A Comprehensive Guide to Prolonotherapy for Pain Relief
The benefits of prolotherapy for certain musculoskeletal conditions include: Improved joint strength and stability Improved mobility All-natural treatment using the body’s healing response Permanent solution to pain Minimal risk of side effects Prolotherapy isn’t for everyone, but if Dr. Koppel determines that it can help reduce your pain and stabilize a weak joint, you can benefit from this simple procedure, and potentially avoid a complicated surgical procedure. Typically, the only side effect is some temporary pain or swelling at the site of the prolotherapy injections, but that goes away soon after. If you have tendinitis, pain in your knees, hips, shoulders, or other joints and ligaments, prolotherapy may provide the long-term pain relief you need to improve the quality of your life. Schedule a consultation to learn more about this innovative regenerative therapy. Call the office or use the convenient online booking platform anytime.