international Relations Program of Study in UK

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View with images and charts International Relations as a Program of Study in UK Introduction Relations are the most important pause discipline all over the world. At present, it has a unique importance. Basically, International Relations in a very much linked with our daily life. It is a matter of our thinking, our perception how we think that IR is related to our daily life. IR is started as a separate discipline since 1919. It started in Europe. So, we can say that IR started as an academic discipline at UK. The UK Universities offer IR as different forms and names. To do research, a special program emerged which is called Woodro Wilson chair at the University of Wales in 1919. Then IR was opened at London School of Economics. In this way, IR as an academic discipline spread all over the UK. In this term paper, we tried to focus on the Universities of the UK which offer IR as a program, tried to identify the journals of IR and most important, we tried to describe IR at the UK as a separate discipline. Definition of International Relations International Relations, sometimes called International Studies, is a branch of Political Science that examines the role of states, international alliances, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world. International Relations (IR) deals with issues like sovereignty, environmentalism, development and human rights in the context of global affairs and is also concerned with the policies of individual states as far as they impact on the affairs of other states. International Relations as an academic discipline originated in the UK at Aberystwyth University in 1919. Today, UK universities are world-renowned for their IR degrees. The reasons for Studying International Relations at a UK University There are numerous very good reasons for choosing to study International Relations at a UK university rather than elsewhere in the world. First of all, the UK has a longer history of university education than any other Englishspeaking country, with the oldest institutions dating back around one thousand years. It was also the birthplace of International Relations as an academic subject after World War I. This means that students of International Relations at a UK university will have access to the best quality education available, with UK universities consistently ranking in the world top 100. Secondly, anyone interested in the work of Inter- and Non-Governmental Organizations will find the UK a convenient place to be, with a large number of such organizations based in the country. Most major UK cities are also linked by train to Brussels and the headquarters of the European Union. Finally, UK courses are very well-constructed, allowing the student to complete a Bachelors degree in three years (compared to four years in the US) and a Masters degree in one year (compared to two years in the US). What this means for the student is that graduates of a International Relations degree from a UK university save huge and valuable amounts of both time and money.

Which Careers Can International Relations Lead to? After graduating from an International Relations course at a UK university one will have a huge range of employment opportunities. An International Relations degree can lead to lifelong employment in the civil service or a career as an analyst or policy advisor for the numerous organizations that require IR expertise. Graduates seeking jobs with NGOs will find that a degree in International Relations from a UK university gives them a significant advantage over the competition for these heavily over-subscribed positions. Graduates in International Relations may also want to use their expertise to build a career in business, journalism, politics or activism. In any profession, an employer will value an UK university International Relations graduate’s research and analysis skills. International Relations as a Program at the UK Universities: UK institutions and universities which consistently appear top in the rankings for International Relations are: *

University of Aberdeen


Aberystwyth University


University of Bath


University of Birkbeck


University of Bristol


Brunel University


Canterbury Christ Church University


City University of London


University of Durham


University of East Anglia


University of East London


University of Essex


University of Exeter


University of Glasgow


University of Huddersfield


University of Kent


University of Kingston


London Metropolitan University


University of Leicester


Loughborough University


University of Newcastle


University of Nottingham


Nottingham Trent University


University of Portsmouth


Queen Mary University of London


Regent's College London


Roehampton University, London


Royal Holloway, University of London


University of Sheffield


University of St.Andrews


University of Stirling


University of Sussex


University of Warwick


University of York


University of Dundee


University of Durby


University of Reading


University of Plymouth

The Description of Some Universities Some of the Universities course systems are given below: # University of Aberdeen : It provides BSC and MSC course in Politics and international Relations.

# Aberystwyth University : The Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, was the first department of its kind in the world, founded in 1919 and is Rated 4* in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. It has one of the largest graduate schools for international relations in the world, with over 150 Master’s and PhD students. # The University of Bath : It is one of the UK’s leading universities, with an international reputation for research and teaching at the highest academic standard. It has a small, friendly campus near the city of Bath. The University is located 170km west of London, and the University is home to 10,000 full-time students, including 2500 international students from more than 120 different countries. The University's 200 acre parkland campus is 2km from the historic city centre of Bath. #University of Brickbek: Birkbeck provides the BA, Master’s degrees (MA/MSc) and research degrees (MPhil/PhD) on International Studies. # The University of Bristol: It is a traditional university, founded in 1876, and received its Royal Charter in 1909. The University is internationally distinguished and one of the very best in the UK. It is also: a thriving international community dedicated to learning, discovery and enterprise; situated in the heart of Bristol; a major force in the life and economy of south-west England; a world leader in research and a member of the Russell Group of universities. International students currently make up 16 per cent of the student body. Coming from over 100 countries, these students both benefit and add greatly to the educational and social experience of life at the University of Bristol. # Brunel University: Here they provide 2 courses- MA in International Relations, BSC in International Politics. # The University of Essex: It was granted a Royal Charter in 1965 and has since developed into one of the UK’s leading academic institutions with an international reputation for the quality of its research and teaching, particularly in the social sciences. With a main campus in Colchester, a second campus in South end and the East 15 Acting School in Loughton, all less than one hour's journey time from central London, it is now a friendly and informal campus university with a lively international community from over 120 countries. # University of Oxford: Christian 9 professor and the department of Political and Head of the department of national relations is a major world class international centre for teaching research. It is the largest politics and international Relations departments in the UK and is top ranked in national research and teaching assessments and in the times and Guardian newspaper university guides.

The department has over 100 research active staff working across abroad rang of subjects and teachers around 1000 undergraduates and over 300 graduate students. Social science scholars in Oxford work on the comparative analysis of the evolution of the transformation of political system and societies, in Europe and beyond. It coordinates various comparative research projects that contribute toward this goal and offer various opportunities for developing new one. # Canterbury University: This university provides BA (hons) degree in international relations. # University of East Anglia: This university provides MA degree in Politics, Social Science, International Studies and International Relations. # University of Sheffield: The Dept. of Policies at Sheffield is one of the leading research departments in the UK some of the most prominent scholars in the field of Polities are members of staff here. Its outstanding international research reputation was recognized in RAE 2008 with 755 of our work identified as world leading or internationally excellent. # Lancaster University: The department of politics and International relations was established in 1964 as one of the founding departments of the University under professor Philip Reynolds, who had come to Lancaster from Aberysteyth. # Royal Holloway, University of London; Founded in 2004, it is a young and rapidly expanding department that offers exciting variety of single and honors degrees. It has built an advanced curriculum in Political Science and International Relations that is truly up-to-date and reflects the most innovations in the discipline. # Long borough University: The department of Politics, History and IR has evolved from the dept. of European Studies, which was established in 1972. # University of Nottingham: University of Nottingham provides MSC in International Relations and Global Issues, and MA in International Relations. # University of Warwick:

There is Politics and International Studies which offer courses in Political Science, including IR, International Political Economy, Security Studies, Development Studies. It offers postgraduate degree and diploma. # Kings College of London: It offers MA in Political Science and IR. Under the dept. the related programs are1-International Conflict Study, 2-War Studies, 3-History of Warfare, 4-Intelligence and International Security, 5-Conflict, Security and Development, 6-International Peace and Security, It was founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829. # Middlesex University: It offers MA in IR. It is located in north London. IR dept. is under Political and International Studies. It was established in 1973-74 as Middlesex Polytechnic. # City university of London: It has dept. of International Politics. Under the dept. it offers BSc and MA in International politics. It also offers PhD in International Polities. The expertise of the faculty comprises a diverge range of themes in IR. The university was established in 1894 situated in Northampton square. # University of Leads: It is the 2 nd largest single site University in the UK, situated in leads, west Yorkshire. It offers BA in IR. This dept. is under the faculty of Education, Social Sciences and Law. # Klee University: It has school of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy (SPIRE). Both Polities and IR can be taken as single Honors degrees, and all three can either be taken in combination with each other in Klees’s unique Dual Honors structure. It also offers Master program in Diplomatic Studies. # University of Newcastle: International Affairs in the University of Newcastle include the graduate certificate or master degree. It was established in 1834 in Newcastle. # University of Survey: It is located within the country town of Guildford, Survey in the South East of England. # London School of Economics:

It is one of the world’s leading Social Science Institutions and IR department. As a department of IR, it is now in 81st year. The department has about 500 students in any given years drawn from more than 30 countries. The department also has a vibrant research culture which enhances the teaching program. Some Journals which publishes Articles on International Relations: Some journals which published information about International relations is given below: # Global society: It is published by Routledge Publishers, on behalf of The University of Kent at Centerburg. Publish for times a year. # Cambridge Review of International affairs: Edited in The Center of International Studies, University of Cambridge, published 4 times a year by Routledge Publishers.[2] # Millennium: It is a journal of International Studies, edited by post-graduate students of London School of Economics.[3] # International Politics Journal: It is published by Palgrave under the auspicious of London School of Economics & edited by Professor Michel Cox.[4] # Journal of International Relations & development: It is published by Palgrave, edited by Dr. George Lawson, Lecturer in IR, London School of Economics.[4] # Review of International Studies: It is edited by Professor Kim Hutchings & Dr. George Lawson, published by Cambridge University press.[5] # International Relations: It is edited by Ken Booth (Aberystwyth University, UK), published in association with David Davies Memorial Institution. Published 4 times a year. [3] # Democratiya: It is free online bimonthly book review journal based at Edge Hill University, UK.. [6] # Sapientia:

It is an online journal, publishes articles on IR, & Politics. Created by Post Graduate students of The University of Aberdeen, UK.[6] # International Public Policy Review: Currently published on a Bi-annual basis by University College London's School of Public Policy.[6] # European Journal of International Relations: It is the journal of the Standing Group on International Relations of the European Consortium for Political Research. Publisher: Sage Publications/ University of Exeter, UK published for times a year.[3] # British Journal of Politics and International Relations: It is published by Blackwell Publishers under the auspices of The Political studies association of UK. It was established in 1999, now based on The School of Politics, International Relations & Philosophy at Queen’s University, Belfast.[7] Conclusion: International Relations as a subject or a field of study concern the relationships among the world’s governments. It requires both descriptive and theoretical knowledge. Like other discipline, IR also includes both basic and applied research. At present world, communicating with the other countries and foreigner is very important to broaden our knowledge and ideas about different things. In this field, IR is such a subject which helps us to know about different cultures, different ideas, different international issues, etc. IR is also now one of the popular subjects in the world. It was first developed in UK, so there are lots of Universities in UK which provides IR as a field of study. Reference[i][2][3][4] field=issn&query=02602105[[6][7]

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