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Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
We are committed to understanding and reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint and striving for a carbon-neutral future. For this report, we have refined our reporting boundaries and expanded our emissions data to include additional, previously unavailable, sources of Scope 1 and 2 emissions. We also identified relevant sources of Scope 3 emissions and commenced collecting and estimating data. We are pleased to report that in 2019, we exceeded our emissions reduction goal of 5% by achieving a 9% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 like-for-like emissions. Understanding the contributors to our emissions is key to developing plans to reduce them. The largest driver of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions is electricity consumption in the common areas of our portfolio. We will continue our energy efficiency projects and develop a renewable energy strategy which will enable us to continue to achieve our emissions reduction goals.
Our Scope 3 emissions can be reduced through continued leadership on sustainability with our tenants, vendors and contractors. We aim to build on our Scope 3 inventory as technology and transparency improves. In addition, we are working towards setting a Sciencebased Target and will continue to improve our data collection and reporting with that goal in mind.
Persimmon Place | San Francisco, CA | LEED Gold Certified
Exceeding Our 2019 Goals
Reduce like-for-like Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 5% from previous year Maintain a reduction of 5% in like-for-like Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions each year until 2028

Regency welcomes new employees with a gift, which includes, among other things, a voucher to have trees planted. The trees are planted by a partner organization, which manages multiple reforestation projects around the world, our new team members choose to which of the current projects their trees contribute. This initiative ensures that the people we welcome into our workplace are aware of our culture and commitment to the environment, and have an opportunity to contribute immediately. In 2019, this program planted approximately 400 trees around the world. When these trees mature, they will absorb approximately 19,200 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually,(1) the amount created by driving an average car 2,177,243 miles(2) .
(1) arborday.org/trees/treefacts (2) epa.gov/greenvehicles/greenhouse-gas-emissions-typicalpassenger-vehicle