoppers. g adult ladybug eggs pupa larva 6. The diagram shows the stages in the life cycle of a ladybug. Use the words in the box to label the stages. Add arrows to show the order of the life cycle. eggs pupa Regal at the life cycle of a he life cycle of a arities and differenc es and differenc nd grasshoppers.d grasshoppersR a l education o order



All About Animals 1. Use the Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between the needs of plants and the needs of animals. 2. Complete the table. Animal Body Covering Reproduction Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish Needs of Plants and Animals Needs of Plants and Animals Plants Plants Animals Regal al gal a ga g egRe R s eptiles Amphibian education educatio ed educat n s between e ti mals


3. Circle. Which is true about all birds? (a) they can fly (b) they have feathers (c) the make their own food (d) they give birth to live young 4. Circle. Which things are true about most mammals? (a) they lay eggs (b) they can walk or run (c) they give birth (d) they have gills 5. Describe how an eagle hatchling changes as it gets older. 6. Which best describes the life cycle of a frog? (a) egg pupa larva adult (b) egg larva froglet adult (c) egg froglet larva adult (d) egg larva pupa adult 7. Why is it important for all organisms to reproduce? Regal gle larv larva rtant for all Re R la ga g education live young n walk or run have gills s it gets oldeucdu d cycle of a fro rva e 73

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