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WP the warrior post
Martin High School
4501 W Pleasant Ridge Road
Arlington, TX 76016
Trinity Orosco and Laynie Stroup
News Editors
Katy Dixon and Helena Snegon
Features Editors
Noelle Pond and Sally Rodriguez
Opinions Editor
Inde Atwood
Sports Editor
MacKenzie Estes
Entertainment Editors
Zizi Belvin and Molly Maddock
Photo Editor
Lorelai Hofer Adviser
Tricia Regalado
Marlene Roddy
Liv Bell, Kailah Cobbs, Caiden Cole, Addy Davenport, Ava Dunlap, Adam El-Kassih, Celest Harbrink, Jordyn Hentz, Sirinity Hubbard, Terry Jackson, Maham Khan, Alyssa Lee, Ashlynn Lee, Ashlyn Long, Chloe MacFoy, Morgan Martin, Jessica Nguyen, Wil Renfrow, Corrina Reyes, Emonje Richardson, Camila Rivas, Dewey Saracay, Jaylia Spotwood, Avery Whipple, Asia Wilkey
TheWarrior Post is the official publication of Martin High School. Opinion columns don’t necessarily represent the opinion of TheWarrior Post or of Martin High School.
Before computers, reporters used to write -30- to signify the end of their stories. As our WarriorPost seniors end their high school journalism career, they leave words of wisdom.
“It’s better to have a bruised ego than to find yourself exactly where you didn’t want to end up.”my dad Brad. Take a risk, even if it seems terrifying or like people will laugh in your face saying, “I told you so.” Your decisions are yours. Don’t let others make them for you.
- Zizi Belvin
How others view you is not the lens through which you should decide you are enough. You are valued, chosen, and worthy of being loved.
- Addy Davenport
In the wise words of Taylor Swift, “Fake it til you make it you do, til it’s true.” Honestly, most of us don’t know what we’re doing, but if you do it with confidence, no one will second guess you.
- Lorelai Hofer
Be the person you needed when you were younger or struggling. You are strong enough to change someone’s life.
- Molly Maddock
As cliche as it may sound, savor your time in high school. This is the last time you’re gonna be in the same building with all of these people. So make mistakes, try out for that team, tell that person how you feel. Make your time here worth it.
-Trinity Orosco
When opportunities come, take them. It will widen your perspective, and you will learn new things about yourself. Don’t let fear hold you back from seeking your fullest potential.
- Camila Rivas
Don’t let anyone back you into a corner. Speak your truth. If something needs to be said, say it. Your pen is your most powerful tool. Use it wisely and use it often.
- Dewey Saracay
“See ya later, dudes!”Finding Nemo
- Laynie Stroup